I heard an unconfirmed rumor, that those amazing talented lil sea-monkeys were working away at a Broadway quality show and called it Monkeys of The Spirit! But before they could put the final finishing touches on it some jerk jock ripped off their production and changed the title to Athletes of the Spirit. Fortunately for all of us the quality of the rip off product was some where around cornfield ratings and no where near the Broadway quality the monkeys put into theirs...............
Heck I heard the lead of the rip off couldn’t even dance!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry Dr. Bluze, I spoke without fully reading the material.. SIM is much more logical han SSM. I stand reproved and corrected. And what is more, I am honored that you took the time to correct me and to reprove me in front of all of my peers.. It is so wonderful to be part of such a loving household... Amazing SM Blessings upon you!! -->
Concerning the Amazing Sea Monkey illustration posted by Excathedra. The one where the Amazing Sea Monkey had her mouth full of cigarettes. Well, I did some research on it, and found out that what we are seeing there is an illustration of love, beauty, and self sacrifice. There is a wonderful story behind it, and here it is...
Apparently, there were three young Jewish boys, tripletts, at their Barmitzvah, who had taken a break from their Barmitzvah party, and went into their bedroom to look at their Amazing Sea Monkeys. And while they were gazing peacefully at the habitat of brine, and watching the happy little family of Sea Monkeys, one of the boys pulled out a pack of Camels, passed it around, and they all lit up. They all thought they were pretty cool by now, with them being "men" and all.
But as they began to smoke, the peace and tranquility within the Amazing Sea Monkey habitat began to change. The Amazing Sea Monkeys were upset and began swimming about and wagging their fingers in a "no no no!" sort of fashion as if to tell the young boys to stop their smoking! But the boys, being foolish, just laughed and blew smoke at the glass as the Amazing Sea Monkeys banged against the inside of the glass and wagged their fingers at the boys in desperation. The young "men" thought they were pretty smart, and just plain ignored the loving warning of these Amazing Sea Monkeys.
And then an Amazing thing happened! The Mother Amazing Sea Monkey within the habitat told her Family that she would have to go "outside" and try and help the young boys. But she told her Family that she might not live through that "thing that she may have to do" in order to save them. So, she bid a tearful goodbye to her husband and many many children, and through the exercised power (exousimo) of Amazing Sea Monkeydom,, transported herself outside of the habitat, and became the size of a regular human being.
And there she stood before the three brothers, soaking wet and smiling with great love. The three boys were Amazed. And while the Mother Monkey continued to look upon the boys with Love, she gently took the pack of Camels from young Yitzhak, and began, one by one, to put all of the cigarettes into her mouth. The boys thought it was pretty funny and were elbowing one another and laughing, but failed to see the sadness in the eyes of the Mother Sea Monkey. Once all of the cigarettes were in her mouth, Ziklag whipped out his Zippo lighter and began lighting all of the cigarettes for her as if he were some kind of a "gentleman" or something. As this was done, the Amazing Sea Monkeys within the habitat were going wild! All of the young ones were crying out to their Mama, and banging wildly against the glass, as the Father Amazing Sea Monkey watched from his throne in sadness. For he knew that his Queen was about to make the ultimate sacrifice for these three young boys. But he also knew that this was the way of the Amazing Sea Monkeys, for "Self sacrifice is the passion of all great Sea Monkeys".
And as she puffed and inhaled to the delight of the foolish boys, she began to weaken, for the smoke was too much for her. She stumbled at one point, and a couple of cigarrettes fell from her mouth. The boys, still thinking it humorous, picked the lit cigs up for her began to stuff them back into her mouth. She thanked them with love, and continued to smoke and to inhale. But then as she weakened further, one of the boys cried out; "No! We must stop her! For she may not live through this! Maybe she is trying to tell us something!" And they began to knock the cigarettes out of her mouth and put them out in their Sobee bottles. But it was too late, for her light had begun to go out.
The boys tried to give her CPR, but it was to no avail. The tobacco poisoning was too much for her, and she continued to go down. The boys felt so low and sad and began to sob quietly, because they knew that they had been the reason for her demise. But the dying Queen stretched forth her hand and all three boys took it and then she spoke. She said with great love and compassion; "Boys, you are young and beautiful. Do not waste your lives trying to be "cool". For, you are already cool. Coolness is a state of mind, and you are already as cool as you will ever be, because your Creator has made you that way. Try to carry this message of the Amazing Sea Monkeys to all whom you meet. You are no longer children. You have gone from boyz to men, and can no longer afford to act so frivolously..."
And with that, her light went out. And as it did, her body began to shrink back to the normal size of an Amazing Sea Monkey and then abruptly disappeared, and then reappeared inside of the Amazing Sea Monkey habitat. All of the young within the habitat gathered her up and set her gently upon a bed of seaweed, and the King wept. She was buried that night in the gravel bed of the habitat, while the three young boys, now men, slept.
But those young men never ever smoked another cigarette again as long as they have lived, and they have shared the love and self sacrifice of the Amazing Sea Monkeys ever since...
Ya know, I had that history on a scrap of paper somewhere, but I have since misplaced it, but I know it to be true...
[This message was edited by Jonny Lingo on March 21, 2004 at 10:29.]
I had actually heard it from one of the OLMs that was at the party! It was exactly as you said... I shed many a tear for the love that was shown by that Mama Amazing Sea Monkey... is there ANY DOUBT in anyone's mind what the Amazing Sea Monkeys are all about???
(sniff sniff...) There is nothing like Mama Sea Monkey luuuuuuuuuuuv for her offspring, nothing I say!!!!
All hail the heavenly bodies of the mama sea monkey!! Where would the Amazing Sea Monkey civilization be without the maternal luuuuuuuuuuuv of the mama sea monkey?!?!!?
Wow, so much love on this thread! Amazing Sea Monkey Love!!!
I am now 4 days in to my journey to find the Great Sea Monkey! Preparations were hasty, and slightly delayed by the arrival of an unusual package in the mail.
Wrapped in plain brown paper, the small parcel contained a single photograph, old and faded and smudged by what appears to be...jelly. Grape jelly...??? It's hard to tell. It's an image that must have been taken from the road somewhere, perhaps from a car. The landscape is wide, small hills, looks like summer with the open fields beyond all yellow and burnt.
Filling the center of the picture is a road side billboard, old and gray and weathered by many years. It's an advertisement for ... a restaurant? or store, perhaps a gas station, can't make out the image it's so old and faded on the sign.
Across the face of the sign in irregular spacing are these letters...words...????
Li Shri Bu He
Scrawled across the bottom border of the photo are these words in red ink:
What doesn't remain the same must change....
I've packed the photo in my backpack, in plastic to protect it. I'm not sure what it means, but it seems to remind me of something...something long ago....????? there was no return address or name, and when I chased down the postman to try and see where it was sent from, the guy I found on the next street over said he hadn't been to our street to deliver....yet.
But I've already encountered several troupes of MOW's!!! They're hot! Gave two of them a ride to Lake Tahoe in Northern California. They were so excited when they saw the lake! They hopped out and tossed me a 10 dollar bill. "Get gassed!" the one laughed and they scampered off. It was amazing!!!!
The Missus is saying it's time for bed, so we're going to turn in. Tomorrow's another exciting day of MOW!!!
Tom, I'm going to review chapter two from the PFAML book and syllabii. I don't want to slow the nurturing down though so if Bluz has the news and is ready to fly, let it be! There's so much.....!
I received a similar picture also (Bullinger)... only not in the mail. Remember when I mentioned that I had given a ride to some Amazing Sea Monkeys hitch hikers? Well, I was cleaning out the Element the next day and I found this old tattered snapshot of a landscape in the countryside... the rolling hills, the different hues... in the background was a small country church... when I looked at it I thought "what a beautiful picture this would be if there weren't that dang billboard in the foreground! Stupid billboard!"...
It was a picture I'd never seen before, I don't know how it got there... it could've been from the wine country of Northern Cali or from somewhere in Kentucky or Tennessee... the only reason I thought it was someplace in the contiguous U.S. was that the letters and writing, though seriously weathered and faded, seemed to be in English... it too had the same cryptic message written along the bottom...
It took me a little bit of time before I figured out that the only way it could've come to be in my vehicle was that it was left by one of the hitch hiking Amazing Sea Monkeys!
I wondered how I could get it back to them, certainly it must have been important! I only know that they were headed north on I-35, but that doesn't help... were they headed to Minnesota? on to Canadia? were they going to head East or West when they got to I-40? or I-70?... One thing was clear: they were on a mission!
One thing puzzles me though... as similar as the photograph I have seems to be to the one you have, the only letters I can make out on the billboard are:
ve mp y rel
(I'm guessing on the last letter "l"... it could be an exclamation point but it's pretty weathered, I can't tell)
Now, I'm fairly certain that one of those Amazing Sea Monkeys left that picture in the car/truck... no one else had been in the back seat! You said the mailman hadn't even been to your house yet! Do you think one of the Amazing Sea Monkey MOWs might have put it there?
Is this is all the great mystery unfolding before us!?!?
This is so freaking weird... we're (you and I) about two thousand miles apart from each other aren't we?
One thing is for certain... there is "something in the air" since they crossed my path...
Hey there Brother and Sister OLMs. I have to get on the ferry and go up to Skagway, AK for a week or more. I'm hanging some sheetrock up there for a guy. While I'm gone, I know you all will "keep the faith" and keep sharing the LOVE...
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I think that Rosie's pool needs an SM family to brighten up her day!! Could we use some ABS to obtain and mail them??
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Sorry to correct you dude, you being a new person and all, but the correct term is S.I.M., Speak In Monkey!
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ExCathedra...now that is a Monkey with a Monkey on his back!
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A la prochaine
Can Amazing Sea Monkeys turn bad? Or is that just what happens when that Dark Monkey gets a hold of you?
The picture Exxie posted has got me concerned.
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okay let's be serious here....
are we grease monkeys ?
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Jonny: Thanks. No, I haven't had the Intermediate Class, yet--I haven't bought enough comic books to collect enough coupons!
Amazing Sea Monkeys are patient, though...
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I heard an unconfirmed rumor, that those amazing talented lil sea-monkeys were working away at a Broadway quality show and called it Monkeys of The Spirit! But before they could put the final finishing touches on it some jerk jock ripped off their production and changed the title to Athletes of the Spirit. Fortunately for all of us the quality of the rip off product was some where around cornfield ratings and no where near the Broadway quality the monkeys put into theirs...............
Heck I heard the lead of the rip off couldn’t even dance!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sorry Dr. Bluze, I spoke without fully reading the material.. SIM is much more logical han SSM. I stand reproved and corrected. And what is more, I am honored that you took the time to correct me and to reprove me in front of all of my peers.. It is so wonderful to be part of such a loving household... Amazing SM Blessings upon you!!
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J0nny Ling0
Concerning the Amazing Sea Monkey illustration posted by Excathedra. The one where the Amazing Sea Monkey had her mouth full of cigarettes. Well, I did some research on it, and found out that what we are seeing there is an illustration of love, beauty, and self sacrifice. There is a wonderful story behind it, and here it is...
Apparently, there were three young Jewish boys, tripletts, at their Barmitzvah, who had taken a break from their Barmitzvah party, and went into their bedroom to look at their Amazing Sea Monkeys. And while they were gazing peacefully at the habitat of brine, and watching the happy little family of Sea Monkeys, one of the boys pulled out a pack of Camels, passed it around, and they all lit up. They all thought they were pretty cool by now, with them being "men" and all.
But as they began to smoke, the peace and tranquility within the Amazing Sea Monkey habitat began to change. The Amazing Sea Monkeys were upset and began swimming about and wagging their fingers in a "no no no!" sort of fashion as if to tell the young boys to stop their smoking! But the boys, being foolish, just laughed and blew smoke at the glass as the Amazing Sea Monkeys banged against the inside of the glass and wagged their fingers at the boys in desperation. The young "men" thought they were pretty smart, and just plain ignored the loving warning of these Amazing Sea Monkeys.
And then an Amazing thing happened! The Mother Amazing Sea Monkey within the habitat told her Family that she would have to go "outside" and try and help the young boys. But she told her Family that she might not live through that "thing that she may have to do" in order to save them. So, she bid a tearful goodbye to her husband and many many children, and through the exercised power (exousimo) of Amazing Sea Monkeydom,, transported herself outside of the habitat, and became the size of a regular human being.
And there she stood before the three brothers, soaking wet and smiling with great love. The three boys were Amazed. And while the Mother Monkey continued to look upon the boys with Love, she gently took the pack of Camels from young Yitzhak, and began, one by one, to put all of the cigarettes into her mouth. The boys thought it was pretty funny and were elbowing one another and laughing, but failed to see the sadness in the eyes of the Mother Sea Monkey. Once all of the cigarettes were in her mouth, Ziklag whipped out his Zippo lighter and began lighting all of the cigarettes for her as if he were some kind of a "gentleman" or something. As this was done, the Amazing Sea Monkeys within the habitat were going wild! All of the young ones were crying out to their Mama, and banging wildly against the glass, as the Father Amazing Sea Monkey watched from his throne in sadness. For he knew that his Queen was about to make the ultimate sacrifice for these three young boys. But he also knew that this was the way of the Amazing Sea Monkeys, for "Self sacrifice is the passion of all great Sea Monkeys".
And as she puffed and inhaled to the delight of the foolish boys, she began to weaken, for the smoke was too much for her. She stumbled at one point, and a couple of cigarrettes fell from her mouth. The boys, still thinking it humorous, picked the lit cigs up for her began to stuff them back into her mouth. She thanked them with love, and continued to smoke and to inhale. But then as she weakened further, one of the boys cried out; "No! We must stop her! For she may not live through this! Maybe she is trying to tell us something!" And they began to knock the cigarettes out of her mouth and put them out in their Sobee bottles. But it was too late, for her light had begun to go out.
The boys tried to give her CPR, but it was to no avail. The tobacco poisoning was too much for her, and she continued to go down. The boys felt so low and sad and began to sob quietly, because they knew that they had been the reason for her demise. But the dying Queen stretched forth her hand and all three boys took it and then she spoke. She said with great love and compassion; "Boys, you are young and beautiful. Do not waste your lives trying to be "cool". For, you are already cool. Coolness is a state of mind, and you are already as cool as you will ever be, because your Creator has made you that way. Try to carry this message of the Amazing Sea Monkeys to all whom you meet. You are no longer children. You have gone from boyz to men, and can no longer afford to act so frivolously..."
And with that, her light went out. And as it did, her body began to shrink back to the normal size of an Amazing Sea Monkey and then abruptly disappeared, and then reappeared inside of the Amazing Sea Monkey habitat. All of the young within the habitat gathered her up and set her gently upon a bed of seaweed, and the King wept. She was buried that night in the gravel bed of the habitat, while the three young boys, now men, slept.
But those young men never ever smoked another cigarette again as long as they have lived, and they have shared the love and self sacrifice of the Amazing Sea Monkeys ever since...
Ya know, I had that history on a scrap of paper somewhere, but I have since misplaced it, but I know it to be true...
[This message was edited by Jonny Lingo on March 21, 2004 at 10:29.]
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(Sniff!) Greater love hath no Monkey!
Amazing Sea Monkeys are truely the most loving creatures in the world!
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A la prochaine
Thank you for clarifying this for me. And I thought it was Amazing Sea Monkeys turning bad or the work of the Dark Monkey.
I still have so much to learn.
I think my heart has grown 3 sizes larger...just like the Grinch's heart.
I love Amazing Sea Monkeys!
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no time to read but that pic.... monkey weed
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Tom Strange
thank you for sharing that story OLM Lingo!
I had actually heard it from one of the OLMs that was at the party! It was exactly as you said... I shed many a tear for the love that was shown by that Mama Amazing Sea Monkey... is there ANY DOUBT in anyone's mind what the Amazing Sea Monkeys are all about???
feel the love,
be the love,
live the love...
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(sniff sniff...) There is nothing like Mama Sea Monkey luuuuuuuuuuuv for her offspring, nothing I say!!!!
All hail the heavenly bodies of the mama sea monkey!! Where would the Amazing Sea Monkey civilization be without the maternal luuuuuuuuuuuv of the mama sea monkey?!?!!?
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Tom Strange
Bluz... ala is ready for session 2! she's ready to Walk in Amazing Sea Monkey Power!
Are you leading that session or is our brother socks?
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A la prochaine
Thanks for thinking of me.
Tom, is that a picture of you with a halo on your head?
You look like one of those Amazing Sea Monkeys!
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Wow, so much love on this thread! Amazing Sea Monkey Love!!!
I am now 4 days in to my journey to find the Great Sea Monkey! Preparations were hasty, and slightly delayed by the arrival of an unusual package in the mail.
Wrapped in plain brown paper, the small parcel contained a single photograph, old and faded and smudged by what appears to be...jelly. Grape jelly...??? It's hard to tell. It's an image that must have been taken from the road somewhere, perhaps from a car. The landscape is wide, small hills, looks like summer with the open fields beyond all yellow and burnt.
Filling the center of the picture is a road side billboard, old and gray and weathered by many years. It's an advertisement for ... a restaurant? or store, perhaps a gas station, can't make out the image it's so old and faded on the sign.
Across the face of the sign in irregular spacing are these letters...words...????
Li Shri Bu He
Scrawled across the bottom border of the photo are these words in red ink:
What doesn't remain the same must change....
I've packed the photo in my backpack, in plastic to protect it. I'm not sure what it means, but it seems to remind me of something...something long ago....????? there was no return address or name, and when I chased down the postman to try and see where it was sent from, the guy I found on the next street over said he hadn't been to our street to deliver....yet.
But I've already encountered several troupes of MOW's!!! They're hot! Gave two of them a ride to Lake Tahoe in Northern California. They were so excited when they saw the lake! They hopped out and tossed me a 10 dollar bill. "Get gassed!" the one laughed and they scampered off. It was amazing!!!!
The Missus is saying it's time for bed, so we're going to turn in. Tomorrow's another exciting day of MOW!!!
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Tom, I'm going to review chapter two from the PFAML book and syllabii. I don't want to slow the nurturing down though so if Bluz has the news and is ready to fly, let it be! There's so much.....!
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Tom Strange
Socks! your story is simply Amazing!
I received a similar picture also (Bullinger)... only not in the mail. Remember when I mentioned that I had given a ride to some Amazing Sea Monkeys hitch hikers? Well, I was cleaning out the Element the next day and I found this old tattered snapshot of a landscape in the countryside... the rolling hills, the different hues... in the background was a small country church... when I looked at it I thought "what a beautiful picture this would be if there weren't that dang billboard in the foreground! Stupid billboard!"...
It was a picture I'd never seen before, I don't know how it got there... it could've been from the wine country of Northern Cali or from somewhere in Kentucky or Tennessee... the only reason I thought it was someplace in the contiguous U.S. was that the letters and writing, though seriously weathered and faded, seemed to be in English... it too had the same cryptic message written along the bottom...
It took me a little bit of time before I figured out that the only way it could've come to be in my vehicle was that it was left by one of the hitch hiking Amazing Sea Monkeys!
I wondered how I could get it back to them, certainly it must have been important! I only know that they were headed north on I-35, but that doesn't help... were they headed to Minnesota? on to Canadia? were they going to head East or West when they got to I-40? or I-70?... One thing was clear: they were on a mission!
One thing puzzles me though... as similar as the photograph I have seems to be to the one you have, the only letters I can make out on the billboard are:
ve mp y rel
(I'm guessing on the last letter "l"... it could be an exclamation point but it's pretty weathered, I can't tell)
Now, I'm fairly certain that one of those Amazing Sea Monkeys left that picture in the car/truck... no one else had been in the back seat! You said the mailman hadn't even been to your house yet! Do you think one of the Amazing Sea Monkey MOWs might have put it there?
Is this is all the great mystery unfolding before us!?!?
This is so freaking weird... we're (you and I) about two thousand miles apart from each other aren't we?
One thing is for certain... there is "something in the air" since they crossed my path...
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Tom Strange
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J0nny Ling0
Hey there Brother and Sister OLMs. I have to get on the ferry and go up to Skagway, AK for a week or more. I'm hanging some sheetrock up there for a guy. While I'm gone, I know you all will "keep the faith" and keep sharing the LOVE...
Take care,
Jonny Lingo
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Brother Jonny..please don't be gone long! We will miss you at our little fellowship!
SOCKS...I don't have my syllabus anymore, so we will just wait till your ready to teach session 2!
Isn't it cool that the scientific community is finally admitting what we already knew! That there WERE Amazing Sea Monkey's On Mars!
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A la prochaine
Calling all OLMS...
"Li Shri Bu He"... what can it possibly mean???
"ve mp y rel" ... more???
Brother Lingo...you will certainly be missed.
Return quickly please.
May the force of the Amazing Sea Monkeys be with you.
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