Don't forget that one of the teletubbies is a homesexual because he/she carries a purse or a pouch.
Personally - hearing which movies were "devilish" never bothered me. I got so SICK and TIRED of hearing which Hollywood celbs were homosexual or worse yet - homosexual *sympathizers*. It was as if it would have been easier for my old HFC/room-mate to have a list of WHO wasn't homosexual in Hollywood. And I even told her so when I was a brainwashed innie... thank God some sanity crept through!!
Finding out that someone was a "homo" in her book never diswaded her from watching a movie with the actor or actress in question. She was also very hypocritical (I know - what a shock) when it came to this topic. If there were any stars that she really liked - like Neve Campbell who kissed another woman (Denise Richards) in Wild Things - then they were NOT gay or a "homo-sympathizer". That's right, she justified in her mind that Neve had to get REALLY drunk to even do the scene where she kissed D. Richards.... so that meant it was ok. But then I cornered her by reminding her that drinking (more than 2 drinks of course) could open you up to devil spirits dontchaknow.
What a crock!! Those people and the stupid crap they came up with to distract their followers from paying attention to the control being exercised over their lives STILL amazes me!
Chas - I wouldn't happen to know this thick skulled - not real well educated - but thought that he was EXCEPTIONALLY more intelligent than the rest of us - TC would I?
I can't believe how familiar all this stuff is with people I've never even met!
Nightmare on Elm St. was a disappointment to me too! All the hype I was expecting too much. Though I did learn to appreciate it later.
When I saw Titanic I was yet to be on the road to being a recovered wayaholic, and still had much of the ole waybrain in me. I felt like I should not like then ending either! lol.
Tom Petty thing, feminists groups had a tizzy over that one too. I won't go there. lol.
Devil Dolls! Ever since I saw that ole twilight zone episode, Talking Tina? Was that it? BRRRRR! I made my mom move all my dolls from my room! I still keep them in another room to this day!
The lion witch wardrobe... I love childrens fantasy. Fantasy is a great way to put across morals, ideas, situations in a different, more enlightening setting. And Jesus told parables didn't he?
The homo rant cracked me up. I can now say as a discerning adult, I am quite capable of seperating truth from reality myself, and the artist's work that I may enjoy from their personal life, which is NOMB.
Oh yeah and it was Falwell who had the thing about the teletubbies wasn't it? He's another one who has a thing about "Homos."
The Robert Redford movie: The Natural. I sat through the whole thing with someone whispering in my ear how the top bad-guy was the daimon devil spirit and the other folks were daimonion devil spirits and how the big bad guy had everyone else do his dirty work for him until the good guy had withstood even the fiercest attacks and then he got involved. They used all that to back up VP's teachings. This someone is still the wife of a very-high-up leader in the current version of twi.
You ever notice how if a movie simply mirrored what could commonly be seen in society, the makers were somehow tagged as being spiritually contaminated because how else could they have depicted the workings of devil spirits so clearly if not for the little critters whispering in their ears giving them 'inside' information??
And I love how twi could tell us all what was bad and evil and how it would get us possessed, but then Craig came right out and made a big deal over the fact that his son Timmy loved the Goosebumps series of books. Told us his kid was quite capable of knowing reality from fiction and didn't get freaked over it. Also said it helped instill a love of reading which is important for kids to have.
After that, I didn't really give a crap what someone said was bad for me to watch. I trusted my own judgement, thanks.
Geo - the reason "Star Wars" was so debbilish is because "The Force" replaces God. "May The Force be with you" instead of "May God be with you".
The Beatles, The Beach Boys ("Good Vibrations" caused brain damage if listened to enough), Mozart and Beethoven - all from the pit of hell according to TWI.
Chas: I love the Chronicles of Narnia.
Ex: Those dolls are creepy.
Highway: I remember LCM's comments about Goosebumps - I was so happy that he finally understood the difference between fiction and reality! Guess it only applied to him though.
Do you remember, in that same teaching, about him talking about Oscar Wilde? From what I recall, he praises Wilde's writings, but blasted him because he was a homosexual. LCM then went on to say he could enjoy the writing without accepting the man's lifestyle, which was devilish.
Has anyone read "The Picture of Dorian Gray" lately? If you're even a bit homophobic, don't.
I never wanted to see the Natural, until NOW! Now I've got to see this. And you bring up some very good points about mirroring society.
That thing about goosebumps amazed me. I mean I'm the one who talked myself blue with some of these wayfers about fantasy vs reality and how God gave us imaginations.
Of course, that being said, RL Stein (forgive me if I have the name off) does have some rather gory books after the Goosebumps series aimed for teenagers.
They made ME sick. Of course, I do get squeamed out rather easily. It's when they start killing animals that I draw the line, I don't care if its Stephen King. And he is like a Stephen King for Jr's.
Hope thanks for explaining the Star Wars spiritual connection. I was trying to remember it, (never was a fan)and that makes total sense that they would think that.
BTW, I saw Dorian Gray long ago, when I was a kid, and I don't remember the homosexual aspect. Of course, like I said, I was a kid and a lot of stuff went over my head.
Ex that is very cute. I remember RR playing "Death" in an old Twilight Zone episode and I remember thinking, if that's what death looks like...COME AND GET ME!!! Well...not really (just in case he's listening)
I've been really sick the last several days, so I've been watching a whole lot of TV. Last night I finally got to see "Rocky Horror Picture Show" in its entirity without being stoned. Wow! What was the official twi word about this?
I also got to see "Look Who's Coming to Dinner" in its entirity, rewatched both Austin Powers movies (what does twi say about him?), rewatched a bunch of "Twilight Zone" (where the dolls do come to life...and there's an interesting story about that from when I was on the WOW field in NY...) and "Outer Limits" episodes, saw a "Brady Bunch" episode I had never seen before (Ken Berry moves in next door and adopts 3 white, one black and one Asian), and got stuck flipping between HGTV, FOOD Network, and the Hallmark channel reruns of "Bewitched" and "I Dream of Jeannie".
Still wonder why twi didn't just out-and-out ban the whole '60s and '70s...what with all the witchcraft and jeannies and ginns...
Ex! That's quite allright Lol. I kind of thought of that being the initials of the other when I wrote it, but I was not around for the way 2. So her name means nada to me.
Cool Waters, That Ken Barry episode I barely remember,and I consider myself somewhat of a Brady Bunch aficionado. That must have been last season.
And what about that doll story you mentioned HMMM?
Out on the field with my ex (he was a WOW, I was not...he had lied and said he was not married...when twi found out that he was, they sent me to live with him) we were in the middle of the Catskills during the blizzard of '77/'78 with no heating oil and using the kitchen oven to stay warm. At night we piled on sleeping bags. (The other WOWs had moved out--JAL told them to because he felt that me and my baby were too much of a burden for a WOW family--and we could not afford the heat was the first to go.) Then my ex moved out to be with the other WOWs (years later I learned that he was pressured to choose between me and the "ministry that served you the word"). Me and my baby were left in that apartment with no food, no heat, no transportation, no money, no furniture, nothing.
Anyway, one night I cried to god and begged him to show me what I was doing so wrong. I dreamed that night...I dreamed a dream from which I could not awaken until it was all over with.
In the dream I got up from where my baby and I were sleeping and went through the living room and into the kitchen because I wanted to find out why the light was on in the kitchen. In the kitchen it was very cold (which was odd because the oven was still on) and I could hear music coming from the back bedroom. Circus type music. But the back bedroom was on the left of the kitchen in my dream (in real life, it was on the right of the kitchen). I went to the back bedroom and tried to push the door open, but it would open only a crack. I peeked in. There were dolls everywhere!
Chatty Kathy dolls that talked without their cords being pulled. Clown dolls that pointed at me and laughed darkly. Remember those old monkey doll bands? The monkeys were playing their drums but without being wound up. And on and on.
The shelves were floor-to-ceiling and stuffed so full of dolls that it appeared there were no shelves at all...just dolls. Rows and rows and rows of animated dolls!
Except for the very back wall. There were clocks on that wall. All sorts of clocks. The clocks all had different times the sound was almost musical. But it could not be heard above the cacophony coming from the dolls. Together, the noise the clocks and the dolls were making was the circus music I had heard.
On the far left wall was the counter where a bespeckled old man was working on one of the dolls. He repeatedly looked up at me and pointed at me with his flathead screwdriver. Just did that over and over again.
I decided I needed to get into that room and find out what in the world was going on, so I squeezed inside and the door shut tight. There was no way out! So I tried to walk back to the wall with the clocks and get a better look at one of the cuckoo clocks I had seen from the door.
But once I got within easy eyesight of that clock, poof! I was back in the bedroom and everything would start all over again.
Except each time it all started again, something new was added to the dream. First, red and blue flashing lights all over the walls of my bedroom. Then icy fingers holding me to the bed were added in. Then I would go to the kitchen window and pull in the laundry (we had a clothes line that went between apartment buildings and reeled in from the kitchen window). Then my daughter would be crying and crying and crying. Then my ex came into the bedroom and kicked a hole into the wall. Finally, my ex was on top of me choking me. That's when it all stopped.
I don't know how or why...and really don't want to know how or why...but at first light (the last dream came just before dawn) I saw that a hole had been kicked into the bedroom wall.
I can almost picture that kind of dream. Alive, in living color, and almost too real.
You must have thought about this time and time again. Did you figure out for yourself what the interpertation meant for you? Not that you have to tell me.
I'm just wondering if you had to think about it for awhile and knew what it meant?
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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he had a longsuit in discerning of toys !!!!!
in grammar school my best friend told me her chatty cathy and other dolls dolls talked to her at night when she was in bed.
i discerned i didn't want to sleep over !!!!
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Don't forget that one of the teletubbies is a homesexual because he/she carries a purse or a pouch.
Personally - hearing which movies were "devilish" never bothered me. I got so SICK and TIRED of hearing which Hollywood celbs were homosexual or worse yet - homosexual *sympathizers*. It was as if it would have been easier for my old HFC/room-mate to have a list of WHO wasn't homosexual in Hollywood. And I even told her so when I was a brainwashed innie... thank God some sanity crept through!!
Finding out that someone was a "homo" in her book never diswaded her from watching a movie with the actor or actress in question. She was also very hypocritical (I know - what a shock) when it came to this topic. If there were any stars that she really liked - like Neve Campbell who kissed another woman (Denise Richards) in Wild Things - then they were NOT gay or a "homo-sympathizer". That's right, she justified in her mind that Neve had to get REALLY drunk to even do the scene where she kissed D. Richards.... so that meant it was ok. But then I cornered her by reminding her that drinking (more than 2 drinks of course) could open you up to devil spirits dontchaknow.
What a crock!! Those people and the stupid crap they came up with to distract their followers from paying attention to the control being exercised over their lives STILL amazes me!
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Chas - I wouldn't happen to know this thick skulled - not real well educated - but thought that he was EXCEPTIONALLY more intelligent than the rest of us - TC would I?
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I can't believe how familiar all this stuff is with people I've never even met!
Nightmare on Elm St. was a disappointment to me too! All the hype I was expecting too much. Though I did learn to appreciate it later.
When I saw Titanic I was yet to be on the road to being a recovered wayaholic, and still had much of the ole waybrain in me. I felt like I should not like then ending either! lol.
Tom Petty thing, feminists groups had a tizzy over that one too. I won't go there. lol.
Devil Dolls! Ever since I saw that ole twilight zone episode, Talking Tina? Was that it? BRRRRR! I made my mom move all my dolls from my room! I still keep them in another room to this day!
The lion witch wardrobe... I love childrens fantasy. Fantasy is a great way to put across morals, ideas, situations in a different, more enlightening setting. And Jesus told parables didn't he?
The homo rant cracked me up. I can now say as a discerning adult, I am quite capable of seperating truth from reality myself, and the artist's work that I may enjoy from their personal life, which is NOMB.
Oh yeah and it was Falwell who had the thing about the teletubbies wasn't it? He's another one who has a thing about "Homos."
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Actually, RottsyVampirella, Falwell was quoting Time and Newsweek, who were quoting the gay community.
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I stand corrected.
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The Robert Redford movie: The Natural. I sat through the whole thing with someone whispering in my ear how the top bad-guy was the daimon devil spirit and the other folks were daimonion devil spirits and how the big bad guy had everyone else do his dirty work for him until the good guy had withstood even the fiercest attacks and then he got involved. They used all that to back up VP's teachings. This someone is still the wife of a very-high-up leader in the current version of twi.
You ever notice how if a movie simply mirrored what could commonly be seen in society, the makers were somehow tagged as being spiritually contaminated because how else could they have depicted the workings of devil spirits so clearly if not for the little critters whispering in their ears giving them 'inside' information??
And I love how twi could tell us all what was bad and evil and how it would get us possessed, but then Craig came right out and made a big deal over the fact that his son Timmy loved the Goosebumps series of books. Told us his kid was quite capable of knowing reality from fiction and didn't get freaked over it. Also said it helped instill a love of reading which is important for kids to have.
After that, I didn't really give a crap what someone said was bad for me to watch. I trusted my own judgement, thanks.
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Hope R.
Geo - the reason "Star Wars" was so debbilish is because "The Force" replaces God. "May The Force be with you" instead of "May God be with you".
The Beatles, The Beach Boys ("Good Vibrations" caused brain damage if listened to enough), Mozart and Beethoven - all from the pit of hell according to TWI.
Chas: I love the Chronicles of Narnia.
Ex: Those dolls are creepy.
Highway: I remember LCM's comments about Goosebumps - I was so happy that he finally understood the difference between fiction and reality! Guess it only applied to him though.
Do you remember, in that same teaching, about him talking about Oscar Wilde? From what I recall, he praises Wilde's writings, but blasted him because he was a homosexual. LCM then went on to say he could enjoy the writing without accepting the man's lifestyle, which was devilish.
Has anyone read "The Picture of Dorian Gray" lately? If you're even a bit homophobic, don't.
Hope R. color>size>face>
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As usual I'm sitting here laughing myself silly.
I never wanted to see the Natural, until NOW! Now I've got to see this. And you bring up some very good points about mirroring society.
That thing about goosebumps amazed me. I mean I'm the one who talked myself blue with some of these wayfers about fantasy vs reality and how God gave us imaginations.
Of course, that being said, RL Stein (forgive me if I have the name off) does have some rather gory books after the Goosebumps series aimed for teenagers.
They made ME sick. Of course, I do get squeamed out rather easily. It's when they start killing animals that I draw the line, I don't care if its Stephen King. And he is like a Stephen King for Jr's.
Hope thanks for explaining the Star Wars spiritual connection. I was trying to remember it, (never was a fan)and that makes total sense that they would think that.
BTW, I saw Dorian Gray long ago, when I was a kid, and I don't remember the homosexual aspect. Of course, like I said, I was a kid and a lot of stuff went over my head.
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Hope R.
Vamp -
It's not in the movie at all. That was made in the 50's or 60's. No way that would even be implied. In the book, it's obvious.
Hope R. color>size>face>
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Okay, that's what I was kind of figuring. Thanks for pointing that out.
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the natural is very very devilish. i remember walking away after it worshipping robert redford.
saints preserve us, ginge
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Ex that is very cute. I remember RR playing "Death" in an old Twilight Zone episode and I remember thinking, if that's what death looks like...COME AND GET ME!!! Well...not really (just in case he's listening)
...I don't wanna be a vampire anymore....
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hi rottie!!!!! how are you? who is listening, RR or the grim reaper. lol. or internet bless patrol. ha ha ha ha ha
eewww rottie girl i did not mean the way's RR, i meant the real man RR !!
[This message was edited by excathedra on July 16, 2002 at 13:21.]
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I've been really sick the last several days, so I've been watching a whole lot of TV. Last night I finally got to see "Rocky Horror Picture Show" in its entirity without being stoned. Wow! What was the official twi word about this?
I also got to see "Look Who's Coming to Dinner" in its entirity, rewatched both Austin Powers movies (what does twi say about him?), rewatched a bunch of "Twilight Zone" (where the dolls do come to life...and there's an interesting story about that from when I was on the WOW field in NY...) and "Outer Limits" episodes, saw a "Brady Bunch" episode I had never seen before (Ken Berry moves in next door and adopts 3 white, one black and one Asian), and got stuck flipping between HGTV, FOOD Network, and the Hallmark channel reruns of "Bewitched" and "I Dream of Jeannie".
Still wonder why twi didn't just out-and-out ban the whole '60s and '70s...what with all the witchcraft and jeannies and ginns...'>'>
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Ex! That's quite allright Lol. I kind of thought of that being the initials of the other when I wrote it, but I was not around for the way 2. So her name means nada to me.
Cool Waters, That Ken Barry episode I barely remember,and I consider myself somewhat of a Brady Bunch aficionado. That must have been last season.
And what about that doll story you mentioned HMMM?
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In twi late 70s, there was a teaching that the word fantasy came from the same greek word that produces phantom.
So fantasies were evil, but ideas weren't. So someone could come up with a song/book/play and that was OK, but dreams were not.
Superman could be construed as devilish because its about a man not from earth who comes to save/serve mankind.
Athletes of the spirit with its emphasis on demons and glorified man over God was OK.
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must be devilish if you have a fantasy man or woman ha ha ha ha ha ha
oh coooollll let us hear about the wow year in new york and the dollies
don't leave us hanging
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Good lord def, that gets complicated, lol.
Yeah Ex, we will have to catch up with Cool on another thread and remind her to tell that story. That one I want to hear..I think...
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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Out on the field with my ex (he was a WOW, I was not...he had lied and said he was not married...when twi found out that he was, they sent me to live with him) we were in the middle of the Catskills during the blizzard of '77/'78 with no heating oil and using the kitchen oven to stay warm. At night we piled on sleeping bags. (The other WOWs had moved out--JAL told them to because he felt that me and my baby were too much of a burden for a WOW family--and we could not afford the heat was the first to go.) Then my ex moved out to be with the other WOWs (years later I learned that he was pressured to choose between me and the "ministry that served you the word"). Me and my baby were left in that apartment with no food, no heat, no transportation, no money, no furniture, nothing.
Anyway, one night I cried to god and begged him to show me what I was doing so wrong. I dreamed that night...I dreamed a dream from which I could not awaken until it was all over with.
In the dream I got up from where my baby and I were sleeping and went through the living room and into the kitchen because I wanted to find out why the light was on in the kitchen. In the kitchen it was very cold (which was odd because the oven was still on) and I could hear music coming from the back bedroom. Circus type music. But the back bedroom was on the left of the kitchen in my dream (in real life, it was on the right of the kitchen). I went to the back bedroom and tried to push the door open, but it would open only a crack. I peeked in. There were dolls everywhere!
Chatty Kathy dolls that talked without their cords being pulled. Clown dolls that pointed at me and laughed darkly. Remember those old monkey doll bands? The monkeys were playing their drums but without being wound up. And on and on.
The shelves were floor-to-ceiling and stuffed so full of dolls that it appeared there were no shelves at all...just dolls. Rows and rows and rows of animated dolls!
Except for the very back wall. There were clocks on that wall. All sorts of clocks. The clocks all had different times the sound was almost musical. But it could not be heard above the cacophony coming from the dolls. Together, the noise the clocks and the dolls were making was the circus music I had heard.
On the far left wall was the counter where a bespeckled old man was working on one of the dolls. He repeatedly looked up at me and pointed at me with his flathead screwdriver. Just did that over and over again.
I decided I needed to get into that room and find out what in the world was going on, so I squeezed inside and the door shut tight. There was no way out! So I tried to walk back to the wall with the clocks and get a better look at one of the cuckoo clocks I had seen from the door.
But once I got within easy eyesight of that clock, poof! I was back in the bedroom and everything would start all over again.
Except each time it all started again, something new was added to the dream. First, red and blue flashing lights all over the walls of my bedroom. Then icy fingers holding me to the bed were added in. Then I would go to the kitchen window and pull in the laundry (we had a clothes line that went between apartment buildings and reeled in from the kitchen window). Then my daughter would be crying and crying and crying. Then my ex came into the bedroom and kicked a hole into the wall. Finally, my ex was on top of me choking me. That's when it all stopped.
I don't know how or why...and really don't want to know how or why...but at first light (the last dream came just before dawn) I saw that a hole had been kicked into the bedroom wall.'>'>
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ohmygosh (((((vic))))) thank you for telling that. i am stunned. ((((((again vic))))))
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I can almost picture that kind of dream. Alive, in living color, and almost too real.
You must have thought about this time and time again. Did you figure out for yourself what the interpertation meant for you? Not that you have to tell me.
I'm just wondering if you had to think about it for awhile and knew what it meant?
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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Wow Vicki I am sorry you and your baby had to go through that.
I am also interested in what you think about the dream.
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