whewwwww!!! Though I did/said something, and had no clue to what it was. Those kind of actions usually result from too much "pear" water! :D--> :D--> :D-->
If I can finagle a way to pay with airmiles for the ticket I hope to be there. Too early to know for sure but it sounds like fun also first time I'll cross "ole Man River"
Thanks Rascal for starting this thread. So far I have been in stitches just reading! I will bring plenty of sausage and fixin's fer some campfire bambi delight. I guess they have camping areas where we can build our normal type of bed wetting campfires. I am gona call the park soon and perhaps feel em' out a little on the campfire scene.
I do know we are gona need a cabin for afterhours kazzoing and such is why I mentioned I might just stay in a cabin this year. I did notice on their website ,private boats are'nt allowed so I'll be leaving mine at home! However, I will bring lots of cooking gear and other camping sundry's!
I think because we are having it so late in the year this time that the pear tree will have shed its fruit by then and there will be an ample supply of nectair!
Yer friendly tour guide to tha bourbin regions of tha bluegrass state...Littlehawk!
RasCathy, when you go over there check out the "group homes". It looks like they have a big one and a small one. (Although I'm thinking there might be a need for more than one bathroom in each... 'course, there's always the outdoors!)
quote: Could it really been pear water lucifer used to tempt Eve?
Genesis 3:6b "----she took the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also to her husband with her, and he did eat.
From a little known text, it has been discovered that the word "eat" actually has the connotations of "partaking of that which has liquid properties", thus "drink" is more properly supplied here. :D--> :D-->
As a result, the word "gave" becomes suspect, and in keeping with the context, "poured" is more in keeping with the "original".
I shall bring mass quantities of s'mores fixins as well as lots of juice and sodas and assorted edibles.
I'll be driving, so I'll fill up a couple of coolers.
As it gets closer to the date and I see what's not already planned for, I'll figure out what else to bring. Right now I'm thinking of a slicing a beef roast or two for sandwiches. (I loved that ham you brought last year, rascal.) I'm flexible.
3:1 Now Littlehawk was more durn subtle than any revenoor in the field that the LORD God has done made. And commenced sayin' unto the woman Yea hath God said Don't eat of any of them thar trees or drink of the fruit thereof
3:2 And the woman said unto Littlehawk Shoot, we can drink you under the table
3:3 But the fruit juice of the tree that sets right thar in the middle of the garden God done said, Don't drink it! Or y'all will die!
3:4 Then Littlehawk said Shoot, no!
3:5 God shore knows that in the day y'all drink of the pars then y'all's eyes will be open and ye'all shall distill spirits like unto God
3:6 And when the woman commenced to drinkin' and it popped out her eyes, and hung on to a tree as if she was Sudo, she took the mason jar thereof and done gave to her man, and he commenced to drink the par juice too
3:7 And both their eyes popped out and they knew that they were naked, so they vowed to not drink so much again.
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Steve! and I are THINKING of being there!!!!!!!!
We gotta figure out logistics with school for all six of us, though!
To quote shellon....we will advise!!!
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Sudo -- awwwwwwww thanks man!!
I've known that tune for over 30 years now. Should've mentioned that and saved you the trouble there.
All I need to do is practice it, to be sure I get it right for such an auspicious gathering!
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Mitch Miller:
Sorry, confused you with Tom Strange...post has been edited
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whewwwww!!! Though I did/said something, and had no clue to what it was. Those kind of actions usually result from too much "pear" water!
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Could it really been pear water lucifer used to tempt Eve?
Could Weirwille n Martindale have gotten it WRONG after all
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Been talking to Digi
If I can finagle a way to pay with airmiles for the ticket I hope to be there. Too early to know for sure but it sounds like fun also first time I'll cross "ole Man River"
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Thanks Rascal for starting this thread. So far I have been in stitches just reading! I will bring plenty of sausage and fixin's fer some campfire bambi delight. I guess they have camping areas where we can build our normal type of bed wetting campfires. I am gona call the park soon and perhaps feel em' out a little on the campfire scene.
I do know we are gona need a cabin for afterhours kazzoing and such is why I mentioned I might just stay in a cabin this year. I did notice on their website ,private boats are'nt allowed so I'll be leaving mine at home! However, I will bring lots of cooking gear and other camping sundry's!
I think because we are having it so late in the year this time that the pear tree will have shed its fruit by then and there will be an ample supply of nectair!
Yer friendly tour guide to tha bourbin regions of tha bluegrass state...Littlehawk!
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Tom Strange
RasCathy, when you go over there check out the "group homes". It looks like they have a big one and a small one. (Although I'm thinking there might be a need for more than one bathroom in each... 'course, there's always the outdoors!)
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Genesis 3:6b "----she took the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also to her husband with her, and he did eat.
From a little known text, it has been discovered that the word "eat" actually has the connotations of "partaking of that which has liquid properties", thus "drink" is more properly supplied here.
As a result, the word "gave" becomes suspect, and in keeping with the context, "poured" is more in keeping with the "original".
What do ya think Herbie??
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Oakspear ....... I am going to take you up on that Kazoo lesson ..
Mo ..... Your are a must go. Would love to have you travel with me. If you don't go, I may have to find something to protest ....
hmmmmm like Movies and Chinese Food
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NOt movies and Chnese food!!!
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I shall bring mass quantities of s'mores fixins as well as lots of juice and sodas and assorted edibles.
I'll be driving, so I'll fill up a couple of coolers.
As it gets closer to the date and I see what's not already planned for, I'll figure out what else to bring. Right now I'm thinking of a slicing a beef roast or two for sandwiches. (I loved that ham you brought last year, rascal.) I'm flexible.
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I think you are absolutely correctomundo there D
Now the next question is are they willing to cough up money to believe it or not?
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Genesis 3:1-7 Kentucky Text
3:1 Now Littlehawk was more durn subtle than any revenoor in the field that the LORD God has done made. And commenced sayin' unto the woman Yea hath God said Don't eat of any of them thar trees or drink of the fruit thereof
3:2 And the woman said unto Littlehawk Shoot, we can drink you under the table
3:3 But the fruit juice of the tree that sets right thar in the middle of the garden God done said, Don't drink it! Or y'all will die!
3:4 Then Littlehawk said Shoot, no!
3:5 God shore knows that in the day y'all drink of the pars then y'all's eyes will be open and ye'all shall distill spirits like unto God
3:6 And when the woman commenced to drinkin' and it popped out her eyes, and hung on to a tree as if she was Sudo, she took the mason jar thereof and done gave to her man, and he commenced to drink the par juice too
3:7 And both their eyes popped out and they knew that they were naked, so they vowed to not drink so much again.
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I only wanna come if Sudo agrees to dance again.....
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Oak --------
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I wish you could drink it in the original
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Any chance we could have a class together by say columbus day??
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Ya gots to remember, them pars are 2 years old!
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jim martin/ jimextwi
DO you think if any one would mind of I go? I would be driving to it and could find some goodies to bring!
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Jim...as benevolent dictator...I FORBID anyone minding if you come...(it IS within my powers you know) ;-)lol
Seriously....love to have you .... anyone who comes to a weinie roast ends up bringing something special and needed to the mix...
I typed a long post in answere to you all and lost it when the power went out...grrrr will repost when I have time.....
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Hey no one minded if the pagans and atheists showed up last year...the more the merrier
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Oak -- you mean folks other than pagans and atheists show up too??
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JIM Dear,
If RASCAL has offered her abode to me, one wild and crazy gal
.... Iam sure you must be allowed to come to the roast too ........
.... if you get into any trouble .. sshhhh
.... you got my cel number ....sshhh
.... we will sneak you in the back way !!!!!
.... Rascal sshhhh you will help ... right?
.... not sure I can pull Jim thru that tunnel by myself
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