As usual, I didn't find this thread until it was edited, so I have no idea what Exie first intended. But, as usual, that won't stop me from adding my two cents. Exie, don't take everything too seriously. Just seriously enough! ;)-->
I'm late on this tread too. Why does your heart break? I appricate your honesty about your beliefs. I'm not threatened either way by what you say. And I'm not the "spiritual codependent" out to rescue you or folks from their doubts. Doubting is good. How eles are you gonna find out what resinates to you. Keep speaking your truth, it's respected here with me.
I hope this is in the context of why this tread was started.
I've been pondering this since you first posted it Excie!
I wonder if I don't share some of your heartbreak! I believe I feel the way I do because I've been personally violated and victemized as you have, but certainly not in the same way as you.
All any of us wanted was God - but some of us got a lot more than we bargained for in twi.
But - it wasn't God who taught us we couldn't question - it was twi that tried and often succeeded in that!! They did that for their own porpose of controlling is. They wanted to remove our God-given free will!
Neither our Father nor Jesus Christ expect us to not question! One of the prophets asked God to spare the city for 500 (?) faithful men...and God did spare many fewer. Thomas doubted after the resurrection and Jesus Christ invited him to check out the holes in his hands!
Excathy - I know you've had such a hard struggle rebounding from all the insults and assaults twi subjected you to. I have no clue why it happened to you...I'm sure it wasn't 'cause you needed the Father to punnish you for something, rather, corrupt men made an "easy mark" out of you by their corruption.
But - I have seen you grow out of some of your bitterness...and you are blossoming. You maybe don't see it, but I do. And - I love you very much and I pray you're restored to complete wholeness soon.
Why is it important what everybody else thinks???? You're not responsible for them. Maybe it would be beneficial if you concentrated on what you think...and forget the rest.
I know this is hard...especially if you have very different thoughts on important topics with somebody very close to you. I'm just new learning how to take care of me....and I'm a whole lot older than you. Have some confidence in yourself! You're not perfect...but only tom-the-strange-one expects that! (tee hee I'm funnin' you tom!)
I have to echo what vertical limit said. Without questions, there are no answers.
I love it when my kids question me about things. Cause then we really get talking....and have a chance to really get down to the nitty gritty of the why's and wherefore's of living together, and managing our lives.
Not that I have all the answers to everything, but I am older and wiser. :)-->
ckeer: Just a guess. 'And we bid you goodnight' was on their first live album and they still do it live occasionally. I'll be seeing them on the 23rd for the first time since 1976. Their last stop on this year's tour is in your area I think on 8/19.
Their website has all the info from the tour including set lists. Not having Jerry anymore does not seem to affect their choice of songs to perform at all. I still love their music and you don't have to be stoned and/or possessed to do so. I think people have to acquire a taste for their music but that's about it.
i know people who think that questioning God is like betraying him and the same with Jesus Christ
and the love and devotion is real
I dunno..
I know there are folks that have a genuine soul filled with love and devotion, but..
The thing that bothers me sometimes, is that some people claim the first half of this, and FEIGN the second half. They feign the devotion, the commitment- but may never have experienced the loss, the heartbreak, the FAILURE at times, that others have.
Some are wonderful, others I think- don't have a clue.
I dunno.. I think life taught me to take a couple of things seriously. Glad its not too many things though..
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Good night dear sister
lay down and take your rest,
won't you lay your head
upon your saviors breast.
We love you
but Jesus loves you the best
so we bid you goodnight
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Good night.
I hear what you are saying.
Questioners are not infidels.
Nor are over-zealous believers.
Seems like GS can be both battlefield, and clearing-house of info and discussion. If it weren't both, it would not be GS.
I love it here, and for those reasons.
Sweet dreams.
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ckeer: You a deadhead?
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It's a battlefield all right, but we are all in the trenches on the same side.
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Tom Strange
There are sides? ...and everyone is on the same side? ...which side? ...I need to make sure I'm in the right place...
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Def59: I think you need a new map.
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Excathedra I liked your first title better....
Having a caring heart is nothing to be ashamed of. I have nothing but respect for you.
Since you like Dylan I'll leave you with this that he wrote,a glipse into that soft side he so rarely shows.
"I hurt easy, I just don't show it
You can hurt someone and not even know it
The next sixty seconds could be like an eternity......"
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Johnur- how could you tell?
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As usual, I didn't find this thread until it was edited, so I have no idea what Exie first intended. But, as usual, that won't stop me from adding my two cents. Exie, don't take everything too seriously. Just seriously enough!
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I'm late on this tread too. Why does your heart break? I appricate your honesty about your beliefs. I'm not threatened either way by what you say. And I'm not the "spiritual codependent" out to rescue you or folks from their doubts. Doubting is good. How eles are you gonna find out what resinates to you. Keep speaking your truth, it's respected here with me.
I hope this is in the context of why this tread was started.
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I've been pondering this since you first posted it Excie!
I wonder if I don't share some of your heartbreak! I believe I feel the way I do because I've been personally violated and victemized as you have, but certainly not in the same way as you.
All any of us wanted was God - but some of us got a lot more than we bargained for in twi.
But - it wasn't God who taught us we couldn't question - it was twi that tried and often succeeded in that!! They did that for their own porpose of controlling is. They wanted to remove our God-given free will!
Neither our Father nor Jesus Christ expect us to not question! One of the prophets asked God to spare the city for 500 (?) faithful men...and God did spare many fewer. Thomas doubted after the resurrection and Jesus Christ invited him to check out the holes in his hands!
Excathy - I know you've had such a hard struggle rebounding from all the insults and assaults twi subjected you to. I have no clue why it happened to you...I'm sure it wasn't 'cause you needed the Father to punnish you for something, rather, corrupt men made an "easy mark" out of you by their corruption.
But - I have seen you grow out of some of your bitterness...and you are blossoming. You maybe don't see it, but I do. And - I love you very much and I pray you're restored to complete wholeness soon.
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Vertical Limit
Without questions there would not be answers.
Answers generate more questions.
Questioning is an honest response when you don't know. When you think you know, Question the answers.
Notice the word question has "quest" in it. Life is a journey, a quest.
And have fun.
My short thoughts on the subject.
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Why is it important what everybody else thinks???? You're not responsible for them. Maybe it would be beneficial if you concentrated on what you think...and forget the rest.
I know this is hard...especially if you have very different thoughts on important topics with somebody very close to you. I'm just new learning how to take care of me....and I'm a whole lot older than you. Have some confidence in yourself! You're not perfect...but only tom-the-strange-one expects that! (tee hee I'm funnin' you tom!)
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Tom Strange
well... she is perfect in my eyes!
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I have to echo what vertical limit said. Without questions, there are no answers.
I love it when my kids question me about things. Cause then we really get talking....and have a chance to really get down to the nitty gritty of the why's and wherefore's of living together, and managing our lives.
Not that I have all the answers to everything, but I am older and wiser.
Trust is a big issue.
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ckeer: Just a guess. 'And we bid you goodnight' was on their first live album and they still do it live occasionally. I'll be seeing them on the 23rd for the first time since 1976. Their last stop on this year's tour is in your area I think on 8/19.
Their website has all the info from the tour including set lists. Not having Jerry anymore does not seem to affect their choice of songs to perform at all. I still love their music and you don't have to be stoned and/or possessed to do so. I think people have to acquire a taste for their music but that's about it.
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Tom Strange
I saw the Grateful Dead one time... I think... I really don't remember...
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Forgive me, while looking up the Thread Killers post I decided to look at the oldest page in the OPEN Forum and found this on it.
You know ex, that was supposed to be the heart of the ministry wasn't it? Chpt&Vs? Where did that go wrong?
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I dunno..
I know there are folks that have a genuine soul filled with love and devotion, but..
The thing that bothers me sometimes, is that some people claim the first half of this, and FEIGN the second half. They feign the devotion, the commitment- but may never have experienced the loss, the heartbreak, the FAILURE at times, that others have.
Some are wonderful, others I think- don't have a clue.
I dunno.. I think life taught me to take a couple of things seriously. Glad its not too many things though..
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