A friend from New Jersey visited me in STL. We went to the farmer's market downtown. The friend says to a vendor, "Can I have a pop?" Vendor makes a fist and says jokingly, "Where ya want it?"
ha, belle. My favorite as a kid was kickapoo joy juice. ;)--> After that, Nehi orange. Mountain Dew was best served with a box of goobers, :D--> or in a pinch, a goo-goo cluster.
Cowgirl, I'd comment on the differences, but it really isn't polite to poke fun at those who have to live above the Mason-Dixon Line.
Belle, that's what ah lyek about chew--ewe got a true hearta compassion!
Had me a Sundrop cola last summer, too. Ever had onea those? And a Grape Nehi, too. Whee doggie, they wuz gud!!!! :D--> (Ex10 knowz wat I'm talkn' about).
Oh, do y'all remember Strawberry Coke? It was bright red and turned your tongue red. I would drink those till my tummy hurt!
ex, I ate my peanuts boiled. ;)-->
wb, thanks for the complement. I just hate those compliments that start with "Bless her heart...." And while I have had Sundrop Colas befoah, I would certainly choose a grape nehi oveh one ah them. ;)-->
60% dixie ....... those years in Georgia were wild times. :D-->
During the holiday times, I went to a local bakery and bought a pecan pie. When I pronounced it (pa-con).....instead of pee-can.....the guy GLARED at me and said, "You MUST be a Yankee"!!!!!
41% Yankee. I think because I am partly influenced by my mother, who spent a few years in the South and in Texas. Else it woulda been Yankee all the way!
The test is seriously flawed You all, Y'all, You uns ( hell they didn't even have a reasonable choice for that category).
We have no rolypolys, pill or potato bugs, no crayfish or crawdads--we have the real things and we call em Lobstahs, which I enjoy while drinking a beah.
I also like Frappes on a summah aftahnoon or a cahbonated beverage which is called a tonic.
61% Dixie. However, I do think that the test is B.S. since I learned to talk from an Irish woman and from people that lived all over the place. Some of the words it told me were Southern I learned in the North, and some of the words it said were Northern I've heard used in the South a lot as well.
The question about the night before Halloween though, I couldn't answer due to being in TWI as a kid.
The trees in my back yard are most definitely NOT pee-can trees. Praw-leens (about the best candy imaginable) are made with p[shwa]-cahns. (Shwa is that neutral vowel sound that's sort of like a short a, i, or u, but not really any of them.) The second syllables of "pecan" and "praline" are accented.
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A friend from New Jersey visited me in STL. We went to the farmer's market downtown. The friend says to a vendor, "Can I have a pop?" Vendor makes a fist and says jokingly, "Where ya want it?"
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ha, belle. My favorite as a kid was kickapoo joy juice.
;)--> After that, Nehi orange. Mountain Dew was best served with a box of goobers,
:D--> or in a pinch, a goo-goo cluster.
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Yeah and nuthin beats a good ole Moon Pie and RC Cola!
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Belle, that's what ah lyek about chew--ewe got a true hearta compassion!
Had me a Sundrop cola last summer, too. Ever had onea those? And a Grape Nehi, too. Whee doggie, they wuz gud!!!!
:D--> (Ex10 knowz wat I'm talkn' about).
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Oh, do y'all remember Strawberry Coke? It was bright red and turned your tongue red. I would drink those till my tummy hurt!
ex, I ate my peanuts boiled.
wb, thanks for the complement. I just hate those compliments that start with "Bless her heart...." And while I have had Sundrop Colas befoah, I would certainly choose a grape nehi oveh one ah them.
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Nehi grape was best used for makin purple cows, though.
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So I take it, the Yankees are the good guys!!
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naw, cowgirl, you got it backwards.
Although my beloved happens to be a Yankee, through no fault of his own.
Just like my gramma said when she found out the sad news, "Well, we won't hold that against him, we just won't talk about it."
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cowgirl you got it exactly right
sis ex and belle, how do you "fix" a coke ? pop the top ?
and speaking of "pop" johnnyam are you sure your friend was from jersey ?
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60% dixie ....... those years in Georgia were wild times.
During the holiday times, I went to a local bakery and bought a pecan pie. When I pronounced it (pa-con).....instead of pee-can.....the guy GLARED at me and said, "You MUST be a Yankee"!!!!!
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Hold on a dadgum minute, sky. "Pa-con" is the correct pronunciation of "pecan." At least in the part of Dixie I'm from.
Why it's the same thing as saying "prawleen" instead of "prayleen."
and sisex, if I'm gonna go "fix me a coke," that means I'm gonna pour it ina glass over ice.
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41% Yankee. I think because I am partly influenced by my mother, who spent a few years in the South and in Texas. Else it woulda been Yankee all the way!
I'm always curious about language. That was fun.
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wow sis ex, when you fix a beer, do you pour it in a glass ?
which reminds me, do you have keg parties aka keggers in the south ?
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ex10.....not in those neck of the woods. It's PEE-can.
Maybe you're not as "dixie" as you think?
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Hey, mstar! Have you gotten scrod lately?
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Mister P-Mosh
61% Dixie. However, I do think that the test is B.S. since I learned to talk from an Irish woman and from people that lived all over the place. Some of the words it told me were Southern I learned in the North, and some of the words it said were Northern I've heard used in the South a lot as well.
The question about the night before Halloween though, I couldn't answer due to being in TWI as a kid.
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I hafta agree with my sistah, heah. They are "pa-con"s. Sky, you musta been in a town of imposters!
Who let them D@mn Yankees take over their town?
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Well I guess I would have to say that I'm from dixie but only if the concept of "the south" extends to South America.....
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Belle, do you mean the correct way isn't pee-con?
Just wondered
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If you're interested in seeing the complete survey and an explanation of how the results were determined, it's here:
Dialect Survey
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The trees in my back yard are most definitely NOT pee-can trees. Praw-leens (about the best candy imaginable) are made with p[shwa]-cahns. (Shwa is that neutral vowel sound that's sort of like a short a, i, or u, but not really any of them.) The second syllables of "pecan" and "praline" are accented.
Y'all got that?
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yeah right
got it long gone
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It appears we got an abridged version of the survey, fortunately!
Here are two for Pittsburghers:
Do you pronounce "pool," "pole," and "pull" the same?
How do you pronounce "color"?
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Belle & ex10.......yeah, maybe it was an imposter faction in dixieland. This Georgia baker was very adamant about it being pronounced "pee-can."
He11, what do I know.....I've moved so many times that sometimes I find myself in the state of confusion!!!!
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