You must first be accepted by Raf, who started this project. After he stamps your hand, you have to stand in line before Pawtucket.If you want his stamp on your hand, I suggest several bottles of cold Guinness.
Then, you need my services. You see, there is a reason they call me the "Shaver of THE". All new applicants must have their facial hair shaved my your's truly (that would be ME) and my rates are 50 pounds of dark chocolate.
Well you are the first one who has requested admittance recently. It is a permanent stamp. It never wears those here have already been stamped. And they all did it the same way.
I am at a loss...does THE present Truth still require THE inimitable hand stamp to be applied to THE hand before one can benefit from THE benefits of THE grace of THE omnipotent one? Yesterday, I was meditating upon many Guiness Stout labels whist consuming a long lost and recently found package of yellow Peeps (w/wax eyes, of course) and I had THE revelation that THE adding of THE ink to THE hand by THE elders was a remnant of THE law and an unnecessary outward sign, and that THE grace of THE would be showered upon all that asked without THE need of THE ink... but then I burped...
(sniveling) I know Mr. Ham, but...but THEn pawtuckets gonna come in later and give my hand another agonizing smack with THE stamp, and...and THEn I have to pay THE shaver of THE 50 pounds of chocolate. (boo hoos, more sniveling, three hyperventilating sighs, blows nose with a loud honk, finally wipes away THE remaining crocodile tears)
THE coffee spray has been retributed. *evil laugh*
Don't worry about THE chocolate for THE shaver of THE. I have about 200 lbs. in secret reserve and just may be willing to share some of THE chocolate, but yer gonna have to do something with THE hanky cause I'm not getting near anything that's been honked on.... MUAHHHHHH!!!
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Brother Speed
I've read this post, twenty pages of story
I want to baske in THE glowry.
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BroTHEr Speed, I think you were MEANT to be a follower of THE. It's in your blood.... I mean, your name.
Ahhh would that Mama had named me something as cool as BroTHEr Speed.....
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Brother Speed
Does this mean "I'm in?"
Am I really, really in?
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Not so fast Brother Speed.
You must first be accepted by Raf, who started this project. After he stamps your hand, you have to stand in line before Pawtucket.If you want his stamp on your hand, I suggest several bottles of cold Guinness.
Then, you need my services. You see, there is a reason they call me the "Shaver of THE". All new applicants must have their facial hair shaved my your's truly (that would be ME) and my rates are 50 pounds of dark chocolate.
Then you'll be "in".
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Brother Speed
are you certain great Shaver of THE?
50 pounds of chocolate I can handle with ease, but hand stamping, are you sure that is necessary?
I have read all twenty pages of THE chronicle and I have seen no hand stamping.
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Well you are the first one who has requested admittance recently. It is a permanent stamp. It never wears those here have already been stamped. And they all did it the same way.
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Brother Speed
After much contemplation and deliberation in THE follicles of my brains cells, I agree to THE requirements.
I THErefore await RAF to apply THE stamp to my hand.
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Ahhhhhh.....anoTHEr is set to join us!
BroTHEr Speed, I hope Raf gets back with you soon.
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Brother Speed
I hear ya Belle, I'm getting tired holding my hand out.
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I am at a loss...does THE present Truth still require THE inimitable hand stamp to be applied to THE hand before one can benefit from THE benefits of THE grace of THE omnipotent one? Yesterday, I was meditating upon many Guiness Stout labels whist consuming a long lost and recently found package of yellow Peeps (w/wax eyes, of course) and I had THE revelation that THE adding of THE ink to THE hand by THE elders was a remnant of THE law and an unnecessary outward sign, and that THE grace of THE would be showered upon all that asked without THE need of THE ink... but then I burped...
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Brother Speed
(sighs) bummer.
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Brother Speed, welcome to THE.
Now brace yourself, because this is really going to hurt...
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Well. THousands of posts, and no End in site..
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BuT nowHEre else are THEre quiTe so HonorablE piTHy uttErances..
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Brother Speed
Oooh, THE pain! THE pain!
Agony, Aaagoooneeeeeee!
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Brother Speed
Sooo, it was Belle that drew THE attention of RAF to strike my hand with THE stamp.
Yesss, I seeee.
Must be payback for THE coffee spray.
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Hey, it's gotta be at least a LITTLE more pleasant than sticking your hand in a bucket of hot asphalt..
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Have to look on THE positive side. You'll only have to leave it in a sling for only a week or two..
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Brother Speed
(sniveling) I know Mr. Ham, but...but THEn pawtuckets gonna come in later and give my hand another agonizing smack with THE stamp, and...and THEn I have to pay THE shaver of THE 50 pounds of chocolate. (boo hoos, more sniveling, three hyperventilating sighs, blows nose with a loud honk, finally wipes away THE remaining crocodile tears)
...anyway, I'll be alright. (sniff, sniff)
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THE coffee spray has been retributed. *evil laugh*
Don't worry about THE chocolate for THE shaver of THE. I have about 200 lbs. in secret reserve and just may be willing to share some of THE chocolate, but yer gonna have to do something with THE hanky cause I'm not getting near anything that's been honked on.... MUAHHHHHH!!!
All Hais THE!
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Brother Speed
seeing as laughter is THE best medicine and
seeing as THE coffee spray incident was "priceless"
I'm starting to feel much better now.
All Hail THE
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Brother Speed
but I can't be hailing, I've not been inducted yet.
(smacks one's self)
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Brother Speed
Was that a kiss Belle? That sounded so much like a kiss to me. So, was it, huh, was it? I just have to be sure about things like that.
anyway, right back at ya Belle, Mwaahh!
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oilfieldTHE....I am really weird, I know
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