You were the 700th post on this thread! Way to go!
Tom's Bedtime CD Pick for Thursday night is Jeff Beck Group aka The Orange Album, or just Orange by The Jeff Beck Group.
This was the second incarnation of The Jeff Beck Group, the first included Rod Stewart and Ron Wood, this one had Cozy Powell on drums, Max Middleton on keyboards, and Bobby Tench on vocals.
My favorite cuts are Going Down, which I think was a Freddy King number, and Definitely Maybe, and Highways two smooth instrumentals.
Jeff Beck was one of The Yardbirds' guitarists who later made it big on his own; appearing first on For Your Love.
Jeff's albums were varied and he completely changed his direction every album or two. This particular album is very R&B oriented, especially the vocals.
"We...know how cruel the truth often is, and we wonder whether delusion is not more consoling"
Kathy, praying, and stayin' as u can see. My best to you!
It's cloudy, cool and has all the makings of another rainy day on the west coast. Listened to this tune on the way in to work this morning. It's shower time, James Taylor style. The pastor of sweet music speaks :)--> :
Shower the People
You can play the game and you can act out the part
Though you know it wasn't written for you
But tell me, how can you stand there with your broken heart
Ashamed of playing the fool
One thing can lead to another; it doesn't take any sacrifice
Oh, father and mother, sister and brother
if it feels nice, don't think twice
Just shower the people you love with love
Show them the way that you feel
Things are gonna work out fine if you only will
Shower the people you love with love
Show them the way you feel
Things are gonna be much better if you only will
You can run but you cannot hide
This is widely known
And what you plan to do with your foolish pride
When you're all by yourself alone
Once you tell somebody the way that you feel
You can feel it beginning to ease
I think it's true what they say about the squeaky wheel
Dya remember when we went with you and Mrs. Socks to see J.T. at the Bayfront Center in St. Pete? I have photos - some of the best I've ever taken. I was using my new Olympus OM10 with 1000 speed film - no flash. Somehow, I got really close to the stage. I didn't know what I was doing - but the photos came out terrific. I'll have to scan some and send them your way.
Hope R. color>size>face>
GO BUCS!!!size> color>
The Secret O' Life
by James Taylor
The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time
Any fool can do it
There ain't nothing to it
Nobody knows how we got to
The top of the hill
But since we're on our way down
We might as well enjoy the ride
The secret of love is in opening up your heart
It's okay to feel afraid
But don't let that stand in your way
'Cause anyone knows that love is the only road
And since we're only here for a while
Might as well show some style
Give us a smile
Isn't it a lovely ride
Sliding down
Gliding down
Try not to try too hard
It's just a lovely ride
Now the thing about time is that time
Isn't really real
It's just your point of view
How does it feel for you
Einstein said he could never understand it all
Planets spinning through space
The smile upon your face
Welcome to the human race
Some kind of lovely ride
I'll be sliding down
I'll be gliding down
Try not to try too hard
It's just a lovely ride
Isn't it a lovely ride
Sliding down
Gliding down
Try not to try too hard
It's just a lovely ride
Now the secret of life is enjoying the passage of time.
Yes I do Hope! We remember it well and often. It was such a fun night. Didn't he make a joke, something about being down in the dressing rooms and looking out at the parking lot through the window and seeing all the cars? He said "You all have some real nice cars". :)-->
I'd love to see those pictures. Yes!!
Aaaah. Hope, if there isn't a God, then all his coink-inky dink is fun. I was chatting with A la last night and the topic of time came up, don't ask me how. :P--> THAT SONG came to my mind and I meant to listen to it. THANK you. It's such a cool song.
Thought I'd throw on another Yardbirds guitarist this afternoon.
I took off early from work (they still owed me a day from the holidays), did some laundry, vacuumed, dusted, tended my pet plants, caught up on emails, and listened to music.
The EC boxed set starts off with the Yardbirds, a little John Mayall's Bluesbreakers (two bands that spawned some great musicians btw), Cream, Blind Faith, Delaney and Bonnie, Derek and the Dominoes, and EC's solo work.
While I don't like everything Clapton came out with, what's on these 4 CDs is pretty much all stuff that I like.
"We...know how cruel the truth often is, and we wonder whether delusion is not more consoling"
Clapton, did I hear someone say his name. Aaahhh I?m feeling better already.
I love his stuff, have I ever mentioned that before. --> But I am partial to his later work like "Clapton Chronicles". I prefer the remake of "Layla" to his version of it on "Timepieces". I think his voice and style grew up and I just love this older Clapton the best.
Cool how that happens with some artists. Age is profitable to us listeners.
But my all time favorite of his is "River of Tears". I just love the soulful revealing of heart in it. Usually makes me cry, and I can?t tell ya how many times I have heard it.
Needed a break from dealing with life so had to come back in and play a bit.
You guys know how to melt and soothe a girl's heart after a tough week at work!! The mere mention of James Taylor's name has a mellowing effect.
I think I told Socks this story once, but I'll tell it here again (close yer eyes, Socksness). Many moons ago I went to a McGovern fundraiser...a concert by JT and Carly Simon (it was soooo long ago, I think it was Carly Simon, but it might have been Carole King!!! She played a piano and sang.) :D-->
The crowd was young and enthusiastic and kinda noisy. Carly (or I getting old, or what???) came out first and got very annoyed by the restlessness of the audience and angrily lectured: "If you don't quiet down, I can't play!" People got quiet, but it was an uncomfortable quiet.
Then JT came out. The crowd was twice as excited to see him and so the noise level rose again. He looked warmly at the audience, smiled, and just softly whispered, "shhhhh" and started playing and singing without even waiting to see if it would get quiet. You coulda heard a pin drop.
JT's is the music that heals my ragged, jagged soul when it needs it. His is the music that makes me smile as if I'm sharing a cup of hot chocolate with my oldest and best friend. He's a bright kite floating with fluffy clouds across a crisp, blue sky. He's ocean water, softly, rhythmically lapping at the sand.
I'm gonna go put on a JT album while I wash the dishes. Thanks for the reminder!!
Yeah, I've seen it. Long time since. Now I'm thinking I've gotta rent that puppy. When my son had long hair in high school, he looked a little like a young JT, so said an admirer of his youthtful visage, once. I need to check it out.
If I remember correctly "Two Lane Blacktop" came out in 1971. James' co-star in that movie was Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys. I guess they cast those two to attract a young audience.
Golfie - I just can't imagine somebody putting you on any spiritual probation. I knew they were wrong with what they did to me, but it breaks my heart all over again to find that you were treated that way. I just figured you walked totally on your own.
Those way people never cease to amaze me with their idiocy. You and your Mrs. have a couple of the sweetest hearts and are a couple of the finest examples of "twig coordinators" that podunk outfit ever accidentally acquired.
I too, would like the words to that song.
I only have one more thing to say (since the Packers are out of it ;)-->).
But we sang it in fun. We knew when we went in the Corps that we had the thirty a month allowance to live on for the sake of learning how to be budget. But we thought that was pretty funny. Once I got out of in rez training the first thing my new LC said to me up in Alaska was; "Get a good job and make lots of money, you'll need it" How refreshing I thought, and that's exactly what I did too...
As far as that song by Stevie Kay goes though, it was one of my favorites, "Oh The Price He Paid" that is...
When my ships were coming in they went down off the coast
My friends all ran out when I needed them most
I felt my life was nothing till God made it something
And oh the price He paid for me
In my eyes I was nothing to no one
But in His eyes I reigned as king
Then I found I was worth all the treasures on earth
To God I?m worth everything
Now I?m standing today where all the winners have lost
I?m counting God?s blessings they?re counting the cost
I finally won but it cost God His son
Oh the price He paid for me
Now there?s a lot to be spent and so much to be heard
But what?s worth believing is in God?s holy Word
You?re life may be nothing but He?ll make it something
But oh price He paid for you
In your eyes you may be nothing to no one
In His eyes you reign as king
Then you?ll find that your worth all the treasures on earth
With God your worth everything
Now you?re standing today where all the winners have lost
You?re counting God?s blessings they?re counting the cost
You finally won but it cost God His son
Oh the price He paid for you
Oh the price He paid for you
Stevie Kay is one of my dearest friends and her songs and singing helped many a weary traveler find peace and comfort on their journey through life. Stevie will not read this but I will tell all of you here on gs she was one of the best that ever came down the pike in Way Prod and I value and treasure her friendship to this day. Thank you Stevie for recording and singing Oh The Price He Paid on your most wonderful album Love Child.
Didn't Dean Ellenwood and Larry Pannarello write the above? I know they co-wrote "Daddy's Arms" - but thought they'd written The Price He Paid as well.
Hope R. color>size>face>
P.S. Ted - next time you talk to Stevie, send her my love. She was one of the only Way Prod people who encouraged me without criticism. She's one of the good ones.
Hope yes Dean and Larry did co write along with Stevie The Price He Paid but slips my mind about Daddy's Hand's. Will ask Larry when I see him. Larry and Connie have a sweet fellowship in Columbus and I plan on going to see them later on.
Hope I will be calling Stevie this week and will give her your love. She will be happy to hear you and John are doing well.
A la is happy. :D--> My bleeding heart buddy is back again!
Hey I was listening to some Aselin Dobesin and got thinking how I would have never found this little 'angels' voice if it had not been for this music thread. When I see a song someone mentions or posts lyrics too and I don't recognize them, I quickly run to my Kazaa lite site and down the song comes. And, usually it's a great find! :D-->.
So, I just thought I'd let everyone know how much I appreciate your posts.
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You were the 700th post on this thread! Way to go!
Tom's Bedtime CD Pick for Thursday night is Jeff Beck Group aka The Orange Album, or just Orange by The Jeff Beck Group.
This was the second incarnation of The Jeff Beck Group, the first included Rod Stewart and Ron Wood, this one had Cozy Powell on drums, Max Middleton on keyboards, and Bobby Tench on vocals.
My favorite cuts are Going Down, which I think was a Freddy King number, and Definitely Maybe, and Highways two smooth instrumentals.
Jeff Beck was one of The Yardbirds' guitarists who later made it big on his own; appearing first on For Your Love.
Jeff's albums were varied and he completely changed his direction every album or two. This particular album is very R&B oriented, especially the vocals.
"We...know how cruel the truth often is, and we wonder whether delusion is not more consoling"
Henri Poincare
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Hey Happy Gang!
Kathy, praying, and stayin' as u can see. My best to you!
It's cloudy, cool and has all the makings of another rainy day on the west coast. Listened to this tune on the way in to work this morning. It's shower time, James Taylor style. The pastor of sweet music speaks
:)--> :
Shower the People
You can play the game and you can act out the part
Though you know it wasn't written for you
But tell me, how can you stand there with your broken heart
Ashamed of playing the fool
One thing can lead to another; it doesn't take any sacrifice
Oh, father and mother, sister and brother
if it feels nice, don't think twice
Just shower the people you love with love
Show them the way that you feel
Things are gonna work out fine if you only will
Shower the people you love with love
Show them the way you feel
Things are gonna be much better if you only will
You can run but you cannot hide
This is widely known
And what you plan to do with your foolish pride
When you're all by yourself alone
Once you tell somebody the way that you feel
You can feel it beginning to ease
I think it's true what they say about the squeaky wheel
Always getting the grease.
Better to shower the people you love with love
Show them the way that you feel
Things are gonna be just fine if you only will
Shower the people you love with love
Show them the way that you feel
Things are gonna be much better if you only will
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Hope R.
Socks -
Dya remember when we went with you and Mrs. Socks to see J.T. at the Bayfront Center in St. Pete? I have photos - some of the best I've ever taken. I was using my new Olympus OM10 with 1000 speed film - no flash. Somehow, I got really close to the stage. I didn't know what I was doing - but the photos came out terrific. I'll have to scan some and send them your way.
Hope R. color>size>face>
GO BUCS!!!size> color>
The Secret O' Life
by James Taylor
The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time
Any fool can do it
There ain't nothing to it
Nobody knows how we got to
The top of the hill
But since we're on our way down
We might as well enjoy the ride
The secret of love is in opening up your heart
It's okay to feel afraid
But don't let that stand in your way
'Cause anyone knows that love is the only road
And since we're only here for a while
Might as well show some style
Give us a smile
Isn't it a lovely ride
Sliding down
Gliding down
Try not to try too hard
It's just a lovely ride
Now the thing about time is that time
Isn't really real
It's just your point of view
How does it feel for you
Einstein said he could never understand it all
Planets spinning through space
The smile upon your face
Welcome to the human race
Some kind of lovely ride
I'll be sliding down
I'll be gliding down
Try not to try too hard
It's just a lovely ride
Isn't it a lovely ride
Sliding down
Gliding down
Try not to try too hard
It's just a lovely ride
Now the secret of life is enjoying the passage of time.
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Yes I do Hope! We remember it well and often. It was such a fun night. Didn't he make a joke, something about being down in the dressing rooms and looking out at the parking lot through the window and seeing all the cars? He said "You all have some real nice cars".
I'd love to see those pictures. Yes!!
Aaaah. Hope, if there isn't a God, then all his coink-inky dink is fun. I was chatting with A la last night and the topic of time came up, don't ask me how.
:P--> THAT SONG came to my mind and I meant to listen to it. THANK you. It's such a cool song. 
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Tom's Dinnertime CD Pick for Friday:
Crossroads the Eric Clapton boxed set.
Thought I'd throw on another Yardbirds guitarist this afternoon.
I took off early from work (they still owed me a day from the holidays), did some laundry, vacuumed, dusted, tended my pet plants, caught up on emails, and listened to music.
The EC boxed set starts off with the Yardbirds, a little John Mayall's Bluesbreakers (two bands that spawned some great musicians btw), Cream, Blind Faith, Delaney and Bonnie, Derek and the Dominoes, and EC's solo work.
While I don't like everything Clapton came out with, what's on these 4 CDs is pretty much all stuff that I like.
"We...know how cruel the truth often is, and we wonder whether delusion is not more consoling"
Henri Poincare
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Clapton, did I hear someone say his name. Aaahhh I?m feeling better already.
I love his stuff, have I ever mentioned that before.
--> But I am partial to his later work like "Clapton Chronicles". I prefer the remake of "Layla" to his version of it on "Timepieces". I think his voice and style grew up and I just love this older Clapton the best.
Cool how that happens with some artists. Age is profitable to us listeners.
But my all time favorite of his is "River of Tears". I just love the soulful revealing of heart in it. Usually makes me cry, and I can?t tell ya how many times I have heard it.
Needed a break from dealing with life so had to come back in and play a bit.
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Oakspear, if you read the credits on "Crossroads" you'll see it was Clapton, not Beck on "For Your Love".
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Tommy Z
You are correct
Thanks dude
"We...know how cruel the truth often is, and we wonder whether delusion is not more consoling"
Henri Poincare
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Linda Z
*happy sighs*
You guys know how to melt and soothe a girl's heart after a tough week at work!! The mere mention of James Taylor's name has a mellowing effect.
I think I told Socks this story once, but I'll tell it here again (close yer eyes, Socksness). Many moons ago I went to a McGovern fundraiser...a concert by JT and Carly Simon (it was soooo long ago, I think it was Carly Simon, but it might have been Carole King!!! She played a piano and sang.)
The crowd was young and enthusiastic and kinda noisy. Carly (or I getting old, or what???) came out first and got very annoyed by the restlessness of the audience and angrily lectured: "If you don't quiet down, I can't play!" People got quiet, but it was an uncomfortable quiet.
Then JT came out. The crowd was twice as excited to see him and so the noise level rose again. He looked warmly at the audience, smiled, and just softly whispered, "shhhhh" and started playing and singing without even waiting to see if it would get quiet. You coulda heard a pin drop.
JT's is the music that heals my ragged, jagged soul when it needs it. His is the music that makes me smile as if I'm sharing a cup of hot chocolate with my oldest and best friend. He's a bright kite floating with fluffy clouds across a crisp, blue sky. He's ocean water, softly, rhythmically lapping at the sand.
I'm gonna go put on a JT album while I wash the dishes. Thanks for the reminder!!
Linda Z
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Linda Z, don't ya find yourself seeing and hearing the sights sung about while listening to JT?
I listen to him when I need down time from things around me. He encourages a peaceful heart.
Right now doing some work on line and listening to Little River Band, great stuff.
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A la prochaine
James Taylor an actor???
Ok, this evening I was watching a bit of television and happened to flick by this old,very dated, 'B' type movie.
Low and behold,
I see James Taylor in this movie. He looked just like what he looked like on the cover of his album, 'Sweet Baby James'.
The movie was called, 'Two Lane Blacktop' (1971)
The movie was veeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy slow and I did not watch in its entirety.
Does anyone know of this movie and/or has seen it?
I just kept waiting and hoping for him to break into song!
'til the next time...
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Yeah, I've seen it. Long time since. Now I'm thinking I've gotta rent that puppy. When my son had long hair in high school, he looked a little like a young JT, so said an admirer of his youthtful visage, once. I need to check it out.
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Speaking of JT, wasn't Carly Simon horrified to go on stage for years?
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If I remember correctly "Two Lane Blacktop" came out in 1971. James' co-star in that movie was Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys. I guess they cast those two to attract a young audience.
An interesting curiosity but not a great movie.
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"Oh the price He paid for me..."
When put on probation, I felt depressed, worthless, because my good was spoken evil of by TWI.
However, in my depression, deep inside I knew this "curse" was a blessing in disguise.
That song that Stevie Kay Louie sang helped me.
"in my eyes, I was nothing to no one...oh, the price He paid for me."
I thought about the price paid being indicative of how much someone is worth. Then I did not feel so worthless any more.
Would someone please post all the lyrics to that song?
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Golfie - I just can't imagine somebody putting you on any spiritual probation. I knew they were wrong with what they did to me, but it breaks my heart all over again to find that you were treated that way. I just figured you walked totally on your own.
Those way people never cease to amaze me with their idiocy. You and your Mrs. have a couple of the sweetest hearts and are a couple of the finest examples of "twig coordinators" that podunk outfit ever accidentally acquired.
I too, would like the words to that song.
I only have one more thing to say (since the Packers are out of it
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I'll see if Ted has them to post. I just sent an email to see if around and if he has lyrics.
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A la prochaine
Music once again soothes the soul!
Ted, I miss Ted.
Ted come back!
'til the next time...
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Ted is putting together those lyrics now and will post them in a bit. He just sang me a few lines over the phone. What a song!
Talk to yall later, in the middle of projects right now. Have fun.
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We used to sing:
I spent most
of my life,
without a dime
to my name..
Now I'm in The
Way Corps, an
it's still the
But we sang it in fun. We knew when we went in the Corps that we had the thirty a month allowance to live on for the sake of learning how to be budget. But we thought that was pretty funny. Once I got out of in rez training the first thing my new LC said to me up in Alaska was; "Get a good job and make lots of money, you'll need it" How refreshing I thought, and that's exactly what I did too...
As far as that song by Stevie Kay goes though, it was one of my favorites, "Oh The Price He Paid" that is...
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TED Ferrell
Oh The Price He Paid
I spent most of my life without a dime to my name
While friends all around me made fortune and fame
I felt my life wasn?t worth the pain of my birth
But oh the price He paid for me
When my ships were coming in they went down off the coast
My friends all ran out when I needed them most
I felt my life was nothing till God made it something
And oh the price He paid for me
In my eyes I was nothing to no one
But in His eyes I reigned as king
Then I found I was worth all the treasures on earth
To God I?m worth everything
Now I?m standing today where all the winners have lost
I?m counting God?s blessings they?re counting the cost
I finally won but it cost God His son
Oh the price He paid for me
Now there?s a lot to be spent and so much to be heard
But what?s worth believing is in God?s holy Word
You?re life may be nothing but He?ll make it something
But oh price He paid for you
In your eyes you may be nothing to no one
In His eyes you reign as king
Then you?ll find that your worth all the treasures on earth
With God your worth everything
Now you?re standing today where all the winners have lost
You?re counting God?s blessings they?re counting the cost
You finally won but it cost God His son
Oh the price He paid for you
Oh the price He paid for you
Stevie Kay is one of my dearest friends and her songs and singing helped many a weary traveler find peace and comfort on their journey through life. Stevie will not read this but I will tell all of you here on gs she was one of the best that ever came down the pike in Way Prod and I value and treasure her friendship to this day. Thank you Stevie for recording and singing Oh The Price He Paid on your most wonderful album Love Child.
Love Ya!
Ted F.
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Hope R.
Didn't Dean Ellenwood and Larry Pannarello write the above? I know they co-wrote "Daddy's Arms" - but thought they'd written The Price He Paid as well.
Hope R. color>size>face>
P.S. Ted - next time you talk to Stevie, send her my love. She was one of the only Way Prod people who encouraged me without criticism. She's one of the good ones.
GO BUCS!!!size> color>
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TED Ferrell
Hope yes Dean and Larry did co write along with Stevie The Price He Paid but slips my mind about Daddy's Hand's. Will ask Larry when I see him. Larry and Connie have a sweet fellowship in Columbus and I plan on going to see them later on.
Hope I will be calling Stevie this week and will give her your love. She will be happy to hear you and John are doing well.
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A la prochaine
Ahhhhh, Ted is Back...
A la is happy.
:D--> My bleeding heart buddy is back again!
Hey I was listening to some Aselin Dobesin and got thinking how I would have never found this little 'angels' voice if it had not been for this music thread. When I see a song someone mentions or posts lyrics too and I don't recognize them, I quickly run to my Kazaa lite site and down the song comes. And, usually it's a great find!
So, I just thought I'd let everyone know how much I appreciate your posts.
And I have made some mighty fine friends in our little musical café here too.
N.B. I'm listening to 'Summerside of Life' ~ Gordon Lightfoot! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!
'til the next time...
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