quote: Jumping the Shark is from an episode on the "Happy Days" T.V. show when Fonzie was on waterskis and jumped over sharks.
LMatters -- I don't watch tv, and never saw "Happy Days". Thanks for the explanation, though, it made sense, and now I think I know (a bit) about what Zix was/is saying.
The G'spot is a quirky community mostly cause it's made op of many individuals who come into (and out of) it's little corner of the universe who have learned one simple rule: to play well with others (to the best of our ability if the situation warrents it :D--> and the gawds be smiling favorable like on the unfortuate target ).
Since it's content is not created nor led by one person or elite few (other than occasional moderation) it stands to reason that the flavor of the spot will change from time to time most especially so now since it's summer. I'm sure that the fact that the way doesn't appear to pose an imminent threat at this time nor is it generating any juicy gossip outside of pats legal wrangling has contributed significantly to the jovial atmosphere we are seeing.
quote:Our mission is to provide information that tells the other side of the story about The Way International and its trustees.
quote: Our hope is that GreaseSpot Cafe serves as a place where those who have been impacted by The Way can make connections with people and information which will support their particular process of recovery.
Our mission is to provide information and our hope is that connections with people and information will support their process of recovery.
If you look at percentages, you will never get a clear picture. We can see all the friction and asst fights. We don't all see the lives that are being put back together post-TWI hopefully with some help from the info here.
"Jumped the shark" is a phrase used in a community that is constantly looking for something new and intriguing -- The young new star. I don't think that it can apply to a community. This community, hopefully, evolves. Different people with diverse stories, yet common elements. There aren't always going to be new episodes and new characters. Sometimes the familiar is good enough.
Remembering birthdays IS part of a community.
Arguing is one of the healthiest things we do here.
Take the "irritating" items and you have the ingredients to a return to the general population after living under a micro-managed cult. It ain't always pretty.
So YES we "jumped the shark". Hopefully we do it often.
My opinion is that I tend to participate more in some of the threads that Zixar is complaining about, and I get annoyed as well. However, there are other subjects being discussed that I may not take a lot of interest in, particularly in the "About The Way" forum. Mostly, I don't have much to say about TWI now. I feel that I've mostly moved on past them, although there are still personality flaws I have based on being in them most of my life. I still read those threads once in a while, but not as much as others like the political section.
quote:Our mission is to provide information that tells the other side of the story about The Way International and its trustees.
quote: Our hope is that GreaseSpot Cafe serves as a place where those who have been impacted by The Way can make connections with people and information which will support their particular process of recovery.
Our mission is to provide information and our hope is that connections with people and information will support their process of recovery.
If you look at percentages, you will never get a clear picture. We can see all the friction and asst fights. We don't all see the lives that are being put back together post-TWI hopefully with some help from the info here.
That's just it, Paw. Mike is just as convinced he has some invisible audience for his PFAL idolatry. Doesn't mean it exists, either. No real way to tell unless those folks speak up.
"Jumped the shark" is a phrase used in a community that is constantly looking for something new and intriguing -- The young new star. I don't think that it can apply to a community. This community, hopefully, evolves. Different people with diverse stories, yet common elements. There aren't always going to be new episodes and new characters. Sometimes the familiar is good enough.
I've never heard that definition, and I don't know where you got it. I didn't think the question was that unclear, but I'll rephrase it. "Has GreaseSpot passed its peak and started the inevitable downhill slide?"
Remembering birthdays IS part of a community.
Never said it wasn't. It's just sad when there are so few "real-life" (non-controversy/non-joke) threads that most of what's left is just birthdays.
Arguing is one of the healthiest things we do here.
Too much of anything is not necessarily a good thing.
Take the "irritating" items and you have the ingredients to a return to the general population after living under a micro-managed cult. It ain't always pretty.
Nor is it always as therapeutic for some as we'd hope.
So YES we "jumped the shark". Hopefully we do it often.
That makes no sense. It has either passed its peak, or it has not.
Thanks for catching the typo. An "inevitable downhill slide" is the gradual decay of an entity from its peak utility/function to increasing obsolescence.
Zix - I for one get a lot of good out of GS - almost every day. I've made some great friends and feel that I'm making more here all the time.
When I have a need for prayer, I bring it here and get my need met.
When I have time to read in the political forums I learn stuff I'd never know otherwise.
I really enjoy the birthday threads, as there are folks who never get that kind of recognition elsewhere and it's fun.
I really enjoy the humorous threads and the camaraderie of the community in general.
I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for here and not finding, but it looks to me like you've had quite a bit of contention in recent months. Are you maybe feeling that GS has outlived its usefulness for you personally? I sure hope not, as you're one of the posters that has so much to contribute in a variety of areas. It'd be a shame if you gave up on us.
Seems to me paw gave a very respectful and clear response and you chopped it up as tho it's somehow your place to critique him. That seemed to me to be unnecessary and even inappropriate. My personal opinion of course, but I feel free to state my opinions here (in contrast to what looks to me like a word-by-word chopping up of the site administrator's post). I fully agree with each word paw posted.
Shoot, Zix. If you'd waited another couple of months, you could have posted this in honor of the two-year anniversary of your "The Decline and Fall of Greasespot Cafe?" poll.
Big difference between for profit, formula canned TV and grass roots live internet bulletin boards.
Greasespot hasn't "jumped" anything unless it becomes sterile and homogenized by censors, exclusivity and people who see themselves as having more of a "right" to be here than anyone else.
Since I have never seen an entire episode of Happy Days (I don't watch TV-am I un-American?), I can't buy into this shark jumping thing or see how it applies to GS.
amen sista Mary Cate! I thik tis place is like any other visit typin,,,,,I get out it what I put into it, fer bad or worse, good or better! It's not illegal to talk like this is?
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Ultimately the board owner determines all things. Which direction it takes depends on him. Experience at other sites demonstrates this is so.
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Shark jumping jumped the shark last year, Zixar.
Get new friends.
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What does "jumping the shark" mean?
Anyway -- I voted for maybe. Someone, somewhere in one of these threads said something to the effect of -- "Things go in circles here."
I tend to agree, tho I hate to admit we have only one oar in the water !!
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Jumping the Shark is from an episode on the "Happy Days" T.V. show when Fonzie was on waterskis and jumped over sharks.
Fans said the show was never the same again.
The show "jumped the shark."
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LMatters -- I don't watch tv, and never saw "Happy Days". Thanks for the explanation, though, it made sense, and now I think I know (a bit) about what Zix was/is saying.
I do know the name "Fonzie", though.
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Fonzie could never hold a candle to Fozie the Bear from The Muppet Show.
Now, THAT'S a show that never jumped the shark.
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Just to elaborate,
Fonzie, until then, was shown to ride motorcycles, but when did he EVER learn to
waterski at ALL?
It's when a show adds things that produce the comment "WTF?"
Other moments that have produced similar responses include bringing in a cute
kid to try to extend the life of a show. ("Cousin Oliver", anyone?)
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what do you want to see posted here zixar and friends ?
i don't really get the question
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The G'spot is a quirky community mostly cause it's made op of many individuals who come into (and out of) it's little corner of the universe who have learned one simple rule: to play well with others (to the best of our ability if the situation warrents it
:D--> and the gawds be smiling favorable like on the unfortuate target
Since it's content is not created nor led by one person or elite few (other than occasional moderation) it stands to reason that the flavor of the spot will change from time to time most especially so now since it's summer. I'm sure that the fact that the way doesn't appear to pose an imminent threat at this time nor is it generating any juicy gossip outside of pats legal wrangling has contributed significantly to the jovial atmosphere we are seeing.
Gawd life is good
Happy Happy Joy Joy
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Our mission is to provide information and our hope is that connections with people and information will support their process of recovery.
If you look at percentages, you will never get a clear picture. We can see all the friction and asst fights. We don't all see the lives that are being put back together post-TWI hopefully with some help from the info here.
"Jumped the shark" is a phrase used in a community that is constantly looking for something new and intriguing -- The young new star. I don't think that it can apply to a community. This community, hopefully, evolves. Different people with diverse stories, yet common elements. There aren't always going to be new episodes and new characters. Sometimes the familiar is good enough.
Remembering birthdays IS part of a community.
Arguing is one of the healthiest things we do here.
Take the "irritating" items and you have the ingredients to a return to the general population after living under a micro-managed cult. It ain't always pretty.
So YES we "jumped the shark". Hopefully we do it often.
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Mister P-Mosh
Nice post pawtucket.
My opinion is that I tend to participate more in some of the threads that Zixar is complaining about, and I get annoyed as well. However, there are other subjects being discussed that I may not take a lot of interest in, particularly in the "About The Way" forum. Mostly, I don't have much to say about TWI now. I feel that I've mostly moved on past them, although there are still personality flaws I have based on being in them most of my life. I still read those threads once in a while, but not as much as others like the political section.
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Nope...it's just life! people! and forums!
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what is GS's peak may i ask ?
and i went to dictionary . com and can't find "maes" there
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oh and what's the "inevitable" downhill slide ?
a slide you can't ride on ????
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Thanks for catching the typo. An "inevitable downhill slide" is the gradual decay of an entity from its peak utility/function to increasing obsolescence.
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that's what i thought
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I guess I missed the Peak.
I first read GSC back when it was on ez board, in 2000, I think, but I never posted or got to know people.
I'd pop in occasionally after that, maybe every couple of months.
As far as I can see, there was always plenty of arguing and flame wars going on. Kinda makes some of my wicca/pagan boards seem very sedate.
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Zix - I for one get a lot of good out of GS - almost every day. I've made some great friends and feel that I'm making more here all the time.
When I have a need for prayer, I bring it here and get my need met.
When I have time to read in the political forums I learn stuff I'd never know otherwise.
I really enjoy the birthday threads, as there are folks who never get that kind of recognition elsewhere and it's fun.
I really enjoy the humorous threads and the camaraderie of the community in general.
I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for here and not finding, but it looks to me like you've had quite a bit of contention in recent months. Are you maybe feeling that GS has outlived its usefulness for you personally? I sure hope not, as you're one of the posters that has so much to contribute in a variety of areas. It'd be a shame if you gave up on us.
Seems to me paw gave a very respectful and clear response and you chopped it up as tho it's somehow your place to critique him. That seemed to me to be unnecessary and even inappropriate. My personal opinion of course, but I feel free to state my opinions here (in contrast to what looks to me like a word-by-word chopping up of the site administrator's post). I fully agree with each word paw posted.
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Shoot, Zix. If you'd waited another couple of months, you could have posted this in honor of the two-year anniversary of your "The Decline and Fall of Greasespot Cafe?" poll.
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Long Gone: Good point. Guess that answers that question.
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I fer one have met many great sharks here and will continue to swimm tha sea wif em"
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Mary Cate
Big difference between for profit, formula canned TV and grass roots live internet bulletin boards.
Greasespot hasn't "jumped" anything unless it becomes sterile and homogenized by censors, exclusivity and people who see themselves as having more of a "right" to be here than anyone else.
Since I have never seen an entire episode of Happy Days (I don't watch TV-am I un-American?), I can't buy into this shark jumping thing or see how it applies to GS.
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amen sista Mary Cate! I thik tis place is like any other visit typin,,,,,I get out it what I put into it, fer bad or worse, good or better! It's not illegal to talk like this is?
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