To be clear, Dot was under no misapprehension that this was a Christian site. She's not stupid. What she (and I, and others) DID believe was that it was not a place where one's religion would be allowed to be ridiculed on the Open Forum. It was the equivalent of a Holocaust denial on a Jewish board and should never have been allowed to go on for as long as it did.
I didn't really see it as being ridiculed, but I am biased as I have no love for Christianity myself, so I'm sure I didn't see it in the same light that a Christian would. I can't really comment further on that I guess.
quote:Originally posted by Zixar:
Absolutely. Part of this stems from the fact that the offending "Reject Jesus" thread was two days old and six pages deep before Pawtucket did anything about it.
Yeah, it was definitely doctrinal material. I wonder if it is possible to give people the ability to move their threads to another forum? I think Refiner would have done that if asked, and it would have solved this issue. We're mostly adults here so I think that we shouldn't expect constant moderator supervision, but at the same time something more may be able to help improve this problem.
quote:Originally posted by Zixar:
There's nothing inherently wrong with "fluff" topics, certainly not. The point is that when they start to become most of what's posted, there's not much left of substance that hasn't been said already. It's not that it's bad, it's rather indicative of a lull at least, a decline at worst.
There is always the mid-summer lull on websites. Every online community I participate in with the exception of dailykos is in a lull right now. Once "school starts" I expect to see this site picking up again, or at least by fall.
quote:Originally posted by Zixar:
I agree, and I'll go you one further--the Political forums should be abolished altogether. Everyone has pretty much already made up their minds, and it's accomplishing nothing but perpetuating nasty arguments.
I would agree, except for the fact that we would end up having those same arguments here. I can't help but jump on people sometimes when I see something that I feel is really wrong, whether it's right for me to do it or not. I normally try to avoid doing that on the Open forum, but I have a feeling that without the political forums a lot of that would spill over here. It might be worth it for pawtucket to try disabling those forums for a while, and deleting political posts. He could even set up "badword" lists like he did for names of TWI members. I don't know how well that would work out. I'd be glad to offer my assistance to writing queries to determine the most commonly used words in the political threads if he has SQL access to the database.
To be clear, Dot was under no misapprehension that this was a Christian site. She's not stupid. What she (and I, and others) DID believe was that it was not a place where one's religion would be allowed to be ridiculed on the Open Forum. It was the equivalent of a Holocaust denial on a Jewish board and should never have been allowed to go on for as long as it did.
Well... I was under the impression (from reading Dot's post) that she kind of felt bad about not taking a stand in the past when other posters had said things against or not agreeing with Christianity and decided that what she needed to do for her walk, to feel right, was to go to a "Christian Site". The post from Refiner was sort of "the straw that broke the camel's back".
I totally disagree with the analogy of the "holocost denial on a Jewish board" (or the other one offered in it's place). You certainly go way "out there" when trying to make your point. IF I were an outsider, and I came here and read all of the posts, I'd conclude that there were a lot of Christians here but also a lot of people who didn't believe as well as some who were on the fence. Others have posted "anti-Christian" posts here. What's the difference? The difference is that Refiner is a little more "in your face" in his verbiage AND that Refiner is an "outsider". The message he was posting was not that different than others here have posted concerning why they reject Christianity.
quote:Zixar said:
Part of this stems from the fact that the offending "Reject Jesus" thread was two days old and six pages deep before Pawtucket did anything about it.
There's a little triangle to click on if someone is offended by a post. Did anyone click it? If paw was notified, perhaps he felt similarly to me and others, that Refiner's post wasn't that much different than those posted by other non-Christians here.
quote:Zixar said:
There's nothing inherently wrong with "fluff" topics, certainly not. The point is that when they start to become most of what's posted, there's not much left of substance that hasn't been said already. It's not that it's bad, it's rather indicative of a lull at least, a decline at worst.
That's your opinion and your welcome to it of course. Like paw said, if you don't like here...
quote:Zixar said:
the Political forums should be abolished altogether. Everyone has pretty much already made up their minds, and it's accomplishing nothing but perpetuating nasty arguments.
I wouldn't want them to go away. I sometimes tire of the predictability BUT have learned a few things there I didn't already know... or at least looked at them from a different angle.
It just seems there's been a sort of witch hunt going on since soon after they got here. I am genuinely sad to see folks go, but all I can do is wish them well... one thing I've learned since leaving the cult I was in was tolerance for others' beliefs and feelings... AND to fight the urge to manipulate people.
P-Mosh - SQL? Please, I thought you were an IT person.
I woulda thought you woulda offered to write something in Java, or C#, or something.
Nah, I just pick the right tool for the job. Plus, if I used C# I'd have to connect via ADO anyway to run SQL statements, so I'd just be creating more unnecessary work. I've been in I.T. long enough to know that I should put forth the least amount of effort to accomplish a task, because the management will have me redo over and over again while they are indecisive about what they really wanted. :D-->
I am not going to participate in your poll because I don't like the choices. Jumping the shark is a stupid phrase that I don't like and doesn't communicate much to me. I agree with Paw your questions skew the outcome.
I am still going to post at GS what and when I choose to post. Put that in your tally.
I am still waiting to hear exactly what you expect Paw to do at this site.
I am hoping you grow thicker skin.
I am hoping you come to realize that some people just don't care what you think.
Are you this much of a control freak about things outside of GS?
I tend to agree with just about everyone else here. I think you are making an unecessary fuss about the contents on these forums. You tend to be touchy at times as evidenced by the disagreements you and I have had. If you are offended at our disrespect towards religion and Christianity (which I feel is justified in my case), I suggest you join Rafi's website and forum. He moderates that board with an iron hand from what I understand and you would feel definitely at home there. I know Rafi would banish me big time, and I really could care less. Like most people agree, this is NOT a Christian board, so I am free to criticize religion and Christianity. Likewise, this is neither an anti-Christian board, so your likes are welcome also to try and (re)convert us. If I were to open a website like greasespot, I would virutally let it go unmoderated and just let everyone have a free for all. Paw has done that to an extent.
There's an old saying: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!"
I answered flat out NO. The tides do tend to change, but I hope greasespot stays here for the next 40 years.
I could be wrong, but I thought nobody could be that dense unless they have some sort of severe brain disorder. Yet...
If I had said "GreaseSpot has gone round the bend", I'm sure some idiot would say something along the lines of "Duh, GreaseSpot ain't got no wheels, so it couldn't have been on the road in the first place."
If I had said "GreaseSpot is past its prime", some wiseass would say "GreaseSpot isn't a number, so you can't tell what divides it, so you can't tell if it's prime." Or some other idiot would say "Duh, GreaseSpot ain't no cut of meat, but if it wuz, it'd be choice, not prime. You're stoopid."
If I had gone in earlier today and changed both the poll and the title of the thread itself to remove all references to shark-jumping so as not to tax the easily-bewildered, I'm sure someone would still find some way to broadcast their complete ignorance of the difference between speaking literally and speaking figuratively.
I think one of the best things i have ever heard said about my involvement in the Way was something a woman said last year at the weenie roast after taking a group picture of all that was in attendance and asking how we met. And when someone informed her that we had met via the internet she replied....Well it all can't be bad and life really is short as we know it! I think sometimes we forget about those attentive ears out there! I for one have met some wonderful friends here and pray the rest of you have too! I sometimes think the keystroke is softer than we really want to believe because of our nature and training!
I have been reading these forums for the past two months sober and now look at them a little different. I think perhaps we are all a little too apt to critique one anothers motives and best wishes!
Godspeed to all....I will continue to enjoy your words of wisdom but perhaps be a little more apprehensive in pouring out tha pear juice!
In answer to tha original question,,,,,,I say NO!!
Are you saying I am dense because I don't think your phrase communicates to me? Did I mention I didn't watch Happy Days or much other TV because my family didn't have a TV for most of the years I was growing up?
Pssst. Not everyone grew up in middle class America.
And yes, I do have a brain disorder. It's called Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. I take massive doses of a drug called Kepra so I have a shot at leading a nearly normal life. Most days I don't seize. Once in a while I do because of my brain disorder.
The brain disorder was caused by my father tossing me down a flight of stairs so that I landed on my head and cracked my skull. I guess he did that for entertainment because we didn't have a TV and watch Happy Days.
Next time I am partially blind and paralyzed from a seizure, I'll think real hard on that shark jumping analogy and maybe my disordered brain will be able to get it.
Chuck: I'm not trying to convert anyone. It's a question of inappropriate behavior in inappropriate forums.
It's one thing for a person to be an atheist and post his reasons why in the Doctrinal Forum. It's quite another to start religiously offensive threads in the Open Forum.
Or, can you not see why your calling the Bible "a load of bull...." is as grossly offensive as using racial or ethnic slurs? Freedom of speech is one thing, as is freedom to disagree. I don't care whether you belive the Bible or not, but when you deliberately denigrate it with obscenity, you've crossed way over the line.
Forget this "Christian" site dodge, too. No one is saying this has to be a stated "Christian" site. But it doesn't have to be a stated "African-American" site in order for "n*gger" to be offensive, either.
Mary Cate: So let me get this straight--you do know what the phrase means, you just didn't bother to notice the phrase wasn't there anymore before you started making snide comments about me with regards to it?
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Mister P-Mosh
I didn't really see it as being ridiculed, but I am biased as I have no love for Christianity myself, so I'm sure I didn't see it in the same light that a Christian would. I can't really comment further on that I guess.
Yeah, it was definitely doctrinal material. I wonder if it is possible to give people the ability to move their threads to another forum? I think Refiner would have done that if asked, and it would have solved this issue. We're mostly adults here so I think that we shouldn't expect constant moderator supervision, but at the same time something more may be able to help improve this problem.
There is always the mid-summer lull on websites. Every online community I participate in with the exception of dailykos is in a lull right now. Once "school starts" I expect to see this site picking up again, or at least by fall.
I would agree, except for the fact that we would end up having those same arguments here. I can't help but jump on people sometimes when I see something that I feel is really wrong, whether it's right for me to do it or not. I normally try to avoid doing that on the Open forum, but I have a feeling that without the political forums a lot of that would spill over here. It might be worth it for pawtucket to try disabling those forums for a while, and deleting political posts. He could even set up "badword" lists like he did for names of TWI members. I don't know how well that would work out. I'd be glad to offer my assistance to writing queries to determine the most commonly used words in the political threads if he has SQL access to the database.
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Tom Strange
I totally disagree with the analogy of the "holocost denial on a Jewish board" (or the other one offered in it's place). You certainly go way "out there" when trying to make your point. IF I were an outsider, and I came here and read all of the posts, I'd conclude that there were a lot of Christians here but also a lot of people who didn't believe as well as some who were on the fence. Others have posted "anti-Christian" posts here. What's the difference? The difference is that Refiner is a little more "in your face" in his verbiage AND that Refiner is an "outsider". The message he was posting was not that different than others here have posted concerning why they reject Christianity.
There's a little triangle to click on if someone is offended by a post. Did anyone click it? If paw was notified, perhaps he felt similarly to me and others, that Refiner's post wasn't that much different than those posted by other non-Christians here. That's your opinion and your welcome to it of course. Like paw said, if you don't like here... I wouldn't want them to go away. I sometimes tire of the predictability BUT have learned a few things there I didn't already know... or at least looked at them from a different angle.It just seems there's been a sort of witch hunt going on since soon after they got here. I am genuinely sad to see folks go, but all I can do is wish them well... one thing I've learned since leaving the cult I was in was tolerance for others' beliefs and feelings... AND to fight the urge to manipulate people.
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sorry zix i'm one of those people who have trouble with analogies
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P-Mosh - SQL? Please, I thought you were an IT person.
I woulda thought you woulda offered to write something in Java, or C#, or something.
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Mister P-Mosh
Nah, I just pick the right tool for the job. Plus, if I used C# I'd have to connect via ADO anyway to run SQL statements, so I'd just be creating more unnecessary work. I've been in I.T. long enough to know that I should put forth the least amount of effort to accomplish a task, because the management will have me redo over and over again while they are indecisive about what they really wanted.
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A dynamic array would be much more easily programmed than SQL. Really.
But you have a good point about management and their indecesiveness.
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Mary Cate
I am not going to participate in your poll because I don't like the choices. Jumping the shark is a stupid phrase that I don't like and doesn't communicate much to me. I agree with Paw your questions skew the outcome.
I am still going to post at GS what and when I choose to post. Put that in your tally.
I am still waiting to hear exactly what you expect Paw to do at this site.
I am hoping you grow thicker skin.
I am hoping you come to realize that some people just don't care what you think.
Are you this much of a control freak about things outside of GS?
Leave if you want. B'bye.
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"But you have a good point about management and their indecesiveness."
say what, stevie ?
MC.... control freak.... nah couldn't be, just taking a stand is all
a logical stand. hang on let me give you an anology.....
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Mary Cate
But I don't get what he's taking a stand on. All I am getting is that he thinks sharks must be jumped.
Maybe the sharks prefer not to be jumped. Did anyone ever consider the shark's feelings here?
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sharks are body and soul
that's all
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I tend to agree with just about everyone else here. I think you are making an unecessary fuss about the contents on these forums. You tend to be touchy at times as evidenced by the disagreements you and I have had. If you are offended at our disrespect towards religion and Christianity (which I feel is justified in my case), I suggest you join Rafi's website and forum. He moderates that board with an iron hand from what I understand and you would feel definitely at home there. I know Rafi would banish me big time, and I really could care less. Like most people agree, this is NOT a Christian board, so I am free to criticize religion and Christianity. Likewise, this is neither an anti-Christian board, so your likes are welcome also to try and (re)convert us. If I were to open a website like greasespot, I would virutally let it go unmoderated and just let everyone have a free for all. Paw has done that to an extent.
There's an old saying: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!"
I answered flat out NO. The tides do tend to change, but I hope greasespot stays here for the next 40 years.
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Exie -
It relates to I - D -Ten -T errors
I -D -10 - T
It's an Information Technology joke.
Nebbermine, you've never dealt with IT management. It's an IT thing.
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Mary Cate
He's taking a stand that sharks are body and soul? What does that have to do with downhill greasespot?
Downhill greasespot...Is that like downhill skiing?
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Tom Strange
You IT guys have your own secret language and your own secret agenda... don't you?
Of course I know you cannot tell us because we are not in the brotherhood!
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Mary Cate
Yeah, my friend tells me the IT department is a joke where he works, too.
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Steve, is that anything like how to find out who won the oil wars with a little arithmetic?
And I think the answer was 0553, or maybe it was 710-77345.
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I could be wrong, but I thought nobody could be that dense unless they have some sort of severe brain disorder. Yet...
If I had said "GreaseSpot has gone round the bend", I'm sure some idiot would say something along the lines of "Duh, GreaseSpot ain't got no wheels, so it couldn't have been on the road in the first place."
If I had said "GreaseSpot is past its prime", some wiseass would say "GreaseSpot isn't a number, so you can't tell what divides it, so you can't tell if it's prime." Or some other idiot would say "Duh, GreaseSpot ain't no cut of meat, but if it wuz, it'd be choice, not prime. You're stoopid."
If I had gone in earlier today and changed both the poll and the title of the thread itself to remove all references to shark-jumping so as not to tax the easily-bewildered, I'm sure someone would still find some way to broadcast their complete ignorance of the difference between speaking literally and speaking figuratively.
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I think one of the best things i have ever heard said about my involvement in the Way was something a woman said last year at the weenie roast after taking a group picture of all that was in attendance and asking how we met. And when someone informed her that we had met via the internet she replied....Well it all can't be bad and life really is short as we know it! I think sometimes we forget about those attentive ears out there! I for one have met some wonderful friends here and pray the rest of you have too! I sometimes think the keystroke is softer than we really want to believe because of our nature and training!
I have been reading these forums for the past two months sober and now look at them a little different. I think perhaps we are all a little too apt to critique one anothers motives and best wishes!
Godspeed to all....I will continue to enjoy your words of wisdom but perhaps be a little more apprehensive in pouring out tha pear juice!
In answer to tha original question,,,,,,I say NO!!
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Mary Cate
uh...nobody could be how dense?
Are you saying I am dense because I don't think your phrase communicates to me? Did I mention I didn't watch Happy Days or much other TV because my family didn't have a TV for most of the years I was growing up?
Pssst. Not everyone grew up in middle class America.
And yes, I do have a brain disorder. It's called Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. I take massive doses of a drug called Kepra so I have a shot at leading a nearly normal life. Most days I don't seize. Once in a while I do because of my brain disorder.
The brain disorder was caused by my father tossing me down a flight of stairs so that I landed on my head and cracked my skull. I guess he did that for entertainment because we didn't have a TV and watch Happy Days.
Next time I am partially blind and paralyzed from a seizure, I'll think real hard on that shark jumping analogy and maybe my disordered brain will be able to get it.
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Chuck: I'm not trying to convert anyone. It's a question of inappropriate behavior in inappropriate forums.
It's one thing for a person to be an atheist and post his reasons why in the Doctrinal Forum. It's quite another to start religiously offensive threads in the Open Forum.
Or, can you not see why your calling the Bible "a load of bull...." is as grossly offensive as using racial or ethnic slurs? Freedom of speech is one thing, as is freedom to disagree. I don't care whether you belive the Bible or not, but when you deliberately denigrate it with obscenity, you've crossed way over the line.
Forget this "Christian" site dodge, too. No one is saying this has to be a stated "Christian" site. But it doesn't have to be a stated "African-American" site in order for "n*gger" to be offensive, either.
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there he goes with those analogies again
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Mary Cate: So let me get this straight--you do know what the phrase means, you just didn't bother to notice the phrase wasn't there anymore before you started making snide comments about me with regards to it?
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Mary Cate
I thought you were leaving?
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