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Is TWI's Website Now Required Reading?


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Okay... you know I love irony...

So, in 1999 LCM tells us all to stay off the internet...

TWI gets a @&^%$* web site.

NOW the TWI web site is "required reading"?!?


This is too rich....

God, I love that cult. At least now they're more entertaining than they were.

(Next thing you know they're going to ask for you to ask permission to get a form to ask permission to come on grounds to visit the cemetary.... )

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icon_biggrin.gif:D--> BUSTED! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

Seriously, though. Isn't it ironic that traffic has increased three-fold since October? It's like hardly anyone went on there and now there's a lot of traffic? Am I reading the figures right?

Knowing how TWI operates, it seems like they must have been "strongly suggesting" that people visit the website on a regular basis. Maybe now they have to teach off the monthly sections they have.

JT, they still didn't encourage us to go there in my area and that was as late as July last year. But we know all the areas are different.

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I just took a look at the twi web site, specifically there "research" portion...

When I looked at the picture, I noticed most of vpw's books...

Among the missing books are:

Are the dead alive now

Jesus Christ is not God

I am wondering why these books are missing?

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I look at it as kind of like Amway. They get you there where you can't leave right away and THEN they tell you the things they KNOW would have kept you from coming if you had known them up front.

I haven't looked, but I don't think they mention speaking in tongues on the site either.

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I think we're missing a big point here.

Now not only are they requiring folks to read more crap, but now they can monitor how many people are actually reading the crap. Gone are the days of the Way Rag going from your mailbox to it's permanent place on your coffee table or bookshelf.

Maybe twi cyber geeks notice a small turn out in recent years and everyone was "lovingly admonished" to get their foot onto the website. Do not pass Greasespotcafe, do not stop ABSing $200. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

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Not required reading.

I believe it's been mentioned twice within our fellowship since it's been up and running. Once was in reference to something that was on it, more so than the general fact that the site was there.

It's one of the various things the ministry has available for people to pick and choose from.

In our case, we dropped buying two way magazine subscriptions, or three, about 5 years ago. It seems it was suggested for husband and wife to have their own copies years back, but we just utilize the one subscription which is plenty for our needs.

For years now, I don't recall anyone in our branch talking about multiple subscriptions or required reading lists.

Did you find a transscript about "required" stuff, or is that just a guesstimation?

All I know is life is easier and easier because our family just keeps choosing what we want to have available to ourself.

If I've run late on Sunday Service subscription payment, I never see any kind of memo inserted anymore telling me how to do it better. It's simply up to me. I pay and I receive. Or I don't and that's the way it is.

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Nope not required, Vaden. At least not by written edict, but stressed. Heavily stressed. After all a suggestion by a general is as good as an order. Ever heard that one? That is how twi has operated for as long as I've known it.

Maybe your a rebel and for some crazy reason no one has caught you yet. Or maybe you always play by the rules. who knows who cares.

The fact of the matter. LCM says ya'll should read "Two Babylons" and suddenly it's a top seller. He says he listens to Metallica and suddenly every waybot wanabee has a copy of "Master of Muppets" and is humming "Until it Sleeps" on their way to work.

You see what we're getting at here, guy?

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Wow. Stress. Thats' sad to hear. We don't see any stress.

So you are saying that in the Way International fellowship you attend right now, there is stess on you to do that stuff?

You said "LCM"

Do you mean the previous clergy from eons ago? That LCM? I've forgotten most of anything he said. It's rare to even hear his name anymore let alone what he said.

About the only recording I have with him is the Athletes of the Spirit video in our overstock cabinet. Didn't really want to oust the recording.

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Sorry if I misled you. I am not currently in a way fellowship, thank Dog. What I was refering to was the 20+ years that I was in it. I left of my of my own free will in 2001, I think. I don't know how many eons that translates into for you, but for me that was only four years ago.

How quickly we forget.

"Have you not read..."

Take a look around, there are a lot of unsavory things that have been going on since twi's inception. VPW, LSM, RRR different letters same game.

Do you mean the previous clergy from eons ago? That LCM? I've forgotten most of anything he said. It's rare to even hear his name anymore let alone what he said.

Shame on you. I would think that you should have his "WAY Class" half way memorised by now. What about his book, throw that one out to? No matter. I may have been over reaching with the whole mandatory web reading, but regardless, the same structure of isolation, deceit, and abuse are still there alive and well. Hope you never have to feel it's sting. I also hope you get your head out of the sand.

I have a little room to talk here. I still have close family in. You could say I am "contected". And while they may not notice what is going on, my blinders have been off for some time now. "You can do it!" too, even with one hand tied behind your back.

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Do you mean the previous clergy from eons ago? That LCM? I've forgotten most of anything he said. It's rare to even hear his name anymore let alone what he said.

eons ago? five years is eons?

Apparently you have also forgotten the lies the BOD told in their attempt to cover up what LCM did? "The one time affair."

Does it matter not at all to you that your beloved and trusted leadership admitted in court that she knew of LCM's "problems" for years before they actually ousted him?

Do you think those who were used and abused onder the reign of LCM deserve an apology? Do you think those who were wrongfully accused and ousted do?

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My ex sports a bumper sticker on her car with TWI's web address on it.

I can't imagine anyone seeing it and running home to bring up the site. You pretty much have to be stopped at a light right behind the car just to read it.

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Well, if the web site was manditory reading (since according to vaden it's not...) then we could have a headcount of the number of members here on this lovely graph that Bob was nice enough to post. (Good work!)

I would also guess that some of the traffic is from us GSC members checking out their updates - I know there's been several threads about that.

Vaden - about your subscriptions. Don't kid yourself. Your LC probably still gets a monthly report about who has current subscriptions - STS, Way Rag, etc. It wasn't eons ago when people were tagged about letting scripts lag - better be current on stuff than get called on the carpet, don't cha know.

By the way, since you have no stress in your area do you mind sharing why it was that you were on spiritual probation or M&A'ed and then allowed to return? You don't have to answer if you don't want to - but as someone who did go through that junk, I'm curious about your outcome with it...


Nice web site - beautiful photos!

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Another theory would be that the site has been hacked and it is being used by script-kiddies to store warez files (movies, etc.). If you look at the top visitor sites report, most of the sites listed are cable modem users and there are quite a few averaging over 3 visits a day. That's a bit much, even for the hardcore wayfer.

Their site is susceptible to a break-in. They don’t keep it patched with the latest security fixes and it’s wide open for anyone to take advantage.

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Alright, remember that even though they are supposed to all "think the same thing" it's not necessarily true. MDVaden has already told us that there are some things he disagrees with. Like the differences in the areas, maybe some leadership aren't pushing visits to the website and others are. Possibly the full time field leaders who are worried about their future retirement accounts having seen what happened to Mrs. VPW and others.

I spoke with a friend on the west coast last night and he did indeed confirm that there is a lot of talk about the website and a lot of "suggesting" that people visit the site and "become familiar" with the teachings posted on there. He said he thinks the next step is indeed going to be required teachings in fellowhsip from those teachings on the site.

Although, Bob, I rather like your idea of the hackers. At least it's one way TWI would be "giving" and "sharing of their abundance". icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

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eons ago? five years is eons?

Yes. Eons.

In respect to what is available compared to biblical transitions, it's eons.

Jesus Christ's ministy after the holy spirit descended like a dove until he ascended was far less than 5 years, but look at the transition, teaching and outreach that occured.

In Acts, the Word moved all over "Asia" - a portion of the world in the space of less than 3 years.

So when we evaluate or bring up the bygone effects of a person whose administrative control has vanished several years ago or more, that's a story getting gray hair.

At that age of story, I tend ot jump a bit further and just read about Dale Carnegie, General Yeager or Lewis and Clark from the book Undaunted Courage.

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Do you mean the previous clergy from eons ago? That LCM? I've forgotten most of anything he said. It's rare to even hear his name anymore let alone what he said.

Thanks to Pxul Allxn......and Waydale......and the Allen vs TWI lawuit that initiated and finalized the OUSTING OF TWI EVIL PERPETRATOR.

Yep, you can thank Paul and lots of others here. No....you don't need to send a special "thank you" card. Just a simple acknowledgement will do.


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Do you mean the previous clergy from eons ago? That LCM? I've forgotten most of anything he said. It's rare to even hear his name anymore let alone what he said.

So the original sin of mankind is no longer lesbianism?

The WAP class is no longer being taught?

R&E is no longer being sold?

It's no longer dangerous to leave TWI? The devil isn't going to get you and you won't spiritually die?

He's not still quoted in teachings and in the way mag? He was as little as 8 months ago

His wife, who knew about, condoned and did nothing to stop his abuses, doesn't teach or speak publicly anymore? She's no longer teaching eqtiquette classes at the AC?

You've learned the TWI rhetoric very well, MDVaden. They are spin-masters for sure. If they ever get M&A they could go into politics very successfully, I imagine. I hope you'll be able to see through the rhetoric some day. I'm glad you're here. Thanks for posting.

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Hmmmmm "Undaunted Courage" hey? I do believe I have heard that title in recent convos with my innie family . Could a heavy Revie have made one of those unofficial secular plugs?


Those were some good allussions for your relativity claim, MVD. Do tell of the truths unearthed and/or the explosive expansion and increase that has occured in the last eon since they ousted the randy Rev. Perv.

I know change that transcends space and time will be interesting to many here. Well, at least to me.

Do tell on.

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"So when we evaluate or bring up the bygone effects of a person whose administrative control has vanished several years ago or more, that's a story getting gray hair."

That is the part where you are misled/mistaken - because it wasn't just one person it was several. The lead man may have taken the fall, but the rest are still there collecting the dough.

Yeah, LCM may not be around frothing at the mouth and spitting on the peope in the front row, but those who covered for him are still running the show.

Kinder and gentler? well they lost a lot of people (read money) and they need to get the abs pouring back in. You can call someone an foot with big words and a smile on your face, and there are many who would not recognize they have just been insulted. From what I have seen kinder and gentler just means more subtle.

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