I guess I will have to go out and get it then. I haven't heard much about the latest DVD. I have the extended of the first one and enjoyed it. My niece hasn't given me her report yet, letting school interfere with the important things.
I gotta watch both of them in anticipation for the last one, which is only days away.
I guess I'm hooked WAY (no pun intended) too deep. I own both extended versions and already have tickets for the 7:00pm showing on opening night.
I also liked the scene when the trees (I guess they weren't the ents who were still making hay with Saruman) killed the Uruk Hai after they fled the battle with Rohan.
I still don't like what Peter Jackson did with Faramir. He was much more benevolent in the book. Oh well, small potatoes overall. I think this series is great.
I've heard that Faramir is a nicer guy in the books. I never read them. But I like his character in the movie, especially with the added backstory: dang his father is being such a pthtpthtph!
Some things I like about Faramir:
He shows sympathy for one of Sauron's troops (post mortem, when it's safe).
He really loved his brother.
He resisted the temptation to take the ring. I know, the temptation is not in the book. But still, it reminded me of the way Aragorn resisted the temptation at the end of the first movie (also not in the book). It was noble.
I'm really looking forward to seeing how his character is handled in Return of the King.
Oh, yeah, and the beat down of the Uruk Hai was a nice touch. It would have been nice if the others (besides Gandalf and maybe Aragorn)had shown a bit more surprise at what they were witnessing.
BTW, I listen to Mancow's Morning Madhouse - he's here in Chicago, but syndicated in many major cities across the U.S. - and he sat in the only screening worldwide of "Return of the King" with Ebert and Roeper (also Chicagoans).
He says that it is the best of the three, and that it makes the trilogy the best movie trilogy EVER.
Just something to think about in the week before it opens.
Being the cheapskate that I am I have only just got around togettting the extended edition of the first movie and the cimema edition of the second one.
But of course the family connections are in both.
My father was in a UK TV programme with Dominic Monaghan and in another one with Bernard Hill and he also met Christopher Lee when filming a TV advert. Not name dropping as such, it just makes me think and it also shows how few are the connections between one individual human being and another.
I look forward to seeing the extended edition of The Two Towers when I get around to treating myself. Having just purchased a multiregion DVD player on ebay I could go for a region 1 version which will be cheaper over here than region 2! :P-->
Yes Faramir's father is a pip ain't he? He should be interesting in the next movie.
I would imagine a pi**ing contest between him and Aragorn since Aragorn is the rightful king of Gondor.
It's been a while since I read the book but if I remember right Faramir never brought Frodo back to Gondor. He let him go long before that happened. And I think in the book one of the things that Tolkien brings out is the fact that the ring took Boromir but not Faramir. Of course that rang true in the movie, Peter Jackson just added a bit to the story there.
In the book a number of people were openly tempted with the ring, by Frodo. In Fellowship of the Ring, Frodo deliberately tempts Galadriel with it. She intially puts the screws to him when they show up at Lothlorien and he turns the tables on her. In the movie they showed him offering it to her but they didn't really explain why.
Through the story he gets worn out by the ring but also becomes much smarter and more insightful the longer he has it. This is one of the things that eventually drives him insane.
Only two more days now, already got my tickets.
Here's a trivia question. We know in the movies who has two of the elvish rings, Elrond and Galadriel. There's a third, anyone know who has it?
which Greasespot poster goes nuts whenever someone posts a question which is subsequently answered which contains a significant spoiler if you haven't read the books yet?
Okay, I don't know if this is a spoiler or not, so, be forewarned if you, like me, are one of those who has not read the books...
Still here? Good.
I need to apologize to dizzydog and Steve! for jumping on them about the third elven ring. Turns out they simply don't mention it in Return of the King, and therefore, you didn't ruin anything. Mea culpa.
Okay, so I goofed on this one, too. Cirdan was the original owner of Narya, the third Elf ring, but Cirdan gave it to Gandalf, who wore it throughout the One Ring saga.
pleeeease forgives us, precious, steve! we begs of you, we asks on our knees. We swears to grovel before the master of the precious. We swears on, on, the precious!
Rafael: Yes-- "Three rings for the Elven Kings" They were the three untainted by Sauron, who made all the others, the seven Dwarf-rings (all destroyed) and the nine Man-rings. (worn by the Nazgul)
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I guess I will have to go out and get it then. I haven't heard much about the latest DVD. I have the extended of the first one and enjoyed it. My niece hasn't given me her report yet, letting school interfere with the important things.
I gotta watch both of them in anticipation for the last one, which is only days away.
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I guess I'm hooked WAY (no pun intended) too deep. I own both extended versions and already have tickets for the 7:00pm showing on opening night.
I also liked the scene when the trees (I guess they weren't the ents who were still making hay with Saruman) killed the Uruk Hai after they fled the battle with Rohan.
I still don't like what Peter Jackson did with Faramir. He was much more benevolent in the book. Oh well, small potatoes overall. I think this series is great.
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I've heard that Faramir is a nicer guy in the books. I never read them. But I like his character in the movie, especially with the added backstory: dang his father is being such a pthtpthtph!
Some things I like about Faramir:
He shows sympathy for one of Sauron's troops (post mortem, when it's safe).
He really loved his brother.
He resisted the temptation to take the ring. I know, the temptation is not in the book. But still, it reminded me of the way Aragorn resisted the temptation at the end of the first movie (also not in the book). It was noble.
I'm really looking forward to seeing how his character is handled in Return of the King.
Oh, yeah, and the beat down of the Uruk Hai was a nice touch. It would have been nice if the others (besides Gandalf and maybe Aragorn)had shown a bit more surprise at what they were witnessing.
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I don't know, I thought it stayed a lot truer to the books than you guys are indicating.
Faramir, for example - I thought he was dead-on in the movie.
And I thought that Arrowroot (son of Arrowshirt) DID resist the temptation in the book.
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BTW, I listen to Mancow's Morning Madhouse - he's here in Chicago, but syndicated in many major cities across the U.S. - and he sat in the only screening worldwide of "Return of the King" with Ebert and Roeper (also Chicagoans).
He says that it is the best of the three, and that it makes the trilogy the best movie trilogy EVER.
Just something to think about in the week before it opens.
A whole week.
A who-o-o-ole week.
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A whole week?
Where I come from a week is seven days.
This movie opens in FIVE!
I've been telling people that these movies are to this decade what The Godfather was to the 1970s.
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Trefor Heywood
Being the cheapskate that I am I have only just got around togettting the extended edition of the first movie and the cimema edition of the second one.
But of course the family connections are in both.
My father was in a UK TV programme with Dominic Monaghan and in another one with Bernard Hill and he also met Christopher Lee when filming a TV advert. Not name dropping as such, it just makes me think and it also shows how few are the connections between one individual human being and another.
I look forward to seeing the extended edition of The Two Towers when I get around to treating myself. Having just purchased a multiregion DVD player on ebay I could go for a region 1 version which will be cheaper over here than region 2!
Trefor Heywood
"Cymru Am Byth!"
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Yes Faramir's father is a pip ain't he? He should be interesting in the next movie.
I would imagine a pi**ing contest between him and Aragorn since Aragorn is the rightful king of Gondor.
It's been a while since I read the book but if I remember right Faramir never brought Frodo back to Gondor. He let him go long before that happened. And I think in the book one of the things that Tolkien brings out is the fact that the ring took Boromir but not Faramir. Of course that rang true in the movie, Peter Jackson just added a bit to the story there.
In the book a number of people were openly tempted with the ring, by Frodo. In Fellowship of the Ring, Frodo deliberately tempts Galadriel with it. She intially puts the screws to him when they show up at Lothlorien and he turns the tables on her. In the movie they showed him offering it to her but they didn't really explain why.
Through the story he gets worn out by the ring but also becomes much smarter and more insightful the longer he has it. This is one of the things that eventually drives him insane.
Only two more days now, already got my tickets.
Here's a trivia question. We know in the movies who has two of the elvish rings, Elrond and Galadriel. There's a third, anyone know who has it?
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deleted so as not to allow a spoiler to continue
[This message was edited by Steve! on December 15, 2003 at 13:21.]
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Here's a trivia question:
which Greasespot poster goes nuts whenever someone posts a question which is subsequently answered which contains a significant spoiler if you haven't read the books yet?
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DD: Cirdan the Shipwright has the third Elvish ring.
Secret Signature of the Day==v
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Ummm, whoops. Would that be "Rafael"?
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Hee hee hee hee.
Actually, I think that cup's already been spilled at the cafe before.
But if anyone starts talking about who dies at the end, or revealing that the butler did it, I'm going to have to open up a can of whoopass!
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Trefor Heywood
Well I know what happens in the book (just voted the best novel of all time here).
But you never know what they might have chopped and changed for the film.
The only thing we know is that unlike Titanic, the ship doesn't sink!
Trefor Heywood
"Cymru Am Byth!"
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Ok, Ok, I don't want to ruin it for anyone...
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Never read the books? WOW
I've read them every five years or so since 9th grade...hmmm..I guess about 7 times.
Speed read that is.
They changed quite a few things from the books; the director did not hold true, but that's showbiz.
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Okay, I don't know if this is a spoiler or not, so, be forewarned if you, like me, are one of those who has not read the books...
Still here? Good.
I need to apologize to dizzydog and Steve! for jumping on them about the third elven ring. Turns out they simply don't mention it in Return of the King, and therefore, you didn't ruin anything. Mea culpa.
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Okay, so I goofed on this one, too. Cirdan was the original owner of Narya, the third Elf ring, but Cirdan gave it to Gandalf, who wore it throughout the One Ring saga.
Secret Signature of the Day==v
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I didn't know Elrond had a ring.
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Oh, no, you can't come back like that and just say "oops". I expect some serious groveling!
Well, but I didn't know that it wouldn't be in the third movie either, and I should have thought about that before posting my 2¢ worth.
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pleeeease forgives us, precious, steve! we begs of you, we asks on our knees. We swears to grovel before the master of the precious. We swears on, on, the precious!
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Rafael: Yes-- "Three rings for the Elven Kings" They were the three untainted by Sauron, who made all the others, the seven Dwarf-rings (all destroyed) and the nine Man-rings. (worn by the Nazgul)
Secret Signature of the Day==v
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I remember three rings were given to the elves and that Galadriel was one of them. I didn't know Elrond was one of them.
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