Y'know I've always pictured the Snorky characters when I picture Amazing Sea Monkeys! They have that little snorkley thing on the top of their heads, which could be a retrofitted oxygen line, left from when they migrated to earth, 1000's of years ago! I think the French know more than they're letting on!!!!
A la, years ago I was in a band that used to go and set up in .... a laundromat, in Berkeley California. On Telegraph Ave, which was the "hippie" avenue in the 60's, there was a coin laundromat a few blocks down from Sproul Plaza. The back door was always open, to an alley behind it. So one night a band I was in named "Cosby" was jamming around and someone came up with this idea. We didn't have a gig that night and were messing around. So we drove over there, pulled up in the alley and just started putting our stuff up in the back, found a couple outlets, plugged everything in and started playing. We were able to fit the drums, amps and a single p.a. speaker with the system.
We did it a couple times. The place would fill with people and we'd be able to play for awhile before the police would show up and ask what the !@#$ was going on and if we had a permit, etc. We'd play for awhile longer and finally get chased out. It was fun to do, "stealth" gigs.
A la, did your hubbie check out the tune, Waddid he think? Maybe we can have a sea monkey genre! Music in the ASM genre. Then we can have departures from the genre, for diversity. And then we can come back to the ASM roots....
ps...as I post this... I am thinking to myself...I must be crazy! Anyone reading this must think I've lost my marbles! Oh, but I can't keep away. It's the darn porridge that keeps calling me!
We still need an Amazing drummer... unless you just want Congas and such... I'm doing the "hand" percussion... I quit drum lessons after about four of them (didn't like using that little pad)...
But I'm sure you have an Amazing story to share with us!
OK.. hubby listened to your song and was very delighted!
His comments were:
He loved your bass line...it was funky and driving.
Thought you were a very accomplished guitarist...and enjoyed the jazzy Gretch sound you had.
The rhythm drives with this nice guitar sitting on top of it...Well done!!
I wrote his comments down while he spoke, to make sure I got his story straight!
I understood the meaning of the work 'genre'. I was just looking for someone to help me with what the 'genre' would be for the ASM music. Still need some assistance here.
No Socks, I have never heard of the Fabulous Bumblebees. But there was the "Fabulous Thunderbirds", wasn't/isn't there?
And now, brothers and Sistahs: Who is Brother Argyle?
And, as far as an Amazing Sea Monkey musical genre, I cannot say. I do know that people really like to drink beer and be happy when they hear the blues and boogie woogie type music played. And since the Amazing Sea Monkeys seemed to have used the Rock n' Roll culture to get their message across, then maybe we should go with Rock'n Roll Boogie Woogie Blues! Of course I would say that, because that is what I am most proficient at and what I like. But after hearing Brother Socks's little musical MPG there, I know that he is way beyond my abilities in the music world. But no doubt I could learn something new fore shore!
And OLM Socks, I liked your musical clip, but I haven'e figgered out how to down load it and hear the whole thing in one cosecutive swatch of time. I only hear little chopped bits of it as it downloads.
And what do we do now that there is a band in Canadia that loves the name? Can there be two Amazing Sea Monkeys bands?
Strange brother Tom, why soitainly! PLay those congas! Congas remind me of the tropics which reminds me of the beach, which remionds me of salt water which makes me think of brine which always brings to my mind....The Amazing Sea Monkeys!! Man! this is a mind blow!
Brother Argyle is just a term of endearment I have given our wonderful Brother Socks.. get it.. socks.. argyle.. argyle socks! You could say it's his celtic side. Those Amazing Sea Monkeys love that celtic sea water you know!!!
Now, the 'band' I speak of that has adopted the name of our loving little creatures is not Canadian but...AMERICAN... Yes...sadly this is true...I hate to admit it ... but it is true. :(--> They are fine musicians tho'!
Brother Lingo,
Thank you for all your input. This has certainly helped put some focus on our adventure here. I personally am a fan of folk/celtic/celtic rock music (Brother Argyle can attest to this ... with me indoctrinating him to Great Big Sea) (whom by the way have a part of the Amazing SEAMonkeys name already in it. They are tuned in they really are!
But of course, I sway in many many many directions when it comes to musical tastes. If it's well done.. I'm there!
Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard...what planet were they from if not Mars! I suspect that Amazing Sea Monkeys! invented rock and roll to communicate the primal message of love and sharing! You know Buddy Holly knew. "Words of Love", "Everyday"...Holly knew. He was from Texas...Toms' from Texas. Put it together people! It's right there and it's amazing! It fits! Since rock and roll embraces all styles and has borrowed from all early American cultures, it makes a good platform from which to launch this reissuing of the original!
But I really dig that Celtic stuff too. There's got to be a text that will open this up. We'll find it, I know. It has to be there!
Thanks for the feedback, A la. I'm going to add another (brace yerself, I'm easily encouraged) toon here. I'm not sure why you can't load them, Brother Lingo. --> This one's shorter. You can always right click and save as, might help. Maybe it's skipping due to the Dark Monkey's mischief!!! He's been laying low of late. DANG that one, I do!!
A blues rock melange, started as a jam with the kidlets, one guitar, bass and drums and one overdubbed at the end. Got too weird at the end, so it fades. It's got vocals, but that version hasn't been finished yet. Key of C. Needs harp! Check it out -
Your music...that was a blast! Just today a friend of mine was asking me about your music because I had mentioned to them about the other piece here on this thread. They wanted to know if I had heard anymore tunes by you of late... and now here it is.. it just appeared as like by magic...I am truly Amazed!
Thank you .. you are sharing the love and loving the sharing! A true OLM you are my brother argyle.
Yes.. and I do see the connections... Buddy Holly...Tom the Strange one...it's all coming together for me now. What a cosmic voyage this is!
But.. the dark Monkey.. oh no! Not him!
but i know if we hold faithful to our
he will have no place here! Away with you bad monkey...we have no time for you!
For the past two evenings I have had the most awesome experience! I attended the Toronto Jazz Festival held every year for the past 16 yrs. in downtown Toronto beaches area. There were 40 bands playing down the street. When one band would finish, the next band across the street or beside them would start up. This would go for blocks and blocks.
There were thousands of people strolling the street (Queen Street) that was blocked off from car traffic. Thousands of people (young, old, all ages) all cultures embracing the sound of some of the most incredible musicians!
I wish I could describe some of this music I heard. So much talent! So much AmazingSeaMonkey love oozing from their souls as they played and/or sang each note!
A woman next to me looked down the street and said..."A SEA of people!" She was certainly tapped in!
The music, guitars, basses, drums, brass instruments galore...you would have all loved it my music loving friends!!!
ps. Recently I was introduced to a great singer called Eva Cassidy. Anyone heard of her? She died a few years past at the age of 33. Sad. :(--> But, the music she left behind is beautiful.
Ahh yes! We Chill Cats have been rocking Haines Alaska every Friday and Wednesday night at the old Harbor Bar! And I even get Fifty bucks each night and free beer! And soon, the South East Alaska State Fair will be in swing for a week of fun food and really good music. We'll be playing, but way better than that, there is a Cajun dude by the name of "Buckwheat Zydeco" who will be playing his version of Cajun/accordian/blues for two nights at the fair. It'll be a fun time as the fair is every year. People from all around Alaska show up for it. It's our biggest gig here in Haines. The second biggest is a bike race from the the Yukon Territory to Haines, which is a weekend deal when a whole slew of fun loving Canadians come down.
Anyhoo, I have been practicing alot and am ready to play some Amazing Sea Monkey Blues whenever we can get together.
But for the time being, I am spreading the love feeling the love and being the love to the people through the Amazing Chill Cats :)-->
Wowza!!! Buckwheat is coming to town! How cool!!! and Amazing of course!
I have a real soft spot for cajun music myself being of french descent and my mother being acadian ... can you blame me! -->
Well, Brother Jon, sounds like Haines Alaska is a happenin' place. And that's so cool (or should I say 'Amazing')that you get to do some music. And you get to spread the joy of those Amazing Sea Monkey's to all those wonderful listeners!!
I too look forward to the day that the Amazing Sea Monkeys get together and make beautiful music. All that love in one room...oh my, it will be overwhelmingly Amazing!
Now, tell us more about these 'fun loving Canadians' you speak so highly of!! ;)-->
To tell you the truth, it's the women! And you have to promise not to tell my wife (but actually she knows and gets a kick out of it), but whenever the Canadians come to town, and there is some kind of an event at one of the local clubs or at the fairgrounds or something, it seems as if a good number of young Canadian gals have had no problems at all in wanting to dance with me, and, well, flirt with me as well. And so naturally, I like that! Now, I have always remained faithful to my wife, but it certainly does an older fella like me some good (for the male ego that is), to have pretty young gals being so overly nice to me. And so, I guess that is why I call them "fun loving Canadians". But maybe they are like that because they seem to drink enormous amounts of beer and shots of all kinds. Who knows, maybe it's because they are Yukon women? Are Yukoners known to be big drinkers?
You've made my day!!! I can just picture you with those girls dancing and having a hoot of a time! You attract those 'canadia' girls cause you're so fun loving and probably like to dance and enjoy music! Who wouldn't want to dance with you! I surely would!!!! But then again, I am a 'canadia' minkee girl!
OH YES! I've heard of Zydeco and I've listened to him many a time as well! I get the feeling that he's sorta' the grandad of Cajun music.
Well, at the end of the movie, he of course gets the girl and she ends up at his family's house where they are having a party and dance outside. There is this band playing 'cajun' music (could very well be Zydeco for all I know, I've never checked it out). Well, I watched the movie a couple of times before I realized they were singing in french (and I'm french!). That accent is pretty heavy to say the least!
But, the heart of that music drew something out of me... way way down deep I think, in my DNA I'm convinced! Just like the Amazing Sea Monkeys do!!
You keep dancing and doing your Amazing music and those girls will not be able to resist you!
I would love to dance with you too. Did we ever dance at The Big E? Well, I have always enjoyed all of that. Mrs. Lingo doesn't enjoy it as I do, and so, it's fine with her if I dance with the girls...
I think that when the gals from Canadia come down to Haines, it is almost always a sort of "getaway" mini vacation for them, and being fun loving Canadians, they always make the most of it while here. For the people of Whitehorse, Haines is a favorite getaway place for them to come to. It's only four and a half hours away by car, and we have, among other things, two rivers which are always chock full of salmon during the correct times. And so, for instance, there are a lot of folks from Whitehorse and Haines Junction Yukon who are here fishing right now for the delectable Sockeye Salmon...
In the fall, especially during your Canadian Thanksgiving weekend, we have a whole bunch of folks here from the Yukon fishing for Coho or Silver Salmon (same fish). They really love it here.
The other night at the Fog Cutter Bar and Grill, there were two Canadian guys who love to sit at a table and tie salmon flies while they drink pitcher after pitcher of beer. They come here every year and do that. Their table is always cluttered with pheasant feathers and such, as they tie flies and talk of the fishing. I always make sure to sit with them a bit and catch up on the news on the River. Funny thing though, there is a new "fly tier" from Canada, whom I recognized as the little dude at the Border Crossing who always gives me a really hard time when I come through. He really does not like us Yanks, and he makes sure to run me through the traces every single damned time, and is always very rude to me. So, as I sat and talked with him and the other two Canadian dudes, I finally asked him if his name was "Ian". He looked a little startled and said; "Well yes". Then I told him that I knew him from the Beaver Creek border crossing. Then he asked; "Has our communication at the the border crossing been "good? Or bad?"
Then I said; "Well, let's just say that you always grill me to the enth degree and made me wait for three hours while checking me out once". And he was very sheepish about it all and then he apologized to me for being an a$$hole. You see my little Minckee (or whatever that new handle is), I had already been very nice to him for about forty five minutes before I asked him if he was "Ian". And so, it all worked out, and "The Love" prevailed...
Myself, well, I went out with a friend in a skiff on the salt water and used our subsistance net, and we caught 30 bright Sockeyes! And so, I smoked them up and we are now set for the winter on smoked salmon...
And so, if you ever want a great time in a little Alaskan village, come on over!
Jonny Lingo
And oh yeah, we be lookin' fwd to the music of Buckwheat Zydeco!
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Y'know I've always pictured the Snorky characters when I picture Amazing Sea Monkeys! They have that little snorkley thing on the top of their heads, which could be a retrofitted oxygen line, left from when they migrated to earth, 1000's of years ago! I think the French know more than they're letting on!!!!
Oui! The French know. You KNOW they know.
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A la, years ago I was in a band that used to go and set up in .... a laundromat, in Berkeley California. On Telegraph Ave, which was the "hippie" avenue in the 60's, there was a coin laundromat a few blocks down from Sproul Plaza. The back door was always open, to an alley behind it. So one night a band I was in named "Cosby" was jamming around and someone came up with this idea. We didn't have a gig that night and were messing around. So we drove over there, pulled up in the alley and just started putting our stuff up in the back, found a couple outlets, plugged everything in and started playing. We were able to fit the drums, amps and a single p.a. speaker with the system.
We did it a couple times. The place would fill with people and we'd be able to play for awhile before the police would show up and ask what the !@#$ was going on and if we had a permit, etc. We'd play for awhile longer and finally get chased out. It was fun to do, "stealth" gigs.
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A la prochaine
Bluze Brother,
Wow.. me a manager ..
I don't know what to say? I'm speechless...(buit trust me.. that won't last for long!)
I've always dreamed of being a part of a musical happening. And I guess this is it!!! Amazing!
We need to work on a repetoire. Ohhh this is going to be so much fun!!! Porridge, I feel porridge!
Stealth gigs...Brother Argyle, you never cease to Amaze me! So many stories.. so little time.
I'm being the love
I'm living love
I'm feeling love
and a good friend of mine told me today I should add..
I'm sharing the love...
What do you think???
The French... dose frenchman...dey know...dey know and dey wont tell!! Sacré Bleu!!!
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Tom of the Strangeshire may have a thought...
To share is to live and to live is to share!
A la, did your hubbie check out the tune, Waddid he think? Maybe we can have a sea monkey genre! Music in the ASM genre. Then we can have departures from the genre, for diversity. And then we can come back to the ASM roots....
It'll be swell!!!!
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A la prochaine
Brother Argyle,
No hubby hasn't listened to it yet.. but I will tie him to the computer and MAKE him listen .. dam it!!!
Your diversité idea is a swell
;)--> one Brother Argyle. Now you are certainly the genius behind this whole thing...help me out. What exactly is the sea monkey genre (SMG for short) of music?
I need a little input from all you Amazing Sea Monkey Musicians (ASMM) Help me understand what exactly you have in mind for the true ASM roots sound?
Yes OLM Argyle, your explanation about living is sharing and sharing is living has told me that we must verily add sharing to our mantra.
If you have any questions regarding ASMM or SMG please contact:
La gérante of the Amazing Sea Monkeys
Ala minkee
ps...as I post this... I am thinking to myself...I must be crazy! Anyone reading this must think I've lost my marbles! Oh, but I can't keep away. It's the darn porridge that keeps calling me!
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Tom Strange
We still need an Amazing drummer... unless you just want Congas and such... I'm doing the "hand" percussion... I quit drum lessons after about four of them (didn't like using that little pad)...
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Genre: A category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, marked by a distinctive style, form, or content.
A sound, sort of. An identifiable sound.
The sound of amazement??!!
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Now that I think about it, anyone remember The Fabulous Bumblebees ?
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A la prochaine
Don't remember them Socks?? Sorry.
But I'm sure you have an Amazing story to share with us!
OK.. hubby listened to your song and was very delighted!
His comments were:
I wrote his comments down while he spoke, to make sure I got his story straight!
I understood the meaning of the work 'genre'. I was just looking for someone to help me with what the 'genre' would be for the ASM music. Still need some assistance here.
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J0nny Ling0
No Socks, I have never heard of the Fabulous Bumblebees. But there was the "Fabulous Thunderbirds", wasn't/isn't there?
And now, brothers and Sistahs: Who is Brother Argyle?
And, as far as an Amazing Sea Monkey musical genre, I cannot say. I do know that people really like to drink beer and be happy when they hear the blues and boogie woogie type music played. And since the Amazing Sea Monkeys seemed to have used the Rock n' Roll culture to get their message across, then maybe we should go with Rock'n Roll Boogie Woogie Blues! Of course I would say that, because that is what I am most proficient at and what I like. But after hearing Brother Socks's little musical MPG there, I know that he is way beyond my abilities in the music world. But no doubt I could learn something new fore shore!
And OLM Socks, I liked your musical clip, but I haven'e figgered out how to down load it and hear the whole thing in one cosecutive swatch of time. I only hear little chopped bits of it as it downloads.
And what do we do now that there is a band in Canadia that loves the name? Can there be two Amazing Sea Monkeys bands?
Strange brother Tom, why soitainly! PLay those congas! Congas remind me of the tropics which reminds me of the beach, which remionds me of salt water which makes me think of brine which always brings to my mind....The Amazing Sea Monkeys!! Man! this is a mind blow!
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A la prochaine
Brother Lingo,
Brother Argyle is just a term of endearment I have given our wonderful Brother Socks.. get it.. socks.. argyle.. argyle socks! You could say it's his celtic side. Those Amazing Sea Monkeys love that celtic sea water you know!!!
Now, the 'band' I speak of that has adopted the name of our loving little creatures is not Canadian but...AMERICAN...
Yes...sadly this is true...I hate to admit it ... but it is true.
:(--> They are fine musicians tho'!
Brother Lingo,
Thank you for all your input. This has certainly helped put some focus on our adventure here. I personally am a fan of folk/celtic/celtic rock music (Brother Argyle can attest to this ... with me indoctrinating him to Great Big Sea) (whom by the way have a part of the Amazing SEAMonkeys name already in it. They are tuned in they really are!
But of course, I sway in many many many directions when it comes to musical tastes. If it's well done.. I'm there!
Living and now..
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Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard...what planet were they from if not Mars! I suspect that Amazing Sea Monkeys! invented rock and roll to communicate the primal message of love and sharing! You know Buddy Holly knew. "Words of Love", "Everyday"...Holly knew. He was from Texas...Toms' from Texas. Put it together people! It's right there and it's amazing! It fits! Since rock and roll embraces all styles and has borrowed from all early American cultures, it makes a good platform from which to launch this reissuing of the original!
But I really dig that Celtic stuff too. There's got to be a text that will open this up. We'll find it, I know. It has to be there!
Thanks for the feedback, A la. I'm going to add another (brace yerself, I'm easily encouraged) toon here. I'm not sure why you can't load them, Brother Lingo.
--> This one's shorter. You can always right click and save as, might help. Maybe it's skipping due to the Dark Monkey's mischief!!! He's been laying low of late. DANG that one, I do!!
A blues rock melange, started as a jam with the kidlets, one guitar, bass and drums and one overdubbed at the end. Got too weird at the end, so it fades. It's got vocals, but that version hasn't been finished yet. Key of C. Needs harp! Check it out -
You're Comin' Home With Me
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A la prochaine
Your music...that was a blast! Just today a friend of mine was asking me about your music because I had mentioned to them about the other piece here on this thread. They wanted to know if I had heard anymore tunes by you of late... and now here it is.. it just appeared as like by magic...I am truly Amazed!
Thank you .. you are sharing the love and loving the sharing! A true OLM you are my brother argyle.
Yes.. and I do see the connections... Buddy Holly...Tom the Strange one...it's all coming together for me now. What a cosmic voyage this is!
But.. the dark Monkey.. oh no!
Not him!
but i know if we hold faithful to our
he will have no place here! Away with you bad monkey...we have no time for you!
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J0nny Ling0
Away Dark Monkey! Away!
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A la prochaine
The Dark Monkey seems so lost
He lost his way many many many moons ago and has never found his way back home.
Is there hope for this monkey of darkness?
Is it possible to win the dark monkey over with the love of our AmazingSeaMonkeys?
Could Brother Argyle's music perhaps calm the beast? Or perhaps the sounds of our AmazingSeaMonkey's band???
So many questions.. so little time.
:(--> Sigh.
Living and now
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A la prochaine
Dearest AmazingSeaMonkey Brethren,
For the past two evenings I have had the most awesome experience! I attended the Toronto Jazz Festival held every year for the past 16 yrs. in downtown Toronto beaches area. There were 40 bands playing down the street. When one band would finish, the next band across the street or beside them would start up. This would go for blocks and blocks.
There were thousands of people strolling the street (Queen Street) that was blocked off from car traffic. Thousands of people (young, old, all ages) all cultures embracing the sound of some of the most incredible musicians!
I wish I could describe some of this music I heard. So much talent! So much AmazingSeaMonkey love oozing from their souls as they played and/or sang each note!
A woman next to me looked down the street and said..."A SEA of people!" She was certainly tapped in!
The music, guitars, basses, drums, brass instruments galore...you would have all loved it my music loving friends!!!
ps. Recently I was introduced to a great singer called Eva Cassidy. Anyone heard of her? She died a few years past at the age of 33. Sad.
:(--> But, the music she left behind is beautiful.
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A la prochaine
What happened to our band members?
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Tom Strange
which band members alaminkee?
I think everyone is still around...although I think OLM Lingo is playing a gig with his ColdCats band...
see it!
feel it!
be it!
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A la prochaine
Our AmazingSeaMonkey's band Brother Tom.
Did you forget? You're supposed to be practicing the drums aren't you?
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J0nny Ling0
Ahh yes! We Chill Cats have been rocking Haines Alaska every Friday and Wednesday night at the old Harbor Bar! And I even get Fifty bucks each night and free beer! And soon, the South East Alaska State Fair will be in swing for a week of fun food and really good music. We'll be playing, but way better than that, there is a Cajun dude by the name of "Buckwheat Zydeco" who will be playing his version of Cajun/accordian/blues for two nights at the fair. It'll be a fun time as the fair is every year. People from all around Alaska show up for it. It's our biggest gig here in Haines. The second biggest is a bike race from the the Yukon Territory to Haines, which is a weekend deal when a whole slew of fun loving Canadians come down.
Anyhoo, I have been practicing alot and am ready to play some Amazing Sea Monkey Blues whenever we can get together.
But for the time being, I am spreading the love feeling the love and being the love to the people through the Amazing Chill Cats
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A la prochaine
Buckwheat is coming to town! How cool!!!
and Amazing of course!
I have a real soft spot for cajun music myself being of french descent and my mother being acadian ... can you blame me!
Well, Brother Jon, sounds like Haines Alaska is a happenin' place. And that's so cool (or should I say 'Amazing')that you get to do some music. And you get to spread the joy of those Amazing Sea Monkey's to all those wonderful listeners!!
I too look forward to the day that the Amazing Sea Monkeys get together and make beautiful music. All that love in one room...oh my, it will be overwhelmingly Amazing!
Now, tell us more about these 'fun loving Canadians' you speak so highly of!!
Living and now
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J0nny Ling0
Well, A la,
To tell you the truth, it's the women! And you have to promise not to tell my wife (but actually she knows and gets a kick out of it), but whenever the Canadians come to town, and there is some kind of an event at one of the local clubs or at the fairgrounds or something, it seems as if a good number of young Canadian gals have had no problems at all in wanting to dance with me, and, well, flirt with me as well. And so naturally, I like that! Now, I have always remained faithful to my wife, but it certainly does an older fella like me some good (for the male ego that is), to have pretty young gals being so overly nice to me. And so, I guess that is why I call them "fun loving Canadians". But maybe they are like that because they seem to drink enormous amounts of beer and shots of all kinds. Who knows, maybe it's because they are Yukon women? Are Yukoners known to be big drinkers?
And, you have heard of Buckwheat Zydeco?
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A la prochaine
You've made my day!!! I can just picture you with those girls dancing and having a hoot of a time! You attract those 'canadia' girls cause you're so fun loving and probably like to dance and enjoy music! Who wouldn't want to dance with you! I surely would!!!! But then again, I am a 'canadia' minkee girl!
OH YES! I've heard of Zydeco and I've listened to him many a time as well! I get the feeling that he's sorta' the grandad of Cajun music.
The first time I ever heard cajun music was when I watched a movie called 'The Big Easy' with Dennis Quaid. It took place in New Orleans and the whole movie dealt with Dennis (named Rémi) in the movie and these crooked cops.
Well, at the end of the movie, he of course gets the girl and she ends up at his family's house where they are having a party and dance outside. There is this band playing 'cajun' music (could very well be Zydeco for all I know, I've never checked it out). Well, I watched the movie a couple of times before I realized they were singing in french
(and I'm french!). That accent is pretty heavy to say the least!
But, the heart of that music drew something out of me... way way down deep I think, in my DNA I'm convinced! Just like the Amazing Sea Monkeys do!!
You keep dancing and doing your Amazing music and those girls will not be able to resist you!
and now
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J0nny Ling0
Well A la,
I would love to dance with you too. Did we ever dance at The Big E? Well, I have always enjoyed all of that. Mrs. Lingo doesn't enjoy it as I do, and so, it's fine with her if I dance with the girls...
I think that when the gals from Canadia come down to Haines, it is almost always a sort of "getaway" mini vacation for them, and being fun loving Canadians, they always make the most of it while here. For the people of Whitehorse, Haines is a favorite getaway place for them to come to. It's only four and a half hours away by car, and we have, among other things, two rivers which are always chock full of salmon during the correct times. And so, for instance, there are a lot of folks from Whitehorse and Haines Junction Yukon who are here fishing right now for the delectable Sockeye Salmon...
In the fall, especially during your Canadian Thanksgiving weekend, we have a whole bunch of folks here from the Yukon fishing for Coho or Silver Salmon (same fish). They really love it here.
The other night at the Fog Cutter Bar and Grill, there were two Canadian guys who love to sit at a table and tie salmon flies while they drink pitcher after pitcher of beer. They come here every year and do that. Their table is always cluttered with pheasant feathers and such, as they tie flies and talk of the fishing. I always make sure to sit with them a bit and catch up on the news on the River. Funny thing though, there is a new "fly tier" from Canada, whom I recognized as the little dude at the Border Crossing who always gives me a really hard time when I come through. He really does not like us Yanks, and he makes sure to run me through the traces every single damned time, and is always very rude to me. So, as I sat and talked with him and the other two Canadian dudes, I finally asked him if his name was "Ian". He looked a little startled and said; "Well yes". Then I told him that I knew him from the Beaver Creek border crossing. Then he asked; "Has our communication at the the border crossing been "good? Or bad?"
Then I said; "Well, let's just say that you always grill me to the enth degree and made me wait for three hours while checking me out once". And he was very sheepish about it all and then he apologized to me for being an a$$hole. You see my little Minckee (or whatever that new handle is), I had already been very nice to him for about forty five minutes before I asked him if he was "Ian". And so, it all worked out, and "The Love" prevailed...
Myself, well, I went out with a friend in a skiff on the salt water and used our subsistance net, and we caught 30 bright Sockeyes! And so, I smoked them up and we are now set for the winter on smoked salmon...
And so, if you ever want a great time in a little Alaskan village, come on over!
Jonny Lingo
And oh yeah, we be lookin' fwd to the music of Buckwheat Zydeco!
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