Saturday night used to be very laid back. But then, the kids all of a sudden and with little to no notice I might add... became teenagers. No more going to bed early and getting up with the chickens like I prefer... nosireebob... If I did that.. they wouldn't be back 'till 3 in the morning.
Usually a little computer. Uh, well lookie.. that's what's going on right now!! :)-->
...that's a good point Bramble... but it's been my experience (since we have a lot of room with bunches of games and TVs) that the human teenager just doesn't want to be around where the parental units are...! so save that money for something else that YOU want! :D-->
Like I was saying... it's trouble when they get to be teenagers. Not ALL teenagers, of course. In my case... it's the middle one. The girl on the left. 15 going on 24. -->
Well, thank you very much. Like the song you may hear playing.. I just send them out and only hope they get back soon. They were oh so innocent as babies. :(-->
Saturday Night agenda/plans.... Decided to fix spagetti for Oakspear after he came over after work. Had mild italian sausage and hamburger with angel hair pasta and canned sauce with some spices. Then he helped with the dishes and we shuttled my daughter's friend home. Earlier I had coffee with my friend Fay who is starting a sewing business and then took my daughter clothes shopping. We also figured out what to do for the 4th and the rest of week.
I got a phone call after dinner about teaching some classes at a study group and agreed to teach two. One will be an introduction to Reiki and the other an introduction to Numerology. I also took a long walk with my daughter today and that was awesome!
Miracle will follow miracle, wonders will never cease!
Yeah.. that's my tune playing. You can't place it, eh?? You're correct that it's from a family film but honestly, UH... that's who I am. A pretty family kind of guy.
We watch the movie it's from every so often and when one of us leaves the house, someone is liable to break out singing the little ditty.
The "joke" around here is that summer comes once a year, on the 4th of July. Not this year. We're totally "socked in" by fog from Lake Superior, and it is 54 degrees outside right now. -->
My Saturday "agenda" is -- get off work at 8pm, come home, turn the computer on and try to keep up with all that is happening here. But if it is a nice night, I'll forestall coming home, and go for a drive up the North Shore.
I'll also get out one or two of the instruments, and pick along with a CD or two. Saturday is the one day a week I watch TV, and I tune in to Antiques Road Show, Austin City Limits, Red Green, and the Kentucky Network "Jubilee" shows.
Both TV, and the computer are in the kitchen, so I can keep one eye on the TV, and the other on GS. The instruments are all in the dining room, easy to grab if I hear a good tune being played on the TV.
And then there are some Saturdays that I actually get something constructive done! :D-->
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i don't have to respond to this, paw said so
PT me
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Well, I meant as in list of things to do.
At work I always have an agenda for the day.
Will do, Ex.
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bramble, i was teasing. i'm sorry.
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Saturday night used to be very laid back. But then, the kids all of a sudden and with little to no notice I might add... became teenagers. No more going to bed early and getting up with the chickens like I prefer... nosireebob... If I did that.. they wouldn't be back 'till 3 in the morning.
Usually a little computer. Uh, well lookie.. that's what's going on right now!!
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Sudo, i'm so NOT looking forward to that. Would buying a big, big house help? So they could hang out in the rec room?
This is my coping plan for the teen years.
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thanks dear bramble. i just wrote you back.
i thought your thread was a "play" on another thread. my mistake. i'm sorry.
i'm alone so my agenda for tonight is to listen and maybe watch the neighborhood fireworks.... and to comfort one of my dogs who gets scared
that's it. i'm posting away. and wondering if there's a good movie on.
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Tom Strange
well... if you want to know my agenda you'll have to send me money!!! (the folding kind, not the kind that makes noise)
Other than that, I'm at your service...
:D--> ...Snowcone perhaps?
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The Girl From Oz
My agenda is to get my washing dry before the rain comes back
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Exie, what can I say, I'm a marshmellow. I have to be careful around fire.
Maybe I need to make a teen years agenda, starting now so I'll be ready.
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i LOVE marshmellows
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Excie--I was playing.
Tom, if I send you my money, how will I ever afford that cool rec room where my kids can sneak boys and booze?
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Oz girl--I have a friend I IM constantly who lives in Austalia--Bateman's Bay. No way connection.
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Tom Strange
...that's a good point Bramble... but it's been my experience (since we have a lot of room with bunches of games and TVs) that the human teenager just doesn't want to be around where the parental units are...! so save that money for something else that YOU want!
Edited by tomstrangeLink to comment
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Like I was saying... it's trouble when they get to be teenagers. Not ALL teenagers, of course. In my case... it's the middle one. The girl on the left. 15 going on 24.
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Tom Strange
fine looking group there Sudo! (good teeth, too)
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Well, thank you very much. Like the song you may hear playing.. I just send them out and only hope they get back soon. They were oh so innocent as babies.
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We used to say that on stage.
"Send yer request's written on the back of a $50.00 bill, and don't throw coins. They hurt the instruments!"
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Sudo -- they are a good looking bunch!
Both "before, and after".
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Sudo...suddenly I'm listening to some song that sounds like a reject from Mary Poppins or something...ouch!
My Saturday night...grilled porkchops and Corona beer...finished my feast and now I'm here ....hey, that rhymes!
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Saturday Night agenda/plans.... Decided to fix spagetti for Oakspear after he came over after work. Had mild italian sausage and hamburger with angel hair pasta and canned sauce with some spices. Then he helped with the dishes and we shuttled my daughter's friend home. Earlier I had coffee with my friend Fay who is starting a sewing business and then took my daughter clothes shopping. We also figured out what to do for the 4th and the rest of week.
I got a phone call after dinner about teaching some classes at a study group and agreed to teach two. One will be an introduction to Reiki and the other an introduction to Numerology. I also took a long walk with my daughter today and that was awesome!
Miracle will follow miracle, wonders will never cease!
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Yeah.. that's my tune playing. You can't place it, eh?? You're correct that it's from a family film but honestly, UH... that's who I am. A pretty family kind of guy.
We watch the movie it's from every so often and when one of us leaves the house, someone is liable to break out singing the little ditty.
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It's summer!!!!!
We don't need no stinkin agenda!
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Summer? What's summer?
The "joke" around here is that summer comes once a year, on the 4th of July. Not this year. We're totally "socked in" by fog from Lake Superior, and it is 54 degrees outside right now.
My Saturday "agenda" is -- get off work at 8pm, come home, turn the computer on and try to keep up with all that is happening here. But if it is a nice night, I'll forestall coming home, and go for a drive up the North Shore.
I'll also get out one or two of the instruments, and pick along with a CD or two. Saturday is the one day a week I watch TV, and I tune in to Antiques Road Show, Austin City Limits, Red Green, and the Kentucky Network "Jubilee" shows.
Both TV, and the computer are in the kitchen, so I can keep one eye on the TV, and the other on GS. The instruments are all in the dining room, easy to grab if I hear a good tune being played on the TV.
And then there are some Saturdays that I actually get something constructive done!
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could you help me with that word 'constructive'
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