Socks! You are in my prayers brother! Remember to speak the WOTASM's (word of the Amazing Sea Monkeys) wherever you are, and the un-amazing dark monkeys will flea!!
Does the Amazing Resurrection Sea Monkey have a celebration on this, the day of his re-hatching...Being new to the truth I just wanted to know if I should go to Red Lobster to eat of his body??
The Amazing Sea Monkeys, not from Mars but from Wal Mart, have left this troubled world to join their Brethren in the Great Briny Deep.
They were hatched two weeks ago, lived long and happy lives, and reached the Amazing size of 3/4 of an inch!!
They died of natural causes (and, um, a shocking water change,) and were flushed this morning in a lovely blue swirl.
I am assurred in my heart that they will reach the Pacific. I think I can hear them singing. . ."Monkeys, Monkeys, Monkeys, Sweetest Name we know. . . " in their teeny tiny voices.
Bramble, maybe the Amazing Sea Monkeys that were twigging in your area went out MOW? or maybe they're on their way to the gathering... did they leave behind their belongings? They might just be on their way MOW!
on my way to play golf this morning I saw some more hitch hiking Amazing Sea Monkeys... since I had a tee time to make, I could not stop so I just SIM for them...
I wonder if they're on their way home or if they're going out MOW? Either way, I know they're being watched over...
OH! and I learned from GT on another thread that it's "The Year of the Monkey"... coincidence? I think not!
To all of my Amazing Sea Monkey brothers and sisters, I salute you! And, I wanted to let you all know that I am going on a long journey to the Far North for to go to work on a project near Two Rivers, Alaska for two months. I am thinking that there may be more Northern Amazing Sea Monkeys there for me to be inspired by, so there I will search for them! I will be living fairly far from normal civilization, however, and most likely will not have access to a computer and the internet. So, please SIM for me as you know that I will for you. Take care my fellow OLMs! And do not forget that the love of the Amazing Sea Monkeys will be with you!
I will be at this present geographical location until 0800 hrs tomorrow morning, and if anyone wants to wish me well, I could use some edification before I cast off, for it is a long a dangerous journey.
Alaminkee... so nice to see you here, faithful, loving... where are our other OLM's... have they been busy with the work of the Amazing Sea Monkeys? I wait with bated breath to hear what brother socks has to share of his sojourn to the valley of death...
I knoweth brother lingo goeth northeth to the cold frontier and that Brother Socketh travelleth to the dark valleyeth. But for the othereth OLMeths, I knoweth noteth. -->
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J0nny Ling0
Socks! You are in my prayers brother! Remember to speak the WOTASM's (word of the Amazing Sea Monkeys) wherever you are, and the un-amazing dark monkeys will flea!!
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Does the Amazing Resurrection Sea Monkey have a celebration on this, the day of his re-hatching...Being new to the truth I just wanted to know if I should go to Red Lobster to eat of his body??
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A la prochaine
Nope, no ceremonies here dear sister.
We have AmazingSeaMonkeys with long bunny ears that come out and visit us at this time of the year.
You can eat chocolate and feel the love.
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A la prochaine
Oh where oh where have all the little AMAZINGSEAMONKEYS gone? Oh where oh where can they be?... with their fins etc...
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Tom Strange
Shhhh alaminkee... we're on a secret assignment...
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A la prochaine
How's come theeeesse little minkee didn't know about the assignment?
Did I miss something?
Was I too caught up in eating chocolat to have gotten the assignment too?
It's ok, I'll stay back, eat more chocolat and SIM for all you brave Minkees out on the field.
I'm feeling the chocolate
I'm being the chocolate
I'm living the chocolate
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The Amazing Sea Monkeys, not from Mars but from Wal Mart, have left this troubled world to join their Brethren in the Great Briny Deep.
They were hatched two weeks ago, lived long and happy lives, and reached the Amazing size of 3/4 of an inch!!
They died of natural causes (and, um, a shocking water change,) and were flushed this morning in a lovely blue swirl.
I am assurred in my heart that they will reach the Pacific. I think I can hear them singing. . ."Monkeys, Monkeys, Monkeys, Sweetest Name we know. . . " in their teeny tiny voices.
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Tom Strange
Bramble, maybe the Amazing Sea Monkeys that were twigging in your area went out MOW? or maybe they're on their way to the gathering... did they leave behind their belongings? They might just be on their way MOW!
Feel the love,
Live the love,
Be the love of the Amazing Sea Monkeys!
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Oh my...
Those brave little monkeys.
Even in death...they're amazing!
A moment of silence please, as we consider those who have gone on to the Great Big Sea....
Thank you. Goodbye little monkeys. Missed...but not forgotten! We barely knew you. We salute you!
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A la prochaine
Did someone mention GREAT BIG SEA!!!!
That was amazing!!!!
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A la prochaine
Ode to all AmazingSeaMonkeys
Shines Right Through Me
Great Big Sea
Released February 2004
(written by McCann/Mahoney/Doyle)
These days I feel a change, All the patterns rearranged
Though I can't explain, I know I’m not afraid
Now I realize all good things can be supplied
And they come from you (AmazingSeaMonkeys)
It's all brand new, and it shines right through
Shines Right Through Me
I look at you and you, and it shines right through
Shines Right Through Me
This feeling that I've found, like sleeping on a cloud
Smiling at the sky, Not even knowing why
Strange how things work out, I know without a doubt
That it comes from you
Break me out of emptiness, Lead me to your light
Anything worth having is worth some sacrifice
Laid too long in loneliness, This world was made to change
Half an hour of sunshine is worth a week of rain
Air is flowing free, it's a little easier to breath
This soul unbound, was lost and found
No reason left to hide, I feel a light inside and it comes from you (AmazingSeaMonkeys)
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J0nny Ling0
Mow...I am mumbled...
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Tom Strange
on my way to play golf this morning I saw some more hitch hiking Amazing Sea Monkeys... since I had a tee time to make, I could not stop so I just SIM for them...
I wonder if they're on their way home or if they're going out MOW? Either way, I know they're being watched over...
OH! and I learned from GT on another thread that it's "The Year of the Monkey"... coincidence? I think not!
see the love,
feel the love,
be the love of the Amazing Sea Monkeys!
Love to all...
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J0nny Ling0
To all of my Amazing Sea Monkey brothers and sisters, I salute you! And, I wanted to let you all know that I am going on a long journey to the Far North for to go to work on a project near Two Rivers, Alaska for two months. I am thinking that there may be more Northern Amazing Sea Monkeys there for me to be inspired by, so there I will search for them! I will be living fairly far from normal civilization, however, and most likely will not have access to a computer and the internet. So, please SIM for me as you know that I will for you. Take care my fellow OLMs! And do not forget that the love of the Amazing Sea Monkeys will be with you!
I will be at this present geographical location until 0800 hrs tomorrow morning, and if anyone wants to wish me well, I could use some edification before I cast off, for it is a long a dangerous journey.
Jonny Lingo
Edited by Jonny LingoLink to comment
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A la prochaine
Brother Jonny,
May the Monkeys be with you.
We will certainly miss you and your words around here.
Aurevoir dearest OLM.
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Tom Strange
Do not forget OLM Jonny Lingo:
feel the love,
live the love,
be the love of the Amazing Sea Monkeys!!!
Your sojourn will be filled with their peace and love.
(watch out for those girls from Canadia!)
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A la prochaine
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I wish you well Jonny Lingo. Prayers for you daily - and may the force be with you as well.
live long, and, of course...prosper
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Hurry back Brother Jonny! We will S.I.M. for you! Watch out for that Dark Monkey!
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A la prochaine
Brother Stange mentioned something about the 'Year of the Monkey'... coincidence... I don't think so!
According to Chinese Astrology here is the description of 'The Monkey'
The Year Of The Monkey
Very intelligent and able to influence people.
Good politician.
Thirsty for knowledge.
Talented and inventive, but easily discouraged.
Monkeys are to seek a Dragon or Rat, but never a Tiger.
Feeling the love
Being the love
Living the love
It's the only way to live!
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Tom Strange
Alaminkee... so nice to see you here, faithful, loving... where are our other OLM's... have they been busy with the work of the Amazing Sea Monkeys? I wait with bated breath to hear what brother socks has to share of his sojourn to the valley of death...
SIM much!
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A la prochaine
Brother Strange,
I knoweth not where they all be-eth?
I knoweth brother lingo goeth northeth to the cold frontier and that Brother Socketh travelleth to the dark valleyeth. But for the othereth OLMeths, I knoweth noteth.
Feelingeth the loveth
Beingeth the loveth,
Liveth the loveth
(((((Groupeth hugeth for alleth))))))
NB Brother Strangeth,
Perhaps other OLM's have lives?
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I,ve been thinking, hmmm.
Maybe my Amazing Sea Monkeys didn't really die. Maybe. . . it was all a plan to foil the DARK MONKEY!!
Maybe they faked their deaths by floating, and escaped through the sewer system to go MOW.
Have a great year , my lovelies. I'll see you at the MOA!
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A la prochaine
I think you're on to something there sister!
I'm feeling their love
I'm being their love
I'm living their love
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