Some years ago (about 4) I became interested in religion, not that I am a religious person, now or then, but in trying to understand how religion started, what similarities/differences there were in the different religions/beliefs, so I started to study them as a hobby.
During this time, while I was reading up and going to various denominational meeting houses/churches, the JW's came to my door so I invited them in, I studied with them for about 1 year, not to join, to find out.
I searched the internet and found a site for ex JW's called Jehovahs Witnesses Discussion so I joined it to get the story from 'both sides'. I met a lot of nice people there so I stuck around (they have an on board chatroom and I am a chataholic), it was during this time I bacame aware of Refiner, a poster there (that is how I know him).
When Refiner talked bout this board and the cult of TWI on another board, Jehovahs Witnesses Online, another ex JW board, I became interested because I had, untill that point, never heard of TWI, so I wandered over here to find out what TWI is all about.
For a non religious person I find religion fascinating, also, WHY people become religious, and what they get out of it.
I study Christian groups also. For example, I've studied other cult-like groups such as the Amish and the Shakers and have gone to a couple of their tour sites in IN and KY and have bought books about them, etc. My studies are a hobby for me also and only because I find them interesting.
I've found that the Amish have some very similar traits to the ex-way groups. For example, they shun people as a way to preserve the group from any dissenting behavior. Ex-way groups do the same thing but they don't necessarily admit that they do it. I find that fascinating because the Amish not only admit that they do it, but admit the reason why. They are not secretive about group control. They want to keep separate and different and expect members to defer to higher powers within their group.
For example, the women serve the men, I've heard, and then they sit down and eat when the men leave the table. I HOPE this isn't true, but people who know Amish folks say this is true.
In any event, religion is fascinating, if only to witness what Solomon said proved true once again that there is no new thing under the sun.
Error seems to repeat itself, strangely enough.
Just curious, but do the ex-jw groups operate the same way?
quote: For example, the women serve the men, I've heard, and then they sit down and eat when the men leave the table. I HOPE this isn't true, but people who know Amish folks say this is true.
My research indicates it is true.
JW's practice shunning, but publically they say it is 'personal choice', it may be but no staunch JW would make the choice to not shun they would be 'marked' (noted as lacking sprituality, actually, they publically say a lot of things are personal choice but JW's know how to read between the lines and figure out what the org really wants.
Also the Elders get letters circulated from the org that say different things to what is out for public consumption. Funny thing, the org manages to distance itself so that if there was a court case about something, the Elders would be held liable.
Do you mean so the Elders would get suited and not the JW organization?
Also, do the ex-jw groups still practice shunning as a means of control the way that the ex-way groups continue to do? Seems strange, doesn't it? Leave the group, but still practice the same things?????
searcher- You don't know Raf very well do ya!! lol !! Just kiddin Raf you know i love ya ( may i add as a friend)!! Whoa searcher your British!! Wicked sweet!! I love England!! Yet I have a shirt that says I love America!! Strange!! lol!!
:D--> Thank you searcher for not leaving us. You have added a refreshing person to us greaser's YOU. I have read some of your posts and have found them very polite ( unlike some of us here) as on any forum you will always find trouble makers or people that love to put others down, especially if they are new and just want to chat and post, you just stay here and voice your opinions, they are worth something. Dovey
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I'm glad searcher!
Will that be one scoop or 2?
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One scoop please, I would not want to appear piggish
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Go for two, Krys.
After all he has been though, -- well, the extra nourishment might be nice!
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I can't imagine life without coffee -- all day long. I go thru a pound and a half of the stuff weekly, and it is "high-octane".
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..............that explains it!..............
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Danged Brit interlopers.
Here. Invite a couple of friends.
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It was in reference to the lateness of the hour!
I'm up because my arms hurt - but I took another pill so I'll be back in bed soon).
Attention Raf - I don't think I have that much pie left!
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Thank you so much Raf, you Sir, are a gentleman.
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Krys -- oh, ok. My work hours vary, but late night is the "norm" for me now.
I drink the coffee too much, but that has nothing to do with how late I stay up.
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Since you're staying a while would you mind clarifying something that I've wondered about?
What did you mean when you said, "I find this site fascinating and the study if TWI so interesting."
My question is why are you studying TWI and/or us? Just curious.
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Some years ago (about 4) I became interested in religion, not that I am a religious person, now or then, but in trying to understand how religion started, what similarities/differences there were in the different religions/beliefs, so I started to study them as a hobby.
During this time, while I was reading up and going to various denominational meeting houses/churches, the JW's came to my door so I invited them in, I studied with them for about 1 year, not to join, to find out.
I searched the internet and found a site for ex JW's called Jehovahs Witnesses Discussion so I joined it to get the story from 'both sides'. I met a lot of nice people there so I stuck around (they have an on board chatroom and I am a chataholic), it was during this time I bacame aware of Refiner, a poster there (that is how I know him).
When Refiner talked bout this board and the cult of TWI on another board, Jehovahs Witnesses Online, another ex JW board, I became interested because I had, untill that point, never heard of TWI, so I wandered over here to find out what TWI is all about.
For a non religious person I find religion fascinating, also, WHY people become religious, and what they get out of it.
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I study Christian groups also. For example, I've studied other cult-like groups such as the Amish and the Shakers and have gone to a couple of their tour sites in IN and KY and have bought books about them, etc. My studies are a hobby for me also and only because I find them interesting.
I've found that the Amish have some very similar traits to the ex-way groups. For example, they shun people as a way to preserve the group from any dissenting behavior. Ex-way groups do the same thing but they don't necessarily admit that they do it. I find that fascinating because the Amish not only admit that they do it, but admit the reason why. They are not secretive about group control. They want to keep separate and different and expect members to defer to higher powers within their group.
For example, the women serve the men, I've heard, and then they sit down and eat when the men leave the table. I HOPE this isn't true, but people who know Amish folks say this is true.
In any event, religion is fascinating, if only to witness what Solomon said proved true once again that there is no new thing under the sun.
Error seems to repeat itself, strangely enough.
Just curious, but do the ex-jw groups operate the same way?
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My research indicates it is true.
JW's practice shunning, but publically they say it is 'personal choice', it may be but no staunch JW would make the choice to not shun they would be 'marked' (noted as lacking sprituality, actually, they publically say a lot of things are personal choice but JW's know how to read between the lines and figure out what the org really wants.
Also the Elders get letters circulated from the org that say different things to what is out for public consumption. Funny thing, the org manages to distance itself so that if there was a court case about something, the Elders would be held liable.
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Do you mean so the Elders would get suited and not the JW organization?
Also, do the ex-jw groups still practice shunning as a means of control the way that the ex-way groups continue to do? Seems strange, doesn't it? Leave the group, but still practice the same things?????
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From what I hear the Elders are certainly left to carry the can. Have a read here
This is not the board that is ‘in the news’ here, it is the biggest ex JW board around, reading a few posts there should give you the flavour.
ex JW's mostly seem to stay away from the things they had to do in the org.
Some become fundamentalist christians, some reject religion altogether, and all points in between.
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makes sense to me. ex-way groups offer one the option of getting OUT but still being IN (mentally). Same lemonade stand, just another sign.
oh, the ties that bind.
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chinson's daughter
searcher- You don't know Raf very well do ya!! lol !! Just kiddin Raf you know i love ya ( may i add as a friend)!! Whoa searcher your British!! Wicked sweet!! I love England!! Yet I have a shirt that says I love America!! Strange!! lol!!
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Thank You wyteduv58. I to eat that bun with the tea that Raf got for me?
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