1. In the beginning, the Great Monkey created Amazing Sea Monkeys on Mars.
2. And Mars was without form and void. And verily, Amazing Sea Monkeys were dying by the billions.
Now notice that the word was, was incorrectly translated. The actual word used in the ancient martian text was became. So Mars BECAME without form and void. Why? The Great Monkey doesn't tell us. But this is probably when the Dark Monkey rose up and took 1 third of the angel-monkeys and tried to overthrow the Great Monkey.
3. So the Great Monkey took Adam-Monkey and Eve-Monkey, the only 2 Amazing Sea Monkeys left who were faithful, and placed them on earth, in the Octopus's Garden, in the shade.
4. And the Great Monkey told them that of every Yeast Colony of the garden, they may eat. Except for that real cool looking Yeast Colony at the south end of the garden, for if they eat of it, that day, surly they will die.
5. Now the Sea Serpent was much more subtle than all the other creatures in the garden, and he did appear to Eve-Monkey one day.
6. And he said unto Eve-Monkey, "Hey Eve baby! Wassup? Why don't ya come on down to the south-side for brunch. We got this KILLER Yeast Colony down here and man, it's the whip!"
7. And Eve-Monkey said unto the serpent, "No, we cannot eat of that colony, lest we die".
8. And the serpent said, "Eve baby, what the he11 are you smokin'? I been eating this stuff for days...do I look like a corpse to you?"
9. And Eve-Monkey gave in, and did eat of the colony. And she said to the serpent, "Far out man! I can SEE the music! I can hear the colors!" And she took some back and gave it to Adam-Monkey and he too ate of the forbidden Yeast Colony. And Adam-Monkey said "This $hit's a real groove man! Every fish that swims by is leaving multi-colored trails behind them!"
10. And this was the day that Psychodelic music was born. And it was REAL good!
If Socks would be blessed to do so, I'll let him teach session 2.
That's as bad as any MVT out there, and the OLM's that helped docmonk(praise be his monkeyness) edit his manuscripts, and introduced AME's in the process (apparent monkey errors)
You didn't tell me the PFML class was starting. OK...I've caught up now. I've got my paper and pen ... oh...can I take notes?
I'm going to go and learn my 66 acronyms tonight
DM (dark monkey)
ASM (amazing sea monkeys)
that's just for starters.
(by the way...what version should I buy of the Sea Monkeys Scroll ... the King MonkeyJames version 1611 A.D. (Atlantis Dating) or a more recent version???)
Well, the Bullinger-Monkey version is preferred, but if that's out of your price range, the KJMonkey will do. But you can keep believing for that Bullinger though!
Ahhhhhhhhh...Blusey....you have a point....I'm beginning to feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel it...it's all around me....look at all the pretty colors!
Mebee these Amazing Sea Monkeys and their luuuuuuuuuuuv bombs aren't my enemy after all...mebee it was all that wrong believing...mebee it was my missing hedge of protection...mebee it was my lack of ABS????
Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Not another acronym!!!!!!!
that's okay freakishMonkey... as long as you remember that there is no REQUIRED ABS... it's all about love with the Amazing Sea Monkeys... that's all you need remember, it's all about love...
oh... and for all of you new Amazing Sea Monkey followers... have you seen any of them hitch hiking around your area?
they've been spotted hitch hiking north from Texas, and ourseestorniKa has reported that many are converging upon her area... but we don't know if it's for a gathering together of Amazing Sea Monkey or if they're just passing through...
When do we learn to speak Sea Monkey (SSM) there Bluze? Does It come at the end of your class? Should we SSM much or just when we are alone? Will we be able to discern dark monkeys (DDM)? and, if so when? What other powers await me should I return my greencard?
Yes Ala P! You are onto it! Once you open your heart, the life of the Amazing Sea Monkeys is all around you! It sounds as if you must have had the Class by now for you to have been so sharp as that to have spotted those Amazing Sea Monkeys like that!
And my friend Tom Strange, you are right, I shouldn't focus so much on the Adversary like that. I should keep my mind stayed on the ASM's and the Dark Monkey will flee...
And Zixar! I loved your explanation to Ala P about the "monkey on your back" thing. Man, you have really grown. Have you had the Intermediate Class yet?
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Oh no...JZFKY seems to be tempted by the Dark Monkey. Please JZFKY, don't let him get to you!
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The Book of Monkey, Session 1 of PFML
1. In the beginning, the Great Monkey created Amazing Sea Monkeys on Mars.
2. And Mars was without form and void. And verily, Amazing Sea Monkeys were dying by the billions.
Now notice that the word was, was incorrectly translated. The actual word used in the ancient martian text was became. So Mars BECAME without form and void. Why? The Great Monkey doesn't tell us. But this is probably when the Dark Monkey rose up and took 1 third of the angel-monkeys and tried to overthrow the Great Monkey.
3. So the Great Monkey took Adam-Monkey and Eve-Monkey, the only 2 Amazing Sea Monkeys left who were faithful, and placed them on earth, in the Octopus's Garden, in the shade.
4. And the Great Monkey told them that of every Yeast Colony of the garden, they may eat. Except for that real cool looking Yeast Colony at the south end of the garden, for if they eat of it, that day, surly they will die.
5. Now the Sea Serpent was much more subtle than all the other creatures in the garden, and he did appear to Eve-Monkey one day.
6. And he said unto Eve-Monkey, "Hey Eve baby! Wassup? Why don't ya come on down to the south-side for brunch. We got this KILLER Yeast Colony down here and man, it's the whip!"
7. And Eve-Monkey said unto the serpent, "No, we cannot eat of that colony, lest we die".
8. And the serpent said, "Eve baby, what the he11 are you smokin'? I been eating this stuff for days...do I look like a corpse to you?"
9. And Eve-Monkey gave in, and did eat of the colony. And she said to the serpent, "Far out man! I can SEE the music! I can hear the colors!" And she took some back and gave it to Adam-Monkey and he too ate of the forbidden Yeast Colony. And Adam-Monkey said "This $hit's a real groove man! Every fish that swims by is leaving multi-colored trails behind them!"
10. And this was the day that Psychodelic music was born. And it was REAL good!
If Socks would be blessed to do so, I'll let him teach session 2.
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You said "surly they will die". Does that mean they will die from being grouchy?
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See how evil the Dark Monkey is Steve? He caused me to make a typo JUST to distract you away from the true meaning of PFML!
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Dang, Rick, that's pretty insidious!
That's as bad as any MVT out there, and the OLM's that helped docmonk(praise be his monkeyness) edit his manuscripts, and introduced AME's in the process (apparent monkey errors)
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A la prochaine
You didn't tell me the PFML class was starting. OK...I've caught up now. I've got my paper and pen ... oh...can I take notes?
I'm going to go and learn my 66 acronyms tonight
DM (dark monkey)
ASM (amazing sea monkeys)
that's just for starters.
(by the way...what version should I buy of the Sea Monkeys Scroll ... the King MonkeyJames version 1611 A.D. (Atlantis Dating) or a more recent version???)
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Well, the Bullinger-Monkey version is preferred, but if that's out of your price range, the KJMonkey will do. But you can keep believing for that Bullinger though!
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By the way, do I have everybody's green card now? Grizz, I'm thinking I don't have yours!
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Well it's happened...THE thing I've feard most....
Oh the humanity!!!! Oh the senselessness, oh the shame!!!!
Will not someone stop this Amazing Sea Monkeys from Mars (word over THE) world domination?!?!?!?!
Someone!!! Anyone!!! Pass me the monkeypox vaccine!!!! AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
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A la prochaine
I'm believing...I'm believing...I'm believing...
I know I am I know I am I know I am I know I am I know I am I know I am I know I am I know I...
I'm picturing a wonderful monkey right now with a BMS (Bullinger-Monkey Scroll) on his back.
Wow, this stuff really works.
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Jezusfreaky, you are MUCH more than an acronym to us sister! Tune in, turn on, and feel the love of the Amazing Sea Monkeys!
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A la prochaine
oh my!!!!!!!
This is my 1002...and it's all because to the Sea Monkey love I felt here.
Thank you so much for all you have done for me OML's and of course the Big Sea Monkey in the sea.
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Another Hidden Mystery Revealed Through The Media:
"God made Man, but he used a monkey to do it!"
--Devo, Jocko Homo, from the album Q: Are We Not Men?
This could explain the brotherhood and kinship we have towards Amazing Sea Monkeys...
...or not.
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Ahhhhhhhhh...Blusey....you have a point....I'm beginning to feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel it...it's all around me....look at all the pretty colors!
Mebee these Amazing Sea Monkeys and their luuuuuuuuuuuv bombs aren't my enemy after all...mebee it was all that wrong believing...mebee it was my missing hedge of protection...mebee it was my lack of ABS????
Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Not another acronym!!!!!!!
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Tom Strange
that's okay freakishMonkey... as long as you remember that there is no REQUIRED ABS... it's all about love with the Amazing Sea Monkeys... that's all you need remember, it's all about love...
feel the love,
be the love,
live the love...
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Tom Strange
oh... and for all of you new Amazing Sea Monkey followers... have you seen any of them hitch hiking around your area?
they've been spotted hitch hiking north from Texas, and ourseestorniKa has reported that many are converging upon her area... but we don't know if it's for a gathering together of Amazing Sea Monkey or if they're just passing through...
please feel free to share any sightings...
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I saw one once at the airport...funny lookin' thing, wearin' a dress, passin' out flowers, singin' about some guy named Harry Chris sumthin'...
Bald little dude, 'cept for this one tiny ponytail, had this eerie glow about him, musta been that monkey spurit he was operatin'...
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J0nny Ling0
I think you may have witnessed a counterfeit...
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Tom Strange
good work spotting that OLM Lingo!
(but if you don't quit posting that pic of the dark monkey I'm gonna come get you!)
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A la prochaine
I think I saw some Amazing Sea Monkeys in the Monkeystock Movie that was made.
There were all these hippie types hugging and smoking wierd cigarettes.. and I saw the sea monkeys in the pond with the skinny-dippin' hippies.
It was cosmic.
Make Sea Monkeys...NOT...War
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A la prochaine your posts here are so inspirational
i haven't been saying much on this thread because everytime i try to express how i feel well i just get all choked up....
this place is
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When do we learn to speak Sea Monkey (SSM) there Bluze? Does It come at the end of your class? Should we SSM much or just when we are alone? Will we be able to discern dark monkeys (DDM)? and, if so when? What other powers await me should I return my greencard?
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A la prochaine
Thank You Exxie! A great big Sea Monkey Hug (SMH) for you my seeesstooor.
Hey, I noticed in the Amazing Sea Monkey picture that they had a pet snail.
How Cool...pets are allowed.
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J0nny Ling0
Yes Ala P! You are onto it! Once you open your heart, the life of the Amazing Sea Monkeys is all around you! It sounds as if you must have had the Class by now for you to have been so sharp as that to have spotted those Amazing Sea Monkeys like that!
And my friend Tom Strange, you are right, I shouldn't focus so much on the Adversary like that. I should keep my mind stayed on the ASM's and the Dark Monkey will flee...
And Zixar! I loved your explanation to Ala P about the "monkey on your back" thing. Man, you have really grown. Have you had the Intermediate Class yet?
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