I think of this now more as a journey than a destination(the One True Household etc) I hope in 2 years I will have more knowledge, more insight, more ability to live a good and rewarding life, more ability to take care of the people and situations in my life than I have at this point.
Will I ever look back at these days with the same anger,sadness and hurt I have when I look back on my TWI years(latter years)?
No. These past few years, postTWI, have been full of freedom,learning, growing, healing, restoration. When I look back, I won't be looking back at an ugly, stressful, depressing, fear motivated life like I had those last years in TWI.
I don't know what degree of a turn I made or how you might measure that. With a compass? A spiritual protactor? Hmmm.
What ever turn I made I made it primarily because I opened my eyes. You know, used the old noggin, not just thinking I was using. So will i go back to blind believing? Blind faith if you will. Go back to living by catch phases. Checking with my overseer to go out of state. Etc etc. I sure as hell hope not.
I think that the ministry liked to file everything into a neat catagory. On 3x5s of course. The focus most of the time was on classification, quatification, degrees, percents, nametags, and labels. To know. To control. To know was to control and to control was to know.
Life is not like that.
The day I left twi I did not become a differnt person. At least not in respect to the deep personal things. I still was a caring person. Still loved my family. I wasn't going to go out and kill anyone. Yet. ;)--> Here I am years later and I am still a good person and feloney-free!
A lot of things have changed. Maybe Christians don't want to share the same table with me at the Country Buffet, but I am still the same person on the key issues. I just have my eyes open now and I don't settle for the easy out.
Hopefully a few years from now the skater in me will have done many a 720.
Many people on this forum appear to declare that they once believed what they now dismantle into parts the hold to, and parts they correct.
I'm surprised anyone could respond. Is it just me? It's me. I can't make heads or tails out of what you're saying. Can you reword?
Is there significance to the 2 years or do you mean just somewhere down the line? Is something happening in 2 years? What if I change, even a little bit, because my understanding somehow increases just a little tiny bit over a period of 30 years. By accident. Does that qualify?
I'm surprised anyone could respond. Is it just me? It's me. I can't make heads or tails out of what you're saying. Can you reword?
What he's saying is:
Many of you have shown disturbing signs of independent thought and lack of loyalty to your Father In The Word. You think you're smarter than he was, that you have the independence of mind and thought to apply the Biblical directive of "prove all things; hold fast to that which is good" to Weirwille's work. But today you think you're right. Two years from now, will you change your mind and THEN think you're right? What's your standard for right or wrong? What gives you the right to question Wierwille, whom I have declared to be 98% right? (something I managed to do without judging what is right and what is wrong with his works: try it. It's fun).
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I think of this now more as a journey than a destination(the One True Household etc) I hope in 2 years I will have more knowledge, more insight, more ability to live a good and rewarding life, more ability to take care of the people and situations in my life than I have at this point.
Will I ever look back at these days with the same anger,sadness and hurt I have when I look back on my TWI years(latter years)?
No. These past few years, postTWI, have been full of freedom,learning, growing, healing, restoration. When I look back, I won't be looking back at an ugly, stressful, depressing, fear motivated life like I had those last years in TWI.
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I second what most have said.
I don't know what degree of a turn I made or how you might measure that. With a compass? A spiritual protactor? Hmmm.
What ever turn I made I made it primarily because I opened my eyes. You know, used the old noggin, not just thinking I was using. So will i go back to blind believing? Blind faith if you will. Go back to living by catch phases. Checking with my overseer to go out of state. Etc etc. I sure as hell hope not.
I think that the ministry liked to file everything into a neat catagory. On 3x5s of course. The focus most of the time was on classification, quatification, degrees, percents, nametags, and labels. To know. To control. To know was to control and to control was to know.
Life is not like that.
The day I left twi I did not become a differnt person. At least not in respect to the deep personal things. I still was a caring person. Still loved my family. I wasn't going to go out and kill anyone. Yet.
;)--> Here I am years later and I am still a good person and feloney-free!
A lot of things have changed. Maybe Christians don't want to share the same table with me at the Country Buffet, but I am still the same person on the key issues. I just have my eyes open now and I don't settle for the easy out.
Hopefully a few years from now the skater in me will have done many a 720.
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I'm surprised anyone could respond. Is it just me? It's me. I can't make heads or tails out of what you're saying. Can you reword?
Is there significance to the 2 years or do you mean just somewhere down the line? Is something happening in 2 years? What if I change, even a little bit, because my understanding somehow increases just a little tiny bit over a period of 30 years. By accident. Does that qualify?
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What he's saying is:
Many of you have shown disturbing signs of independent thought and lack of loyalty to your Father In The Word. You think you're smarter than he was, that you have the independence of mind and thought to apply the Biblical directive of "prove all things; hold fast to that which is good" to Weirwille's work. But today you think you're right. Two years from now, will you change your mind and THEN think you're right? What's your standard for right or wrong? What gives you the right to question Wierwille, whom I have declared to be 98% right? (something I managed to do without judging what is right and what is wrong with his works: try it. It's fun).
Where'd you go?
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