Everyone's advice here is good. Most of them have said not to go back and I couldn't agree more.
Chwester's post is fabulous. Scroll up and read it again! One paragraph in particular really stuck out for me...
quote:You should stop being so concerned about "doctrine" and be more concerned about the two most important commandments named by Jesus Christ--to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and your neighbor as yourself. When you have mastered those two things, then you can move on to the other less important things.
TWI forgot about those two commandments many, many years ago when they put "the word" above all else, including God.
"It's the WORD, the WORD and NOTHIN' but the WORD!" Remember that? It's nothing but "biblolatry" - idolatry of the bible.
We got out in July of 2000. Someone who we'd known and respected for many years while in TWI gave us some good advice. He said to take a year or two off from any kind of religious activity. Get your family together, get your marriage together, take care of the things in your life you neglected because of TWI and then decide what you want to do about fellowshiping somewhere.
Chwester said it - "God has put his hand of blessing on many ministries that dont believe exactly as you do(or as I do)."
The world is wide open to you, don't return to the vomit of TWI.
Hope R. color>size>face>
What a long, strange trip it's been!size>face>color>
Wonder: What spinoffs believe JC is God? I've been to fellowships of 4 different spinoffs: CFF (John Shroyer), CBC (Vince Finnegan), CRF (John Hendricks, and a Chris Geer related one. None of those believe JC is God. I thought at one time that CES (John Lynn) taught that, but was assured in 1996 by someone that they don't.
I think Wonder was referring to the local churches, not the spinoffs, but I could be wrong.
Wonder: I might add to what others have posted that the best thing you can do is to start experiencing life through life's eyes. What I mean by that is, Jesus Christ didn't come here just to joust and fence with the Jews and Romans. It happened from time to time, but it wasn't a 24/7 contention with the people.He came not only to deliver us, but to show us how life could be. We lost sight of that in the Way. We became so concerned over every jot and tittle that we lost sight of the Alpha and Omega. You don't have to believe Jesus is God, you don't have to give up the belief that the Gospels were only "for our learning". But he is the example set for us. Some notable things Jesus DIDN'T do:
--Pore endlessly over concordances and interlinears. He walked out among the people, ate with them, celebrated with them, grieved with them.
--Feel superior to anyone in his knowledge. He let his life tell the story, not last week's Official Twig Teaching™.
--Condemn the rank and file Jews or Gentiles. Whenever he got on someone's case, it was usually some leader using their position abusively.
--Try to convert everybody. Jesus freaks are obnoxious boors. He led by example, not by rabid arrogant evangelism.
Living to serve doesn't just mean serving those who already believe as you do. There is no PFAL class anymore, so you no longer have to sign every person on the planet up. Don't be so insecure in your beliefs that you take every religious difference as a personal challenge, either. Arrogance never converted anybody.
TWI made you keep your face in a book all the time. Perhaps it's time to put that book knowledge into action. It's not like you're studying for God's Final Exam or anything! Look at everyone here. Nearly all of us used to be green-card carrying Wayfers, but now there's Unitarians, Catholics, Messianic Jews, Offshooters, and even atheists here. Sure, we have our squabbles and knock-down drag-outs, but it's real and it's ours. We aren't forced to conform when we don't want to. We help each other of our own volition, not because some Limb Leader is looking over our shoulders. We believe what we want to believe, not what Word-O'-The-Week is handed down. It's what the real world was all along during our blindered-days in TWI.
Enough sermonizing from me. You may not have a map of where to go from here, but look down. The only thing that matters is that you have FEET. Pick a direction and see where it leads you.
Think about what you said. That you are condsidering going back to TWI becsause you cannot find any fellowship close to the truth.
Maybe you are romanticising the good old days of TWI back before Craig became top dog. If so, those days are gone my friend and they are not comming back. TWI today does not even loosely resemble TWI of the 70's. They are an emeciated corpse of the old TWI.
There is nothing to go back to.
Truth? What truth? The truth that busted up families and ruined peoples lives? Homo-purging truth? Character assination truth? Lying, cheating and stealing truth ? Yea, they've got that.
If TWI was close to the truth it would not be spiritually dead. It would be growing and alive.
Four crucified, no water baptism, the dead not alive now, and Eli Eli can't save your soul or bring love into your heart. They cannot fill the spiritual void if that is what it is. Would you actually return to today's TWI just to be around folks who are like-minded on mostly trivial (and debatable) doctrines?
Christianity is not soley about agreable doctrine and "accuracy" (Waybrain), it is about Jesus Christ and his message. Jesus Christ is the truth.
I suggest that you may have become narrow-minded about what it is to fellowship. You have put emphaisis on "truth", meaning certain doctrines taught in TWI that you happen to agree with, and little emphasis on Truth - Jesus Christ. As long as you put this much weight on your "truth", I doubt that you will find any place that meets your standards for fellowship.
Maybe you should lay aside some of your truth for a while and look for a fellowship that is thriving, where there is love, uncondition giving, kindness, compassion, etc. There you may find the real truth and folks that you can really and truly fellowship with - with God and Christ as the central points of the fellowship and not necessarily agreable doctrine. Set your standards a little higher.
Many here have given you some excellent feedback. I think you would do well to consider what they are saying from their own experiences. Many of us have been where you are.
In any case, I wish you well. And again, welcome to Greasespot Cafe.
"Most of my fondest memories in TWI never really happened"
I cannot even begin to entertain the thought of going back. I left in 87 and thought things were really bad then. Apparently it got much, much worse in the last 16 years. No Way.
I do understand what you mean, but I think you would be looking for something that doesn't exist any more, if in fact it ever did. I really don't think TWI has The Whole, Pure Truth of God's Wonderful Matchless Word, rightly divided according to usage and held forth in the Exeedingly Great and Glorious Light of the PRESENT TRUTH, which God has revealed only unto His man for this day and time and hour, the Rev. Mr. LCM.
Also, keep in mind, you would have to admit that whatever reason you had for leaving - YOU were wrong, evil, and possibly possessed with evil spirits. How dare you doubt TWI - that is identical to doubting God! Did you disobey your leadership at any time? The MOG clearly stated that it is impossible to obey God without first obeying your leadership!
Try looking for something deeper than that pesky Trinity doctrine, like love, tenderness, and caring, what the South calls a "church family". Read a few books, like the one WA Weather mentioned and a great book I've been reading is called "The Purpose-Driven Life".
God bless and good luck!
[This message was edited by Watered Garden on December 11, 2003 at 10:37.]
Thank you all!!! I am amazed at how many people have read and responded to my post in less than 24 hours! Thank you all. I am printing this out and taking some time to read and reread what you have all told me.
quote:Hi. I am new to posting but i have been around for a while. My wife and I left after Craig was booted. We did it all, TC, Corp, all but WOW or Way D. Anyway, we are having some thoughts about going back and here is why. We can not find any type of fellowship close to the truth. Anyones thought would be a great help.
Assuming you believe as many of us who left TWI do, who still think they taught lots of goodies, my recommendation is to consider what Paradiseden said and check out CES or CFF. It all depends on how strong your beliefs are but that's what I would do. I order CES tapes sometimes and know that CFF has some good folks involved there.
I would also do what Hope said. Take a year off away from all religion and get a breath of fresh air, if you will. After a year, you may find out what truths you learned in TWI really stuck and what didn't.
(As I mentioned, I'm attending a TWI fellowship but planning my exit)
Like many, I don't think there's much left there. Whether you love or loath TWI, it's a shell of it's former self. The only information I've seen on WDs is that they are typically kids of old grads. And even then that's just a small number. The rest are future WC who are assigned to go. The number of people who come in new, make it to the AC and go WD is almost non-existent.
Also, the number of leaders who just disappear is alarming. If it weren't for this site, I would have no idea where these people went. If you ask, you'll get a lot of question ducking. Push it and you'll get pushed back. I know, I've tried in more than one state. It is NOT something to be
Finally, there really is no direction, no plan. Believe in it or not, at least Word over the World was some kind of plan. Now the only thing there is some vague "prevailing" notion. It kind of means you'll do well in various categories of life but you're never actually told how. Remember the idea of being a "how to" ministry? That's gone. How to prosper? Increase how much you give. That's the only thing taught with any detal. Then they play lip service to "working heartily" and living within your means. That's about it.
I wish in some ways I could be more positive as a lot of my life has been invested. No more putting a pretty face on a bad situation though. Too much of that already from TWI.
quote:TWI tricked us all into thinking that to "fellowship with like minded believers" really meant "same minded"... I don't think you'll ever find any person, much less a whole group, who are going to agree with you 100% right down the line...
Amen! and Amen! Like-minded believers is the same as being a bunch of robots. When people think differently, it allows for growth because ideas are exchanged. twi will not grow because it is stuck in a puddle of goo produced by the current and past leaders.
Wonder, please rethink before you go back. I went to many churches before I found the one I am in. I left one year ago. Up until that time (December 2002), I had fellow.... and branch coords trying to micromanage my life (Why are you moving without running your decision by leadership?? Don't let your relationship affect the household.... -->). twi has not changed! Please do no forget this!!
Jesus has much more to do with your life than twi taught. I went the trinitarian route because I really feel I would find the balance in between the two extremes of twi and current christian docrtine. He is not an absent Christ. But this does not mean I believe in the trinity.
I have found wonderful fellowship with great people in two small groups I am involved with at church. I hope you find something that suits you and your wife.
I think before you can answer the question "should we go back?" you have to remember why you left.
My strong hunch is that if you think it's gotten better than it was when you saw good reason to leave, going back would only prove disappointing.
I was in for 17 years and after I left, I missed many people. But that passes, honest it does. You'll also get past the idea that twi has a corner on the truth. They don't. Never did. (And this is coming from someone who had a very good twi experience until near the end and who still appreciates the good I gleaned from it.)
As many others have said, don't be misled by the notion that Twi is the standard bearer of truth.
I too felt alone when I left, the church, I felt, was filled with pagans, devil spirits and seed boys.
That is, until I actually went to one. Sure I didn't agree with all their doctrines (still don't) but there is such a big world out there that to limit your understanding to twi is a great disservice to your intellect and integrity.
Please reconsider. TwI was bad enough for you to leave once, don't return to the vomit again.,
Hi Wonder, Glad you got out. Please check your private topics, my hubby wrote a letter to you in there.
Believe us there are ministries and churches out there that can meet your needs.
Even when I was in twi I knew in my heart that there was a lot of bull being taught but I loved the feeling of belonging to a group of people that loved me (ya right). When we left so did the love of those who were supposed to be our friends.
At first I felt like someone dear to me died, I was in so much pain I couldn't even get out of bed. I was so depressed I wanted to die, but then I found others who left that I knew but wasn't allowed to talk to and they were the ones that came to us and loved us. The ones that twi threw away were our real friends. Then I found Waydale and GS cafe. and I thought I died and went to heaven.
I love these people in here, probably more than they will ever know. They lifted me up when I was down, they cryed with me and laughed with me and I started to live again and evan found someone to fellowship with. Hubby will tell you about thaT IN YOUR PRIVATE TOPICS.
Again welcome to our little cafe where the coffe is always good and the conversation interesting.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
I've been out a loong time. I hold to my own counsel when it comes to going back. I couldn't go back, for a zillion reasons. I don't go to 'church' or any other orgainization because they invariably .... me off. So I simply decline invitations politely when invited because the .... off factor is so high.
Again, thank you all for your welcome and wonderful words. I will take some time, stick around here and check out some new things. Thanks for being so positive and supportive.
I hear ya. I had alot of fun in twi until 1987 and then left as many others did.
I really miss the fellowship...with everyone. We were all different and odd, but had a common thread of being "brothers and sisters in Christ". When I left twi, I realized that, overall, people in "the world" didn't really give a ****...and it was a real shock to my system. I grieved and struggled for a long time.
I didn't have a purpose anymore. My "purpose" was always "Word over the World"...and it shaped my every day....for years.
It was all I knew. I had many hobbies in twi...I was constantly knitting and crocheting, rug making...making little gifts for everyone. When I left twi, there was no one to give any of these things to...it was very strange. I stopped doing all my hobbies...which also left me with alot of idol time.
I don't miss what twi became, but I do miss the comradity of my area...which was a nice college area full of wonderful people. We had sooo much fun. I miss having card partners...and snagging anyone at a moment and hitting a mall or going to have coffee.
People in the world seem to be sooo busy and stressed out.
I still wonder what the earthlings do for "purpose".
I guess I do what HopeR says...I do the first commandment the best I can...give to people whenever I have opportunity to...and tell myself that god will bless me if I do these things with a pure and willing heart. It seems to work. My life has been blessed beyond what I could have ever imagined.
After twi I sat in a Quaker meeting church for a few years....just sat there and prayed...then I checked out the unitarian church and Unity.
I still struggle with finding a "church". I still don't go...but think about wanting to now and then.
As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing to go back to. The good times are gone. The people are dispersed...and I just pray, that we, WE ALL, take the little of the good of what we learned in twi and live a life condusive to what god had in mind...
I'm not saying any of us know "the truth"...but, I think alot of us have a small grip of what god's love is....
People that left in '79 say that when they were first "in", it was SO exciting and wonderful, but by the time they left, it was horrible.
People that left in the mid-80's say that when they were first "in", it was SO exciting and wonderful, but by the time they left, it was horrible.
People that left in the late 80's say that when they were first "in", it was SO exciting and wonderful, but by the time they left, it was horrible.
People that left in the early 90's say that when they were first "in", it was SO exciting and wonderful, but by the time they left, it was horrible.
People that left in the mid 90's say that when they were first "in", it was SO exciting and wonderful, but by the time they left, it was horrible.
People that left in the late 90's say that when they were first "in", it was SO exciting and wonderful, but by the time they left, it was horrible.
And people that stayed in during all those years talk about a steady decline, and sometimes periods of major decline.
Imagine if you took one of those people from the late 90's and showed him/her what it was really like in the early 70's - would that person have a laundry problem from the huge difference?
Go back to TWI? Frankly speaking my impression is: TWI doesn't want any of us back! It's because of that aspect alone that the feeling is quite mutual with me.
So if you're thinking about headin' back to TWI, then you better wake up and smell the coffee! (But then, you already did that by leaving!) Thank you very much.
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Hope R.
Everyone's advice here is good. Most of them have said not to go back and I couldn't agree more.
Chwester's post is fabulous. Scroll up and read it again! One paragraph in particular really stuck out for me...
TWI forgot about those two commandments many, many years ago when they put "the word" above all else, including God.
"It's the WORD, the WORD and NOTHIN' but the WORD!" Remember that? It's nothing but "biblolatry" - idolatry of the bible.
We got out in July of 2000. Someone who we'd known and respected for many years while in TWI gave us some good advice. He said to take a year or two off from any kind of religious activity. Get your family together, get your marriage together, take care of the things in your life you neglected because of TWI and then decide what you want to do about fellowshiping somewhere.
Chwester said it - "God has put his hand of blessing on many ministries that dont believe exactly as you do(or as I do)."
The world is wide open to you, don't return to the vomit of TWI.
Hope R. color>size>face>
What a long, strange trip it's been!size>face>color>
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Wonder: What spinoffs believe JC is God? I've been to fellowships of 4 different spinoffs: CFF (John Shroyer), CBC (Vince Finnegan), CRF (John Hendricks, and a Chris Geer related one. None of those believe JC is God. I thought at one time that CES (John Lynn) taught that, but was assured in 1996 by someone that they don't.
Just curious, where did you hear this?
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I think Wonder was referring to the local churches, not the spinoffs, but I could be wrong.
Wonder: I might add to what others have posted that the best thing you can do is to start experiencing life through life's eyes. What I mean by that is, Jesus Christ didn't come here just to joust and fence with the Jews and Romans. It happened from time to time, but it wasn't a 24/7 contention with the people.He came not only to deliver us, but to show us how life could be. We lost sight of that in the Way. We became so concerned over every jot and tittle that we lost sight of the Alpha and Omega. You don't have to believe Jesus is God, you don't have to give up the belief that the Gospels were only "for our learning". But he is the example set for us. Some notable things Jesus DIDN'T do:
--Pore endlessly over concordances and interlinears. He walked out among the people, ate with them, celebrated with them, grieved with them.
--Feel superior to anyone in his knowledge. He let his life tell the story, not last week's Official Twig Teaching™.
--Condemn the rank and file Jews or Gentiles. Whenever he got on someone's case, it was usually some leader using their position abusively.
--Try to convert everybody. Jesus freaks are obnoxious boors. He led by example, not by rabid arrogant evangelism.
Living to serve doesn't just mean serving those who already believe as you do. There is no PFAL class anymore, so you no longer have to sign every person on the planet up. Don't be so insecure in your beliefs that you take every religious difference as a personal challenge, either. Arrogance never converted anybody.
TWI made you keep your face in a book all the time. Perhaps it's time to put that book knowledge into action. It's not like you're studying for God's Final Exam or anything! Look at everyone here. Nearly all of us used to be green-card carrying Wayfers, but now there's Unitarians, Catholics, Messianic Jews, Offshooters, and even atheists here. Sure, we have our squabbles and knock-down drag-outs, but it's real and it's ours. We aren't forced to conform when we don't want to. We help each other of our own volition, not because some Limb Leader is looking over our shoulders. We believe what we want to believe, not what Word-O'-The-Week is handed down. It's what the real world was all along during our blindered-days in TWI.
Enough sermonizing from me. You may not have a map of where to go from here, but look down. The only thing that matters is that you have FEET. Pick a direction and see where it leads you.
God bless!
Secret Signature of the Day==v
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See? You're not alone.
There's a wealth of excellent, loving insight and advice here.
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Rather than being hamstrung by all the deficiencies of the old system you
were shackled to,
you now have the opportunity to discover that other Christians are neither
scum nor idiots.
(Sure, there's a few of those, but that was true when you were in twi also.)
Some Christians know their stuff and know nothing about twi or their
spinoffs. (Imagine my surprise.)
You now have the chance to learn from the strengths of many different TYPES
of Christians, and not have to fit yourself in the cookie-cutter that's
currently being used by twi.
You have tremendous opportunities, both physically and online.
You feel uncomfortable making your own path.
Well, you've done it before!
Do you still eat baby food? No, you eat what you want, and I bet there's
both nutrition and variety.
Still have someone dress you and tie your shoelaces?
No, you live your own life.
Birdy, it's time to stretch your wings and fly. The sky is yours.
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Welcome to Greasespot.
Think about what you said. That you are condsidering going back to TWI becsause you cannot find any fellowship close to the truth.
Maybe you are romanticising the good old days of TWI back before Craig became top dog. If so, those days are gone my friend and they are not comming back. TWI today does not even loosely resemble TWI of the 70's. They are an emeciated corpse of the old TWI.
There is nothing to go back to.
Truth? What truth? The truth that busted up families and ruined peoples lives? Homo-purging truth? Character assination truth? Lying, cheating and stealing truth ? Yea, they've got that.
If TWI was close to the truth it would not be spiritually dead. It would be growing and alive.
Four crucified, no water baptism, the dead not alive now, and Eli Eli can't save your soul or bring love into your heart. They cannot fill the spiritual void if that is what it is. Would you actually return to today's TWI just to be around folks who are like-minded on mostly trivial (and debatable) doctrines?
Christianity is not soley about agreable doctrine and "accuracy" (Waybrain), it is about Jesus Christ and his message. Jesus Christ is the truth.
I suggest that you may have become narrow-minded about what it is to fellowship. You have put emphaisis on "truth", meaning certain doctrines taught in TWI that you happen to agree with, and little emphasis on Truth - Jesus Christ. As long as you put this much weight on your "truth", I doubt that you will find any place that meets your standards for fellowship.
Maybe you should lay aside some of your truth for a while and look for a fellowship that is thriving, where there is love, uncondition giving, kindness, compassion, etc. There you may find the real truth and folks that you can really and truly fellowship with - with God and Christ as the central points of the fellowship and not necessarily agreable doctrine. Set your standards a little higher.
Many here have given you some excellent feedback. I think you would do well to consider what they are saying from their own experiences. Many of us have been where you are.
In any case, I wish you well. And again, welcome to Greasespot Cafe.
"Most of my fondest memories in TWI never really happened"
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Trefor Heywood
Go back?
Not in a hundred thousand million years!
Trefor Heywood
"Cymru Am Byth!"
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I cannot even begin to entertain the thought of going back. I left in 87 and thought things were really bad then. Apparently it got much, much worse in the last 16 years. No Way.
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Watered Garden
I do understand what you mean, but I think you would be looking for something that doesn't exist any more, if in fact it ever did. I really don't think TWI has The Whole, Pure Truth of God's Wonderful Matchless Word, rightly divided according to usage and held forth in the Exeedingly Great and Glorious Light of the PRESENT TRUTH, which God has revealed only unto His man for this day and time and hour, the Rev. Mr. LCM.
Also, keep in mind, you would have to admit that whatever reason you had for leaving - YOU were wrong, evil, and possibly possessed with evil spirits. How dare you doubt TWI - that is identical to doubting God! Did you disobey your leadership at any time? The MOG clearly stated that it is impossible to obey God without first obeying your leadership!
Try looking for something deeper than that pesky Trinity doctrine, like love, tenderness, and caring, what the South calls a "church family". Read a few books, like the one WA Weather mentioned and a great book I've been reading is called "The Purpose-Driven Life".
God bless and good luck!
[This message was edited by Watered Garden on December 11, 2003 at 10:37.]
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Thank you all!!! I am amazed at how many people have read and responded to my post in less than 24 hours! Thank you all. I am printing this out and taking some time to read and reread what you have all told me.
P.S. Thanks!
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Assuming you believe as many of us who left TWI do, who still think they taught lots of goodies, my recommendation is to consider what Paradiseden said and check out CES or CFF. It all depends on how strong your beliefs are but that's what I would do. I order CES tapes sometimes and know that CFF has some good folks involved there.
I would also do what Hope said. Take a year off away from all religion and get a breath of fresh air, if you will. After a year, you may find out what truths you learned in TWI really stuck and what didn't.
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If you go back, you will leave again--sooner or later. Why waste anymore time?
When you leave for the second time, you will only be mad at yourself for what TWI will put you through again.
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(As I mentioned, I'm attending a TWI fellowship but planning my exit)
Like many, I don't think there's much left there. Whether you love or loath TWI, it's a shell of it's former self. The only information I've seen on WDs is that they are typically kids of old grads. And even then that's just a small number. The rest are future WC who are assigned to go. The number of people who come in new, make it to the AC and go WD is almost non-existent.
Also, the number of leaders who just disappear is alarming. If it weren't for this site, I would have no idea where these people went. If you ask, you'll get a lot of question ducking. Push it and you'll get pushed back. I know, I've tried in more than one state. It is NOT something to be
Finally, there really is no direction, no plan. Believe in it or not, at least Word over the World was some kind of plan. Now the only thing there is some vague "prevailing" notion. It kind of means you'll do well in various categories of life but you're never actually told how. Remember the idea of being a "how to" ministry? That's gone. How to prosper? Increase how much you give. That's the only thing taught with any detal. Then they play lip service to "working heartily" and living within your means. That's about it.
I wish in some ways I could be more positive as a lot of my life has been invested. No more putting a pretty face on a bad situation though. Too much of that already from TWI.
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Amen! and Amen! Like-minded believers is the same as being a bunch of robots. When people think differently, it allows for growth because ideas are exchanged. twi will not grow because it is stuck in a puddle of goo produced by the current and past leaders.
Wonder, please rethink before you go back. I went to many churches before I found the one I am in. I left one year ago. Up until that time (December 2002), I had fellow.... and branch coords trying to micromanage my life (Why are you moving without running your decision by leadership?? Don't let your relationship affect the household....
-->). twi has not changed! Please do no forget this!!
Jesus has much more to do with your life than twi taught. I went the trinitarian route because I really feel I would find the balance in between the two extremes of twi and current christian docrtine. He is not an absent Christ. But this does not mean I believe in the trinity.
I have found wonderful fellowship with great people in two small groups I am involved with at church. I hope you find something that suits you and your wife.
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
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Linda Z
Hi Wonder, and welcome!
I think before you can answer the question "should we go back?" you have to remember why you left.
My strong hunch is that if you think it's gotten better than it was when you saw good reason to leave, going back would only prove disappointing.
I was in for 17 years and after I left, I missed many people. But that passes, honest it does. You'll also get past the idea that twi has a corner on the truth. They don't. Never did. (And this is coming from someone who had a very good twi experience until near the end and who still appreciates the good I gleaned from it.)
Linda Z
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As many others have said, don't be misled by the notion that Twi is the standard bearer of truth.
I too felt alone when I left, the church, I felt, was filled with pagans, devil spirits and seed boys.
That is, until I actually went to one. Sure I didn't agree with all their doctrines (still don't) but there is such a big world out there that to limit your understanding to twi is a great disservice to your intellect and integrity.
Please reconsider. TwI was bad enough for you to leave once, don't return to the vomit again.,
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i think some of what we feel when we first leave is part of a grieving time and our emotions can be overwhelming
we were so attached. i remember for years (while in) thinking this is "my life" more than this is a part of my life
it takes time to heal and get over the emptiness and loneliness and those thoughts / feelings of "now where do i belong"
but just like in a relationship breakup, you have to careful of that rebound thingy
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Hi Wonder, Glad you got out. Please check your private topics, my hubby wrote a letter to you in there.
Believe us there are ministries and churches out there that can meet your needs.
Even when I was in twi I knew in my heart that there was a lot of bull being taught but I loved the feeling of belonging to a group of people that loved me (ya right). When we left so did the love of those who were supposed to be our friends.
At first I felt like someone dear to me died, I was in so much pain I couldn't even get out of bed. I was so depressed I wanted to die, but then I found others who left that I knew but wasn't allowed to talk to and they were the ones that came to us and loved us. The ones that twi threw away were our real friends. Then I found Waydale and GS cafe. and I thought I died and went to heaven.
I love these people in here, probably more than they will ever know. They lifted me up when I was down, they cryed with me and laughed with me and I started to live again and evan found someone to fellowship with. Hubby will tell you about thaT IN YOUR PRIVATE TOPICS.
Again welcome to our little cafe where the coffe is always good and the conversation interesting.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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I've been out a loong time. I hold to my own counsel when it comes to going back. I couldn't go back, for a zillion reasons. I don't go to 'church' or any other orgainization because they invariably .... me off. So I simply decline invitations politely when invited because the .... off factor is so high.
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Again, thank you all for your welcome and wonderful words. I will take some time, stick around here and check out some new things. Thanks for being so positive and supportive.
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Should anyone go back to twi?
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Wacky Funster
Hi Wonder and Welcome to Greasespot
I hear ya. I had alot of fun in twi until 1987 and then left as many others did.
I really miss the fellowship...with everyone. We were all different and odd, but had a common thread of being "brothers and sisters in Christ". When I left twi, I realized that, overall, people in "the world" didn't really give a ****...and it was a real shock to my system. I grieved and struggled for a long time.
I didn't have a purpose anymore. My "purpose" was always "Word over the World"...and it shaped my every day....for years.
It was all I knew. I had many hobbies in twi...I was constantly knitting and crocheting, rug making...making little gifts for everyone. When I left twi, there was no one to give any of these things to...it was very strange. I stopped doing all my hobbies...which also left me with alot of idol time.
I don't miss what twi became, but I do miss the comradity of my area...which was a nice college area full of wonderful people. We had sooo much fun. I miss having card partners...and snagging anyone at a moment and hitting a mall or going to have coffee.
People in the world seem to be sooo busy and stressed out.
I still wonder what the earthlings do for "purpose".
I guess I do what HopeR says...I do the first commandment the best I can...give to people whenever I have opportunity to...and tell myself that god will bless me if I do these things with a pure and willing heart. It seems to work. My life has been blessed beyond what I could have ever imagined.
After twi I sat in a Quaker meeting church for a few years....just sat there and prayed...then I checked out the unitarian church and Unity.
I still struggle with finding a "church". I still don't go...but think about wanting to now and then.
As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing to go back to. The good times are gone. The people are dispersed...and I just pray, that we, WE ALL, take the little of the good of what we learned in twi and live a life condusive to what god had in mind...
I'm not saying any of us know "the truth"...but, I think alot of us have a small grip of what god's love is....
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Ya know what I think is wild?
People that left in '79 say that when they were first "in", it was SO exciting and wonderful, but by the time they left, it was horrible.
People that left in the mid-80's say that when they were first "in", it was SO exciting and wonderful, but by the time they left, it was horrible.
People that left in the late 80's say that when they were first "in", it was SO exciting and wonderful, but by the time they left, it was horrible.
People that left in the early 90's say that when they were first "in", it was SO exciting and wonderful, but by the time they left, it was horrible.
People that left in the mid 90's say that when they were first "in", it was SO exciting and wonderful, but by the time they left, it was horrible.
People that left in the late 90's say that when they were first "in", it was SO exciting and wonderful, but by the time they left, it was horrible.
And people that stayed in during all those years talk about a steady decline, and sometimes periods of major decline.
Imagine if you took one of those people from the late 90's and showed him/her what it was really like in the early 70's - would that person have a laundry problem from the huge difference?
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What The Hay
Go back to TWI? Frankly speaking my impression is: TWI doesn't want any of us back! It's because of that aspect alone that the feeling is quite mutual with me.
So if you're thinking about headin' back to TWI, then you better wake up and smell the coffee! (But then, you already did that by leaving!) Thank you very much.
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