I have a lot of admiration (or maybe incredulity) for those of you women (and men, too) who have babies in your forties. I felt too old to be pregnant at thirty-two, and have since trusted modern science to put a limit on reproductive capabilities. I still occasionally feel a wave of terror that the unthinkable might occur, nature being so arbitrary and unpredictable, and capable of overriding the best of medical interventions. Just the thought of going through it all again is enough to convince me to opt out for the foot massage.
I can't say much more than this because Zixar gets squeamish reading these sorts of confessions.
Hey there fellow parent of a 7-year-old delight! I laughed and cried reading your post - I can PRETTY WELL RELATE!
I was 37 when my princess was born. My son was one week away from turning 16.
I was enjoying the peace and quiet of our home when he was working or out with friends. I finally could return home at the end of the work day to the house in the same condition I had left it that morning. I was truly looking forward to getting back to MY life - had been accepted into the nursing program at the local college - finally, I was going to do ONLY what I wanted to do. (as if...)
I had been working full-time, plus all the overtime they could throw my way, worked a part-time job, AND was a full-time student. How I had time to get pregnant, was beyond me.
I was right there alongside you, MaDonna, Meryl, and Roseanne! I thought we were the hottest things around!
I'm heavyset and since I was so-o-o-o active during the pregnancy, I started to LOSE weight. The doctors were concerned that I might be starving myself (they obviously didn't know me) and insisted I quit the part-time job in my 8th month. That was nice of them, looking back.
I gained a grand total of 10 pounds in that pregnancy!
The week before the due date, the doctor wanted a 3rd ultrasound. I declined - I thought they were just milking my insurance because they can. Their reasoning was that with my ridiculously low weight gain, they thought I might not be as far along as we thought. I agreed to it when the doc said that we would be doing things differently if we found the baby to be 6 pounds versus 9 pounds. (Oh mygod! A 9-pound baby? My son was only 6# 9 oz - could I deliver a 9 pounder?).
I thank God for that ultrasound - it showed there was a "true knot" in the umbilical cord and we had no way of knowing how much oxygen the baby was getting...
Induced labor the very next morning and my little jingle went something like...
Annie Jodine arrived on the scene
at 3:05 today.
Then I had a baby to snuggle, so I didn't get any further with that one. I've since "written" a few little ditties just for her, that cheer her up if she gets a little blue. Real jazzy stuff like,
A is for Annie
J's for Jodine
S is for Schm****
do ya know what I mean.
Oh she loves that one.
Her fave is:
Who's the prettiest girl I know?
Annie-buh, Bannanie-buh.
Who's the one we all love so?
Well that would HAVE to be our little Annie Jo.
The plan was to call her Annie Jo. But she is such an Annie that the Jo is only part of that song, if we may call it a song.
Then there's:
I love my Annie
oh yes I do-ooh.
I don't love anyone
quite like I do you-ooh.
You are my baby.
My little gi-irl.
And you've brought such joy
into my wor-orld.
I love you Annie,
oh yes I do-ooh.
Turned out, that even though I have always enjoyed my son so much, I really felt as though now I saw my purpose here once she arrived.
I wonder if our girls will cross paths with each other or Madonna's or Roseanne's daughter somewhere down the road. It's such a small world - it could happen!
Annie's teeth are straightening out into a nice matching set - although about every other one is missing or has the new one partly in. (Don't they look funny for a while in a sweet little way?)
Congrats and thanks, Tilda - and Happy Birthday, Holly!!!
(Pay no attention to us moms who had babies almost grown when another one came along, it's what we do and the laughter is what kept us going then and now!)
Roll eyes here Holly -->
How cool is to be born into the family you were! And you have all of us as a bonus! How lucky is that. double eye rolling here --> -->
I still chuckle when I think about WayDale had a troll that posted with a holly name and your Mom went around and around messing with us in chat when we were talking troll and she was talking you!!!!!!!!!
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Happy Birthday, Holly!
I have a lot of admiration (or maybe incredulity) for those of you women (and men, too) who have babies in your forties. I felt too old to be pregnant at thirty-two, and have since trusted modern science to put a limit on reproductive capabilities. I still occasionally feel a wave of terror that the unthinkable might occur, nature being so arbitrary and unpredictable, and capable of overriding the best of medical interventions. Just the thought of going through it all again is enough to convince me to opt out for the foot massage.
I can't say much more than this because Zixar gets squeamish reading these sorts of confessions.
Anyway, congratulations.
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Hey there fellow parent of a 7-year-old delight! I laughed and cried reading your post - I can PRETTY WELL RELATE!
I was 37 when my princess was born. My son was one week away from turning 16.
I was enjoying the peace and quiet of our home when he was working or out with friends. I finally could return home at the end of the work day to the house in the same condition I had left it that morning. I was truly looking forward to getting back to MY life - had been accepted into the nursing program at the local college - finally, I was going to do ONLY what I wanted to do. (as if...)
I had been working full-time, plus all the overtime they could throw my way, worked a part-time job, AND was a full-time student. How I had time to get pregnant, was beyond me.
I was right there alongside you, MaDonna, Meryl, and Roseanne! I thought we were the hottest things around!
I'm heavyset and since I was so-o-o-o active during the pregnancy, I started to LOSE weight. The doctors were concerned that I might be starving myself (they obviously didn't know me) and insisted I quit the part-time job in my 8th month. That was nice of them, looking back.
I gained a grand total of 10 pounds in that pregnancy!
The week before the due date, the doctor wanted a 3rd ultrasound. I declined - I thought they were just milking my insurance because they can. Their reasoning was that with my ridiculously low weight gain, they thought I might not be as far along as we thought. I agreed to it when the doc said that we would be doing things differently if we found the baby to be 6 pounds versus 9 pounds. (Oh mygod! A 9-pound baby? My son was only 6# 9 oz - could I deliver a 9 pounder?).
I thank God for that ultrasound - it showed there was a "true knot" in the umbilical cord and we had no way of knowing how much oxygen the baby was getting...
Induced labor the very next morning and my little jingle went something like...
Annie Jodine arrived on the scene
at 3:05 today.
Then I had a baby to snuggle, so I didn't get any further with that one. I've since "written" a few little ditties just for her, that cheer her up if she gets a little blue. Real jazzy stuff like,
A is for Annie
J's for Jodine
S is for Schm****
do ya know what I mean.
Oh she loves that one.
Her fave is:
Who's the prettiest girl I know?
Annie-buh, Bannanie-buh.
Who's the one we all love so?
Well that would HAVE to be our little Annie Jo.
The plan was to call her Annie Jo. But she is such an Annie that the Jo is only part of that song, if we may call it a song.
Then there's:
I love my Annie
oh yes I do-ooh.
I don't love anyone
quite like I do you-ooh.
You are my baby.
My little gi-irl.
And you've brought such joy
into my wor-orld.
I love you Annie,
oh yes I do-ooh.
Turned out, that even though I have always enjoyed my son so much, I really felt as though now I saw my purpose here once she arrived.
I wonder if our girls will cross paths with each other or Madonna's or Roseanne's daughter somewhere down the road. It's such a small world - it could happen!
Annie's teeth are straightening out into a nice matching set - although about every other one is missing or has the new one partly in. (Don't they look funny for a while in a sweet little way?)
Congrats and thanks, Tilda - and Happy Birthday, Holly!!!
B - Better
O - Off
W - Without
t - the
w - way
i - international
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Happy Birthday Holly
(Pay no attention to us moms who had babies almost grown when another one came along, it's what we do and the laughter is what kept us going then and now!)
Roll eyes here Holly
How cool is to be born into the family you were! And you have all of us as a bonus! How lucky is that. double eye rolling here
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I had my last one a son at age 40 he's 18 now and I would give anything to have another one?
BTW he was a joy to raise and still is.
Also my youngest daughter had her first 5 months after I had Bobby so Bobby is tha Uncle of an 18 year old niece.lol
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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Happy Birthday Holly!!!
Woaa, the tupperware moment almost had me headed for the porcelin thrown.
I admire you ladies for having the strength to endure childbirth.
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laleo: I do? Well, if you say so...
Secret Signature of the Day==v
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I'm 44 with a 7 yr old son.
best thing that ever happened to me, keeps me younger than I already am.....
of course people always ask me if he's my 1st grandson, to which I respond, no, my last son.
being a single dad is great.
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Now that you are 7 tell Mom that you are fine and independent, ready to write when you find work and make it on your own!!! But you will gladly wait a decade or so if Mom will show up at the café more often!!!
I still chuckle when I think about WayDale had a troll that posted with a holly name and your Mom went around and around messing with us in chat when we were talking troll and she was talking you!!!!!!!!!
God Bless America; SIZE>
Grizz SIZE>
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Happy Holly-days are here STILL!!!!
Happy birthday, Holly-girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Ginger Tea
[This message was edited by Ginger Tea on December 14, 2003 at 22:56.]
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Ginger Tea
While my baby's birth was done by my 21st, bless all mothers mothers...I admire you all!
Notes of passage:
The time will give the increase
Soon the trips we take are each more memorable then the last ~
Others join out precious family (or await properly to)
There's high school & college
Their Engagements
We can feel, at times, we may be loosing them ~ but oh, it is 'so' not true.
May your relationship with Happy Holly experience the joys of my Hopi child`
This year ~ we experienced the loss of her dad ~ so
...we are doing Christmas away from either home (both mine where she is ~ and this one here to me)
This Holiday, I sursprised her with a booking for us at the Four Seasons Hotel & Resort.
We are REALLY going to the Four Seasons...to luxuriate (work pays off)
Not to be frivilous ~ we already know how to do that!
We are Absolutely Fabulous Girls!
We are doing it to embarge on a new passage in time.
I'm her only parent now.
She has this safe half where the love and adoration she grew accustomed to still thrives.
I'm making a new memory of her independance.
One that will carry on with anything ahead for her, I think.
Plus, she's tinkled pink.
We'll always tickle each other where it counts.
Happy Birthday to your growing Baby Girl. Many happy returns.
Many wonderful adventures lie ahead.
I hope you find as many as needed...like I'm learning.
Our children are the most precious on the earth.
The earth barely today) understands.
How precious for You.
Your exciting future.
Come whay may, you'll have each other.
[This message was edited by Ginger Tea on December 14, 2003 at 23:24.]
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My last pregnancy was the easiest one I had, I felt wonderful and had loads of energy. Wish I had all that energy now when I really need it.lol
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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