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This weekend was the anual championships for our style in karate.

Proud mama that I am, May I brag about the kiddoes?

Thankyou, don`t mind if I do ...lol

My sweet Aaron is 8 years old and the school terror....he has had to do more push ups and sit ups than any other kid in the entire history of martial arts because of his rambunctiousness and misbehavior...lol

Guess that all of that must have built up som muscles....lol because that little snot suprised us all and defeated three opponents to take FIRST place in his age division!!

He thought he was in big trouble because he extended a kick into the chest just as the other poor little guy ran in....the little guy got the wind knocked out of him and was crying pretty hard...Aaron was stricken...trying desperatly to apologise...I saw the judge looking stern walk over and lean down and whisper something in Aaron`s ear...n I`m thinkin uh oh.. well that was the match point, and it was awarded to Aaron, well poor little guy trudged outta the ring and up to his sensei who is so stern looking ....Aarons head was hanging and he humbly apologised for not controlling his technique.......and his sensei proudly said...*Aaron...THAT was some great kicking*.......Aaron just beamed....He sounded really suprised at Aarons ability...

I must admit....the way Aaron kept running around the ring outta reach of his opponents reach ....we`d yell at him to get in there and quit running away........lol....I found out later the little monster had come up with a strategy entirely on his own.....he would bide his time, moving away like he was scared....wait for the kid to get over confident and make a mistake and then be all over him......well I asked Aaron afterwards what the judge said n Aaron just lit up...n said he told me that the judge said to him that those were some darn nice kicks!!!!

Well as if THAT wasn`t enough to make any momma`s heart proud, my 14 yr old defeated a classmate and won first in her age division!!!

My 16 yr old won 2nd in her division, beat by her best friend and class mate.

My poor Benji is a very small 12 yr old that had to fight huge 14 year old boys....he defeated one mountain of a boy but was unable to get enough points in his second match....that boy was bigger than Benji`s Daddy...whew, I was so proud.

....and last of all....THIS matronly old lady personally managed to fight off the youngsters (35+) for second place in the executive brown belt (nice word for old farts) division.

I beat a woman that has defeated me at every tourney I have ever attended....I suppose the victory would have been sweet, but I found out that the poor woman had been doing chemo and radiation for 6 months....bless her heart she had just recieved her confirmation of her blood work and being now cancer free the week before....this was her celebration of life.

Heck, I had no desire to compete against her....she had not been able to compete or workout during her battle...but shoot fire, as soon as she came after me...everything became automatic. Lemmee tell you, that sickness sure hadn`t done much to lessen the impact of her blows....whew.

I landed all the way in the other ring flat on my back more than once from a well placed blow....lol

That was fun too, because I realised that it didn`t *hurt* anymore. Dunno how to explain it....just that I some how have turned a corner from having to think through every single little nuance of each move.....it is now all becoming an automatic reaction.

Everytime one of us would land a hard blow....we would slobber all over each other apologising n hugging ...lol I think the judges didn`t know what to make of these competetors that wanted to hug more n they wanted to fight...lol

Bless her heart, she went from personal opponent to friend and inspiration for me in her fight back from cancer and into the ring...

To let you know how cool the guys are that run our federation.....while I was standing in line to get our trophies enscribed, the kids were standing against the wall waiting.....I saw the brother of the president...a high ranking black belt himself, talking to my youngest.

I went over just as he was telling her to stay put, that he`d be right back.....n when I asked the kids what was up....they said that Mr. Patterson asked the 4 yr old about the medal she was wearing...well when Zoreta replied that it wasn`t hers, that her sister was just letting her wear it......

He came back with a medal and presented it to her himself....lol What a guy, he made sure that everyone at the tourney had a good time, right on down to the smallest participant.

He took a picture of her and is going to post it on the wado ryu web site. I will post the link when I see it.

I got in my van to leave, only to find that I had left my lights on and the battery was dead.....

Let me tell you, I began to ask for jumper cables, and even the folks who didn`t have any stopped what they were doing and started their own search for cables....it was so cool....like being part of a really big caring extended family....everyone looking out for one another even though we didn`t know each other from Adams house cat.

Eventually of course we found a fellow that had cables and jumped our van and we were on the road....

As I reflect back on the joys of this weekend, I am struck with how good our life is.....thanks for letting me share our proud moment.


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Thanks guys, it was sure a lot of fun.

Sharon, not to worry, I didn`t say all of mine LIKED karate.....lol most of em would MUCH rather stay at home and watch tv or play video games....they have even been known to deliberatly embarrass me in class....trying to get me to let them stay home....didn`t work

So some of em hate me for makin em come....lol

With so many, we had to chose an activity to do together....there is simply no way to get all of em to different ball team practices or scouting ...theatre etc.

So they are stuck doing something mamma enjoys....and though they complain bitterly at times....they really do love it....they have made some great friends.

I must admit it IS very hot and boring....poor things, but they have to do it for me, as I will feel better turning them lose in the world one day...knowing that they can protect themselves.

Edited by rascal
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Belle, you are right....Aaron definatly needed a boost.

His 4 older brothers and sisters pick on him mercillessly....the 2 younger sisters will have nothing to do with that ole booooy. All of that fighting with the older brothers and sisters, and being the smallest in class for so long....I guess that he had to hone his skills outta a serious need for self preservation....lol

I have a goal....to see em all earn their black belts ....(the youngest just started) dunno how long I can drive em by cracking the whip....lol it is a contest of wills each week.

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