BC joins local recreational baseball team to witness to people. (Friends, family and associates being the theme of the moment) Oddly, none of the people on the team ARE his friends, family or associate. ??? Nor does he have any serious amount of baseball skills. But, hey, can't let that stop outreach, eh? We'll just believe God.
First game, playing outfield, he goes back for a fly ball and drops it. Easy catch gone bad. The other team boos and laughs at him. In telling the story at a FC meeting, he boldly proclaims "They wouldn't have booed if they had known a great man of God was playing!"
He promptly quit and was never seen there again. :-) By the way, that WAS the outreach plan for the month. I guess he only got "revelation" once so it was subject to change. ;-)
The hogs are running out of gas you better go ahead and tell it.
I think that John Todd tape may have been the one I gave to THE WAY! I got it while I was out witnessing from a guy. I made copies of it and it became a big kinda hush-hush deal.
If it was that tape -- it was a bit enlightening! Frightening as well.
I was sitting here thinking of how all of us were strange characters -- I guess...
I remember in Norristown, Laleo was there, we did so many things because we loved God and did not know about the EVIL TWI yet.
One guy went to the locals and we were allowed to use some old glorious white church for our classes. Cleaning it was a pain. The point is we were all kids and now we had a church!!!!
Joe Guarini would walk up to anyone and just start talking in love. He loved everyone. He was a character, a handsome wonderful character of love.
But speaking of stupid things:
I once dropped a glass pan on my foot which shattered and a huge piece stuck in my foot.
I began to rebuke the devil! If anything I should have prayed for my foot while pulling the glass out! Don't cha think?
okay so here we are, we hang out and witness at a club where some biker types hang (i'm trying to paint the picture; it wasn't a biker bar)
we know our leader will be out of town this coming weekend (alright!!!!) so we invite everyone over to a party, i think it was a barbeque, lovely weather, hang out, cook some burgers, have some beers dah dah dah
let's have fun and we can talk about jesus christ and stuff as they see we are people
okay soooooooooooooo while we're hanging out and talking and having a lovely time.....
our leader of the house arrives back unexpectedly
there are guys and gals with tattoos, skull caps, etc. he comes in with his tennis shorts and izod shirt and is so happy to see a house full of people
so we're like yeah these are some of our friends and we're just hangin and having a good time
he announces that he would like EVERYONE to gather round in the living room (out of the sunshine and backyard, etc.)
well, we all get in there (dot and i are dying a million deaths already), sit on the couches and floor, and he starts passing out sing-along-the-ways and he starts to lead songs
one-by-one our friends start to leave
pretty soon (correct me if i'm wrong dottie) the household was left. so i guess he witnessed to us or did a hot bible teaching for us
one of the worst (and most stupid) days of my life
and i think when we whined about it, we got reproved
Dot, One year we had a wow family and one of them was from Norristown....Carol something, real sweet kid, lots of fun to be with too, but the branch coor. ruined it for thier family and they all left but one.
wish I knew how Carol is doing these days God it was more than 20 years ago.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
I think I know this guy. Really. We had a BC that I would NEVER allow a new person to meet. He only knew how to talk about the Bible. I think being a BC meant others HAD to be his friend more than anything about loving God or people.
One day I had invited some people over to hang out. A lady I was interested in also came over as well. However, she had never been to fellowship or anything, the horror! Short story is he starts talking to her in the kitchen about the foundational class and asks her when she's going to register! She had no idea what he was even talking about. Needless to say, no second date for us. :-(
Like you, she thought I had planned this and was part of some weird religious group. (Hmm...) I justed to watch the movie and enjoy the wine. Oh, turns out it was my fault for not dating someone in the household and I shouldn't have served wine at a ministry function. When I pointed out that it WASN'T a ministry function, he said it was because he was there. ???
LOL! What a clown. --> How did you hold your composure from that response? Sorry about the date with the girl. I recall instances of that area of life being 'hampered' as well.
On keeping a straight face, it was VERY tough. This guy was a treasure trove of comments like that though. Like the time he told me I was a great man of God. My response? "You know nothing about my life, how can you say that?" He kind of stammered a bit and said "people seem to really like you."
The good news with the lady is we did become friends and are to this day. She's now married and enjoying life.
LOL! JT, From his response it sounds like you won great man of God by popular vote. You know that should have been followed by a trip to Disney Land. (old super bowl commercial)
Hey I understand you are in and considering leaving.
My only regret is that Nike never picked up endorsement contract. "Just Believe It!" Hmm...doesn't have quite the same ring, does it? ;-)
As for in/out, you are correct. I've been thinking about it for a while but thought the honest thing to do was confirm some of the things I had heard. Not that people are ever dishonest but...
Hahaha, SkepTex, thanks for mentioning Uncle Harry Day! Definitely dumb -- as if it wasn't enough to idolize the MOG, let's have a holiday for his brother, too! I remember buying the little book about UH's life, wanting to know what all the hubbub was about. I tried REALLY HARD to see him as the great man everyone said he was, but I couldn't see him as any more than just a decent guy with a successful small business (I never knew him personally).
I was lucky enough to avoid all those Burn the Chaff days! :D-->
I once asked why there was a burn the chaff day. If you are bringing an entire box of items, why didn't you just get rid of it when you realized you didn't need it? Another one of my MANY questions that got an annoyed look in response.
If I remember correctly, it was on VPW's brother, Harry's birthday. He cleaned out his checkbook every year and gave the balance to his brother for the work of the ministry. Somehow that inspired people to burn their unnecessary items (chaff).
When was the last time you got that involved in someones life??? When was the last time someone looked you in the eye and said, "I'm probably alive because of you,"
"You saved my life."
Actually after I left TWI and became involved
with other churches and organizations who provide volunteer labor to the community and
have real outreach programs including ministering to the poor and handicapped, I heard it on a regular basis.
During TWI I was told to avoid people who were
indigent or who couldn't "believe enough for
the PFAL donation". In contrast I've seen churches of like 200 people do more work for people and the surrounding community than TWI has in its entire history. In my experience TWI never helped anyone without the expectation that they would sign up for PFAL and in turn recruit others. And TWI holds its local community in total contempt.
In my opinion TWI and its so called outreach
programs are counterfeits to the services offerred by lots of churches (even those "evil trinity-believing" ones).
I always laughed when people told stories about
how hard their WOW years were. Damn. What about
missionaries - people toughing it out in 3rd world
villages, helping people carve out a way of lifeh. THATS helping someone. TWI is nothing in
okay okay (sorry for the repeat) but it does belong in "stupid way stories"
quote:I tried REALLY HARD to see him as the great man everyone said he was, but I couldn't see him as any more than just a decent guy with a successful small business (I never knew him personally).
the first time i met H.E. (Uncle Harry), he grabbed my breasts and said, "SO YOUNG AND FIRM."
are you happy tuttle i shared it AGAIN ? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha mwah
ps. maybe i should have burned my bra in his honor on uncle harry day ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
[This message was edited by excathedra on December 13, 2003 at 9:00.]
the PFAL donation". In contrast I've seen churches of like 200 people do more work for people and the surrounding community than TWI has in its entire history. In my experience TWI never helped anyone without the expectation that they would sign up for PFAL and in turn recruit others. And TWI holds its local community in total contempt.
I completely agree with diazbro. I never in my life saw so much lack of compassion than this ministry. It was the poorest witness for Christ I had ever seen. The Satanic church knew better in recruiting people by showing more compassion than that. Satanists are lying, but at least they put on the show of compassion to make themselves look legitimate.
I never saw the ruthlessness of such a ministry come to bear fruit than in the treatment of VPW's wife, who gave them half the land to operate and 60 years of her life. Harve Platig and the rest of the board know what has been done and they must see the monstrous and completely ungodly decisions they have made and done.
The ruthlessness, the evil, and the torment they inflict on others in the name of God. They do not light a candle as ambassadors to Christ, and the way they are now, God would not want them using His name in their actions.
Marked and Avoided
[This message was edited by MarkedAndAvoided on December 14, 2003 at 18:47.]
LC insists someone vacuum his house before every function. But wait, that's not all...
...it has to be done in rows! And not just any rows. The vacuum has to go in the opposite direction every time (no backing up) and no "overlap" in the rows. Yep, just like a manicured lawn. The rows are perfectly lined up and the carpet pile is going in different directions. He even expected the poor soul who did this to continue this look under and around furniture!
Guess who NEVER volunteered to be at this house before a class? :-)
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kit 1972 ? You might wanna rethink your date Uncle Harry did not die until oct 12 1977 The Burn The Chaff or Uncle Harry Days were started in memory of him. i think the first was 78 -79 But sorry abo
Broken Arrow
You know what's even more stupid? And I was waiting for this to happen. The word "Christmas" was supposed to be bad because VPW said it derived from "Christ-Mass", or a "Mass for Christ". VPW said "Ch
Had a TC who wondered out loud how fax machines worked and wondered how the paper ended up at the receiver's end of the transmission. She honestly thought that the paper went thru the phone lines. S
Al Poole
Thanks Ex... you are so... warm! Even though we don't stay in touch I still consider us close and treasure those very sweet memories of Memphis.
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Next one:
Lessons in spiritual greatness:
BC joins local recreational baseball team to witness to people. (Friends, family and associates being the theme of the moment) Oddly, none of the people on the team ARE his friends, family or associate. ??? Nor does he have any serious amount of baseball skills. But, hey, can't let that stop outreach, eh? We'll just believe God.
First game, playing outfield, he goes back for a fly ball and drops it. Easy catch gone bad. The other team boos and laughs at him. In telling the story at a FC meeting, he boldly proclaims "They wouldn't have booed if they had known a great man of God was playing!"
He promptly quit and was never seen there again. :-) By the way, that WAS the outreach plan for the month. I guess he only got "revelation" once so it was subject to change. ;-)
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Dot Matrix
The hogs are running out of gas you better go ahead and tell it.
I think that John Todd tape may have been the one I gave to THE WAY! I got it while I was out witnessing from a guy. I made copies of it and it became a big kinda hush-hush deal.
If it was that tape -- it was a bit enlightening! Frightening as well.
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Dot Matrix
I was sitting here thinking of how all of us were strange characters -- I guess...
I remember in Norristown, Laleo was there, we did so many things because we loved God and did not know about the EVIL TWI yet.
One guy went to the locals and we were allowed to use some old glorious white church for our classes. Cleaning it was a pain. The point is we were all kids and now we had a church!!!!
Joe Guarini would walk up to anyone and just start talking in love. He loved everyone. He was a character, a handsome wonderful character of love.
But speaking of stupid things:
I once dropped a glass pan on my foot which shattered and a huge piece stuck in my foot.
I began to rebuke the devil! If anything I should have prayed for my foot while pulling the glass out! Don't cha think?
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Tom Strange
DotDotDot... you were doing it even back then????
by the way, did you box up all of the sharp instruments and send them to me?
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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okay so here we are, we hang out and witness at a club where some biker types hang (i'm trying to paint the picture; it wasn't a biker bar)
we know our leader will be out of town this coming weekend (alright!!!!) so we invite everyone over to a party, i think it was a barbeque, lovely weather, hang out, cook some burgers, have some beers dah dah dah
let's have fun and we can talk about jesus christ and stuff as they see we are people
okay soooooooooooooo while we're hanging out and talking and having a lovely time.....
our leader of the house arrives back unexpectedly
there are guys and gals with tattoos, skull caps, etc. he comes in with his tennis shorts and izod shirt and is so happy to see a house full of people
so we're like yeah these are some of our friends and we're just hangin and having a good time
he announces that he would like EVERYONE to gather round in the living room (out of the sunshine and backyard, etc.)
well, we all get in there (dot and i are dying a million deaths already), sit on the couches and floor, and he starts passing out sing-along-the-ways and he starts to lead songs
one-by-one our friends start to leave
pretty soon (correct me if i'm wrong dottie) the household was left. so i guess he witnessed to us or did a hot bible teaching for us
one of the worst (and most stupid) days of my life
and i think when we whined about it, we got reproved
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we tried to explain ourselves before he took the whole thing down, but in the end, we looked like deceiving a$$holes
maybe we were
i guess what i'm trying to say, this was very very funny but not really it was pathetic and stupid
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Dot, One year we had a wow family and one of them was from Norristown....Carol something, real sweet kid, lots of fun to be with too, but the branch coor. ruined it for thier family and they all left but one.
wish I knew how Carol is doing these days God it was more than 20 years ago.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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Thanks for my early Christmas present. :-)
I think I know this guy. Really. We had a BC that I would NEVER allow a new person to meet. He only knew how to talk about the Bible. I think being a BC meant others HAD to be his friend more than anything about loving God or people.
One day I had invited some people over to hang out. A lady I was interested in also came over as well. However, she had never been to fellowship or anything, the horror! Short story is he starts talking to her in the kitchen about the foundational class and asks her when she's going to register! She had no idea what he was even talking about. Needless to say, no second date for us. :-(
Like you, she thought I had planned this and was part of some weird religious group. (Hmm...) I justed to watch the movie and enjoy the wine. Oh, turns out it was my fault for not dating someone in the household and I shouldn't have served wine at a ministry function. When I pointed out that it WASN'T a ministry function, he said it was because he was there. ???
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laugh my rearend off !!!!!!!!!! it was a ministry function because he was there !!!!!!! you win for the stupidist ha ha ha ha ha ha h
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LOL! What a clown.
--> How did you hold your composure from that response? Sorry about the date with the girl. I recall instances of that area of life being 'hampered' as well.
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I'm a newbie here too.
On keeping a straight face, it was VERY tough. This guy was a treasure trove of comments like that though. Like the time he told me I was a great man of God. My response? "You know nothing about my life, how can you say that?" He kind of stammered a bit and said "people seem to really like you."
The good news with the lady is we did become friends and are to this day. She's now married and enjoying life.
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I accept this great honor! :-)
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LOL! JT, From his response it sounds like you won great man of God by popular vote. You know that should have been followed by a trip to Disney Land. (old super bowl commercial)
Hey I understand you are in and considering leaving.
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My only regret is that Nike never picked up endorsement contract. "Just Believe It!" Hmm...doesn't have quite the same ring, does it? ;-)
As for in/out, you are correct. I've been thinking about it for a while but thought the honest thing to do was confirm some of the things I had heard. Not that people are ever dishonest but...
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Hahaha, SkepTex, thanks for mentioning Uncle Harry Day! Definitely dumb -- as if it wasn't enough to idolize the MOG, let's have a holiday for his brother, too! I remember buying the little book about UH's life, wanting to know what all the hubbub was about. I tried REALLY HARD to see him as the great man everyone said he was, but I couldn't see him as any more than just a decent guy with a successful small business (I never knew him personally).
I was lucky enough to avoid all those Burn the Chaff days!
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I once asked why there was a burn the chaff day. If you are bringing an entire box of items, why didn't you just get rid of it when you realized you didn't need it? Another one of my MANY questions that got an annoyed look in response.
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I don't recall the burn the chaf days. When did this take place?
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(My your name is getting short)
If I remember correctly, it was on VPW's brother, Harry's birthday. He cleaned out his checkbook every year and gave the balance to his brother for the work of the ministry. Somehow that inspired people to burn their unnecessary items (chaff).
If I got details wrong, please correct me.
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HEY! I resemble that remark...
I remember now.
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Al Poole said:
When was the last time you got that involved in someones life??? When was the last time someone looked you in the eye and said, "I'm probably alive because of you,"
"You saved my life."
Actually after I left TWI and became involved
with other churches and organizations who provide volunteer labor to the community and
have real outreach programs including ministering to the poor and handicapped, I heard it on a regular basis.
During TWI I was told to avoid people who were
indigent or who couldn't "believe enough for
the PFAL donation". In contrast I've seen churches of like 200 people do more work for people and the surrounding community than TWI has in its entire history. In my experience TWI never helped anyone without the expectation that they would sign up for PFAL and in turn recruit others. And TWI holds its local community in total contempt.
In my opinion TWI and its so called outreach
programs are counterfeits to the services offerred by lots of churches (even those "evil trinity-believing" ones).
I always laughed when people told stories about
how hard their WOW years were. Damn. What about
missionaries - people toughing it out in 3rd world
villages, helping people carve out a way of lifeh. THATS helping someone. TWI is nothing in
comparison to this. Its a joke.,
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okay okay (sorry for the repeat) but it does belong in "stupid way stories"
the first time i met H.E. (Uncle Harry), he grabbed my breasts and said, "SO YOUNG AND FIRM."are you happy tuttle i shared it AGAIN ? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha mwah
ps. maybe i should have burned my bra in his honor on uncle harry day ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
[This message was edited by excathedra on December 13, 2003 at 9:00.]
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I completely agree with diazbro. I never in my life saw so much lack of compassion than this ministry. It was the poorest witness for Christ I had ever seen. The Satanic church knew better in recruiting people by showing more compassion than that. Satanists are lying, but at least they put on the show of compassion to make themselves look legitimate.
I never saw the ruthlessness of such a ministry come to bear fruit than in the treatment of VPW's wife, who gave them half the land to operate and 60 years of her life. Harve Platig and the rest of the board know what has been done and they must see the monstrous and completely ungodly decisions they have made and done.
The ruthlessness, the evil, and the torment they inflict on others in the name of God. They do not light a candle as ambassadors to Christ, and the way they are now, God would not want them using His name in their actions.
Marked and Avoided
[This message was edited by MarkedAndAvoided on December 14, 2003 at 18:47.]
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Stupid Way story #344983...
LC insists someone vacuum his house before every function. But wait, that's not all...
...it has to be done in rows! And not just any rows. The vacuum has to go in the opposite direction every time (no backing up) and no "overlap" in the rows. Yep, just like a manicured lawn. The rows are perfectly lined up and the carpet pile is going in different directions. He even expected the poor soul who did this to continue this look under and around furniture!
Guess who NEVER volunteered to be at this house before a class? :-)
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