I have found some of our long lost relatives! Yes, they are living and abiding in Amazing Sea Monkey Love at the Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies!
Yes, they are there on display in the gift shop just waiting to be given loving guidance from fellow OLM's...
Maybe we can take some green cards to them when we're all together for the weenie roast!! Who knows maybe we could even run a class!!! Wouldn't that be such a blessing to their little Sea Monkey hearts????
Freakster! you've seen some more of our brothers and sisters in the Amazing Sea Monkeys! Wonderful! I think it would be a wonderful idea to invite them to the weenie roast! If I come, I'm sure bringing some with me! There's few things the Amazing Sea Monkeys love more than a good camping trip!
Ah! the fellowship will be sweet! I'm sure you were as blessed to see them as they were to see you!
So... they were in the gift shop? Did they say where they were going? Did they seem like they were just passing through on their way somewhere? A lot of us have noticed them lately, and it appears as if they're headed for some kind of gathering...
keep us posted! I can't wait to hear the stories that our brother OLM, Socks, comes back to share!
We live in exciting Amazing Sea Monkeys times! Life is so good!
Here I sit in the Alaska Sojourn Hostel, sipping a piping hot Espresso, and looking fwd to a long day of hanging sheetrock. The Dark Monkey and his minions came to naught ast they chased my partner and I up the Chilkoot Trail the other night. They were almost upon us, and just when we thought we were going to go under, a band of Amazing Sea Monkey Warriors parachuted in and took them out in an incredible hand to hand battle! It was amazing! There is absolutely nothing these Amazing Sea Monkeys cannot do!
So then we slid back down the trail and went into town where there was a big dance at the Eagles Club Dance Hall where there was wall to wall Canadian girls and a good rock and roll band. We partied the night away and shared Monkey Love as we danced all night with all of those lovely Canadian girls. And we drank beer too. With our wives permission of course...Amazing Sea MonkeysAmazing Sea Monkeys
Yes my lovely Canadian Sistah! A whole flock of 'em came down from the Yukon to be a part of the annual "Buckwheat Ski Classic" held every year here in Skagway. And with my wife's permission of course, I got to dance wif 'em and drink beer too! Sadly, Mrs. Lingo was unable to attend because she was back in Haines, a mere 18 miles away by sea, but since there is no road to here, and very irregular ferry service, she couldn't make it...
But as you may have noticed, the love of the Amazing Sea Monkeys was with me and my sheetrocking partner...
I ran into an OLM in the chat room this evening and he directed me to a thread here on GS where he had posted a picture of a plastic Jesus Statuette (one of those ones that you can put on your dash board).
Paul Newman ... I just figured it out.. he too is an OLM! How do I know you ask?
'Cause I remember him singing and playing a banjo in the movie...Cool Hand Luke.
He sat on his bunk and sang...
"I don't care if it rains or freezes
s'long as I got my plastic Jesus,
sittin' here on the dash board of my car
Candies dandy but liquor's quicker, ..."
That's all I remember. But I know he must be one. He must!
Do the AmazingSeaMonkeys have plastic Jesus'?
enquiring minds want and need to know .. in the parallel sense of the words of course. :P-->
Well it doesn't get much better than that does it! ;)-->
Sounds like it was quite a night! And all smothered in the love of the Amazing Sea Monkeys!!
Sheeshhh ... the dark monkey never had a chance with you did he Brotherlingo? You are a shining example of what this whole 'Living the love, feeling the love and knowing the love' is all about!'
I'm so proud of you up there in Alaska with your sheetrock! Rock On!
Why thank you my lovely Canadian Sistah A la prochaine. And rocking on we are! We've hung 230 12 footers in 5 days with about 45 more to go before we get to go back home to our wimmen...
"I love the smell of gypsum in the morning...It smells like...victory!"
(That line-well most of it-was from the movie Apocalypse Now) ;)-->
OLM Socks... have you returned from your sojourn to Death Valley yet? Please share with us the wonders and signs that you saw along the way! The Amazing Sea Monkeys who live with sister Bramble are alive and well! Maybe they know the ones who live with sister niKa?
Bramble, have you noticed whether or not your little tribe of Amazing Sea Monkeys has small blue wristbands on?
Soon the Amazing Sea Monkeys that live up in Canadia will start thawing out and be ready to spread their love!
Ahhh Springtime in the land and love of the Amazing Sea Monkeys!
Hello. I made it back from Skagway safe and sound. Thank you Sister OLM A la prochaine for keeping me in your prayers. I could feel the power coming down from Canadia!
Hey. Ala Prochaine is an OLM in my book, no matter what classes she has taken. I could feel the love man, I could feel it! And thank you Socks for sending that Special Operation Force of Amazing Sea Monkeys to my rescue!
My Amazing Sea Monkeys not on Mars but from Wal Mart, have almost doubled in size. I can't see if they have wrist bands yet, they move too fast.
Ala, the sleepover was a success, not much sleep had by all, including me. The cucumbers apparantly did their beautifying jobs, and the skinny braids gave every one that frizzed out look.
You are truly an OLM fer shure....I am definitely happy to know that you are there praying in "monkey tongues" for me as I continue to move about the Continent in search of financial well being and Truth....
A la, the blue wristbands are showing up everywhere on the wrists of dancing SEa Monkeys! as they move out! It's amazing!
A few weeks ago boxes of them were found on U.S. 101 in northern california by the Highway Patrol where they'd apparently dropped off the back of a truck. Little tiny wristbands with "MOW" embossed on them.
I tried to track them down and was led to a storage facility in Ukiah, CA. After numerous phone calls and dozens of forms I was allowed access to the storage yard and directed to bin #78 and given the key.
When I opened the door I found...3 boxes of "Snappy Tom" martini mix and nothing else. --> Supposedly the bin hadn't been opened since the wristbands had been dropped off there. HA!
I suspect mischief afoot!!! The emissaries of the Dark Monkey! had beaten me to it! I'm sure of it. DAMM! that Dark Monkey!!! Who knows what evil uses he'll put them to??? Counterfeit MOW'S??!! Be on the alert people! Be aware. Be very aware....!
Tom, I've been making progress. I recently found an old Life magazine from 1958 with an interesting piece covering bring shrimp experiments being done in the Mojave Desert by a Dr. Filia in which he was pursuing a technology he called "Aqua-lution". His premise was that evolutionary processes could be sped up and observed by using species such as brine shrimp. Since brine shrimp regenerate so quickly he felt that his experiments would show results quickly using them. It was dealt with as a humorous piece, like "more whacky stuff from California".
After doing more research on this Dr. Filia I discovered a great deal of his work up to 1961, at which point it completely stopped. No mention of him, his work, or any of his experiments seems to exist after May of 61. Except for one.
Using the Freedom of Information act, I secured documents from several U.S. agencies, including an FBI file from 1963 which contains only one document, an internal memo titled "Filia Status/Project Mars Monkey - Area 51 - TOP SECRET". All of the text is blacked out but I could almost read the last few lines. Using some Photo Shop techniques I enhanced the page text and it seems to read as follows (I've inserted my best guesses in some spots):
"[subjects] will not finish...[fiber optic]...? technology matrix. Experi[ment] can't continue without finished flowcharts. [silica] fusion completed, all [other processes are] at a standstill. Filia not responding to [chemical] stimuli.[Communication] at a standstill. Hanger 3 outer wall breached at 01400 hours. Containers 12, 13, [14] displaced and empty. Recommend complete and immediate removal of all equipment and files. Requesting Unit 9 [on site] for disposition..[?]."
My sense of urgency rose as I headed down the lonely corridor of I-95 today, deep in thought. Fiber optic technology didn't reach a practical level of use until 1970...and wasn't used by the U.S. government till what, 1975?
What's out there that the government was so afraid of that they had to secure and cover it up and hide it all these years????
So much information ... this little brain is finding it difficult to digest all of it. -->
OK, aaahhhuuummm... let me see.
The first thing that stood out was the
1) Snappy Tom Martini Mix
Could this have something to do with our Amazingmonkeybrother BrotherTomStrange? I can't believe it would or could. I'm feeling the love, being the love and living the love and everything inside me is saying "NO"!!!!
2) What is the government hiding?
Now that's a tough one. I'm no good at conspiracy theories, tho' I was involved in an outfit where the leader was always going on about this conspiracy or other.
Socks, did the word 'malpack' show up in any of those documents you were privy too?
I'm keeping my spy glasses on and of course, I'm feeling the love, being the love and seeing the love.
Those AmazingSeaMonkeys are with me as I type!
Dam, the wrist bands are missing!
What shall we do?
Now, I thought that real MOW's wore RED wristbands and not BLUE? Perhaps this would be a way of distinguishing the genuine MOW's from the counterfeit ones? It could be all in the colour!!!
I'm SIM for this whole thing to be revealed unto us!!!!
"Snappy Tom" martini mix....it HAS to be the DARK MONKEY'S evil minions at work! Taunting OLM's! As we be the love, feel the love and live the love we will prevail however against these very hounds of hell!!!!
Or something.
Malpacks...oddly enough, yes....yes!! I didn't realize it at the time! MALPacks!
Monkey Abundant Life - Packs! Tiny packs, filled with goodness!
We have to be alert. No doubt The Dark Monkey's SCUM's....(Sea Counterfeit Unamazing Monkeys)will be masquerading with their arm bands of love, bringing mischief instead!
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Brutha and Sista Sea Monkeys...
I have found some of our long lost relatives! Yes, they are living and abiding in Amazing Sea Monkey Love at the Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies!
Yes, they are there on display in the gift shop just waiting to be given loving guidance from fellow OLM's...
Maybe we can take some green cards to them when we're all together for the weenie roast!! Who knows
maybe we could even run a class!!! Wouldn't that be such a blessing to their little Sea Monkey hearts????
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Tom Strange
Freakster! you've seen some more of our brothers and sisters in the Amazing Sea Monkeys! Wonderful! I think it would be a wonderful idea to invite them to the weenie roast! If I come, I'm sure bringing some with me! There's few things the Amazing Sea Monkeys love more than a good camping trip!
Ah! the fellowship will be sweet! I'm sure you were as blessed to see them as they were to see you!
So... they were in the gift shop? Did they say where they were going? Did they seem like they were just passing through on their way somewhere? A lot of us have noticed them lately, and it appears as if they're headed for some kind of gathering...
keep us posted! I can't wait to hear the stories that our brother OLM, Socks, comes back to share!
We live in exciting Amazing Sea Monkeys times! Life is so good!
feel the love,
be the love,
live the love... of the Amazing Sea Monkeys!
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J0nny Ling0
Here I sit in the Alaska Sojourn Hostel, sipping a piping hot Espresso, and looking fwd to a long day of hanging sheetrock. The Dark Monkey and his minions came to naught ast they chased my partner and I up the Chilkoot Trail the other night. They were almost upon us, and just when we thought we were going to go under, a band of Amazing Sea Monkey Warriors parachuted in and took them out in an incredible hand to hand battle! It was amazing! There is absolutely nothing these Amazing Sea Monkeys cannot do!
So then we slid back down the trail and went into town where there was a big dance at the Eagles Club Dance Hall where there was wall to wall Canadian girls and a good rock and roll band. We partied the night away and shared Monkey Love as we danced all night with all of those lovely Canadian girls. And we drank beer too. With our wives permission of course...Amazing Sea MonkeysAmazing Sea Monkeys
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A la prochaine
Did someone say 'Lovely Canadian Girls'?
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J0nny Ling0
Yes my lovely Canadian Sistah! A whole flock of 'em came down from the Yukon to be a part of the annual "Buckwheat Ski Classic" held every year here in Skagway. And with my wife's permission of course, I got to dance wif 'em and drink beer too! Sadly, Mrs. Lingo was unable to attend because she was back in Haines, a mere 18 miles away by sea, but since there is no road to here, and very irregular ferry service, she couldn't make it...
But as you may have noticed, the love of the Amazing Sea Monkeys was with me and my sheetrocking partner...
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A la prochaine
Hello my AmazingMonkeyBrethren
I ran into an OLM in the chat room this evening and he directed me to a thread here on GS where he had posted a picture of a plastic Jesus Statuette (one of those ones that you can put on your dash board).
Paul Newman ... I just figured it out.. he too is an OLM!
How do I know you ask?
'Cause I remember him singing and playing a banjo in the movie...Cool Hand Luke.
He sat on his bunk and sang...
"I don't care if it rains or freezes
s'long as I got my plastic Jesus,
sittin' here on the dash board of my car
Candies dandy but liquor's quicker, ..."
That's all I remember. But I know he must be one. He must!
Do the AmazingSeaMonkeys have plastic Jesus'?
enquiring minds want and need to know .. in the parallel sense of the words of course.
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A la prochaine
Amazing Brotherlingo
Dancing and drinking with Canadian woman!!
Well it doesn't get much better than that does it!
Sounds like it was quite a night! And all smothered in the love of the Amazing Sea Monkeys!!
Sheeshhh ... the dark monkey never had a chance with you did he Brotherlingo? You are a shining example of what this whole 'Living the love, feeling the love and knowing the love' is all about!'
I'm so proud of you up there in Alaska with your sheetrock! Rock On!

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J0nny Ling0
Why thank you my lovely Canadian Sistah A la prochaine. And rocking on we are! We've hung 230 12 footers in 5 days with about 45 more to go before we get to go back home to our wimmen...
"I love the smell of gypsum in the morning...It smells like...victory!"
(That line-well most of it-was from the movie Apocalypse Now)
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A la prochaine
Is the line 'Napalm' in the morning?
Glad you are enjoying your sheetrockin' days.
You should write a song Brotherlingo...a hymn perhaps about your sheetrockin' time?
It could be filled with references to Monkeys and living, feeling and being the love.
A certain calm has just come over me thinking of it.
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A la prochaine
Please forgive me BrotherSocks
I did not see this in your post last I read it. So glad you are enjoying the AmazingMonkeyTunes(AMT)
'May The Monkey Be Unbroken' ... that's my theme song for this thread!
I feel the love
I live the love
I be the love
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My Amazing Wal Mart sea Monkeys($3.98) are this long>
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A la prochaine
Welcome to the home of AmazingSeaMonkeyLove!!!
So nice to have you with us...
Feel the love,
Be the love,
Live the love.
Was wonderful sharing SeaMonkey stories with you last night in chat.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Sarah ... another one who hails from Canadia...(That was for BrotherStrange).
How was the sleepover??? Cucumbers and all.
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Tom Strange
OLM Socks... have you returned from your sojourn to Death Valley yet? Please share with us the wonders and signs that you saw along the way! The Amazing Sea Monkeys who live with sister Bramble are alive and well! Maybe they know the ones who live with sister niKa?
Bramble, have you noticed whether or not your little tribe of Amazing Sea Monkeys has small blue wristbands on?
Soon the Amazing Sea Monkeys that live up in Canadia will start thawing out and be ready to spread their love!
Ahhh Springtime in the land and love of the Amazing Sea Monkeys!
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J0nny Ling0
Hello. I made it back from Skagway safe and sound. Thank you Sister OLM A la prochaine for keeping me in your prayers. I could feel the power coming down from Canadia!
Hey. Ala Prochaine is an OLM in my book, no matter what classes she has taken. I could feel the love man, I could feel it! And thank you Socks for sending that Special Operation Force of Amazing Sea Monkeys to my rescue!
Jonny Lingo...
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My Amazing Sea Monkeys not on Mars but from Wal Mart, have almost doubled in size. I can't see if they have wrist bands yet, they move too fast.
Ala, the sleepover was a success, not much sleep had by all, including me. The cucumbers apparantly did their beautifying jobs, and the skinny braids gave every one that frizzed out look.
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A la prochaine
You gotta love those makeovers!
You must be an incredible AMAZINGMONKEYKEEPER... they feel the love you give Bramble and are prospering right before your eyes!
Wrist bands.. oh my god.. Mr.Strange.. where do the thoughts come from?
Brother Lingo,
Thank you for including me in your ranks of OLM.
I'm honoured!
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J0nny Ling0
Ahhh yes, Ala P,
You are truly an OLM fer shure....I am definitely happy to know that you are there praying in "monkey tongues" for me as I continue to move about the Continent in search of financial well being and Truth....
Jonny Lingo
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A la, the blue wristbands are showing up everywhere on the wrists of dancing SEa Monkeys! as they move out! It's amazing!
A few weeks ago boxes of them were found on U.S. 101 in northern california by the Highway Patrol where they'd apparently dropped off the back of a truck. Little tiny wristbands with "MOW" embossed on them.
I tried to track them down and was led to a storage facility in Ukiah, CA. After numerous phone calls and dozens of forms I was allowed access to the storage yard and directed to bin #78 and given the key.
When I opened the door I found...3 boxes of "Snappy Tom" martini mix and nothing else.
Supposedly the bin hadn't been opened since the wristbands had been dropped off there. HA!
I suspect mischief afoot!!! The emissaries of the Dark Monkey! had beaten me to it! I'm sure of it. DAMM! that Dark Monkey!!! Who knows what evil uses he'll put them to??? Counterfeit MOW'S??!! Be on the alert people! Be aware. Be very aware....!
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Tom, I've been making progress. I recently found an old Life magazine from 1958 with an interesting piece covering bring shrimp experiments being done in the Mojave Desert by a Dr. Filia in which he was pursuing a technology he called "Aqua-lution". His premise was that evolutionary processes could be sped up and observed by using species such as brine shrimp. Since brine shrimp regenerate so quickly he felt that his experiments would show results quickly using them. It was dealt with as a humorous piece, like "more whacky stuff from California".
After doing more research on this Dr. Filia I discovered a great deal of his work up to 1961, at which point it completely stopped. No mention of him, his work, or any of his experiments seems to exist after May of 61. Except for one.
Using the Freedom of Information act, I secured documents from several U.S. agencies, including an FBI file from 1963 which contains only one document, an internal memo titled "Filia Status/Project Mars Monkey - Area 51 - TOP SECRET". All of the text is blacked out but I could almost read the last few lines. Using some Photo Shop techniques I enhanced the page text and it seems to read as follows (I've inserted my best guesses in some spots):
"[subjects] will not finish...[fiber optic]...? technology matrix. Experi[ment] can't continue without finished flowcharts. [silica] fusion completed, all [other processes are] at a standstill. Filia not responding to [chemical] stimuli.[Communication] at a standstill. Hanger 3 outer wall breached at 01400 hours. Containers 12, 13, [14] displaced and empty. Recommend complete and immediate removal of all equipment and files. Requesting Unit 9 [on site] for disposition..[?]."
What's out there that the government was so afraid of that they had to secure and cover it up and hide it all these years????
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A la prochaine
So much information ... this little brain is finding it difficult to digest all of it.
OK, aaahhhuuummm... let me see.
The first thing that stood out was the
1) Snappy Tom Martini Mix
Could this have something to do with our Amazingmonkeybrother BrotherTomStrange? I can't believe it would or could.
I'm feeling the love, being the love and living the love and everything inside me is saying "NO"!!!!
2) What is the government hiding?
Now that's a tough one. I'm no good at conspiracy theories, tho' I was involved in an outfit where the leader was always going on about this conspiracy or other.
Socks, did the word 'malpack' show up in any of those documents you were privy too?
I'm keeping my spy glasses on
and of course, I'm feeling the love, being the love and seeing the love.
Those AmazingSeaMonkeys are with me as I type!
Dam, the wrist bands are missing!
What shall we do?
Now, I thought that real MOW's wore RED wristbands and not BLUE? Perhaps this would be a way of distinguishing the genuine MOW's from the counterfeit ones? It could be all in the colour!!!
I'm SIM for this whole thing to be revealed unto us!!!!
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Ohmygosh, I just realized - right here in our midst, the OLM of all OLM's - Rafael OLMeda!
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A La, I suspect the very same!
"Snappy Tom" martini mix....it HAS to be the DARK MONKEY'S evil minions at work! Taunting OLM's! As we be the love, feel the love and live the love we will prevail however against these very hounds of hell!!!!
Or something.
Malpacks...oddly enough, yes....yes!! I didn't realize it at the time! MALPacks!
Monkey Abundant Life - Packs! Tiny packs, filled with goodness!
We have to be alert. No doubt The Dark Monkey's SCUM's....(Sea Counterfeit Unamazing Monkeys)will be masquerading with their arm bands of love, bringing mischief instead!
DAMM! the SCUMS!!!!
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A la prochaine
Dam those DM SCUM's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE AMAZINGSEAMONKEYS with their MALPACKs will prevail!!!!
Feeling an
AmazingSeaMonkey group hug coming on ...
(((((((((((Everyone Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzeeeeeeeeeee))))))))
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A la prochaine
Brother Strange,
You Spiritual perception and awareness never ceases to Amaze me!
I made a mistake...it was Brother Steve not Brother Strange who decoded Brother Raf's name.
No offense Brother Strange. I am sure your in-depth perception and awareness is just as in tune.
Do you OLM's use decoder rings ???
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