Before I left in the mid 90's TWI promulgated the teaching that those of you that had left in the 80's had fallen under the influence of seducing spirits and could not be trusted to teach at twig let alone run one. LCM even said perhaps the people who left could be trusted to handle refreshments but that was about it. It was also said because of your spiritual contamination that your very presence in the household was suspect and you had to be watched like a hawk by those in charge of the show.
So my question is where is the compassion in all of this. What about the lesson that should have been learned from the parable of the prodigal son and his forgiving father? What about the lesson that should have been learned about how Jesus not only forgave the apostles but put full trust in them to continue the work? So, why would anyone want to go back to a cult that is so manifestly out of step with such dominant Christian themes of reconciliation, forgiveness and LOVE.
I recall the passage in the Bible "the letter kills but the spirit gives life." TWI taught us well how to live by the letter.
"There is a way that seems right to a man but the ends thereof are death." TWI was and is the way of death. Just look around at the shattered lives here and elsewhere. Isn't more important to be where Christ's spirit of love is found?
Here is my take on your question. I suspect that having been all those things you said you were like WC & all those other things that, once upon a time, you may have considered yourself able to simply start a fellowship. Why not now? Gunshy maybe? Think you need the support of a larger ministry? Obviously something was wrong with the design to begin with in TWI, & you don't want to repeat the same mistakes? All understandable; take some time to sort things out.
But the point I'm bush-beating around is that you can do exactly that. Furthermore, it is the fellowship that is shared one on one as the spirit of God answers to the spirit of God between believers (the real fellowship)that you miss more than the meetings per se. And that you can have.
Check this out. I have been missing fellowship like crazy since I left & been lonely for it. About three months ago, I started taking Karate at a dojo near to the school I teach at with another teacher from the school. I'm learning all this very cool stuff about the Chinese theory of Qi with this other teacher. I've got a head start on it because I've been doing Yoga for years, but I avoided a lot of the philosophy behind it because of the Way teaching that it was devilish. Long story short, this other teacher with whom I'm learning this stuff turns out to be a believer. He is not big on the church that he attends once in a while - thinks it is churchy. We got into a great talk about Qi power, the bible, Christ power, all kinds of stuff, & he suggested that we get together a couple of times a week to study the bible.
Now here's the thing. The guy is not a PFAL grad, never attended a TWI fellowship, but the spirit of God works in him. He believes God will work in him and teach him and HE does and we have great fellowship together. Believers are all over the place. You don't need to join a church. Remember, we are the church. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if there are more believers outside of church buildings than within.
Also, God is supposed to place us in the body where it pleases Him. God does a lot better job than some man at placing us in pleasing places. Get out, jump in, do something you've always wanted to do, live your life. People to fellowship with are in the category of increase. That's God's job. Don't go to church. Open your eyes; your brothers and sisters are all around you.
Well, I just got home from church, and I must say it was a fabulous service. Our family sat with my mom and my brother and his family. Then afterwards, we had coffee in the atrium with some friends, (fellow exwayfers ) no less.
Later this afternoon, family and friends are coming over to eat the ducks and geese another brother shot early this morning.
I'm telling ya, the "fellowship and friendship" we've found at our church puts just about any "twig" we ever attended to shame. (White Dove, the Kansas years not included. :)--> )
Not to mention the excellent message preached which had to do with the gift of Jesus Christ and the "repentence" ie ability to change, he brought.
I'm very thankful to have wonderful, caring, loving people to worship along side of. So I guess my encouragement, would be to "try Church." It's not the pit of screaming devils that TWI painted it to be.
PS I guess I should add that last night we had our "small group" fellowship with the church. There are 5 couples in our group with 13 and a half kids ranging in ages from newborn to 16.
We had a pot luck dinner which included turkey and all the trimmings, and homemade cheesecake for dessert. After we all ate, we played Cranium, and for the first time in the history of our small group, the men beat the women. (just barely) We'll get our revenge, don't worry.
There is another couple in our small group that is exwaycorps like us. The other three couples are "nver been way." We didn't really know the other ex couple while in, but met them at church. Go figure.
We had a blast last night, and do every time we get together, twice a month.
Yes, Virginia, there is life after TWI, in church.
ex10 Boy I'm glad you put that hic- cup in there about the Ks years. Cause those were about to be fighting words
However I think that I remember a few fellowships that were not all that fun either. I still remember J ripping off his coat and throwing it on our living room floor. I thought sure furniture was going to be flying soon.
the concept that church is to get -- your needs met, your ideology spoonfed -- is not godly.
church is for people to get-together, and the improvement that comes with that. Church is a place to give.
Christmas is an excellent example. Churches are out doing angel trees, suppers, special food drives, "adopt-a-family." Just all kinds of things.
I just never saw any social/community giving in twi, except for Jim Milne, who was always in trouble with leadership anyway.
From what little I know of the Christian lifestyle, each one of us is required to "rightly divide" the word into our life and lifestyle on a personal and individual level.
No one will stand before the Lord and account for my life but myself.
And church is just a nice respite, a gathering together before The Gathering Together. A place where you can say "Bless you" and not get reprimanded or asked to explain yourself.
Church is a place to give, to learn to blend into the Body of Christ -- Watchman Nee spoke about having the rough edges chipped away so we could be living stones that are fit together.
The Message (Eugene Peterson's translation) has it,
quote:"Now he?s using you, fitting you in brick by brick, stone by stone, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone that holds all the parts together. We see it taking shape day after day?a holy temple built by God, all of us built into it, a temple in which God is quite at home."
The spirit of wisdom, which we should each know on a personal level is the One Who is able to guide us into all truth, not twi leadership or any pastor.
:)-->," God
[This message was edited by Kit Sober on December 14, 2003 at 16:02.]
Well, everyone has pretty much summed it all up, but I might as well jump in and put in my nickles worth.
I stopped going to TWI fellowships shortly after LCM was installed as the president. I felt a certain void, even though I was glad to be able to make the decision to do what I damn well please. I actually got involved for a short time with a tele-vangelist ministry that was pretty parallel with TWI, but got disillusioned with the preacher's legalisms. I found that I'm stuck in a lake when there's an entire ocean to discover and explore. It's ok to retain some of what you were taught and to reconsider others, what ever makes you comfortable in you heart. You can also take the teachings that are the most dear to your heart, and find a fellowship that will be in harmony with such convictions (I was surprised to find there are many). Many also don't make too big a fuss of the relatively minor issues you may not agree with, and even if they do, so what? Also, the offshoots can be beneficial, depending on whether or not they shy away from crappy TWI traditions. I personally would recommend CES. They even have levels of memeberships, depending on your individual beliefs. (BTW, I'm in the third category, where I don't agree with everything they teach and harbor some ideas they may not agree with.)
Finally, if you are longing for the friends you made in TWI, you will find that many of your true friends probably left before you did. There is a forum on GS where you can look for old friends. Also the Cortright website can also be of good help.
Also, it's kinda fun to make new friends who actually never so much as even heard of TWI. I remember the friends I have made, but I also enjoy the friends I have now.
Welcome to Greasespot, and don't be surprised to find you will never become one :)-->
Hey, after millions of midnights, I still haven't become one :D-->
Well guess what. I went to church on Sunday! It was nice. They did a lot of singing abouth xmas and JC. My family had some fun. It was nice to be around some people who seemed to care and welcome us there. I think we will go back again next week. I will keep you all posted!
I think its great that you had a good time at church. And that you are going to give it a try again.
I know its hard when people first leave twi. Missing the people are the hardest. But you have to come to a place to realize a lot of it wasn't real. In real life you don't have instant friends. On the other hand friends usually stick with you even if you leave a church or a belief. So the hardest part is friendship and keeping busy.
Church is a great one to find friends and stay busy and also join some groups of interests like if you have any hobbies. If you like animals you can join an animal group or shelter and go help with them. There are a lot of places you can volunteer and meet friends that really will surprise you on how good your friendship will become.
Friendship will not happen overnight though. It takes time to nurture.
I love to say this...hehe Good luck on your new journey and enjoy!!!!!
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
Raising people from the dead? A miracle of any kind? Same story as everything else. Redefine success (way down) and avoid the embarrassing lack of spiritual impact. "Speaking in Tongues is the greatest miracle of all." I guess that means all of the other miracles in Acts didn't matter. The first outpouring on Pentecost was noted for it's impact. However, weren't there a few other miracles that caused people to notice? ;-)
It isn't even mentioned anymore. Miracles are now in the category of "wouldn't it be nice if..." Like outreach and everything else. My impression is that no one even looks for it because it hasn't happened in so long. Even then, the ones that supposedly occurred were just rumors. I remember my last ROA, LCM said a man had been healed of AIDS at a TWI fellowship. He went on to say it was the only recorded case like it. When I tried to follow up to get information (what a great story of deliverance!), I was quickly shut down. I noticed that my LC seemed VERY funny about the whole thing. Does anyone else remember this?
For other folks still in, I'll start a new thread to take a poll. Maybe I'm wrong and there's tons of amazing miracles happening every day in TWI. Doubt it but I'll check.
You're right. Thanks for pointing it out to me. I wasn't saying that all miracles in TWI were just rumors. That would be a stretch. I suppose I didn't express myself very well.
What I trying to say was that I personally was (and am) unaware of any miracles even being mentioned in some time. For example, a couple of years ago, I mentioned to some fellow FCs that I noticed this. "When was the last time you saw or even knew of someone who had a genuine miracle in their life." Very awkward silence. It was obvious that: (1) they hadn't thought about it and (2) they couldn't recall one.
These folks represented twi fellowships from various areas in a large state. Surely, someone could have come up with at least ONE. That is only one state but I suspect it is not unusual. Just a theory though which is why I started another thread on this to hear from others.
Was the topic of discussion about Miracles before it left off? People going back or not going back and why - yes or no on the miracles? Yes, I read the posts.
When I started with the TWI in the late 80's I witnessed miracle after miracle; in the true defining sense of a miracle -yes. My TC was so hot on all 9, all the time; it only seemed logical that miracles were to be expected and yes, they happened. I saw healing after healing. I saw amazing things that would shock me and amaze me.
The more committed I got, the more talk I heard, the less miracles I saw. People wanted to talk but didn't want to act or they wanted to act inside the perimeter or what they believed to be "The Highway of God's Power". True believing dwindled as legalism took powerful control in many areas of TWI not because I or my Corps brothers and sisters wanted to ditch God but the box became narrow and acting from "inspiration" suddenly became fear of instigation.
So what now? LCM is out, things are moving, people are growing and yes, people are coming back. Not just me but many others. People who stayed on the ship out in the ocean during the rough weather and now are heading into shore over calm seas.
Maybe not completely calm, but calmer. As one person posted to me on a previous thread - (basically it seemed to me they said) that it's hard to forgive a ministry or even a person when it seems like no one is asking for your forgiveness. This remains to be true in many ways. The offenders though past or present see God's cleansing power as enough and maybe you (and I do mean YOU) got wooded out because their was something wrong with you anyway. Not too many say they are sorry or ask for forgiveness, however, if a person wanted to come back and was willing to forgive the past wrongs - it does take time, no doubt-no doubt! - they would find that miracles are happening with TWI again. I can again say that I've seen amazing things.
God is ALIVE and is good always. I won't say that wrongs weren't done and perpetrators were violaters but that's NOT ME and that's not MY ministry. So I say -if you can't find the Living Word in a church or signs, miracles and wonders, maybe it's time you checked out TWI again because those boys are back in town.
Thin Lizzy
Thank God I can read the Bible; Can I get another cup of Java while I'm sitting here? Thanks and heads up, hearts out - ready for another day of believing God's Word.
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No Ex, it's worse.
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Before I left in the mid 90's TWI promulgated the teaching that those of you that had left in the 80's had fallen under the influence of seducing spirits and could not be trusted to teach at twig let alone run one. LCM even said perhaps the people who left could be trusted to handle refreshments but that was about it. It was also said because of your spiritual contamination that your very presence in the household was suspect and you had to be watched like a hawk by those in charge of the show.
So my question is where is the compassion in all of this. What about the lesson that should have been learned from the parable of the prodigal son and his forgiving father? What about the lesson that should have been learned about how Jesus not only forgave the apostles but put full trust in them to continue the work? So, why would anyone want to go back to a cult that is so manifestly out of step with such dominant Christian themes of reconciliation, forgiveness and LOVE.
I recall the passage in the Bible "the letter kills but the spirit gives life." TWI taught us well how to live by the letter.
"There is a way that seems right to a man but the ends thereof are death." TWI was and is the way of death. Just look around at the shattered lives here and elsewhere. Isn't more important to be where Christ's spirit of love is found?
Personally approves the wine list.
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Hi Wonder & welcome.
Here is my take on your question. I suspect that having been all those things you said you were like WC & all those other things that, once upon a time, you may have considered yourself able to simply start a fellowship. Why not now? Gunshy maybe? Think you need the support of a larger ministry? Obviously something was wrong with the design to begin with in TWI, & you don't want to repeat the same mistakes? All understandable; take some time to sort things out.
But the point I'm bush-beating around is that you can do exactly that. Furthermore, it is the fellowship that is shared one on one as the spirit of God answers to the spirit of God between believers (the real fellowship)that you miss more than the meetings per se. And that you can have.
Check this out. I have been missing fellowship like crazy since I left & been lonely for it. About three months ago, I started taking Karate at a dojo near to the school I teach at with another teacher from the school. I'm learning all this very cool stuff about the Chinese theory of Qi with this other teacher. I've got a head start on it because I've been doing Yoga for years, but I avoided a lot of the philosophy behind it because of the Way teaching that it was devilish. Long story short, this other teacher with whom I'm learning this stuff turns out to be a believer. He is not big on the church that he attends once in a while - thinks it is churchy. We got into a great talk about Qi power, the bible, Christ power, all kinds of stuff, & he suggested that we get together a couple of times a week to study the bible.
Now here's the thing. The guy is not a PFAL grad, never attended a TWI fellowship, but the spirit of God works in him. He believes God will work in him and teach him and HE does and we have great fellowship together. Believers are all over the place. You don't need to join a church. Remember, we are the church. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if there are more believers outside of church buildings than within.
Also, God is supposed to place us in the body where it pleases Him. God does a lot better job than some man at placing us in pleasing places. Get out, jump in, do something you've always wanted to do, live your life. People to fellowship with are in the category of increase. That's God's job. Don't go to church. Open your eyes; your brothers and sisters are all around you.
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very cool tomlitwin my dear brother
i think even early2it will love what you said
hugs galore
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Well, I just got home from church, and I must say it was a fabulous service. Our family sat with my mom and my brother and his family. Then afterwards, we had coffee in the atrium with some friends, (fellow exwayfers
) no less.
Later this afternoon, family and friends are coming over to eat the ducks and geese another brother shot early this morning.
I'm telling ya, the "fellowship and friendship" we've found at our church puts just about any "twig" we ever attended to shame. (White Dove, the Kansas years not included.
:)--> )
Not to mention the excellent message preached which had to do with the gift of Jesus Christ and the "repentence" ie ability to change, he brought.
I'm very thankful to have wonderful, caring, loving people to worship along side of. So I guess my encouragement, would be to "try Church." It's not the pit of screaming devils that TWI painted it to be.
Peace and Joy to you and yours.
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PS I guess I should add that last night we had our "small group" fellowship with the church. There are 5 couples in our group with 13 and a half kids ranging in ages from newborn to 16.
We had a pot luck dinner which included turkey and all the trimmings, and homemade cheesecake for dessert. After we all ate, we played Cranium, and for the first time in the history of our small group, the men beat the women. (just barely) We'll get our revenge, don't worry.
There is another couple in our small group that is exwaycorps like us. The other three couples are "nver been way." We didn't really know the other ex couple while in, but met them at church. Go figure.
We had a blast last night, and do every time we get together, twice a month.
Yes, Virginia, there is life after TWI, in church.
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ex10 Boy I'm glad you put that hic- cup in there about the Ks years. Cause those were about to be fighting words
However I think that I remember a few fellowships that were not all that fun either. I still remember J ripping off his coat and throwing it on our living room floor. I thought sure furniture was going to be flying soon.
Without Coffee
I Would Have No Personality At All
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Kit Sober
the concept that church is to get -- your needs met, your ideology spoonfed -- is not godly.
church is for people to get-together, and the improvement that comes with that. Church is a place to give.
Christmas is an excellent example. Churches are out doing angel trees, suppers, special food drives, "adopt-a-family." Just all kinds of things.
I just never saw any social/community giving in twi, except for Jim Milne, who was always in trouble with leadership anyway.
From what little I know of the Christian lifestyle, each one of us is required to "rightly divide" the word into our life and lifestyle on a personal and individual level.
No one will stand before the Lord and account for my life but myself.
And church is just a nice respite, a gathering together before The Gathering Together. A place where you can say "Bless you" and not get reprimanded or asked to explain yourself.
Church is a place to give, to learn to blend into the Body of Christ -- Watchman Nee spoke about having the rough edges chipped away so we could be living stones that are fit together.
The Message (Eugene Peterson's translation) has it,
The spirit of wisdom, which we should each know on a personal level is the One Who is able to guide us into all truth, not twi leadership or any pastor.
[This message was edited by Kit Sober on December 14, 2003 at 16:02.]
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Hi Wonder,
Well, everyone has pretty much summed it all up, but I might as well jump in and put in my nickles worth.
I stopped going to TWI fellowships shortly after LCM was installed as the president. I felt a certain void, even though I was glad to be able to make the decision to do what I damn well please. I actually got involved for a short time with a tele-vangelist ministry that was pretty parallel with TWI, but got disillusioned with the preacher's legalisms. I found that I'm stuck in a lake when there's an entire ocean to discover and explore. It's ok to retain some of what you were taught and to reconsider others, what ever makes you comfortable in you heart. You can also take the teachings that are the most dear to your heart, and find a fellowship that will be in harmony with such convictions (I was surprised to find there are many). Many also don't make too big a fuss of the relatively minor issues you may not agree with, and even if they do, so what? Also, the offshoots can be beneficial, depending on whether or not they shy away from crappy TWI traditions. I personally would recommend CES. They even have levels of memeberships, depending on your individual beliefs. (BTW, I'm in the third category, where I don't agree with everything they teach and harbor some ideas they may not agree with.)
Finally, if you are longing for the friends you made in TWI, you will find that many of your true friends probably left before you did. There is a forum on GS where you can look for old friends. Also the Cortright website can also be of good help.
Also, it's kinda fun to make new friends who actually never so much as even heard of TWI. I remember the friends I have made, but I also enjoy the friends I have now.
Welcome to Greasespot, and don't be surprised to find you will never become one
Hey, after millions of midnights, I still haven't become one
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Well guess what. I went to church on Sunday!
It was nice. They did a lot of singing abouth xmas and JC. My family had some fun. It was nice to be around some people who seemed to care and welcome us there. I think we will go back again next week. I will keep you all posted!
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"ex 10" very inspiring illustration of God meeting your need and blessing your heart. Thank you
"Wonder" CES hosts some great activities and times of fellowship as well as has local fellowships in some areas of the USA.
Also would HIGHLY SUGGEST Cloud Townsend in CA they have a Monday nite solutions tape you can subscribe to that is AWESOME.
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Darn it, I thought Dr. john townsend was "our" John Townsend.
But they do sound interesting. I may check it out.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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Hey wonder,
I think its great that you had a good time at church. And that you are going to give it a try again.
I know its hard when people first leave twi. Missing the people are the hardest. But you have to come to a place to realize a lot of it wasn't real. In real life you don't have instant friends. On the other hand friends usually stick with you even if you leave a church or a belief. So the hardest part is friendship and keeping busy.
Church is a great one to find friends and stay busy and also join some groups of interests like if you have any hobbies. If you like animals you can join an animal group or shelter and go help with them. There are a lot of places you can volunteer and meet friends that really will surprise you on how good your friendship will become.
Friendship will not happen overnight though. It takes time to nurture.
I love to say this...hehe Good luck on your new journey and enjoy!!!!!
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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I will go back when...
James Brown ain't funky and King Kong ain't a big ol' monkey.
Personally approves the wine list.
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ummmmmmmmm i'll go back when i see someone raised from the dead
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For anyone considering of going back to TWI because they have no place to fellowship that agrees with them, I'll recommend the following:
Christian Educational Services
Christian Family Fellowship
And finally, you may be able to locate ex-believers of the Way or former friends to fellowship with anyway at this site:
Believer Links
Another ministry operating is:
Christian Biblical Counsel
Marked and Avoided
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Oh, I don't doubt that people got raised form the dead.
But TWI ain't getting raised from the dead, so I ain't going back.
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Raising people from the dead? A miracle of any kind? Same story as everything else. Redefine success (way down) and avoid the embarrassing lack of spiritual impact. "Speaking in Tongues is the greatest miracle of all." I guess that means all of the other miracles in Acts didn't matter. The first outpouring on Pentecost was noted for it's impact. However, weren't there a few other miracles that caused people to notice? ;-)
It isn't even mentioned anymore. Miracles are now in the category of "wouldn't it be nice if..." Like outreach and everything else. My impression is that no one even looks for it because it hasn't happened in so long. Even then, the ones that supposedly occurred were just rumors. I remember my last ROA, LCM said a man had been healed of AIDS at a TWI fellowship. He went on to say it was the only recorded case like it. When I tried to follow up to get information (what a great story of deliverance!), I was quickly shut down. I noticed that my LC seemed VERY funny about the whole thing. Does anyone else remember this?
For other folks still in, I'll start a new thread to take a poll. Maybe I'm wrong and there's tons of amazing miracles happening every day in TWI. Doubt it but I'll check.
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"got," past tense.
Maybe it was all rumor to you, but it is a stretch to believe that it was all rumor to everyone, not knowing all that everyone knew.
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You're right. Thanks for pointing it out to me. I wasn't saying that all miracles in TWI were just rumors. That would be a stretch. I suppose I didn't express myself very well.
What I trying to say was that I personally was (and am) unaware of any miracles even being mentioned in some time. For example, a couple of years ago, I mentioned to some fellow FCs that I noticed this. "When was the last time you saw or even knew of someone who had a genuine miracle in their life." Very awkward silence. It was obvious that: (1) they hadn't thought about it and (2) they couldn't recall one.
These folks represented twi fellowships from various areas in a large state. Surely, someone could have come up with at least ONE. That is only one state but I suspect it is not unusual. Just a theory though which is why I started another thread on this to hear from others.
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Bringing this to the top for a lurker.
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Thin Lizzy
Was the topic of discussion about Miracles before it left off? People going back or not going back and why - yes or no on the miracles? Yes, I read the posts.
When I started with the TWI in the late 80's I witnessed miracle after miracle; in the true defining sense of a miracle -yes. My TC was so hot on all 9, all the time; it only seemed logical that miracles were to be expected and yes, they happened. I saw healing after healing. I saw amazing things that would shock me and amaze me.
The more committed I got, the more talk I heard, the less miracles I saw. People wanted to talk but didn't want to act or they wanted to act inside the perimeter or what they believed to be "The Highway of God's Power". True believing dwindled as legalism took powerful control in many areas of TWI not because I or my Corps brothers and sisters wanted to ditch God but the box became narrow and acting from "inspiration" suddenly became fear of instigation.
So what now? LCM is out, things are moving, people are growing and yes, people are coming back. Not just me but many others. People who stayed on the ship out in the ocean during the rough weather and now are heading into shore over calm seas.
Maybe not completely calm, but calmer. As one person posted to me on a previous thread - (basically it seemed to me they said) that it's hard to forgive a ministry or even a person when it seems like no one is asking for your forgiveness. This remains to be true in many ways. The offenders though past or present see God's cleansing power as enough and maybe you (and I do mean YOU) got wooded out because their was something wrong with you anyway. Not too many say they are sorry or ask for forgiveness, however, if a person wanted to come back and was willing to forgive the past wrongs - it does take time, no doubt-no doubt! - they would find that miracles are happening with TWI again. I can again say that I've seen amazing things.
God is ALIVE and is good always. I won't say that wrongs weren't done and perpetrators were violaters but that's NOT ME and that's not MY ministry. So I say -if you can't find the Living Word in a church or signs, miracles and wonders, maybe it's time you checked out TWI again because those boys are back in town.
Thin Lizzy
Thank God I can read the Bible; Can I get another cup of Java while I'm sitting here? Thanks and heads up, hearts out - ready for another day of believing God's Word.
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Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...
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Amen to that brother.
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