But then suddenly a horrible feeling of falling, falling into darkness came over me and the dark monkey appeared holding a sign that said:
Je joue avec des singes de garçons
What does it mean?????? I feel this deep need to SIM, but don’t know how! OLMs HELP I think the dark one is trying to take me over!!!!!!!! When oh when will that class be tunning close to me????????
The datk one bew Jonny would be gone from this fellowship and look what happened!!!!!
I dunno brutha and sista OLM's...I feel the need for contrition or sumpin'...all my fellow classmonkeys want to do is....
Mebee we've all been ''terasoed'' by that Dark Monkey...mebee he's trying to lead us down the path of unrighteousness...mebee he wants me to get one of dem 3x5 cards?????? :(--> -->
When you saw the message "Je joue avec des singes de garçons" appear in your dream, did you see the face of the Dark Monkey as well?
You can scroll up and see the picture that was posted of the Dark Monkey by brother Lingo on page 11 of this thread (I'm sure there is a numerical significance of this number 11 and the Dark Monkey).
If you did.. well brother Grizz I am pleading .. don't give in!
quote:This is a sad day for all OLMs around the world.
what do you mean ala? did I miss something? there will always be times here and there when we are distracted from the love of the Amazing Sea Monkeys, that's just something that will occasionally happen with the newer followers... as one grows and continues to focus on the love and beautiful hearts of the Amazing Sea Monkeys, one has less of a chance of being distracted... simply because the distractions aren't even noticed anymore...
Remember, it's the stones in the Amazing Sea Monkeys brook that make it sing!
During my sojourn here in Skagway Alaska, I have found evidence of Northern Amazing Sea Monkeys. I can't talk much longer now because I think I am being followed. The Dark Monkey has sent his minions after me, and even last night I had a fight in a bar after they ridiculed the Amazing Sea Monkeys. I must be going now, because...Oh $hit! Gotta go!..Goodb..
A comrade in arms, attacked by the Dark Monkey's minions!!! His mighty ones, powerful they are! But a match they are not for the concerted power of ML! OLM's...unleash the...
Feel the love!
Be the love!
Live the love!
Words of Watery Power are needed...!
The life is in the water
The water is life
By the water I am all things
I know all things
I see all things!
The water is life
The life is in the water!!!
Be CLEANSED Dark Monkey Minions of Madness!!!! Back!!! BACK!!!
And now, the Amazing Sea Monkeys from Mars are crossing over the Bridge to the Promised Tank of the Prevailing Brine, and will see the Great Monk face to face!
You are correct ... I suppose I just got carried away with the thought of Grizz's possible hairy palms. -->
I will Feel the love, Be the love, Live the love.
That was just a lie perpetrated by the monkey with the very large Forehead. He has been seen wearing tights occasionally but recently has been lying low in the Amazing Sea Monkey waters.
Help me! Pray for me! The Dark Monkey chased me all over Skagway today! His monions were serious about stamping out Monkey Love! My partner and I, John (a fng), were chased along the old Chilkoot Trail for at least an hour before we ditched them. But then we had to contend with a HUGE brown bear who had just come out of his den for spring...
I will tell you, this has been an amazing adventure to be sure!
Take care my brothers and seestors in Monkey Love...I have to go now...Keep me in your prayers...
That sounds like them, wyteduv58!! You can verify that by checking out this cool link to a short video of Amazing Sea Monkey's mating as they play and cavort! They're real cavorters! Don't worry, it's Family Rated!
p.s. remember to turn your speaker volume up to hear the swingin' music!
JL, word on the wire is that the LOASMFW's (League of Amazing Sea Monkeys! Freedom Warriors ) have dispatched a squad of Minja's to your area. Help is on the way!
Tom, I've been pondering your picture and it's possible meanings....this is no mere coincidence! I'm sure of it. Visitation and sightings are up! Physical evidences abound! Awareness is rising, like a great organ.
Interesting point I've considered on my journey to the Great Monkey! Check this out:
The lowest Point in North America is Death Valley, California: 282 feet / 86 meters below sea level.
The HIGHEST point in the northern hemisphere: McKinley (Denali), Alaska: 20,320 feet / 6194 meters.
Death Valley is just a day's drive or so. We're on our way. Once covered by water...who knows what lies below the surface of that hot, bleached sand!
This line from "The Big Book of Brine" by Dr. Frederick G. Gilley has always caught my eye (chapter 2, p 898) "The ancient city of Salinea, long thought to be myth, was described in writings by the Italian historian Joeceephus as having been located on "the western rim of the Great Land where the sun sets". I smell a connection!!!
Ala, we're playing I Still Haven't Found The Monkey That I'm Looking For right now!
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W O W !!!!!!
I W O U L D H A V E N E V E R P U T T H A T T O G E T H E R !!!!!
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I had a dream last night, as I laid there feeling like I was floating on clouds a message appeared upon my wall and it read :
Vous maintenant avez un singe, partagez votre singe et ne lui donnez pas une fessée vous-même
But then suddenly a horrible feeling of falling, falling into darkness came over me and the dark monkey appeared holding a sign that said:
Je joue avec des singes de garçons
What does it mean?????? I feel this deep need to SIM, but don’t know how! OLMs HELP I think the dark one is trying to take me over!!!!!!!! When oh when will that class be tunning close to me????????
The datk one bew Jonny would be gone from this fellowship and look what happened!!!!!
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hey Griz....
that was a pretty sick dream you had there!!!
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Tom Strange
Griz... calm down brother... are you typing in Monkey? It'll be OK... OLM Socks will be here soon with session 2.
In the meantime you can review session 1 if you wish... it'll be OK, I promise... the dark monkey cannot harm you!
feel the love,
be the love,
live the love... of the Amazing Sea Monkeys!
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A la prochaine
You will know if the Dark Monkey has been after you...this is how you will figure it out.
Check your palms. If they're hairy... you're in trouble.
I'll SIM for you.
This is a sad day for all OLMs around the world.
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I dunno brutha and sista OLM's...I feel the need for contrition or sumpin'...all my fellow classmonkeys want to do is....
Mebee we've all been ''terasoed'' by that Dark Monkey...mebee he's trying to lead us down the path of unrighteousness...mebee he wants me to get one of dem 3x5 cards??????
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A la prochaine
I have a question?
When you saw the message "Je joue avec des singes de garçons" appear in your dream, did you see the face of the Dark Monkey as well?
You can scroll up and see the picture that was posted of the Dark Monkey by brother Lingo on page 11 of this thread (I'm sure there is a numerical significance of this number 11 and the Dark Monkey).
If you did.. well brother Grizz I am pleading .. don't give in!
So many needs, so little time
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Grizz, just get peaceful. Take a deep breath. Open your mouth, move your tongue, and speak! The Great Monkey will give you utterance!
O-oo e-ee a-aa
S.I.M. Much!
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Hmmmm, alaseamonkeyness is dreaming about spanking monkeys and boys with monkeys, what could it possibly mean?
We should ask docmonk(praise be his monkeyness), he will tell us what the Great Monk told him when he saw the starfish covered gas pumps
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Tom Strange
alaseamonkeyness said:
what do you mean ala? did I miss something? there will always be times here and there when we are distracted from the love of the Amazing Sea Monkeys, that's just something that will occasionally happen with the newer followers... as one grows and continues to focus on the love and beautiful hearts of the Amazing Sea Monkeys, one has less of a chance of being distracted... simply because the distractions aren't even noticed anymore...Remember, it's the stones in the Amazing Sea Monkeys brook that make it sing!
feel the love,
be the love,
live the love... of the Amazing Sea Monkeys!
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J0nny Ling0
During my sojourn here in Skagway Alaska, I have found evidence of Northern Amazing Sea Monkeys. I can't talk much longer now because I think I am being followed. The Dark Monkey has sent his minions after me, and even last night I had a fight in a bar after they ridiculed the Amazing Sea Monkeys. I must be going now, because...Oh $hit! Gotta go!..Goodb..
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Tom Strange
OLM Lingo!
Do not allow the dark one in your space!
We must focus on the love grasshopper...
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MOW! So little time, so much amazingstuff!!
A comrade in arms, attacked by the Dark Monkey's minions!!! His mighty ones, powerful they are! But a match they are not for the concerted power of ML! OLM's...unleash the...
Feel the love!
Be the love!
Live the love!
Words of Watery Power are needed...!
The life is in the water
The water is life
By the water I am all things
I know all things
I see all things!
The water is life
The life is in the water!!!
Be CLEANSED Dark Monkey Minions of Madness!!!! Back!!! BACK!!!
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I heard a rumor that MOW is an accomplished fact!
And now, the Amazing Sea Monkeys from Mars are crossing over the Bridge to the Promised Tank of the Prevailing Brine, and will see the Great Monk face to face!
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Don't you monkey with the monkey!--Peter Gabriel
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A la prochaine
Dear BrotherStrange,
You are correct ... I suppose I just got carried away with the thought of Grizz's possible hairy palms.
I will Feel the love, Be the love, Live the love.
That was just a lie perpetrated by the monkey with the very large Forehead. He has been seen wearing tights occasionally but recently has been lying low in the Amazing Sea Monkey waters.
Brother Lingo,
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A la prochaine
I found the coolest website. I googled...Monkey songs and pop...up came all these AmazingSeaMonkey song titles.
Those Little Monkeys have been around us all this time and we didn't even know it...I'm Feeling the love, Being the Love, Living the Love.
and now... Hearing the love (woooooo-ooooooo)
JesusFreaky...we might just have that PAAAAAARRRRTYYYY after all!!!
I Fell Into a Burnin' Ring of Monkeys
Up Against the Wall Redneck Monkey
Stand By Your Monkey
Cold Cold Monkey
Foggy Monkey Breakdown
Boots of Monkey Leather
Monk the Knife
Will the Monkey be Unbroken
A Town without Monkeys
Your Cheatin Monkey
He Ain't Heavy He's My Monkey
I've Got a Monkey on My Mind
Musta Notta Gotta Lotta Monkey Last Night
Honky Tonk Monkeys
Monkey Sonata
Rainy Days and Monkeys Always Get Me Down
Sympathy for the Monkey
My Monkey Thinks She's French
Monkey Tonk Massquerade
It's only Monkey to me
Blue Monkey
Son of a Son of a Monkey
A Monkey Looks at Forty
Only Monkeys Bleed
Love Struck Monkey
Couldn't Stand The Monkey
I Still Haven't Found The Monkey That I'm Looking For
Where The Monkeys Have No Name
It Wasn't God that Made Honkey Tonk Monkeys
One Monkey Under a Groove
you want ah monkey, i give you a donkey
Tie Your Monkey Down
More Than a Monkey
Everybody Got Monkey Last Night
Monkey Drugs
My Monkey Thinks She's French (by Barbara Mandrill)
Monkey Changes Everything
The Big Rock Candy Monkey
Just Another Manic Monkey
Ghost Monkeys in the Sky
Monkey Honey
Lipstick on your Monkey
Brown Eyed Handsome Monkey
30 Monkeys over Tokyo
Monkey Don't
Monkeys Lifted Me
Deck the Halls With Balls of Monkeys
It's My Monkey and I'll Cry if I Want To
Stormy Monkey
Monkey can't buy me love
Lord of the Monkey
Down on the Monkey
Monkey for Nothing
The Monkey Side of the Street
Dead Mans Monkey
Somewhere Over The Monkey
I Fought The Monkey (And The Monkey Won)
Monkey Wonderland
I'm So Bored With The Monkey
After The Monkey Has Gone
Clash City Monkeys
I'll Never Turn My Monkey Loose On You
Mississippi Monkey Man
Who's That Monkey?
Monkey On The Range
.... On The Monkey
I Want To Monkey With You
Dancing With My Monkey
All Along The Monkey Cage
MONKEY'S IN WHITE SATIN(a virtual monkey classic!)
Roll With It Monkey
Get Up Offa That Monkey (A
Don't Mess With My Monkey
Fifty Ways to Leave Your Monkey
Stand by your Monkey
Shock The....ah, never mind!
red, red monkeys
Monkey Don't
Songs In The Monkey Of Life
Gimme monkey
M-O-N-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E Club Song
It takes a big monkey to cry...so why do I feel so low?
Monkey in the sky with diamonds....
Don't Mess With My Monkey
I'm not your monkey...
Let Your Monkey Come With Me!
Born to Monkey
How Do You Spell Love? (M-O-N-K-E-Y)
You Comb Her Monkey
Onward Christian Monkey
OH, all this music they have given us ...
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Brutha and Sista OLM's...I woke up this mornin' with a familiar tune in my head:
Wish that I was on 'ol Monkey Top down in the Tennesee Hills
Ain't no smoggy smoke on Monkey Top, ain't no telephone bills...
Once I had a girl on Monkey Top, half sea monkey the other half cat, wild as a mink but sweet as soda pop, I still dream about that...
Monkey Top, you'll always be, home sweet home to me!
Good 'ol Monkey Top, Monkey Top Tennesee!!
Hmmmmmmmmmm...mebee we'll see some fellow Amazing Sea Monkeys at the weenie roast!
How exciting!!!
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Sister Colleen, Money-Top Tenessee...a WONDERFUL place! And Sister A-La Procahine! Monkeys in White Satin, great choice!
You two sisters are just...well...Amazing!
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J0nny Ling0
Help me! Pray for me! The Dark Monkey chased me all over Skagway today! His monions were serious about stamping out Monkey Love! My partner and I, John (a fng), were chased along the old Chilkoot Trail for at least an hour before we ditched them. But then we had to contend with a HUGE brown bear who had just come out of his den for spring...
I will tell you, this has been an amazing adventure to be sure!
Take care my brothers and seestors in Monkey Love...I have to go now...Keep me in your prayers...
Jonny Lingo
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I raised them when I was a kid and they looked just like teeney weeney shrimp Is that brine shrimp?
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That sounds like them, wyteduv58!! You can verify that by checking out this cool link to a short video of Amazing Sea Monkey's mating as they play and cavort! They're real cavorters! Don't worry, it's Family Rated!
p.s. remember to turn your speaker volume up to hear the swingin' music!
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JL, word on the wire is that the LOASMFW's (League of Amazing Sea Monkeys! Freedom Warriors ) have dispatched a squad of Minja's to your area. Help is on the way!
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Tom, I've been pondering your picture and it's possible meanings....this is no mere coincidence! I'm sure of it. Visitation and sightings are up! Physical evidences abound! Awareness is rising, like a great organ.
Interesting point I've considered on my journey to the Great Monkey! Check this out:
The lowest Point in North America is Death Valley, California: 282 feet / 86 meters below sea level.
The HIGHEST point in the northern hemisphere: McKinley (Denali), Alaska: 20,320 feet / 6194 meters.
Death Valley is just a day's drive or so. We're on our way. Once covered by water...who knows what lies below the surface of that hot, bleached sand!
This line from "The Big Book of Brine" by Dr. Frederick G. Gilley has always caught my eye (chapter 2, p 898) "The ancient city of Salinea, long thought to be myth, was described in writings by the Italian historian Joeceephus as having been located on "the western rim of the Great Land where the sun sets". I smell a connection!!!
Ala, we're playing I Still Haven't Found The Monkey That I'm Looking For right now!
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