Well, I haven't seen either of the above - although I've seen Spiderman & definitely want a copy - & I usually don't buy movies.
I've heard people say they were really disappointed in Minority Report, so I really appreciate you recommending it, Zix. I wouldn't have seen it otherwise, but it sounds like a flick I would really like. Thanks.
Oh, my pick. I think Bourne Identity. I use movies a lot in teaching the 11th grade about elements of literature, but the reasons I like things don't always run deep.
Bourne Identity didn't get into extravagant special effects concerning the star's martial arts moves. A lot of it was glanced over by swift changes of camera angles. But that was so well done that the end result was more real than a lot of other special effects intensive movies a la Crouching Tiger....
Yes, I was also pleased with The Bourne Identity, although I think the plot resolution was hurried at the end. I like Matt Damon and Franka Potente.
Minority Report would seem to be just a rehash of the 1976 movie Logan's Run from the trailers, but it really isn't. Now, it does start off as a seemingly-predictable run of the mill flick, but as the plot unfolds, you find that the characters you pigeonholed into the standard movie sterotypes in the beginning aren't anywhere near their holes at the end!
It's sci-fi like they used to make before Star Wars. (Of course, since it was written before Star Wars, that's sort of goes without saying...)
Oh, one more thing about Minority Report. It isn't A.I. 2! While I liked A.I. (except for that really poor visual choice he made in the final hour of the movie) it was more of a test vehicle for what he had to do in MR. MR has a better plot and doesn't take as many annoying unnecessary detours as AI.
That was a real treat. I had read the trilogy so long ago & really loved it. But it was so long ago that I couldn't tell you one thing about it - hardly. When the story started to unfold, it wasn't even like - Oh, yeah, I remember this. I did remember - afterwards, when I thought about it, but during the movie, it was more like everything was a deja vu from a previous lifetime. It was a homeland I knew well in some other life. A real treat. Another one I have to buy to keep.
An incredible movie. And a tribute to the dark genius of the late Philip K. Dick, the author of the story the movie is based on.
About halfway through it I'm thinking that this is the first SF movie that rivals Blade Runner, arguably the best SF movie ever made. And they are both based on Dick stories.
(Made me think of Weirwille's warning about fortune tellers/ precog's)
Bourne Idenity 1/2
(Kept interest all the way thorugh -- met the first rule of good writing "make me care" we did care about the characters)
Spider Man
(suprisingly delightful!)
The sum of all fears 1/2
(talking heads not enough action)
Mothman prophesies 1/2
(Based on a true story!!!)
D tox
(too dark, did not met the first rule of good writing "make me care" I didn't care if they all died)
Life or Something Like it 1/2
(Charming. Angelina Jolie does a great job!)
Mr Deeds 1/2
(Cute movie! Wynonia Wyder (spelling) does such a good job I almost forgave her for shoplifting)
Changing Lanes
This is one of those unusual movies as there is no bad guy. Just two half way decent guys that get into an altercation (result of accident) and wind up messing up each other's lives.
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on July 07, 2002 at 14:44.]
Glad you liked it Zix - I trust your review more than I do the local news' review that said that Tom Hanks was totally mis-cast as a gangster. I did find it difficult to think: "Forest Gump with a gun" - but as versitile an actor as Hanks is - I figure he can do anything.
You guys make me want to run right out to the theatre!!
I don't usually go out to see a lot of movies. I wait and catch them on video. But you do make the ones you've mentioned sound worth the effort. Thanks.
I also agree that Spiderman was great fun. Star Wars was okay. But Lord of the Rings sucked you right into the story along with the characters. Theater? What theater?
Tom, to answer your question about Star Wars, poor George Lucas just seems to have a knack for picking actors that aren't the most expressive (notable exceptions being Harrison Ford and Natalie Portman) and for writing dialogue that even the best of actors would have trouble with. (can you say "wooden"??) He also seems more interested in the special effects than the people. So, a lot of folks were disappointed with this last flick.
My take is that when you have known for YEARS what's going to happen (because you have seen the original trilogy a hundred times), and you are waiting for the movie to come out so it can tell you HOW it happens, it needs to have a lot more of that element in it than this one did. They could have --and should have-- spent a whole lot more time on Anakin's anger and frustration and arrogance and shown more than a passing scene indicating how Senator Palpatine was "stoking" those fires. (just my humble opinion)
Glad you enjoyed MR, Tom. Let me re-mention that you'll probably like Alfred Bester's classic novel "The Demolished Man" since you liked Minority Report.
I heard yesterday the Spider-Man DVD will be on the shelves before Christmas, too.
I finally saw Star Wars and I think I agree with the basic gist of the reviews above. However, how many books have you read first and saw the movie second where you were disappointed with the movie? There are time constraints which are present in the movie version which necessitates editing the story. I think overall they did a decent job of presenting the story. However, I have not read any of the Star Wars books, but based on the scope of each of the episodes on film, I would say the story is of Epic porportions. Quite a daunting task to put on film.
I read "DUNE" last Spring and then rented the movie. I was disapointed in the movie. If I had not read the book first, I don't think I would have been able to follow the movie.
The thing that I find wierd is the technology of the first episodes seems far in advance of that in the latter ones. I know it is because of improved special effects, but it is a bit unrealistic.
As a side note, all the special effects in the "Attack of the Clones" was done on LINUX based computers. Go LINUX!!! Also, the storm and sea in "Perfect Storm" was done on LINUX.
NO sex NO violence NO special effects No political statements, No "spiritual sub-themes or parallels, Not even a "damn".....
The WINNER for best "TOTAL FAMILY film"
Dennis Quaid, "The Rookie"
I cannot say enough about this movie. Some may not like it's sugar sweetness but in some cases and in some peoples lives... there really isn't some tragic conflit to resolve. No apologies here... I love stories of human achievement. Give me a movie about "Joe ordinary" who gets to live their dream through hard work and perseverance anytime.
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Oh yeah
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Well, I haven't seen either of the above - although I've seen Spiderman & definitely want a copy - & I usually don't buy movies.
I've heard people say they were really disappointed in Minority Report, so I really appreciate you recommending it, Zix. I wouldn't have seen it otherwise, but it sounds like a flick I would really like. Thanks.
Oh, my pick. I think Bourne Identity. I use movies a lot in teaching the 11th grade about elements of literature, but the reasons I like things don't always run deep.
Bourne Identity didn't get into extravagant special effects concerning the star's martial arts moves. A lot of it was glanced over by swift changes of camera angles. But that was so well done that the end result was more real than a lot of other special effects intensive movies a la Crouching Tiger....
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I have to agree with Zix--- This was an awsome movie!!!
Kinda of makes ya want to 're-think' the iris idenitfying process!!
We saw it the first day it came out--- and have not stopped thinking about it. It sort of haunts you!!
But then I liked the Bourne Idenity also!!
Minority Report is a chilling look into a future.
Bourne Idenity is entertainment!!
Spider Man I could have done w/o.
Star Wars--- ahhh........... a wonderful walk down memory lane!!
Now LORD OF The RINGS--------- comlpete emersion into La La land. Dark theatre. Popcorn.......
And the world goes away........
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Yes, I was also pleased with The Bourne Identity, although I think the plot resolution was hurried at the end. I like Matt Damon and Franka Potente.
Minority Report would seem to be just a rehash of the 1976 movie Logan's Run from the trailers, but it really isn't. Now, it does start off as a seemingly-predictable run of the mill flick, but as the plot unfolds, you find that the characters you pigeonholed into the standard movie sterotypes in the beginning aren't anywhere near their holes at the end!
It's sci-fi like they used to make before Star Wars. (Of course, since it was written before Star Wars, that's sort of goes without saying...)
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Oh, one more thing about Minority Report. It isn't A.I. 2! While I liked A.I. (except for that really poor visual choice he made in the final hour of the movie) it was more of a test vehicle for what he had to do in MR. MR has a better plot and doesn't take as many annoying unnecessary detours as AI.
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That was a real treat. I had read the trilogy so long ago & really loved it. But it was so long ago that I couldn't tell you one thing about it - hardly. When the story started to unfold, it wasn't even like - Oh, yeah, I remember this. I did remember - afterwards, when I thought about it, but during the movie, it was more like everything was a deja vu from a previous lifetime. It was a homeland I knew well in some other life. A real treat. Another one I have to buy to keep.
Minority Report - coming up.
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I've not seen that one, but I've had several people tell me they didn't understand it, or it didn't seem to fit with the series.
What's up with that?
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An incredible movie. And a tribute to the dark genius of the late Philip K. Dick, the author of the story the movie is based on.
About halfway through it I'm thinking that this is the first SF movie that rivals Blade Runner, arguably the best SF movie ever made. And they are both based on Dick stories.
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Saw Men in Black II today.
Not really a contender for this particular award! (Oh, it was a good way to kill 94 minutes, but it'll be forgotten fast.)
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Minority Report!
I liked Spidey, but M.R. was GREAT!
I thought it dragged a little in the middle, but there was lots of suspense, cool special effects, excellent concept and some nice plot twists
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And I thought it would be "Scooby Doo."
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Dot Matrix
On a 1 to 5 smile ranking, 5 being the best.
We gave:
Minority Report 1/2
(Made me think of Weirwille's warning about fortune tellers/ precog's)
Bourne Idenity 1/2
(Kept interest all the way thorugh -- met the first rule of good writing "make me care" we did care about the characters)
Spider Man
(suprisingly delightful!)
The sum of all fears 1/2
(talking heads not enough action)
Mothman prophesies 1/2
(Based on a true story!!!)
D tox
(too dark, did not met the first rule of good writing "make me care" I didn't care if they all died)
Life or Something Like it
(Charming. Angelina Jolie does a great job!)
Mr Deeds

(Cute movie! Wynonia Wyder (spelling) does such a good job I almost forgave her for shoplifting)
Changing Lanes

This is one of those unusual movies as there is no bad guy. Just two half way decent guys that get into an altercation (result of accident) and wind up messing up each other's lives.
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on July 07, 2002 at 14:44.]
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Well, I think "Road To Perdition" just nudged Minority Report out of the top spot (barely).
Be warned, it is a little slow in spots...but a solid story and some terrific acting.
(Oh, Reign Of Fire was definitely worth a matinee. Could have done more with the premise, but it was entertaining, nonetheless.)
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Dot Matrix
Zixar - I agree
Road to Perdition 1/2 was really great. The characters were very well developed!!!
I agree some spots were slow -- but it was great
Also "Enough"
with Jennifer Lopez
I am not a fan of hers but I thought it was a good movie.
Dot Matrix
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Hope R.
Glad you liked it Zix - I trust your review more than I do the local news' review that said that Tom Hanks was totally mis-cast as a gangster. I did find it difficult to think: "Forest Gump with a gun" - but as versitile an actor as Hanks is - I figure he can do anything.
Hope R. color>size>face>
P.S. - Sheesh - What movies HAVEN'T you seen ???
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You guys make me want to run right out to the theatre!!
I don't usually go out to see a lot of movies. I wait and catch them on video. But you do make the ones you've mentioned sound worth the effort. Thanks.
I also agree that Spiderman was great fun. Star Wars was okay. But Lord of the Rings sucked you right into the story along with the characters. Theater? What theater?
Tom, to answer your question about Star Wars, poor George Lucas just seems to have a knack for picking actors that aren't the most expressive (notable exceptions being Harrison Ford and Natalie Portman) and for writing dialogue that even the best of actors would have trouble with. (can you say "wooden"??) He also seems more interested in the special effects than the people. So, a lot of folks were disappointed with this last flick.
My take is that when you have known for YEARS what's going to happen (because you have seen the original trilogy a hundred times), and you are waiting for the movie to come out so it can tell you HOW it happens, it needs to have a lot more of that element in it than this one did. They could have --and should have-- spent a whole lot more time on Anakin's anger and frustration and arrogance and shown more than a passing scene indicating how Senator Palpatine was "stoking" those fires. (just my humble opinion)
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I felt much the same way about
Episode II-Attack of the Clones.
My biggest disappointment of the movie was
This is the movie where we are supposed to see
the beginnings of a relationship between
Anakin Skywalker & Amidala.
However, when they get scenes alone, what's
Anakin's favourite topic of conversation?
"Oh, Obi-Wan's jealous of me, he doesn't
understand me, he's holding me back, yadda
yadda yadda."
I've been taking an informal straw poll since the
movie came out. We all pretty much agree that
whining is NOT an effective method to get a chick
interested in you-let alone being in the same
ROOM with you. What in the world attracted
Amidala to him when that was his main topic?
Granted, it didn't take up a LOT of movie time,
but it was so dissonant I "fell" out of the
"willfull suspension of disbelief" needed to
enjoy the movie.
I liked the other jedis, & would have liked to
see more of them, especially Sam Jackson's
Jedi Master. ("Pass me my lightsaber-it's the one
that has 'bad m*-f*er' engraved on it.")
I also didn't like R2-D2's little jet-system.
Overall, though, I liked the movie. (Christopher
Lee might have done a few situps before trying
to pass as his character, though.) I liked the
subtle touch used with Jango & his "son".
Now THAT'S the kind of deft handling I would have
liked MORE of.
I hope they establish that the star destroyers we
see are the earlier "Victory-class" type, & not
the later, "Imperial-class" type, which would
mess up the continuity.
Men in Black II was funny. Not great, but
entertaining. I mostly went to try to recognize
a haunt of mine which was used for filming.
Apparently, it was unrecognizable in the film.
I haven't seen the profound movies yet.
Apparently, I've really missed something.
In LotR:FotR,
I REALLY missed the characters that were
dropped. Tom Bombadil & Glorfindel had scenes
which I felt added to the story. (Obviously,
the director disagreed.)
I also would have liked the references to the
"missing" wizard left in.
Gandalf the Grey, Saruman the White (racist)
both appear in the trilogy (& the first movie).
They're both members of the Council of Wizards.
So's Radagast the Brown. (Rhadagast? I might
have the spelling wrong.) Radaghast's specialty
is communication with animals. He had met with
Saruman before the first movie gets rolling, &
was fooled into thinking he was still good.
Anyway, Radaghast sends out an animal APB on
Gandalf. That's why the King of the Eagles was
looking for Gandalf in the first place.
Radaghast & Glorfindel help remind the reader that
the events we see aren't the only ones going on-
other peoples are taking action off-camera.
I also missed Aragorn's comments in the council
at Rivendell. He points out that, as a Ranger,
he's been busy slaying goblins & things a stones'
throw from towns like Bree, where they make fun
of him & call him names like "Longshanks" (for all
the walking he does.) Bilbo makes an aside a
little later to Frodo about this. Bilbo explains
that all the rangers are really nobility in
exile. Finally, I would have liked the lines
about Bilbo's mail-jacket to have stayed in.
(He had retreived the armour from where it was
warehoused, & gave it to Frodo at Rivendell.)
At Moria, Gimli & Gandalf speak about it.
"..Where is it?" "Still at the Michael Delving
mathom-house, I suppose." "WHAT???"
"I didn't have the heart to tell him that armour
was worth the combined cost of the shire &
everything in it." (Frodo, wearing it under his
shirt secretly at that moment, winces.)
Ok, not earth-shaking, but I felt they added to
the story. I hope that when Return of the King
rolls in, the director makes his cuts where I
skimmed, saving us about 1 hour of hobbits on a
forced march.
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Just saw it - thanks for the recommendation. Loved it.
I'd say more, but Blade Runner just came on 10:30 EST 7/17 - Catch it if you read this soon. It is on USA.
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Glad you enjoyed MR, Tom. Let me re-mention that you'll probably like Alfred Bester's classic novel "The Demolished Man" since you liked Minority Report.
I heard yesterday the Spider-Man DVD will be on the shelves before Christmas, too.
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Did "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" come out this year? It was entertaining, imaginative and super with special effects.
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I finally saw Star Wars and I think I agree with the basic gist of the reviews above. However, how many books have you read first and saw the movie second where you were disappointed with the movie? There are time constraints which are present in the movie version which necessitates editing the story. I think overall they did a decent job of presenting the story. However, I have not read any of the Star Wars books, but based on the scope of each of the episodes on film, I would say the story is of Epic porportions. Quite a daunting task to put on film.
I read "DUNE" last Spring and then rented the movie. I was disapointed in the movie. If I had not read the book first, I don't think I would have been able to follow the movie.
The thing that I find wierd is the technology of the first episodes seems far in advance of that in the latter ones. I know it is because of improved special effects, but it is a bit unrealistic.
As a side note, all the special effects in the "Attack of the Clones" was done on LINUX based computers. Go LINUX!!! Also, the storm and sea in "Perfect Storm" was done on LINUX.
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I saw the trailer for LOTR: The Two Towers last night.
Looks good!
Lot's of battles. Had a scene that looked like the seige of Helm's Deep that looked awesome!
Also a scene that looked like a confrontation between Aragorn and Eowyn. (I am secretly in love with Eowyn!)
Now I have to wait until December
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LW: No, Harry Potter came out last Thanksgiving, and Lord of the Rings:FOTR came out last December, so they're both ineligible.
Sequels to both movies, however are coming out this Thanksgiving, and this December, respectively, so they're fair game!
God bless!
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call me "Al"
NO sex NO violence NO special effects No political statements, No "spiritual sub-themes or parallels, Not even a "damn".....
The WINNER for best "TOTAL FAMILY film"
Dennis Quaid, "The Rookie"
I cannot say enough about this movie. Some may not like it's sugar sweetness but in some cases and in some peoples lives... there really isn't some tragic conflit to resolve. No apologies here... I love stories of human achievement. Give me a movie about "Joe ordinary" who gets to live their dream through hard work and perseverance anytime.
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