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where is GS Cafe headed? (iyo)


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It has to be either up or down, staying the course is not an option?

That's why the "train says "I think I can", and Krys, I was just using that as an analogy.

(sorry Excie!) icon_frown.gif:(--> icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

Perhaps I should have used the "ugly duckling" instead. I did mention the choices in between:

You have the Alpha, and the Omega. The beginning, and the end. The ultra-violet, and the infra-red. Plus -- the added bonus of choices in between.

It is the in-between stuff that interests me. We have all been polarized, and found it to be distasteful.

Perhaps the ugly duckling is more descriptive. Growing out of something NOT acceptable, and into something beautiful.

Yea -- that, and given the BELIEVING EQUALS RECEIVING crap, I shoulda gone with the duck. icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

The train that says "I think I can", must've been "believing".

The "ugly duckling" that grew into a swan, just did it.

Thanks Krys!! icon_smile.gif:)-->

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i have to admit that in wake of the sudden uprising of Greasespot's formidable competition, I have said it's going downhill fast. And the latest poll figures show that I'm among the majority. People have the need, and the right to express their feelings even if another party is offended. This just how Nazi Germany got started. They stifled freedom of speech. Next thing you know the German people are crying "HEIL HITLER!!!!!!!" I hate to say this but if our United States Government conducted itself the way Greasespot has been conducted lately, we would have a rise of a "Hitler" as our president. Im not sure our country is in that danger right now. Shutting up a person who has unpopular views will only add to conflict, and will do anything but invoke a resolve. I will continue to post here at GS if welcomed to do so, though I do realize that free speech is stifled here, which is not a good idea. And anyone who is denied his rights will defect to a place where his rights are respected. Just think of the former Soviet Union. How many Russians have defected to this country??? What was their testimony as to what life was behind the Iron Curtain?

Just a little food for thought

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Oh, quit crying and leave, already. There never has been the "freedom of speech" at GS that you seem to want to indulge in, so find someplace that will let you be as offensive as you want to be. Just quit being such a baby about it. I had a post deleted last night, too. You don't hear me squawking about Nazis deleting it. Nor do I try to deny I ever posted it. Maybe you should write down your lies somewhere so you can tell them the same way twice. Not here, of course, but somewhere.

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Some posters are so involved and concerned about the fate of grease spot cafe... others just ignore the urgency of the times ( hehe remember that mess?) .

I think it is about purpose and believing ,you now feel the ability to save somone from the wrongs and ills of twi ,to help to be powerful and make a difference . IT ( this feeling or purpose) is bigger than what you may be able to accomplish in a real life situation .

That is a clear cult mind set . But it feels noble doesnt it? you may think it is being a dedicated volunteer for those victims of the twi.. staying the course for the good guys are ya? loyal and dedicated with a true uncompromising vison for the people?

meeting others and forming a tight bond of happiness and fellowship ? In the safety net of the faceless computer for all those that may oppose? It is taking a stand.

nothing wrong with what Grease spot is it is for those that write in it what they need it to be.... and many here fell out of a cult to form another with friendship and purpose.

I hear LCM declaring at the Rock of ages in 88 "WE ARE SERIOUS!!!!!!"

Are you serious? um just WHY? It is really all about saving those victims once again? or is it more for you? alot more?

why ?

behaviours are ingrained in the cult mind set and will continue to play out untill you replace the arrogance of being able to rescue , save , do good, be better, and know what is right or wrong for the rest of the people who live or have died.

without the cult mind set people do not assume others will agree or not with their vision and thoughts about life nor is it all that important that they do or do not. imagine that.

Poeple who think in a healthy manner do not dismiss others as lesser if they disagree, because the line of right and wrong applies only to self in an honest life.

o do not go crazy of course we have some basic standards of right and wrong like no one wants to keep company with a criminal etc...but other than an extreme general society choses to allow others to be a self.

the problem with this cult mind set is many have yet and may never chose to be an actual self... the group think, the more than noble purpose of saving those who need you, when your own self is most desperate but somhow not as important because of this driven need to save others at the cost of your own self. To be involved engaged and important is a purpose so divine and self righteous you will fight for it.

It does not matter really the idea of whether God is involved, (it didnt matter in twi either really ) the fact some say they have no God is of little importance because a cult is seldom about a God it is about the group the leaders the power the unity .. the love .. the escape from a self... the safety of numbers and you think Im ok so I must be ok. loyal and important and loved but most of all able to fix others and set them straight!

The fact the pawtucket is now forming some new rules and it is a comfort to some plays out the fact of just how this forum is important and life giving to many.

twi left a void and it has been filled ...by grease spot cafe , a role in life that is as ingrained as what twi once fed you about relationships and love and right and wrong and reason.

Under the guise of helping the victim once again .

Social clubs formed within twi, control freaks, religous zealots..and the insane all formed bonds within twi and now they scatter and regroup the best way they can. grease spot cafe helps .

As time goes by and fewer leave twi and greater numbers of folks grow up into a healthy adulthood with a full life, or join an offshoot or church , the band at this forum will have to be closer and have more purpose and be more serious and protective or frankly it will die the same death .

A small group of people who claim to love and care about one another with a deep abiding purpose that forms a unity and loyalty ... that is what grease spot is.

that is also what twi claims to be today.


the "head" is Jesus Christ and the church He leads is bigger than twi and also bigger than grease spot cafe..

but people have needs for approval and acceptance and love and without vision they will perish. clearly this is a truth.

Where is your vision in life and/or grease post cafe?

Do you think about it? Or is it just an automatic thing that pulls you in and you do not want to live without? and why would that be?

Do you feel noble and important in your vision here?

Are you the one saving these hopeless souls?


Did someone teach you it can not be helped without you to be the one to do it? (YET honestly life does go on for so many without that need!) Are you serious and angry that somone would dare question your motive and desire to rescue and help and save others?

that is the cult my friends.

It is your comfort zone, what you know as truth.

You may not be able to be happy without it,because you do not know how to be ok or safe without it...

real life is scary and risky and honest and it is headed in the direction of the Lord . Jesus Christ does not live within the twi cases walls nor does He live within grease spot pages of agruements and disputes over power plays...

grease-spot for the most part is for people what twi was for them.

nothing all that noble about a forum on the internet, if you think in a grand scale of truth this is a small page of not much at all .

unless you need it to be more.. and can not figure out why.

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Originally posted by Zixar:

Oh, quit crying and leave, already. There never has been the "freedom of speech" at GS that you seem to want to indulge in, so find someplace that will let you be as offensive as you want to be. Just quit being such a baby about it. I had a post deleted last night, too. You don't hear me squawking about Nazis deleting it. Nor do I try to deny I ever posted it. Maybe you should write down your lies somewhere so you can tell them the same way twice. Not here, of course, but somewhere.

I'm not a liar Zix, YOU ARE icon_smile.gif:)--> And I'm not the one being a crybaby, YOU ARE icon_smile.gif:)--> Zix, if you are really a MAN, then call me into a private topic and we can duke it out, eh? Or are you scared you can't get the best of me?

Hey, why don't you try rebuking me in the name of Jesus Christ??? see if i freak out icon_cool.gif

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Originally posted by pawtucket:


I sent you a PT and you haven't responded at all. You are out of line as far as your last post. You are attacking Zix and quite honestly is he wrong?

Sorry Paw, I don't see where you left me a PT, I have checked it, are you sure you left it to CKnapp3 and not CKnapp?

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Originally posted by jen-o:

downhill fast

2 of my friends got banned...rocky, for no dang good reason that i can tell ...and dougie for typing the word "penis"...a perfectly good dictionary word of an anatomically correct body part.

then i tried to reply to a serious topic tonight and was unable to from my pc...

and i am never able to post a reply from my web tv....for some reason...in the last 3 months..

and all i see is pages of posts about rejection.

so let's see if i get banned now for voicing my opinion.

as you can see i am in a very ....y mood.

Jen and everyone else who showed or is still showing concern for me I want to say thanks and that no I was never banned from greasepot. I was banned or locked out from chat for a few days and the whole P word in chat kind of got overblown to say the least and my post were subject to a waiting approval after that also. I was very irritated over the handling of it and voiced my opinion also to GS. In fairness to GS ALL THAT HAS BEEN CORRECTED NOW AND WAS ABLE GET IT WORKED OUT. I DO UNDERSTAND ABOUT BEING PI--Y (ANOTHER P WORD !) I was very peeved (better word) I was never banned though but I almost banned my self because the drama was getting a bit much. I still have some strong feelings over all this but remebered there were some good people on here that are genuine like whose post I am responding to now and just thankful in the big picture of life some have made as I have tried to make a diffrence. This site is a means to that and if anything I will be more on guard with my heart and what I type in text in the chat room or on the threads in the future.Hope you are not pi---d at me for posting this Jen but had to respond. May this all pass !!!!!!! No more Ken doll jokes I promise and especially now that minors have their ages listed!!!!!! icon_biggrin.gif:D--> p.s. Rocky grew up in my neighborhod and just knew him by association with our neighbord church & school and TWI. He is quite diffrent from the perception most on gs have of him. When he was coming into chat it was a good thing for him even though he was banned from the posting at the time .It gave him somewhere to go and allowed a diffrent side of him to show and gave something also to give the chat room outside of his very passionate political views. Sometimes some effort just needs to go into getting to know people and no I not trying to be self righteous and I don't all the reasons he was banned but the door was closed on him going into chat too. A little effort of kindness goes a long way I have found in repairing strained relationships. I know we all have our moments but man sometimes we love to stir it up ! I can stir too but don't enjoy the fall out. I am not talking about debating either. Debate is good as long as it is done with a little respect on any site ! Just my opinion and something to offer up for consideration. Long p.s. eh ? Thanks for your time . icon_smile.gif:)-->

Edited by dougie73
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Chuck: Oh, ouch. I don't remember the last time someone "zinged" me like that. Wait....yes, I do. It was in second grade, but I think the poor kid had just been eating too much paste.

If you're spoiling for a fight, though, I'll give you some help. Just tell excathedra you don't like her.

You kids have fun, now!

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This may come as a surprise to you, but just in case it does.....

You do not have a Constitutional right to the Greasespot Cafe.

You do not have a Constitutional right to READ here, let alone

POST here.

You do not have a Constitutional right to post pornography here,

expletives, hate-speech, or incite overthrowing a government.

This is the Greasespot Cafe, proprietor, Pawtucket.

That means that the rules are determined by....Pawtucket.

The court of appeals to the rules is....Pawtucket.

If you think Pawtucket should do things your way, the authority

to direct that to is...Pawtucket.

If you think Pawtucket's being silly or whatever, and think that

he's not giving you a satisfactory answer, the authority to

direct that to is...nobody.

Lick your wounds and let it slide, or leave.

Please note that posting a tantrum about it-"I think Pawtucket

is being restrictive! He dresses funny and smells!"-

is absolutely off-limits.


Outside of this message forum is a place called "the internet".

If you want things to go EXACTLY your way, make your own board.


Spend some time among some other boards.

If you badmouth the admins, you will either be removed immediately,

or be verbally abused by the regulars, THEN banned (or, more

likely, vice versa.) Some boards allow swearing and posting of

hate-speech, pornography, etc. Bully for them. If that's what you

want, go THERE, or make one. Paw has determined that, in order to

fulfil its mandate-which he has determined-certain limits are in


If you think his limits are restrictive, you're either comparing

the GSC with "unmoderated forums", or you have no sense of what

other boards allow.

I post on a variety of boards, under a variety of names.

I've seen non-Christians complain that lack of moderation killed

certain forums and made them unusable. I've NEVER seen an ABSENCE

of moderation result in a healthy board.

Paw does a lot, and puts up with a lot, to ensure the board is as

"inclusive" as he can. When he steps in to make changes, it is

only when conventional methods of correction have failed.

(He steps in when we can't behave ourselves, and no sooner.)

Characterizing the GSC as overly-restrictive is silly.

Considering that your posts saying that are still intact, they are

also shown to be inaccurate.

"This is how Nazi Germany got started." Give me a break.

If ANYPLACE can be compared to that, IT ISN'T THE GSC.

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Originally posted by Zixar:

Chuck: Oh, ouch. I don't remember the last time someone "zinged" me like that. Wait....yes, I do. It was in second grade, but I think the poor kid had just been eating too much paste.

If you're spoiling for a fight, though, I'll give you some help. Just tell excathedra you don't like her.

You kids have fun, now!

Well, I don't eat paste, not even tooth paste icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

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Mark: There's a differnce between offering a "differing point of view", and acting like an "obnoxious jackass". The fact that certain people choose the latter doesn't exactly make it my responsibility to smile at them and take it.

You're directly disagreeing with me, that's fine. Nothing obnoxious about your post at all.

On another thread, Long Gone was very critical of my past behavior, and gave several concrete examples to back it up. I disagree with some of his observations, but he wasn't being a jackass about it. He was hardly even sarcastic about it. I could pull a R-cky and try to deny it, rationalize it, or sweep it under the rug, but that would make me even more of a hypocrite than Long Gone's case currently supports.

I really hope that boys and girls like [removed] can find a forum where they can feel free to snipe, bitch, and vent with all the four-letter words and half-witted personal slurs they can come up with. That's just never been what this place was all about, nor should it become that place.

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Zixar, you found a post that you disagreed with politically. A post that did not mention your name or your own differing political views. Then you proceeded to insult the writer of that post. Yes, I know the post was scattered in thought. It may have not been a very good post at that. However, what was your point in insulting the person that wrote it?

Your last post addressed to me was pure rationalization. I am glad that Long Gone is trying to work with you. I only hope you will listen to his counsel.

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Mark: You asked for an explanation. If you choose to see it as a rationalization instead, I can't stop you.

Before you cast too many stones, though, Mark, you might want to take a look at your own track record in the Political forum. You have little room to be comparing pots and kettles.

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