I love you guys...with a high degree of certainty, no less.....lolololololololololol
I've got stories to tell and I, along with my diligent, loving, and oh-so-patient husbando, are, most decidedly and soytanly in the good parenting category.
Of course chilluns will rebel, of course they will. They must. It is their ministry...lol.
Bur how they rebel, the degree, and with whom is what ups the ante...how parents deal with the ongoing parenting mission is the challenge.
And the voice of the archangel will holler for us...and I be listenin'.
I have to agree with you Evan, and Matilda. Kids will rebel - it is part of growing up and becoming independant. The only question is how far with they go and what will the consequences to their rebellion be.
Likewise, they are free agents and will do what they will. My older son has been rebelling since he was 2 - it hasn't stopped. LOL
My younger son is just starting to show a little tiny bit of independence via rebellion, a relief in my opinion to finally see him stand up for himself and establish himself.
I agree wholeheartedly with y'all! :D--> Who knows what goes on in the mind of a child? I've seen too much to think you can really predict that. Bad parents sometimes have kids who are great and wonderful despite normal teenage rebellion and good parents who have kids who go off the deep end of pushing the envelope.
I really don't think you can tell. Especially if you are not intimately involved with the family and the child.
And to that end, we are teaching them HOW to rebel so that they don't fall in with those kids who rebel in a way that is dangerous to themselves and others.
I'm SO glad whenever I see that spark of a rebel in their eyes...because it means that they will never allow a cult or a spouse to use and control them.
Yep...we're raisin a bunch of rebels and we're damned proud of it.
Can you predict anything? I know of perfectly healthy young women and men, heterosexuals. They enter college and homosexual faculty tell them that the water is fine and to give homosexuality a chance... and they "jump" ships, or they jump something, somebody... why?
As long as there are insane liberal parents living in an insane liberal cultural with insane liberal school faculty you can't predict anything about your kids. They are at the mercy of liberal lunatics.
and one of them was able to divide what should of been an indivisible unit
now lemme tell you, that compounds the parenting problems considerably
but be that as it may :)-->
they are on the right track now, thanks mostly to my aversion to kidocide
it's heartbreaking to see them go to extremes but for the most part that rebellion doesn't usually go so far, I think what tided me through it was that the odds were in their favor to survive being teens.
Steve! n Cindy!
Happy Anniversary !!
the box is on it's way
(told you it'd end up being an anniversary present ;)--> )
I heard a wonderful quote the other day late night tv sorry forgot who but some dr. or something. he said
Most teens will turn out just fine in the end if the parents do not get in the way.
Rebel ?
If finding your own way in the world , if taking risk, and being full of courage is being a rebel then all kids go through it and MUST.
to be seperate unquie people.
I tell my 63 year old friend she is no longer her parents child she is a grown up adult. she doesnt get it as she bemoans the fact she still wants her mom to approve of the way she has lived her life!!
give it up and love them . I see alot you know with this massive crowd I have called family. It is the parents who never grew up who complain the most about how their children (grown) turn out in life) Those who never successfully grow up and become seperate who cant believe their own child would think of such a thing called freedom and independent choice without seeking another approval.
think about it do you think it is normal to go and check with another adult when you make a life choice? Sure consel is fine but if your want to try something new and exciting as youth inspires WHY does your parent need to be involved in the choice?
The apartment is to small the boyfriend has smelly feet the job does not have enough benifits school MUST be completed by age 22 or eles? WE are christian YOU must be also.
WHY ? so much of what parents call rebel is putting a clamping on allowing another person become them. Then they wonder the rest of their life why the relationship is cold and distant and few facts are shared about what is really happening and important to them. or 63 and still bitching in your face and miserable.
they really do not wander to far if you stay in the game of life with them because we do all love one another and that is a powerful force.
when my son went to jail for something really really stupid like not paying a fine and they put a bench warrant on him and put him in jail , his older sister called me and was crying and screaming about what a bad mom I was the boy was grown and an adult and i knew he was in jail. I told her if he calls me I will go and she learned something that day about HER life... that it isnt my job to make sure I fix life for them it is her job now and she is much older than him. yes I went to the jail and I aksed him if he wanted to get out and he said mom if I do two more days I got the dam fine paid off I didnt call ya cause it aint so bad but I wont do this again!!! his choice. yeah I paid his bail. he didnt want me to but I left him there in the jail and never told him. and when he saw his sister that night he ripped her a new one for yelling at mom . he also paid me back every cent of the bail bond.
we as parents learned how to do it how to be parents, and we made mistakes in life and so will they and it hurts to see your kids go into heavy debt or trust the wrong person or quit school but it was what life is. I do not consider bad choices rebelling.
Now self destructive behaviour is different. mental illness may be an issue in that case. Our children know the story of our parenting as fractured ,broken and incomplete.. because they were children...looking seeing learning. When they get old enough to say it was all wrong or not right they are correct it isnt right for them. It was just the best any parent can do. (not talking serious abuse now) So they may be angry you didnt or couldnt meet all their needs!!!!! of course you couldnt no person or parents can meet anothers needs !! that is why we have a self and more important a GOD.
So we teach a child to meet their own needsand to know who Jesus christ is and the job is done.
and then we become depressed and say they rebelled no they didnt they grew up!!!
The fetal cells of a baby stay within a mother for 27 years after birth !!!!!!! it is a tough thing to sperate. but it must be done and it can be done with excitement and glory for this new adult paving his glory in the world!! All my children say I love you every single day NOW !! and I have had years when ALL of them have said point blank they hated me!!!! it is rough. I do not like some of the choices some have made but you know what it worked for them!!! and they are all happy or like when her went to jail for the fine they learned not to do that again. I learned a few good facts in life the hard way myself haha . ya know? just love them they sure do love you no matter what they know no better!
My nephew grew up in a very sad abusive alcoholic home. He is in his twenties and to this day he would never say his mom ever failed him or made a mistake, or that life was not always good.. he lives in a dream world of all is family and love and rosy. he is very depressed and takes a load of medecine to get through his days as a young person and has tried suicide twice he is self destructive. If he says he needs to pave his own life and leave his mom she will die, in his mind and training by a very controlling mom... so he cant and he wont and he is not happy or well. but they have never fought he never screwed up straight A's perfect job clean house no sex out of bounds etc.. but he is miserable and at his moms peck and call and they think they are healthy.
they are NOT . love stays after the mistakes!!!!! for the kids and the parents thank God almighty for that!!!
You've all said it so well. There comes a time when kids go off in search of themselves, no longer wishing to follow every rule. It's time to walk on their own two feet, and they're going to make some blunders in the process.
On one level I was glad when my son rebelled, because my desire for him the whole time he was growing up was that he become an independent person with a mind of his own. What's that they say about "Be careful what you wish for"? LOL
I was fortunate. He didn't take his rebellion to extremes: sneaking off to an AC/DC concert in the next state in a blizzard was about the worst it got (at least that I found out about). Oh, that and getting a fake ID and buying beer at NK's "Party Shop" before he was old enough (18 back then). I found out about THAT little fiasco when I was picking up pizza for his 18th b'day party from there and Jim, the owner, said, "That little dang is just turning 18 NOW?"
The thing I got a kick out of was the way he dressed and wore his hair after he graduated from NK High School. Pure grunge for clothes, and "skater's hair" bleached blonde that hung down so far it darn near covered his face. Honestly, he looked like crap, but he loved the way he looked, and I was glad he had the nerve as an HQ kid to withstand some of the clucking tongues and wagging fingers. Some people thought the kids should all look like perfect little Stepford kids.
Today he's a responsible adult, well groomed and nice to old people and animals. Yup, they rebel, and they get through it. And so do we.
I don't know the context of the statement HCW made. What're we talking here, rebel against "the Word", against their parents, wazzit? Rebel how, against what?
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Al Poole
Back from Africa!!
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I love you guys...with a high degree of certainty, no less.....lolololololololololol
I've got stories to tell and I, along with my diligent, loving, and oh-so-patient husbando, are, most decidedly and soytanly in the good parenting category.
Of course chilluns will rebel, of course they will. They must. It is their ministry...lol.
Bur how they rebel, the degree, and with whom is what ups the ante...how parents deal with the ongoing parenting mission is the challenge.
And the voice of the archangel will holler for us...and I be listenin'.
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I have to agree with you Evan, and Matilda. Kids will rebel - it is part of growing up and becoming independant. The only question is how far with they go and what will the consequences to their rebellion be.
Likewise, they are free agents and will do what they will. My older son has been rebelling since he was 2 - it hasn't stopped. LOL
My younger son is just starting to show a little tiny bit of independence via rebellion, a relief in my opinion to finally see him stand up for himself and establish himself.
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I agree wholeheartedly with y'all!
:D--> Who knows what goes on in the mind of a child? I've seen too much to think you can really predict that. Bad parents sometimes have kids who are great and wonderful despite normal teenage rebellion and good parents who have kids who go off the deep end of pushing the envelope.
I really don't think you can tell. Especially if you are not intimately involved with the family and the child.
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George Aar
Well, HCW has declared himself a "young earther" as well, so draw your own conclusions.
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Well gosh, I sure HOPE my kids rebel!!!
And to that end, we are teaching them HOW to rebel so that they don't fall in with those kids who rebel in a way that is dangerous to themselves and others.
I'm SO glad whenever I see that spark of a rebel in their eyes...because it means that they will never allow a cult or a spouse to use and control them.
Yep...we're raisin a bunch of rebels and we're damned proud of it.
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Not only that, we're teaching them that it's okay - no, expected - for them to rebel.
Just like you can disagree without being disagreeable, you can rebel without being offensive - well, oftentimes, anyway.
We're teaching them how to channel that rebellion towards positive ends, so that it does THEM more good than harm.
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Can you predict anything? I know of perfectly healthy young women and men, heterosexuals. They enter college and homosexual faculty tell them that the water is fine and to give homosexuality a chance... and they "jump" ships, or they jump something, somebody... why?
As long as there are insane liberal parents living in an insane liberal cultural with insane liberal school faculty you can't predict anything about your kids. They are at the mercy of liberal lunatics.
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My kids rebelled, boy oh boy did they...
and one of them was able to divide what should of been an indivisible unit
now lemme tell you, that compounds the parenting problems considerably
but be that as it may
they are on the right track now, thanks mostly to my aversion to kidocide
it's heartbreaking to see them go to extremes but for the most part that rebellion doesn't usually go so far, I think what tided me through it was that the odds were in their favor to survive being teens.
Steve! n Cindy!
Happy Anniversary !!
the box is on it's way
(told you it'd end up being an anniversary present
;)--> )
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Can we predict if a kid will rebel?
Was that the question?
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I heard a wonderful quote the other day late night tv sorry forgot who but some dr. or something. he said
Most teens will turn out just fine in the end if the parents do not get in the way.
Rebel ?
If finding your own way in the world , if taking risk, and being full of courage is being a rebel then all kids go through it and MUST.
to be seperate unquie people.
I tell my 63 year old friend she is no longer her parents child she is a grown up adult. she doesnt get it as she bemoans the fact she still wants her mom to approve of the way she has lived her life!!
give it up and love them . I see alot you know with this massive crowd I have called family. It is the parents who never grew up who complain the most about how their children (grown) turn out in life) Those who never successfully grow up and become seperate who cant believe their own child would think of such a thing called freedom and independent choice without seeking another approval.
think about it do you think it is normal to go and check with another adult when you make a life choice? Sure consel is fine but if your want to try something new and exciting as youth inspires WHY does your parent need to be involved in the choice?
The apartment is to small the boyfriend has smelly feet the job does not have enough benifits school MUST be completed by age 22 or eles? WE are christian YOU must be also.
WHY ? so much of what parents call rebel is putting a clamping on allowing another person become them. Then they wonder the rest of their life why the relationship is cold and distant and few facts are shared about what is really happening and important to them. or 63 and still bitching in your face and miserable.
they really do not wander to far if you stay in the game of life with them because we do all love one another and that is a powerful force.
when my son went to jail for something really really stupid like not paying a fine and they put a bench warrant on him and put him in jail , his older sister called me and was crying and screaming about what a bad mom I was the boy was grown and an adult and i knew he was in jail. I told her if he calls me I will go and she learned something that day about HER life... that it isnt my job to make sure I fix life for them it is her job now and she is much older than him. yes I went to the jail and I aksed him if he wanted to get out and he said mom if I do two more days I got the dam fine paid off I didnt call ya cause it aint so bad but I wont do this again!!! his choice. yeah I paid his bail. he didnt want me to but I left him there in the jail and never told him. and when he saw his sister that night he ripped her a new one for yelling at mom . he also paid me back every cent of the bail bond.
we as parents learned how to do it how to be parents, and we made mistakes in life and so will they and it hurts to see your kids go into heavy debt or trust the wrong person or quit school but it was what life is. I do not consider bad choices rebelling.
Now self destructive behaviour is different. mental illness may be an issue in that case. Our children know the story of our parenting as fractured ,broken and incomplete.. because they were children...looking seeing learning. When they get old enough to say it was all wrong or not right they are correct it isnt right for them. It was just the best any parent can do. (not talking serious abuse now) So they may be angry you didnt or couldnt meet all their needs!!!!! of course you couldnt no person or parents can meet anothers needs !! that is why we have a self and more important a GOD.
So we teach a child to meet their own needsand to know who Jesus christ is and the job is done.
and then we become depressed and say they rebelled no they didnt they grew up!!!
The fetal cells of a baby stay within a mother for 27 years after birth !!!!!!! it is a tough thing to sperate. but it must be done and it can be done with excitement and glory for this new adult paving his glory in the world!! All my children say I love you every single day NOW !! and I have had years when ALL of them have said point blank they hated me!!!! it is rough. I do not like some of the choices some have made but you know what it worked for them!!! and they are all happy or like when her went to jail for the fine they learned not to do that again. I learned a few good facts in life the hard way myself haha . ya know? just love them they sure do love you no matter what they know no better!
My nephew grew up in a very sad abusive alcoholic home. He is in his twenties and to this day he would never say his mom ever failed him or made a mistake, or that life was not always good.. he lives in a dream world of all is family and love and rosy. he is very depressed and takes a load of medecine to get through his days as a young person and has tried suicide twice he is self destructive. If he says he needs to pave his own life and leave his mom she will die, in his mind and training by a very controlling mom... so he cant and he wont and he is not happy or well. but they have never fought he never screwed up straight A's perfect job clean house no sex out of bounds etc.. but he is miserable and at his moms peck and call and they think they are healthy.
they are NOT . love stays after the mistakes!!!!! for the kids and the parents thank God almighty for that!!!
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All kids rebel. At least if they're normal.
Some are just sneakier than others, but as a parent, I think it's best to expect it, and be prepared.
I have 3 teenage kids, at the moment, and I must say they are good, sweet kids. But they have their moments, as all teenagers must.
I think the secret to success is to not freak out when they rebel, just out-think them.
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Linda Z
You've all said it so well. There comes a time when kids go off in search of themselves, no longer wishing to follow every rule. It's time to walk on their own two feet, and they're going to make some blunders in the process.
On one level I was glad when my son rebelled, because my desire for him the whole time he was growing up was that he become an independent person with a mind of his own. What's that they say about "Be careful what you wish for"? LOL
I was fortunate. He didn't take his rebellion to extremes: sneaking off to an AC/DC concert in the next state in a blizzard was about the worst it got (at least that I found out about). Oh, that and getting a fake ID and buying beer at NK's "Party Shop" before he was old enough (18 back then). I found out about THAT little fiasco when I was picking up pizza for his 18th b'day party from there and Jim, the owner, said, "That little dang is just turning 18 NOW?"
The thing I got a kick out of was the way he dressed and wore his hair after he graduated from NK High School. Pure grunge for clothes, and "skater's hair" bleached blonde that hung down so far it darn near covered his face. Honestly, he looked like crap, but he loved the way he looked, and I was glad he had the nerve as an HQ kid to withstand some of the clucking tongues and wagging fingers. Some people thought the kids should all look like perfect little Stepford kids.
Today he's a responsible adult, well groomed and nice to old people and animals. Yup, they rebel, and they get through it. And so do we.
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I don't know the context of the statement HCW made. What're we talking here, rebel against "the Word", against their parents, wazzit? Rebel how, against what?
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