Yeah, until your friends from those boards come into a Christian site and stir the pots.
Hmmm, and none of your Christian friends would ever come onto a clearly wiccan board and sling around the Satan worshipper label and threats of Hell, now would they?
That's why some religious boards have Rules of Conduct and moderators that aren't afraid to delete and ban.
quote:90% of everything posted recently has been either
a) political grandstanding,
b) religious acrimony,
c) joke threads, or
d) birthday announcements.
Well... that is YOUR opinion... and if you really feel that way, and want to assign "triviality" to some things that may mean a lot to others... you may wish to find your entertainment elsewhere.
I logged on almost 3 months ago and this is like any other community I've been around. There are times it is more interesting than others.
I once heard that if your bored than you are boring. One thing that is annoying to me is how nasty some people get when they have a difference of opinion.
While I can't imagine going into Baskin Robbins and ordering vanilla or chocolate ice-cream I would defend another's right to do so. With the freedom to express yourself comes a responsibility and I think (just my thoughts here) sometimes we long for a challenge or excitement that isn't always available.
More than anything, as hard as it is, respecting people's right to share and to have other ideas is something I do my best to do. This, of course, means eating my hand instead of telling someone how "off" the mark I think they are. I agree to disagree a lot.
I appreciate being able to come in here and wish people Happy Birthday and celebrate life. I also appreciate the intelligence, humor, and insight on the posts.
The other day my A. A. meeting that I dearly love was a real groaner! People rambled on about when they were drinking and it got way off the subject. I spoke my mind without being nasty about it and realized that getting ticked about how people express themselves doesn't add to my quality of life.
Zixar, with your brains and chutspah, you'll either find or add to what you are looking for or do something else.
Zixar, I clicked "maybe" because I think it's relative. It's more a matter if things have crossed a line for you. What one person tolerates and even cheers, another dislikes.
For me, It has been coming to that line and I am edging toward the door, I think I'll take my pies and throw em elsewhere. I've whistled to the army of the Pig-force, too. . .
Some folks live for chaos. I am one who doesn't. I like a good dialog but I refuse to debate. I guess if GS is not stimulating enough, the're other boards. I am very content with GS.
How you weigh the 8 "maybe" votes notwithstanding, that's troubling. Apparently it isn't just a few disgruntled posters, it's any where from forty percent to two-thirds of the posters.
Zixar, with all due respect I hardly think 32 voters represents the whole picture here. I also tend to think the vote changes on the day or mood of the people voting.
I just started posting, but I've been lurking for years...YEARS, Zixar. I've posted my story in the proper section and hopefully, I have communicated how much this website has helped me and so many of the individual posters, even some who are given a hard time by others.
Heck, I still hold out hope that members of the WAYGB will wake up, fess up and actually help those they've deceived see the truth about TWI. (I'm not holding my breath, but I don't see how they can continue to read awful things they know are true and still stand with those people)
Don't underestimate the silent majority. You don't always know they're there, but they're there.
"_That's just it, Paw. Mike is just as convinced he has some invisible audience for his PFAL idolatry. Doesn't mean it exists, either. No real way to tell unless those folks speak up._"
"_That's just it, Paw. Mike is just as convinced he has some invisible audience for his PFAL idolatry. Doesn't mean it exists, either. No real way to tell unless those folks speak up._"
Zixar...who? :D--> I haven't been in cyber world long enough to know what youall are talking about, let alone care who is negitive and who is not. Shell, right on. Who cares about the trivea BS anyway. What difference will it make in a year from now. No difference? Then what's the point? ;)-->
Belle: If the "silent majority" believe otherwise, they can cast their votes without saying a word here. So far, looks like they haven't--or else thirty of them HAVE, and the results are as shown anyway.
Shell: There was no gossip involved in the information I received. It wasn't "bi+ching and moaning and groaning", either. Three of my friends emailed me independently of each other expressing concern over what had happened with Dot and the JW trolls. The consensus was that it wasn't just a fluke, but a wake-up call to a disturbing pattern. The numbers so far, coupled with Pawtucket's response on this thread(EDIT: This was being written at the same time Paw posted his second response.), have underlined two things--a) There is growing unrest among the GreaseSpot posters, and b) Pawtucket currently has no intentions of changing anything to address that. Actually, I expected the numbers to run 4-to-1 in favor of "GS is just fine", which is the normal distribution of votes when questions come up about what's going on. When they come up near 2-to-1 against, something is wrong.
Paw: The number of answers is irrelevant. Consider if, say, Mr. P-Mosh, for example, posted a poll asking who will win the Presidential election and gave the following choices:
a) Kerry, because Bush is an idiot
b) Kerry, because Bush is a warmonger
c) Kerry, because Bush is Halliburton's sock puppet
d) Kerry, because my goldfish told me so
e) Nader, because Kerry owes me money
f) George W. Bush.
The Kerry voters might be split as to a-d, but odds are choice f would be the single highest vote getter in the poll. A-E combined would still be the opposite of F, and still give an overall indication of whom the polled people preferred.
In this poll, the largest response group were the ones who agreed that GS has changed for the worse(10 votes). If it were just a few disgruntled posters, you'd expect choice A to have the overwhelming majority, regardless of how many other answers there are. A and D were split almost 50-50, and that's before I brought the stats up here. Like I said earlier, I had expected it to run about 80% for GS, 20% against. So far, that hasn't been anywhere close to the results.
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Yeah, until your friends from those boards come into a Christian site and stir the pots.
Everybody's a pain, that's what makes mankind fun.
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Yeah, until your friends from those boards come into a Christian site and stir the pots.
Hmmm, and none of your Christian friends would ever come onto a clearly wiccan board and sling around the Satan worshipper label and threats of Hell, now would they?
That's why some religious boards have Rules of Conduct and moderators that aren't afraid to delete and ban.
Grease Spot isn't a Christian site.
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If we ever got to the point that we all agreed on everything here and all stayed the same then we might as well go back to TWI.
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Tom Strange
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I logged on almost 3 months ago and this is like any other community I've been around. There are times it is more interesting than others.
I once heard that if your bored than you are boring. One thing that is annoying to me is how nasty some people get when they have a difference of opinion.
While I can't imagine going into Baskin Robbins and ordering vanilla or chocolate ice-cream I would defend another's right to do so. With the freedom to express yourself comes a responsibility and I think (just my thoughts here) sometimes we long for a challenge or excitement that isn't always available.
More than anything, as hard as it is, respecting people's right to share and to have other ideas is something I do my best to do. This, of course, means eating my hand instead of telling someone how "off" the mark I think they are. I agree to disagree a lot.
I appreciate being able to come in here and wish people Happy Birthday and celebrate life. I also appreciate the intelligence, humor, and insight on the posts.
The other day my A. A. meeting that I dearly love was a real groaner! People rambled on about when they were drinking and it got way off the subject. I spoke my mind without being nasty about it and realized that getting ticked about how people express themselves doesn't add to my quality of life.
Zixar, with your brains and chutspah, you'll either find or add to what you are looking for or do something else.
Be well and prosper!
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Psalm 71 one
Zixar, I clicked "maybe" because I think it's relative. It's more a matter if things have crossed a line for you. What one person tolerates and even cheers, another dislikes.
For me, It has been coming to that line and I am edging toward the door, I think I'll take my pies and throw em elsewhere. I've whistled to the army of the Pig-force, too. . .
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Some folks live for chaos. I am one who doesn't. I like a good dialog but I refuse to debate. I guess if GS is not stimulating enough, the're other boards. I am very content with GS.
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I hear ya Psalmie!! By the way I think I saw a couple of your pigies hanging around the corner on 35th street.
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As of this date, the numbers don't look good.
9 think it's just taken its next turn
2 think it hasn't quite yet jumped
8 think it may have
10 think it definitely has
3 think it lost it a long time ago.
How you weigh the 8 "maybe" votes notwithstanding, that's troubling. Apparently it isn't just a few disgruntled posters, it's any where from forty percent to two-thirds of the posters.
That's not good.
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Zixar, with all due respect I hardly think 32 voters represents the whole picture here. I also tend to think the vote changes on the day or mood of the people voting.
I just started posting, but I've been lurking for years...YEARS, Zixar. I've posted my story in the proper section and hopefully, I have communicated how much this website has helped me and so many of the individual posters, even some who are given a hard time by others.
Heck, I still hold out hope that members of the WAYGB will wake up, fess up and actually help those they've deceived see the truth about TWI. (I'm not holding my breath, but I don't see how they can continue to read awful things they know are true and still stand with those people)
Don't underestimate the silent majority. You don't always know they're there, but they're there.
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Tom Strange
tee hee!
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"_That's just it, Paw. Mike is just as convinced he has some invisible audience for his PFAL idolatry. Doesn't mean it exists, either. No real way to tell unless those folks speak up._"
Must we really continue to pick on Mike?
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I must take issue. Your poll is weighted for a negative outcome. The most positive of the 5 choices is "Not quite yet"
The "No, it's just taken another of its myriad turns" is hardly weighted in favor of GS. And the rest are weighted in favor of the answer you seek.
What would a "Has Zixar "Jumped the shark" look like
1. No he's just being contradictory
2. Not quite yet.
3. Maybe. I can't tell what he's trying to be anymore.
4. Yes. He's no longer the Zixar I used to love reading.
5. Finally!!! He jumped a long time ago.
What would your answer be?
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But Galen, it's so darned much fun!
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:D--> I haven't been in cyber world long enough to know what youall are talking about, let alone care who is negitive and who is not. Shell, right on. Who cares about the trivea BS anyway. What difference will it make in a year from now. No difference? Then what's the point?
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And that is why they call it "The Present"!!
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Belle: If the "silent majority" believe otherwise, they can cast their votes without saying a word here. So far, looks like they haven't--or else thirty of them HAVE, and the results are as shown anyway.
Shell: There was no gossip involved in the information I received. It wasn't "bi+ching and moaning and groaning", either. Three of my friends emailed me independently of each other expressing concern over what had happened with Dot and the JW trolls. The consensus was that it wasn't just a fluke, but a wake-up call to a disturbing pattern. The numbers so far, coupled with Pawtucket's response on this thread(EDIT: This was being written at the same time Paw posted his second response.), have underlined two things--a) There is growing unrest among the GreaseSpot posters, and b) Pawtucket currently has no intentions of changing anything to address that. Actually, I expected the numbers to run 4-to-1 in favor of "GS is just fine", which is the normal distribution of votes when questions come up about what's going on. When they come up near 2-to-1 against, something is wrong.
Edited by ZixarLink to comment
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what is the disturbing pattern ?
what "happened" to dot ? seems to me she made a decision she would rather be on an all christian board.
JW trolls ? how do you figure ?
growing unrest among the GS posters ????
let's just speak for ourselves individually
what do you want pawtucket to do exactly ?
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Good questions.
Especially the last one (imo).
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It would seem to me that GS is going strong and vital. It still generates threads and debate and arguments, so it is working.
I was not away of the phrase "jumping sharks" but now I have learned, thanx.
I think that such is the purpose of most BBS' since I first began posting on them in the '80s.
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Paw: The number of answers is irrelevant. Consider if, say, Mr. P-Mosh, for example, posted a poll asking who will win the Presidential election and gave the following choices:
a) Kerry, because Bush is an idiot
b) Kerry, because Bush is a warmonger
c) Kerry, because Bush is Halliburton's sock puppet
d) Kerry, because my goldfish told me so
e) Nader, because Kerry owes me money
f) George W. Bush.
The Kerry voters might be split as to a-d, but odds are choice f would be the single highest vote getter in the poll. A-E combined would still be the opposite of F, and still give an overall indication of whom the polled people preferred.
In this poll, the largest response group were the ones who agreed that GS has changed for the worse(10 votes). If it were just a few disgruntled posters, you'd expect choice A to have the overwhelming majority, regardless of how many other answers there are. A and D were split almost 50-50, and that's before I brought the stats up here. Like I said earlier, I had expected it to run about 80% for GS, 20% against. So far, that hasn't been anywhere close to the results.
Doesn't that tell you something?
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Maybe most people consider this too petty of a thread to waste time on.
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Belle: That is a possibility. Yet, the thread has been viewed well over 800 times already, so apparently there's more than a little interest in it.
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answer - 1
answer - a,b,c and d
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