WWJlA -- yea -- coke was a term I used too, but the over-all term for carbonated beverages was soft drinks, where I came from.
I remember the first time I walked into a store up here in Minnesota looking for a 6-pack of Coke, and I guess I looked confused by the lay-out of the store, so the clerk said "can I help you?". I said "yea -- where are your soft drinks?"
He looked at me like I was from Mars, or sumpthing! :D--> I actually had to explain I was looking for a 6-pack of Coco-Cola. :D-->
For the carbonated beverage question, I stuck with my roots and answered pop. My use of soda these days is forced so I don't look so damn stupid to the locals. -->
Something's wrong with that test. I went back and noticed that I answered the "route" question wrong. It rhymes with clout if it is a network device, it rhymes with toot if it is refering to a road.
I clicked calculate my score and it went to 42%. I clicked again, without changing anything, and it went to 48%. I kept clicking and not too much longer I was 100% (Dixie).
Of course, I didn't read the instructions:
Do not change your answer during the test as it will ruin the score. You may do this after scoring is calculated to see the other answers.
Yep, Bob, the test is faulty. It lumps Texas in with Dixie. Although Dixie is the next best thing to Texas, to the extent that we even let them ally with us during the not-so-recent unpleasantness, it's not quite the same thing.
An accurate test would have shown that I'm 99.44% pure Texan. That's even purer than the driven snow they have the panhandle (that's THE panhandle, as in the Texas panhandle, not some wanna-be).
To my shame, I still have 0.56% Yankee impurity in me, from relatives who took part in some rather infamous legal proceedings in Plymouth Colony.
My parents were raised in Iowa, and I was born there, and they always called soft drinks "pop." When I came to the south and mentioned "pop" nobody knew what I was talking about. Everybody here called it "coke" no matter what it really was.
I never heard anybody call it "soda" until I went to New York for the World's Fair. I thought a soda was something with ice cream in it.
I never heard of the night before Halloween having any kind of name either.
I thought it was "The Struggle for Southern Independance"?
Either way, the actual shooting may have toned down a bit, but the fight is still being waged in every Waffle House and Churche's Chicken joint I ever wondered into...
The test is seriously flawed You all, Y'all, You uns ( hell they didn't even have a reasonable choice for that category).
We have no rolypolys, pill or potato bugs, no crayfish or crawdads--we have the real things and we call em Lobstahs, which I enjoy while drinking a beah.
I also like Frappes on a summah aftahnoon or a cahbonated beverage which is called a tonic.
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75% Dixie...I jes jinned the cavarie alon' side
J.E.B Stuart...yeeee hiiiiii
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86% (Dixie). Did you have any Confederate ancestors?
Shoot -- even kids know you go the store, buy a soft drink, put it in a sack,
and then go hunting for crawdads in the creek!
Some test! (but a fun one!)
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74% Dixie!
Abi (I think it was you), actually, tenny shoes are a variation of "tennis shoes." I grew up saying that one.
Although I and most southerners refer to carbonated beverages as "Cokes", let us not forget the all-inclusive term "co' drank".
"Y'awna co'drank?"
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63% Dixie
All I can say is, once a Texan always a Texan.
You can take the boy outta Texas but ya can't take the Texan outta the boy.
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WWJlA -- yea -- coke was a term I used too, but the over-all term for carbonated beverages was soft drinks, where I came from.
I remember the first time I walked into a store up here in Minnesota looking for a 6-pack of Coke, and I guess I looked confused by the lay-out of the store, so the clerk said "can I help you?". I said "yea -- where are your soft drinks?"
He looked at me like I was from Mars, or sumpthing!
:D--> I actually had to explain I was looking for a 6-pack of Coco-Cola.
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40% (Yankee). A definitive Yankee.
For the carbonated beverage question, I stuck with my roots and answered pop. My use of soda these days is forced so I don't look so damn stupid to the locals.
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Something's wrong with that test. I went back and noticed that I answered the "route" question wrong. It rhymes with clout if it is a network device, it rhymes with toot if it is refering to a road.
I clicked calculate my score and it went to 42%. I clicked again, without changing anything, and it went to 48%. I kept clicking and not too much longer I was 100% (Dixie).
Of course, I didn't read the instructions:
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Yep, Bob, the test is faulty. It lumps Texas in with Dixie. Although Dixie is the next best thing to Texas, to the extent that we even let them ally with us during the not-so-recent unpleasantness, it's not quite the same thing.
An accurate test would have shown that I'm 99.44% pure Texan. That's even purer than the driven snow they have the panhandle (that's THE panhandle, as in the Texas panhandle, not some wanna-be).
To my shame, I still have 0.56% Yankee impurity in me, from relatives who took part in some rather infamous legal proceedings in Plymouth Colony.
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Please excuse my ignorance, I'm not from the States, but what is it that the Yankees and the Dixies don't see eye to eye on?
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Of course, this may be a sign of things to come...
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My parents were raised in Iowa, and I was born there, and they always called soft drinks "pop." When I came to the south and mentioned "pop" nobody knew what I was talking about. Everybody here called it "coke" no matter what it really was.
I never heard anybody call it "soda" until I went to New York for the World's Fair. I thought a soda was something with ice cream in it.
I never heard of the night before Halloween having any kind of name either.
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53% Yankee
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Well, they lost the Civil War, for one...
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That's the War of Northern Aggression and some folks still think it ain't over.
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George Aar
I thought it was "The Struggle for Southern Independance"?
Either way, the actual shooting may have toned down a bit, but the fight is still being waged in every Waffle House and Churche's Chicken joint I ever wondered into...
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They put me down as "barely Yankee."
The nerve!
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I'm only 90% Dixie. The 13 years I spent in Michigan must've corrupted me.
Lawsa mercy!!! That is so worrisome, I'm fixin to go git me a coke out of the ice box.
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I remember once saying "fixing to" instead of "about to." I slapped myself silly!
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and did you slap yoursillyself so hard that you tumped over?
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Al Poole
Cowgirl.... you have opened a can of worms "fo sho"!
65% dixie thank you!!
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37% (Yankee). A definitive Yankee.
Sounds about right... seeing as I'm a Michigander. (pure bred) Although I've lived in NC, VA, TX, and GR.
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Barely Yankee, Raf?
The state you live in is barely Dixie (anymore). LOL!
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44% (Yankee). Barely into the Yankee category.
The test is seriously flawed You all, Y'all, You uns ( hell they didn't even have a reasonable choice for that category).
We have no rolypolys, pill or potato bugs, no crayfish or crawdads--we have the real things and we call em Lobstahs, which I enjoy while drinking a beah.
I also like Frappes on a summah aftahnoon or a cahbonated beverage which is called a tonic.
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