The Witnesses advise against most forms of music other than thier 'Kingdom Melodies'. I doubt they appreciate a band that has a song entitled 'The God that Failed'.
Hang on, I think you talked about how different foods were called different things and you mentioned some lemon things, let me go right back.
Okay so it was only two lemon things -->:
quote:What you call lemonade, we call lemon squash.
What you call Sprite or 7Up, we call lemonade.
Well I don't like squash so we can't be the same person right. :P-->
Thank you everyone for taking this thread in the spirit in which it was started. I myself am just getting started here but I think our backgrounds are fairly common and I hope to have a nice long posting career here.
No need to apologize Pris. You know I'm incapable of getting mad at ya.
When I was growing up, the family across the road was JW. I remember the kids used to be ridiculed in school because they wouldn't stand for or say the pledge of allegiance. Is this a JW belief or simply a practice of that particular family? I used to feel so sorry for those kids.
Thank you everyone for taking this thread in the spirit in which it was started. I myself am just getting started here but I think our backgrounds are fairly common and I hope to have a nice long posting career here.
Right about the backgrounds being common. A cult is a cult, is a cult. We all got in, we all got taken, we all got out.
quote: As members of our respective cults we were admonished to turn away from all but what our puppet masters wanted us to see and hear.
Right again. Looks like this indoctination remained with us -- even after getting out, threatening our "survivorship" - if you will.
Maybe we still haven't slammed the door shut, even though we're out.
Not sure if the Texas thing was to me....I don't live there, but I was born there so the Texas pride is still intact.
Concerning Metalica....
Our second "President" (dictator) L Craig Martindale, would listen to a lot of didfferent music and had said at times that he listened to and liked Metalica. Although, sometimes they were used as examples of evil things. For example...the video for the song "untill its clean" (don't know if that is the title but that is repeated in the chorus) was used after an Advanced Class (where they taught about devil spirits and stuff) to show how the 'Adversary' was so brash and how acurately it depicted the way devil spirits take control of someone. It also depicted a scene in which Eve is being sedused by a serpent with the torso of a woman. That was used to show how even in the seular world it was some what known about Eve's lesbo sin (see other threads about that wack doctrine).
I was wondering earlier if one of the things that may be getting overlooked (from whatever former religious background we each went through) - given the situation of the emotional suppression we may have undergone through our "borg-like" past experiences, along with a consideration of the nature of these sort of forums - is the need for folks to simply and openly blow off some steam - of such expression some may have been deprived in their old religious sub-cultures.
It's always preferable that we can be cordial and polite to one another through our discussions, but why should anyone be surprised if people fly off the handle every so often?
Whether justly or unjustly, rationally or irrationally.
We ought not muzzle the former cult members who were groundeth in the dirt. I'm glad, and hope this forum can continue to be just as much a place for people to get things off their chest as it may be for civil discourse, whether some choose their words with great inductive logic, or like a bull in a china shop. That's another element which I think contributes to a forum being truly open.
Anyways, this was something that was on my mind a bit earlier.
Again welcome, and I hope you enjoy our illustrious cyber-community here.
I think I can honestly say that I know as well as anyone the similarities betweem the JW experience and the TWI experience, having been through both. When Refiner and Priscilla showed up, I was eager to welcome both of them. I am sorry that our personalities have so obvously clashed. It was truly not my desire. But sometimes that happens. I expect at some point that will be resolved.
But I, for one, do take your statement at face value and I look forward to your contributions to this site, as I look forward to Priscilla's. Not only that, but I hope I've misjudged Refiner and that our little tiff was just that: a personality clash we can both get over quickly (as I've done before with a number of folks who can testify to that).
Welcome aboard.
Oh, and you're at a cafe. It's only polite to order some coffee.
Ah, thats right, Until it Sleeps. It was a debil spurt according to Wafer-leader-extrordinar. "So wash me untill I'm clean" that was the part I was thinking of. I never really like them untill after I left twi. While I was in I was into much more hard core music.
Sorry, don't know your mom, you know, its a big state and I like the way you keep giving me little tid bits of info about your mom. :D--> thats funny. Sorry if its not meant to be.
Just joined yesterday. I've been reading various articles on this site for over a year but I just noticed the message board the other day and joined. Anyhow,"Hi" from NY.
Been at this brainwashing thing since 1977 when I finally left the "way" ministry. I knew something was wrong for a while but finally cut the strings at the Rock of Ages 1977. I've been through so many stages of recovery over the years and I am, to this day, still recognizing the effect of their damaging leaven in my outlook and belief system. What I just realized last night, in a much deeper sense, is that what got me involved with them in the first place was the truth that was there. But, as many of us know, "part truth" is a very effective bondage tool. If something honestly presents itself in all of it's darkness, we would be aware of what we were getting into but "part truth" is very tricky. It lures with the truth and enslaves with the error. Anyhow, the point I want to make is that if something is true, it's true, no matter what darkness the one who speaks it may be in. It's up to us to prove all things but hold to what is true. Too often I've seen people trash what ever truth may have been in their respective cult when they leave the group.
Having been duped, we dump it all as if it was all a crock. Sure, we let someone else interpret what we were reading, and even worse, we gave them lordship over our lives to our own detriment. OK, so once we get over the rage, the embarrasment and finally stop kicking ourselves for having let it happen, what are we gonna do? Have we stopped being seekers of truth because we let some power hungry nut or hypocritical phoney run our lives for a while and lost our way momentarily?
Another thing...two of the reasons why the "way" ministry and the watchtower group have been classified as cults by the traditional "church" was because of the truth that is taught there that Jesus is the Son of God, not God, and also that the dead are not alive now. So when people leave these groups, they might find themselves easy prey to getting absorbed into the so called "legitimate" doctrine of the day like the trinity for example or whatever is officially accepted these days as legitimate doctine. Or they find another group that may believe similarly but never deal with the actual error that brought them into bondage in the first place, which was giving power over to another man (or woman) to give you understanding and to lead you into truth. A lesson well learned...the hard way.
My husband is always telling me to write a book. I guess I just did :)-->
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Welcome again Doug!
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The Girl From Oz
Well said, Doug.
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Hey we managed to post at the same time in two different time zones. Cyberspace, don't you just love it!
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The Girl From Oz
Goes to prove we can't be the same person.
(or are we?????
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Well done, Doug.
So how did your JW friends feel about Metalica?
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I thought in prudent to clarify my position and intent, Lest people be left to speculate. Seems to me bad things get started that way.
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The Girl From Oz
Lemon things?
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The Witnesses advise against most forms of music other than thier 'Kingdom Melodies'. I doubt they appreciate a band that has a song entitled 'The God that Failed'.
My mother lives in Texas.
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Hang on, I think you talked about how different foods were called different things and you mentioned some lemon things, let me go right back.
Okay so it was only two lemon things
Well I don't like squash so we can't be the same person right.
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Mark Sanguinetti
Thank you Doug. Personally, I prefer contact with people from a diversity of backgrounds. Please carry on and thank you for your input.
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Mary Cate
Great post. Thanks for starting this thread.
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The Girl From Oz
I'm drinking Sprite at the moment, are you House?
(apologies to Doug for hijacking this thread. But at least we are getting along)
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Nope, an Orange Crush...Yummy.
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Thank you everyone for taking this thread in the spirit in which it was started. I myself am just getting started here but I think our backgrounds are fairly common and I hope to have a nice long posting career here.
No need to apologize Pris. You know I'm incapable of getting mad at ya.
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Mary Cate
When I was growing up, the family across the road was JW. I remember the kids used to be ridiculed in school because they wouldn't stand for or say the pledge of allegiance. Is this a JW belief or simply a practice of that particular family? I used to feel so sorry for those kids.
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A la prochaine
I know it is still practiced here in our schools.
I feel for them as well.
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Right about the backgrounds being common. A cult is a cult, is a cult. We all got in, we all got taken, we all got out.
Right again. Looks like this indoctination remained with us -- even after getting out, threatening our "survivorship" - if you will.
Maybe we still haven't slammed the door shut, even though we're out.
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Not sure if the Texas thing was to me....I don't live there, but I was born there so the Texas pride is still intact.
Concerning Metalica....
Our second "President" (dictator) L Craig Martindale, would listen to a lot of didfferent music and had said at times that he listened to and liked Metalica. Although, sometimes they were used as examples of evil things. For example...the video for the song "untill its clean" (don't know if that is the title but that is repeated in the chorus) was used after an Advanced Class (where they taught about devil spirits and stuff) to show how the 'Adversary' was so brash and how acurately it depicted the way devil spirits take control of someone. It also depicted a scene in which Eve is being sedused by a serpent with the torso of a woman. That was used to show how even in the seular world it was some what known about Eve's lesbo sin (see other threads about that wack doctrine).
Ah yes, we were a strange bunch of lunatics.
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Doug -
I was wondering earlier if one of the things that may be getting overlooked (from whatever former religious background we each went through) - given the situation of the emotional suppression we may have undergone through our "borg-like" past experiences, along with a consideration of the nature of these sort of forums - is the need for folks to simply and openly blow off some steam - of such expression some may have been deprived in their old religious sub-cultures.
It's always preferable that we can be cordial and polite to one another through our discussions, but why should anyone be surprised if people fly off the handle every so often?
Whether justly or unjustly, rationally or irrationally.
We ought not muzzle the former cult members who were groundeth in the dirt. I'm glad, and hope this forum can continue to be just as much a place for people to get things off their chest as it may be for civil discourse, whether some choose their words with great inductive logic, or like a bull in a china shop. That's another element which I think contributes to a forum being truly open.
Anyways, this was something that was on my mind a bit earlier.
Again welcome, and I hope you enjoy our illustrious cyber-community here.
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I think I can honestly say that I know as well as anyone the similarities betweem the JW experience and the TWI experience, having been through both. When Refiner and Priscilla showed up, I was eager to welcome both of them. I am sorry that our personalities have so obvously clashed. It was truly not my desire. But sometimes that happens. I expect at some point that will be resolved.
But I, for one, do take your statement at face value and I look forward to your contributions to this site, as I look forward to Priscilla's. Not only that, but I hope I've misjudged Refiner and that our little tiff was just that: a personality clash we can both get over quickly (as I've done before with a number of folks who can testify to that).
Welcome aboard.
Oh, and you're at a cafe. It's only polite to order some coffee.
First cup's on me.
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Mary Cate:
Not saluting the flag is indeed part of Watchtower doctrine.
The songs is 'Until it Sleeps' from the album 'Load'. One of my personal favorites. My mom's name is Joyce.
I am glad to see this thread taken for what it is. Thank you all.
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Ah, thats right, Until it Sleeps. It was a debil spurt according to Wafer-leader-extrordinar. "So wash me untill I'm clean" that was the part I was thinking of. I never really like them untill after I left twi. While I was in I was into much more hard core music.
Sorry, don't know your mom, you know, its a big state and I like the way you keep giving me little tid bits of info about your mom.
:D--> thats funny. Sorry if its not meant to be.
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Hi Doug, Hi all,
Just joined yesterday. I've been reading various articles on this site for over a year but I just noticed the message board the other day and joined. Anyhow,"Hi" from NY.
Been at this brainwashing thing since 1977 when I finally left the "way" ministry. I knew something was wrong for a while but finally cut the strings at the Rock of Ages 1977. I've been through so many stages of recovery over the years and I am, to this day, still recognizing the effect of their damaging leaven in my outlook and belief system. What I just realized last night, in a much deeper sense, is that what got me involved with them in the first place was the truth that was there. But, as many of us know, "part truth" is a very effective bondage tool. If something honestly presents itself in all of it's darkness, we would be aware of what we were getting into but "part truth" is very tricky. It lures with the truth and enslaves with the error. Anyhow, the point I want to make is that if something is true, it's true, no matter what darkness the one who speaks it may be in. It's up to us to prove all things but hold to what is true. Too often I've seen people trash what ever truth may have been in their respective cult when they leave the group.
Having been duped, we dump it all as if it was all a crock. Sure, we let someone else interpret what we were reading, and even worse, we gave them lordship over our lives to our own detriment. OK, so once we get over the rage, the embarrasment and finally stop kicking ourselves for having let it happen, what are we gonna do? Have we stopped being seekers of truth because we let some power hungry nut or hypocritical phoney run our lives for a while and lost our way momentarily?
Another thing...two of the reasons why the "way" ministry and the watchtower group have been classified as cults by the traditional "church" was because of the truth that is taught there that Jesus is the Son of God, not God, and also that the dead are not alive now. So when people leave these groups, they might find themselves easy prey to getting absorbed into the so called "legitimate" doctrine of the day like the trinity for example or whatever is officially accepted these days as legitimate doctine. Or they find another group that may believe similarly but never deal with the actual error that brought them into bondage in the first place, which was giving power over to another man (or woman) to give you understanding and to lead you into truth. A lesson well learned...the hard way.
My husband is always telling me to write a book. I guess I just did
All the best,
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