I held on to the PFAL teachings for many, many years. Then when I awakened, I tossed out everything...even the idea of Jesus Christ.
Now that I can look at things without needing them to be word-for-word TRUTH of GOD, I find that there were things in PFAL that are what I consider to be universally applicable...in moderation.
Some examples:
I no longer think that believing=receiving, but I do think that it is simpler to reach a goal if I can visualize it happening.
I no longer believe that "fear is the sand in the machinery of life", but I do think that one must learn to differentiate between founded fears and unfounded fears...and that one must also learn to function without the fear being the determining factor.
I no longer believe that figures of speech make something "truer than true", but I do think that using a figure of speech can communicate an idea more effectively.
I feel that "Receive, Retain, Release" is a basic tenet of learning.
I no longer believe that there are "5 things to know before receiving anything from God", but I do think that some of those items are things it makes sense to consider when making certain decisions...like what's available, how to receive it, what to do with it after you've got it, and getting your needs and wants parallel when buying a car or choosing a college.
Basically, now that I've removed the religion, I am able to utilize some basic principles that appear universally in just about every "success" program...and I can admit that if I hadn't run into PFAL, I'd probably have become a Tony Robbins junkie for awhile...(and don't tell anybody, but I've kept all of his material... :D--> ).
How scripture intreprets itself: verse context and where it was used before.
Administrations in the Bible.
Jesus Christ is not God.
Speaking in tongues.
The manifestations of the spirit.
The love to study and read the Bible.
How to get born again.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
How to overcome fear.
How to teach the Bible.
Knowledge that the Bible is true and the Word of God.
Many many other positive points. However, you can now get these teaching from other sources. I do not want anyone to think these are reasons to go back or join that organization. What the Way was and what it is today is like day and night.
Previously (before Martindale),the Way had problems. After Martindale, it was run into the ground in a hurry and became controlling and abusive that far exceeded what Wierwille had done.
what have i kept? nothing. to hold MISTER VPW to his own standard, if one part of his word is wrong then it is ALL wrong. and we might as well throw it all out!!!!!
i would'nt believe anything he wrote today if he wrote "good morning"
I dont know, I dont tenaciously hold onto to many absolute beliefs anymore. Experience has proved a lot of things from PFAL wrong and a lot of doctrinal PFAL is practice is just unknowable.
Fron time to time situations arise that spark something or a 'principle' i may have heard in the way that is essentially true I just dont use or think in the trite phrases anymore. I still think 'the greatest cargoes in life come in over quiet seas' but I have learned more about it from just about every other spiritual group than I ever learned in the yap happy way.
'Learning is an exciting adventure' is another soundbite phrase that actually started for me the day I left the way. I could probably think of more if I could remember more but what once was first is now last
I have many fat neckties and wide lapel jackets. I keep the palmade handy to slick back my hair. I also tell corny jokes to unsuspecting people who laugh nervously trying to make me feel good.
(and nothing was original really, as most was from someone or somewhere else ~ except the snow scene and a few other 'fibs' perhaps ~ or delusions, who the heck really knows)
My Christian health never really improved to 'full health' until I chucked the whole thing. So what if a few things Mr. Wierwille said were true? It's like trying to ladle out a few good things from an infected soup. Sorry, there are turds floating in the pot!
I've enjoyed my 'long slow slide to orthodoxy'.
Those of you who are so sure of the exact identity of the Godhead, the state of the dead, so-called 'administrations', etc, etc, what's to lose if you chuck it all? Nothing, if those things are true. They'll come back 'atcha from 'clean' sources, with no Ohio turds floating in the mix.. Are you afraid you'll, like, backslide or something?
Stolen material doesn't have that holy spirit breath (which the original material did).
I read now Oral Roberts, BG Leonard, JE Stiles, Billy Graham, Norman Vincent Peale and others to whom Holy Spirit spoke as well as those to whom He speaks today.
In addition to getting rid of pfal stuff, getting rid of "babylon mystery religion" and other hate literature also helped my Christlike kindness increase.
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oh definitely 4 crucified
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LOL excie...
;)--> back at you!!!
I haven't really kept anything and have questioned everything I was taught in twi. Still questioning but not to heartily...
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Hahaha, sister ex. Well, I've kept the teaching that Jesus was crucified.
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The Jesus Christ is not God and the Immortal Soul is a lie teachings.
One thing TWI and PFAL should have taught was the Virgin Birth is also a false doctrine. (Actually I believe they seemed to have re-defined it.)
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I still believe three words of the premise. I'm very confident that "the Bible is."
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you "guys" are so wonderful
i'm thinking that most of what i kept i already had....
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I held on to the PFAL teachings for many, many years. Then when I awakened, I tossed out everything...even the idea of Jesus Christ.
Now that I can look at things without needing them to be word-for-word TRUTH of GOD, I find that there were things in PFAL that are what I consider to be universally applicable...in moderation.
Some examples:
Basically, now that I've removed the religion, I am able to utilize some basic principles that appear universally in just about every "success" program...and I can admit that if I hadn't run into PFAL, I'd probably have become a Tony Robbins junkie for awhile...(and don't tell anybody, but I've kept all of his material...
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The Dead are dead until Jesus Christ comes back.
The mystery/secret.
How scripture intreprets itself: verse context and where it was used before.
Administrations in the Bible.
Jesus Christ is not God.
Speaking in tongues.
The manifestations of the spirit.
The love to study and read the Bible.
How to get born again.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
How to overcome fear.
How to teach the Bible.
Knowledge that the Bible is true and the Word of God.
Many many other positive points. However, you can now get these teaching from other sources. I do not want anyone to think these are reasons to go back or join that organization. What the Way was and what it is today is like day and night.
Previously (before Martindale),the Way had problems. After Martindale, it was run into the ground in a hurry and became controlling and abusive that far exceeded what Wierwille had done.
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I'm born again, I'm going to Heaven, and all Hell can't stop me!
God is for us, the Adversary is against us, how we vote determines the election!
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uhhhhhh political forum peas
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what have i kept? nothing. to hold MISTER VPW to his own standard, if one part of his word is wrong then it is ALL wrong. and we might as well throw it all out!!!!!
i would'nt believe anything he wrote today if he wrote "good morning"
M&O, the anti mike
a thing of beauty
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I dont know, I dont tenaciously hold onto to many absolute beliefs anymore. Experience has proved a lot of things from PFAL wrong and a lot of doctrinal PFAL is practice is just unknowable.
Fron time to time situations arise that spark something or a 'principle' i may have heard in the way that is essentially true I just dont use or think in the trite phrases anymore. I still think 'the greatest cargoes in life come in over quiet seas' but I have learned more about it from just about every other spiritual group than I ever learned in the yap happy way.
'Learning is an exciting adventure' is another soundbite phrase that actually started for me the day I left the way. I could probably think of more if I could remember more but what once was first is now last
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What have I kept from PFAL?
1) Salvation is by grace (Romans 10:9&10).
2) SIT.
3) JC is not God.
4) The dead are dead.
5) The gathering together will happen before the events of the book of Revelation.
6) Prayer in the spirit lifts the burden better than prayer with the understanding.
7) The 7 church epistles are in order according to doctrine, reproof, and correction.
8) You can't lose incorruptible seed.
9) Religion is the biblical opposite of godliness.
10) The bible interprets itself.
11) Puctuation, chapters, verses, paragraphs, page headings, etc. are man made and have no divine authority in rightly dividing the word.
12) Christ did not say why have you forsaken me, but rather, for this purpose was I spared (cry of triumph).
13) God doesn't kill people.
14) The old testament, the gospels, and the book of Revelation are not written to the church of grace.
If I think of any more, I'll come back.
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I kept the snappy clothes style Vic taught me.
I have many fat neckties and wide lapel jackets. I keep the palmade handy to slick back my hair. I also tell corny jokes to unsuspecting people who laugh nervously trying to make me feel good.
"Is that a real poncho or a Sears poncho?"
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YOU seth are THAT MAN
a polyester poncho babe !
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George Aar
"If the Bible is in error anywhere you can't trust it everywhere and you might as well just chuck the whole thing"
My people that's a tremendous truth. THAT'S RIIIIGHT!...
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I chucked the whole thing. Too hard to find out what is truth.
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Ginger Tea
I had so much inside before I took it ~
And have gained lots more SINCE I took it...
(and nothing was original really, as most was from someone or somewhere else ~ except the snow scene and a few other 'fibs' perhaps ~ or delusions, who the heck really knows)
It doesn't 'phase' me anymore...
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I still have the books and the syllabus...
Well, I paid for them and I won't give them up!
Unless I get my reserve price on ebay!
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I was just about to say the same thing karmicdebt......but I threw out LOYs stuff..........
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies......
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My Christian health never really improved to 'full health' until I chucked the whole thing. So what if a few things Mr. Wierwille said were true? It's like trying to ladle out a few good things from an infected soup. Sorry, there are turds floating in the pot!
I've enjoyed my 'long slow slide to orthodoxy'.
Those of you who are so sure of the exact identity of the Godhead, the state of the dead, so-called 'administrations', etc, etc, what's to lose if you chuck it all? Nothing, if those things are true. They'll come back 'atcha from 'clean' sources, with no Ohio turds floating in the mix.. Are you afraid you'll, like, backslide or something?
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Kit Sober
Ditto to TheEven for me.
Stolen material doesn't have that holy spirit breath (which the original material did).
I read now Oral Roberts, BG Leonard, JE Stiles, Billy Graham, Norman Vincent Peale and others to whom Holy Spirit spoke as well as those to whom He speaks today.
In addition to getting rid of pfal stuff, getting rid of "babylon mystery religion" and other hate literature also helped my Christlike kindness increase.
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"Sincerity is no guarantee for truth" - VPW
Only thing he ever said that I believe.
Thus Sayeth "The OnionEater"
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