ok guys.....I went over to visit the neighbor, and ended up spending half the day going over the info he had gathered through the years.....lol
It is hard to remember everything....but here are some of the major points I remember.
One of the things he told me was that he had a friend who had told him ....that he (the friend) wasn`t ALLOWED to tell him, that as a radar operator that night.....he had seen FIVE ufo`s (so much for the ONE downed weather balloon story)
He said that, he wasn`t ALLOWED to say that..the screen went white........and then there was nothing there. Everything had been dropped from screen and presumed destroyed.
He had several different sources describing to him what had been found at the various sights.
One of the ships had a huge hole in it...as ifsomething had burned into it......but yet when they took ascetteline torches to the structure .......they couldn`t make any impression at all. Whatever had caused the damage.....it wasn`t anything WE could have done.
One of the ships when it landed was discharging enormous amounts of electricity.....like a huge power line.
But most sources of information had been intimidated in one way or another through out the years to keep their mouths shut. Some of em figured they were old enough now, and would soon be dead...they weren`t afraid anymore...so were finally telling.
I was mistaken about the other guy being a friend ........it was information in a book GIVEN to him by a friend. The book was written by the retired general or whoever it was ......who`s job it was to take the bits of technological stuff around to have them analized.
He couldn`t find it.......but is looking.
He gave me a book which discussed at length the tanguskan explosian in the early 1900s..Now THAT was wierd......for some reason the Russianscientific investigations and information were never really made available in this country.
Today, most here claim that it is some kind of meteor that exploded before impact.
But this book compiled the information that the Russian scientist had gathered, and interviewed living witnesses at the time. It is fascinating because tens of thousands of people actually SAW a metallic cylinder......not only that but the record shows it went all the way north to alaska BEFORE it turned around and went BACK to tanguska.....mighty funny behavior for a meteor.
Kind of reminds me of an airplane pilot that knows his plane is going down, and trying to find a sparsley populated area so that the impact will affect as few as possible.
It tells of the explosian being bright enough to read a newspaper at midnight in london half a world away.
I have just started that ......and will pass on any fun stuff.
He took me to Ezekiel... we started reading that account.......when you read it from the view point of what he says he saw rather than just passing it off as a vision.......it is kind of eery.
He took me into revelation and showed me the account about when heaven comes to earth.......how it is 1500 miles by 1500 miles......how it is illuminated from inside...if you read the descriptions it SOUNDS awfully familiar.
Anyway ........it was a fun afternoon......we covered so MUCH interesting information ( I am having trouble keeping it all straight....Some of it even MORE thought provoking than Roswell.
always found that event in Russia baffling. Wow, you could read a newspaper at midnight in London with the explosion light. So, they saw a cylinder first? It is amazing.
Roswell has also been such a stifled subject. So, radar guy saw 5 shapes?
In the beginning they did acknowledge UFO’s and alien life, then it was squelched and turned into a weather balloon story. All accounts I have seen, the powers that be said it was because it would rip apart our religious beliefs. I never understood their logic? How would that ruin my Christian beliefs? God is big enough to have life elsewhere?
Well, my neighbor said he has no idea.....however he knows (from personal experience) that there is more than just Roswell being covered up.
He speculates that maybe there was some sort of battle being fought, judging from the number of crashes that night, and the enormous sections of the craft that had been blasted away with some sort of heat.
Could these guys have been defending us?
As for why there is no open personal contact.....who knows...Maybe we are just being observed maybe we are at times too ignorant and volitile to expose to the rest of the galaxy yet...lol
Guess we are in a sort of cosmic *time out* chair...lol
So I am curious.......did any of you read the account in ezekiel, and revelation?
What did you think? What could he have possibly seen?
I don`t know WHAT to think......I was only passing on the neighbors speculations.
Who knows if they were the attackers or defenders...lol
The radar man said that it would have taken a massive power explosian beyond anything we have ever seen to have whited out the radar screen that he saw just before the ships dissapeared.
The neighbor did mention that the huge increase in ufo activity coincided with when we started detonating nuclear bombs.
He said there was an enormous amount of activity in one state right after they fired up several nuclear power plants and wondered if that wasn`t what had brought us to their attention.
He also showed me a book with a picture of a stone covering a grave from south america that showed a man sitting faceing upwards with all kinds of controls surrounding him in what looked like a ship.
Now THAT was strange...
There is a tribe Dogi I think they were called......who`s belief (now I am fuzzy on this) either came from a planet that rotated around what they called the dog star...or were visited for a while by someone who was....I do not remember...but in their secret cave...they have ritual pictures depicting the star and planet that go back for centuries..They have elaborate rituals .....celebrating this...
Scientist finally have telescopes powerfull enough........and have looked at the star that the dogi claim as theirs......and sure enough there IS a planet circling it.
I saw a show once where rock hounds had found a strange rock ...they cut it open, and it had a strange component encased. They took the rock and had it xrayed....there was a piece of something shaped kind of like a piston totally encased....The rock was tested for age...was several million years old...
Of course......the rock dissapeared shortly after that. All that is left are the pictures and exrays.
I once watched an account of a whole town of folks on the coast above the US .......whom all claimed to have watched a ufo land in their bay......they could see it`s lights under the surface of the water......they went out to investigate with boats etc.
It was there for a while and then took off at an enormous rate of speed under the surface....I guess folks followed it ALL the way to a military base on the our north eastern coast.....
The base is now closed....but I have to wonder how many of the ufo`s we are seeing these days are are our own experimental *models* possibly that we have manufactured from the knowledge aquired from the downed crafts.
There is a lot more ........but as I type......my old way brain kicks in and tells me I am nuts for even considering this stuff....and that everyone will KNOW how crazy I really am for even putting it out on the net.......lol
This neighbor has a lot of fascinating ideas.....
He has an unbelievable grasp of science, and history.....he also worked in high level government for a time...which is what gave him access to much of his matterials.....and yet it has taken me almost 10 years of knowing him and having these conversations over coffee....heck even in bible study...to be able to even CONSIDER the information that he had available.....lol
Well, that's nothing. I heard that this guy actually found the Ark of the Covenant in 1938, but the government took it away from him and locked it up in Warehouse 23 with the alienses from Roswell and Amelia Earhart's living brain in a jar.
Same guy later found the Holy Grail, too, but dropped it down a chasm and lost it.
And about the Dogon tribe, that was Sirius B, a white dwarf star companion to the main star, not a planet, and it doesn't take all that powerful a telescope to see it.
Shoot...I thought the whole point of this thread was that we were enjoying the freedom to explore ideas outside the realm of twi.
I was simply relating information gathered over 9 years of coffee with the neighbors....talking about tv specials that I`d watched, and books that I have read
I was having a ball, simply enjoying the exploration of some intriguing mysteries.
Even if you didn`t consider any of this to have any merit, I am really dissapointed with your inferance that we are gullible idiots for even discussing these stories and comparing info.
I am really not suprised that some were a little put off by where the topic went...I am just a little suprised that it was you of all posters Zix... who decided to get snide.
Damn.....I feel just like the good old days.....ashamed and stupid for talking about something that wasn`t deemed *apropriate*
Oh, come on, Cathy! That wasn't snide at all. (At least it was never intended to be!) Would a smiley have helped?
Since when does my opinion carry more weight than anyone else's, anyway? The fact that *I* think this alien conspiracy stuff is B-movie material shouldn't have any bearing on those who believe it as gospel, should it?
Actually, this is an excellent (and fortunately, ultimately benign) example of why we have to be careful of online interactions. We each build up a picture in our minds of the individual posters we talk with, but all we have to base those pictures on is our understanding of the words they posted. One little mistake can have disastrous consequences, and 80% of the time (or more) the fault is in OUR minds, not the poster's!
When we post, we each KNOW what we really mean. When we read another's posts, we're GUESSING what they really meant. If we guess wrong, we put ideas into the heads of our "pictures" that the real people may not ever espouse! Even if the post seems unambiguous to the writer, it may still be perceived in an entirely different way, unambiguously-seeming, by a reader. End result? Hard feelings and flame wars over a MISTAKE.
Sometimes these mistakes can be corrected, but sometimes the misunderstanding is carried too far. We all have to make an extra effort in our online affairs to separate the real people from their 'Net personas, especially our perceptions of their personas.
Let's get back to our play. Zix you go take a big book and read in the other room while Rascal and I climb aboard the "what if" starship.
This is the first time I ever considered this stuff, really. I always just thought it was devilish, but hey PEOPLE saw these things and felt the space ship, picked up pieces of it - has to be something to this.
They always say they (the aliens) are smarter than we are -- what if they are not smarter -- just different. If they were so smart they wouldn't have crashed I suppose.
I don't think I believe in the abuductions -- But that movie Fire in the Sky was a true story about the four guys in the woods. They all passed polygraphs.
I dunno, this is kinda X-files type stuff but who knows for sure? (At this point we ignore Zix in the next room shouting equations and probability. Just read your big book Zix, Rascal and I are having popcorn and fun talking in this room)
What do you think about the whole men in black thing? Are there really UFO squelching agents running around? Are the aliens already here? Were Bill Clinton and Craig Martindale aliens?
(Zix, go to bed, we are going to be up all night.)
I know that what I wrote sounds unbelievable. I can only give bits and pieces. I wish that you could come and have a talk with my neighbor. He is a jewel.......a wealth of information on nearly every subject.
The things I relate, ....I don`t do justice. I cannot blame zix for not believing.
I wish you could all come up and spend the day. I gaurauntee it wouldn`t be dull:-)
One of the crazier beliefs that took a long time for me to even consider is....
Get this...He wondersc if we really ARE the FIRST technologically advanced society to inhabit the earth...as nutty as this sounds on the surface...he has some mighty thought provoking theories.
What suprised me is there was a special on tv the other night that sighted some of the very same ideas that neighbor had been discussing with me for years.
The mathmatics and astronomy that the ancient civilizations had were fantastic.
Were they handed down from someone? was the earth inhabited by intelligent civilisations BEFORE a cataclismic act destroyed all but a few pockets that managed to save the most pertinent info?
One of these days I may take you up on the meet the neighbor thing. You are in Tennessee andI am in Georgia. While there I can groom your dogs.
I left being a paralegal to become a dog groomer.
What if they are not from another planet but another dimension, same planet? Or what if they are US in the future coming back to prevent something that was to happen? (Like the Terminater movies)
There was a book, can not recall the title where the aliens were to gods of yesteryear.
Fire in the Sky was about these four guys that go camping or maybe they were logging (forget, awhile ago)
Anyway they saw a space ship and a beam of light. The one guy got out of the pick up they were in, I think his name was Travis, and walked to the light. All of a sudden the light pulled him and he was missing for four or more days. The remaining guys told the police what happened. The police thought it to be a bull story and held the men for Travis's dissappearence. Then, Travis returns naked on the side of the road. He swears he had been abducted and they did experiments on him.
They ran polygraphs on these guys and they passed.
You can probably rent the video and watch it with your neighbor.
Did you ever hear of this abuction? I think it was the first one I heard of and these people were ridiculed. I was a child but thought them to be "liars" or insane.
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i agree the joy is in the asking
good lord look what happened to me last time i HAD to have answers
what's a green card ?
an alien with a sense of humor !!!!
i just made that up
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Dot Matrix
Ex- That was pretty funny!
Rascal - yes to think outside the box is very freeing! Please ask your neighbor.
Zix - I know you are probably popping ateries by now, so sit back and enjoy the ride --
The "What if" train is now on its way to the outer limits....
Dot Matrix
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ok guys.....I went over to visit the neighbor, and ended up spending half the day going over the info he had gathered through the years.....lol
It is hard to remember everything....but here are some of the major points I remember.
One of the things he told me was that he had a friend who had told him ....that he (the friend) wasn`t ALLOWED to tell him, that as a radar operator that night.....he had seen FIVE ufo`s (so much for the ONE downed weather balloon story)
He said that, he wasn`t ALLOWED to say that..the screen went white........and then there was nothing there. Everything had been dropped from screen and presumed destroyed.
He had several different sources describing to him what had been found at the various sights.
One of the ships had a huge hole in it...as ifsomething had burned into it......but yet when they took ascetteline torches to the structure .......they couldn`t make any impression at all. Whatever had caused the damage.....it wasn`t anything WE could have done.
One of the ships when it landed was discharging enormous amounts of electricity.....like a huge power line.
But most sources of information had been intimidated in one way or another through out the years to keep their mouths shut. Some of em figured they were old enough now, and would soon be dead...they weren`t afraid anymore...so were finally telling.
I was mistaken about the other guy being a friend ........it was information in a book GIVEN to him by a friend. The book was written by the retired general or whoever it was ......who`s job it was to take the bits of technological stuff around to have them analized.
He couldn`t find it.......but is looking.
He gave me a book which discussed at length the tanguskan explosian in the early 1900s..Now THAT was wierd......for some reason the Russianscientific investigations and information were never really made available in this country.
Today, most here claim that it is some kind of meteor that exploded before impact.
But this book compiled the information that the Russian scientist had gathered, and interviewed living witnesses at the time. It is fascinating because tens of thousands of people actually SAW a metallic cylinder......not only that but the record shows it went all the way north to alaska BEFORE it turned around and went BACK to tanguska.....mighty funny behavior for a meteor.
Kind of reminds me of an airplane pilot that knows his plane is going down, and trying to find a sparsley populated area so that the impact will affect as few as possible.
It tells of the explosian being bright enough to read a newspaper at midnight in london half a world away.
I have just started that ......and will pass on any fun stuff.
He took me to Ezekiel... we started reading that account.......when you read it from the view point of what he says he saw rather than just passing it off as a vision.......it is kind of eery.
He took me into revelation and showed me the account about when heaven comes to earth.......how it is 1500 miles by 1500 miles......how it is illuminated from inside...if you read the descriptions it SOUNDS awfully familiar.
Anyway ........it was a fun afternoon......we covered so MUCH interesting information ( I am having trouble keeping it all straight....Some of it even MORE thought provoking than Roswell.
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Dot Matrix
always found that event in Russia baffling. Wow, you could read a newspaper at midnight in London with the explosion light. So, they saw a cylinder first? It is amazing.
Roswell has also been such a stifled subject. So, radar guy saw 5 shapes?
In the beginning they did acknowledge UFO’s and alien life, then it was squelched and turned into a weather balloon story. All accounts I have seen, the powers that be said it was because it would rip apart our religious beliefs. I never understood their logic? How would that ruin my Christian beliefs? God is big enough to have life elsewhere?
Thanks Rascal! Wish I was there with you.
Dot Matrix
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Well, my neighbor said he has no idea.....however he knows (from personal experience) that there is more than just Roswell being covered up.
He speculates that maybe there was some sort of battle being fought, judging from the number of crashes that night, and the enormous sections of the craft that had been blasted away with some sort of heat.
Could these guys have been defending us?
As for why there is no open personal contact.....who knows...Maybe we are just being observed maybe we are at times too ignorant and volitile to expose to the rest of the galaxy yet...lol
Guess we are in a sort of cosmic *time out* chair...lol
So I am curious.......did any of you read the account in ezekiel, and revelation?
What did you think? What could he have possibly seen?
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Dot Matrix
So, what happened in Roswell has happened in other places? Blows my mind!
What really has ne going is do you think these space ships were defending us? Gosh, what a thought!
Did he say what they did with the space ships?
I have not read those verses yet.
This is mind blowing stuff, I never considered while in TWI.
Dot Matrix
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I don`t know WHAT to think......I was only passing on the neighbors speculations.
Who knows if they were the attackers or defenders...lol
The radar man said that it would have taken a massive power explosian beyond anything we have ever seen to have whited out the radar screen that he saw just before the ships dissapeared.
The neighbor did mention that the huge increase in ufo activity coincided with when we started detonating nuclear bombs.
He said there was an enormous amount of activity in one state right after they fired up several nuclear power plants and wondered if that wasn`t what had brought us to their attention.
He also showed me a book with a picture of a stone covering a grave from south america that showed a man sitting faceing upwards with all kinds of controls surrounding him in what looked like a ship.
Now THAT was strange...
There is a tribe Dogi I think they were called......who`s belief (now I am fuzzy on this) either came from a planet that rotated around what they called the dog star...or were visited for a while by someone who was....I do not remember...but in their secret cave...they have ritual pictures depicting the star and planet that go back for centuries..They have elaborate rituals .....celebrating this...
Scientist finally have telescopes powerfull enough........and have looked at the star that the dogi claim as theirs......and sure enough there IS a planet circling it.
I saw a show once where rock hounds had found a strange rock ...they cut it open, and it had a strange component encased. They took the rock and had it xrayed....there was a piece of something shaped kind of like a piston totally encased....The rock was tested for age...was several million years old...
Of course......the rock dissapeared shortly after that. All that is left are the pictures and exrays.
I once watched an account of a whole town of folks on the coast above the US .......whom all claimed to have watched a ufo land in their bay......they could see it`s lights under the surface of the water......they went out to investigate with boats etc.
It was there for a while and then took off at an enormous rate of speed under the surface....I guess folks followed it ALL the way to a military base on the our north eastern coast.....
The base is now closed....but I have to wonder how many of the ufo`s we are seeing these days are are our own experimental *models* possibly that we have manufactured from the knowledge aquired from the downed crafts.
There is a lot more ........but as I type......my old way brain kicks in and tells me I am nuts for even considering this stuff....and that everyone will KNOW how crazy I really am for even putting it out on the net.......lol
This neighbor has a lot of fascinating ideas.....
He has an unbelievable grasp of science, and history.....he also worked in high level government for a time...which is what gave him access to much of his matterials.....and yet it has taken me almost 10 years of knowing him and having these conversations over coffee....heck even in bible study...to be able to even CONSIDER the information that he had available.....lol
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Well, that's nothing. I heard that this guy actually found the Ark of the Covenant in 1938, but the government took it away from him and locked it up in Warehouse 23 with the alienses from Roswell and Amelia Earhart's living brain in a jar.
Same guy later found the Holy Grail, too, but dropped it down a chasm and lost it.
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And about the Dogon tribe, that was Sirius B, a white dwarf star companion to the main star, not a planet, and it doesn't take all that powerful a telescope to see it.
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Shoot...I thought the whole point of this thread was that we were enjoying the freedom to explore ideas outside the realm of twi.
I was simply relating information gathered over 9 years of coffee with the neighbors....talking about tv specials that I`d watched, and books that I have read
I was having a ball, simply enjoying the exploration of some intriguing mysteries.
Even if you didn`t consider any of this to have any merit, I am really dissapointed with your inferance that we are gullible idiots for even discussing these stories and comparing info.
I am really not suprised that some were a little put off by where the topic went...I am just a little suprised that it was you of all posters Zix... who decided to get snide.
Damn.....I feel just like the good old days.....ashamed and stupid for talking about something that wasn`t deemed *apropriate*
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I am an X-Phile, a conspiracy theorist, and a person with a mind that questions EVERYTHING, sometimes with a compulsive slant.
I ascribe to the thought that is propounded in 'Contact'--If we are 'alone' in the universe, it's an awful waste of space.
Go figure!
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Oh, come on, Cathy! That wasn't snide at all. (At least it was never intended to be!) Would a smiley have helped?
Since when does my opinion carry more weight than anyone else's, anyway? The fact that *I* think this alien conspiracy stuff is B-movie material shouldn't have any bearing on those who believe it as gospel, should it?
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Cath, I can see how you would think 6R's post was snide.
Just remember, conveying tone via text is pretty difficult.
I saw that he was attempting to be facetious, rather than snide. But that's because I do the same thing.
Tell me, have you never been misunderstood?
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Since when?? Since WHEN??? ALways! As long as I have been reading your posts in chat and in the forums....
I have had you labeled in the *friend* and all around general *good guy* category..........lol
I had you pegged as one of the really *sharp* ones around here (how could you be anything BUT wonderfull if you were a lensman fan;-)....
Guess it was embarassing to feel ridiculed by someone I respect.
Sorry I misunderstood.
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Cathy: Glad we have that sorted out, then!
Actually, this is an excellent (and fortunately, ultimately benign) example of why we have to be careful of online interactions. We each build up a picture in our minds of the individual posters we talk with, but all we have to base those pictures on is our understanding of the words they posted. One little mistake can have disastrous consequences, and 80% of the time (or more) the fault is in OUR minds, not the poster's!
When we post, we each KNOW what we really mean. When we read another's posts, we're GUESSING what they really meant. If we guess wrong, we put ideas into the heads of our "pictures" that the real people may not ever espouse! Even if the post seems unambiguous to the writer, it may still be perceived in an entirely different way, unambiguously-seeming, by a reader. End result? Hard feelings and flame wars over a MISTAKE.
Sometimes these mistakes can be corrected, but sometimes the misunderstanding is carried too far. We all have to make an extra effort in our online affairs to separate the real people from their 'Net personas, especially our perceptions of their personas.
Guilty as anyone,
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Dot Matrix
Let's get back to our play. Zix you go take a big book and read in the other room while Rascal and I climb aboard the "what if" starship.
This is the first time I ever considered this stuff, really. I always just thought it was devilish, but hey PEOPLE saw these things and felt the space ship, picked up pieces of it - has to be something to this.
They always say they (the aliens) are smarter than we are -- what if they are not smarter -- just different. If they were so smart they wouldn't have crashed I suppose.
I don't think I believe in the abuductions -- But that movie Fire in the Sky was a true story about the four guys in the woods. They all passed polygraphs.
I dunno, this is kinda X-files type stuff but who knows for sure? (At this point we ignore Zix in the next room shouting equations and probability. Just read your big book Zix, Rascal and I are having popcorn and fun talking in this room)
What do you think about the whole men in black thing? Are there really UFO squelching agents running around? Are the aliens already here? Were Bill Clinton and Craig Martindale aliens?
(Zix, go to bed, we are going to be up all night.)
Dot Matrix
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I know that what I wrote sounds unbelievable. I can only give bits and pieces. I wish that you could come and have a talk with my neighbor. He is a jewel.......a wealth of information on nearly every subject.
The things I relate, ....I don`t do justice. I cannot blame zix for not believing.
I wish you could all come up and spend the day. I gaurauntee it wouldn`t be dull:-)
One of the crazier beliefs that took a long time for me to even consider is....
Get this...He wondersc if we really ARE the FIRST technologically advanced society to inhabit the earth...as nutty as this sounds on the surface...he has some mighty thought provoking theories.
What suprised me is there was a special on tv the other night that sighted some of the very same ideas that neighbor had been discussing with me for years.
The mathmatics and astronomy that the ancient civilizations had were fantastic.
Were they handed down from someone? was the earth inhabited by intelligent civilisations BEFORE a cataclismic act destroyed all but a few pockets that managed to save the most pertinent info?
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I haven`t heard of the *Fire in the sky* movie. What is that about?
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Dot Matrix
Okay Rascal,
One of these days I may take you up on the meet the neighbor thing. You are in Tennessee andI am in Georgia. While there I can groom your dogs.
I left being a paralegal to become a dog groomer.
What if they are not from another planet but another dimension, same planet? Or what if they are US in the future coming back to prevent something that was to happen? (Like the Terminater movies)
There was a book, can not recall the title where the aliens were to gods of yesteryear.
Fire in the Sky was about these four guys that go camping or maybe they were logging (forget, awhile ago)
Anyway they saw a space ship and a beam of light. The one guy got out of the pick up they were in, I think his name was Travis, and walked to the light. All of a sudden the light pulled him and he was missing for four or more days. The remaining guys told the police what happened. The police thought it to be a bull story and held the men for Travis's dissappearence. Then, Travis returns naked on the side of the road. He swears he had been abducted and they did experiments on him.
They ran polygraphs on these guys and they passed.
You can probably rent the video and watch it with your neighbor.
I maybe going to bed now, getting tired....
Dot Matrix
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Naaah, hit don't look like y'all cotton to book larnin' round hyah.
I haveta see if that thar Publisher's Clearing House'll switch out mah subskritchin to Sinetiffic 'Merkin fer the Weekly World News.
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I look forward to a visit someday....in the mean time....g`night Dot.....night zix :-)
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an Zix? Don`t EVEN think that by swappin your subscriptions around that you will have any better chance o winnin that there Grand prize.
I already GOT muh letter from them and it apears that *I* ....(yeah ME!) ... have ALREADY won the million dollar grandprize....
Nyah nyah
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Dot Matrix
Did you ever hear of this abuction? I think it was the first one I heard of and these people were ridiculed. I was a child but thought them to be "liars" or insane.
What do you think?
Dot Matrix
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