Exie my friend, I think many of us who were in TWI were misfits who had never quite fit in, and we found a disfunctional organization who accepted us and allowed us to fit in with all the other misfits.
But, as in my case, being the child of an alcoholic, or your case with abuse at a young age, its very common to feel you don't fit in. Have you checked out any of the survivors groups for what you went through? There are many. ACOA helped me immensely, possibly a survivor group could do the same for you - just a thought.
I had an ex-JW who worked for me once. She clued me into the term "disfellowshipped" and told me how to use it. Yessiree it DOES work. You can't get rid of those pesky JW's at the door? Just turn on the charm, smile widely, open the door to let them in.... and as they enter your home you just say, "my, it's so ggod to see you here. Are you pioneering? I was once Jehova's Witness but was disfellowshipped".
They will stop in midstream, turn around and leave! Hee-hee!
Wow! is right! Thanks for sharing with us. It does sound a lot like TWI, just different terms. Mark & Avoid, Cop-out, and we didn't have a formal term for the fade, but definitely the best way for most people to leave, just not as easy when you're family is entrenched as you mentioned.
Searcher, don't let TWI learn about the birdfood terminology or they'll start using it! :D-->
Sometimes you have to have thick skin to post on the internet, other times you have to decide to ignore the things that get your blood boiling. That's why I avoid some threads. I just get too peeved and complaining about it isn't going to change anyone's mind. I post on several different boards too, and some are always butterflies and rainbows, others seem to always have a fight going on. You pick what you want to watch - just like tv. No one's forcing anyone to be here. (This is NOT directed at anyone....just to be clear since everyone seems ultra-sensitive today for some reason.)
I pretty much like everyone here, but some do irritate me more than others. That's life. It's like that in real life too, but they can see me when I wince and roll my eyes when it's in person. Thank God for the Internet!
Now I don't know if I posted on the right thread. :(-->
Ex, I think you are a prominent poster who would leave a huge hole in the board if you were to leave. (That means no vacations, too.)
We all seem to feel disfunctional for being involved with a cult - some more than others. Some get over it, others continue to second guess most everything because of having been taken advantage of.
I feel like a fish out of water here most of the time, but I get a lot out of the posts and it helps me to post and get things out of my head here since I don't have anyone else I can talk to. So selfish or not - I post. :D-->
The girl from Oz, Refiner, and other ex-jws: Thank you for sharing from your life and heart. It's been thought-provoking and heart-stretching to have you here. So glad you made it out of the jw bands of affliction.
IMHOThinking about "not fitting in" is a great tactic of the devil to keep people alienated and isolated.
We are supposed to "fit in" to the heart of the Lord, to the Holy Spirit, to God almighty.
And we give and receive to others.
Like Year2027 talks about going to these other places. . . I post with a number of prayer request message boards and email lists.
People who are being tortured, killed and dismembered for being Christians don't "fit in" to the prison cells, but their Lord never leaves them nor forsakes them.
We are each like snowflakes, unique and unreplaceable. And no one is going to agree on everything.
Birds of a feather do flock together and in this Greasespot Cafe, I have found, and am very thankful for, much of the kind kind of association that I loved in twi.
I've been able to speak my piece in this Greasespot Cafe, as well as the The-way@yahoogroups.com, for which I am very thankful.
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Back to the point. Do any of us fit in here. I see GSC as a endless series of square pegs and round holes. Because none of us fit, we all do.
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Exie my friend, I think many of us who were in TWI were misfits who had never quite fit in, and we found a disfunctional organization who accepted us and allowed us to fit in with all the other misfits.
But, as in my case, being the child of an alcoholic, or your case with abuse at a young age, its very common to feel you don't fit in. Have you checked out any of the survivors groups for what you went through? There are many. ACOA helped me immensely, possibly a survivor group could do the same for you - just a thought.
By the way, I think you fit in here just fine!
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you are correct dear sunesis and thank you
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Tom Strange
my gosh myseestorEx! If you don't "fit in" here, where does that leave me???
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Oz Girl,
I had an ex-JW who worked for me once. She clued me into the term "disfellowshipped" and told me how to use it. Yessiree it DOES work. You can't get rid of those pesky JW's at the door? Just turn on the charm, smile widely, open the door to let them in.... and as they enter your home you just say, "my, it's so ggod to see you here. Are you pioneering? I was once Jehova's Witness but was disfellowshipped".
They will stop in midstream, turn around and leave! Hee-hee!
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Wow! is right! Thanks for sharing with us. It does sound a lot like TWI, just different terms. Mark & Avoid, Cop-out, and we didn't have a formal term for the fade, but definitely the best way for most people to leave, just not as easy when you're family is entrenched as you mentioned.
Searcher, don't let TWI learn about the birdfood terminology or they'll start using it!
Sometimes you have to have thick skin to post on the internet, other times you have to decide to ignore the things that get your blood boiling. That's why I avoid some threads. I just get too peeved and complaining about it isn't going to change anyone's mind. I post on several different boards too, and some are always butterflies and rainbows, others seem to always have a fight going on. You pick what you want to watch - just like tv. No one's forcing anyone to be here. (This is NOT directed at anyone....just to be clear since everyone seems ultra-sensitive today for some reason.)
I pretty much like everyone here, but some do irritate me more than others. That's life. It's like that in real life too, but they can see me when I wince and roll my eyes when it's in person. Thank God for the Internet!
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Now I don't know if I posted on the right thread.
Ex, I think you are a prominent poster who would leave a huge hole in the board if you were to leave. (That means no vacations, too.)
We all seem to feel disfunctional for being involved with a cult - some more than others. Some get over it, others continue to second guess most everything because of having been taken advantage of.
I feel like a fish out of water here most of the time, but I get a lot out of the posts and it helps me to post and get things out of my head here since I don't have anyone else I can talk to. So selfish or not - I post.
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i'm bringing this back up
not because of my ego
i also wanted to thank you all so much
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My dear Exxie,
You will ALWAYS be my friend.
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Kit Sober
The girl from Oz, Refiner, and other ex-jws: Thank you for sharing from your life and heart. It's been thought-provoking and heart-stretching to have you here. So glad you made it out of the jw bands of affliction.
IMHOThinking about "not fitting in" is a great tactic of the devil to keep people alienated and isolated.
We are supposed to "fit in" to the heart of the Lord, to the Holy Spirit, to God almighty.
And we give and receive to others.
Like Year2027 talks about going to these other places. . . I post with a number of prayer request message boards and email lists.
People who are being tortured, killed and dismembered for being Christians don't "fit in" to the prison cells, but their Lord never leaves them nor forsakes them.
We are each like snowflakes, unique and unreplaceable. And no one is going to agree on everything.
Birds of a feather do flock together and in this Greasespot Cafe, I have found, and am very thankful for, much of the kind kind of association that I loved in twi.
I've been able to speak my piece in this Greasespot Cafe, as well as the The-way@yahoogroups.com, for which I am very thankful.
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