Oh geez..I never could write good words for songs. I get a lot of good tunes in my head, but whenever I try to come up with words, they come out goofy. I have written a total of four or five and that's all. And those are all kinda humorous songs...
But, hey you all, have a wonderful New Years. As for me and my tribe, we are going to some friends house on a big lake called "Big Lake" and we are going to eat heartily, imbibe some, ride snow machines on the lake and we adults are going to soak in a big hot tub in two below weather and get frozen hair. It's clear out and so maybe we'll catch some northern lights before we hit the rack..
I saw Brian Bliss and Lou Vuto perform Saturday nite. It was great. I was able to visit with Lou after the show but Brian left before I could say hello.
We went to the Smokies for a few days and enjoyed it immensely.
Keep up this thread, it is chock full of memories, stories, wonderful songs, etc.
Thanks to all of you who have stirred up memories for me that have long been forgotten or suppressed!!!!
[This message was edited by act2 on January 02, 2003 at 8:16.]
ChattyKathy, my husband has been listening to the Gr.Ole Opry for about 46 years. (He had a transistor radio that he listened on when he was young!!!) We even got backstage about 10 years ago and got pictures with Bill Monroe, Little Jimmy Dickens, Wilma Lee, and VINCE GILL. A lady named Patsy or Patty I think got us backstage. She used to repair sequins,etc. for the entertainers. She had returned a pair of boots to one of the Osburne brothers that nite. We had so much fun backstage. Can you give any info on your family who played there?
Made it through another New Year's Eve and yesterday did not have a honky tonk hangover ha! ha!
Hope thanks for posting Highest Of The High and no I do not have revised lyrics and even if I did would not post because never did like anyone messing with another's inspired and heart felt words.
Tonight I will restart posting more of And The Beat Goes On cause we need to cover the rest of the seventies so we can move on to eighties music.If we don't we could well be talking about this til 2020 and then we would have another music generation to cover ha! ha!
See you tonight
Love To All
Ted F.
[This message was edited by TED Ferrell on January 02, 2003 at 9:25.]
At work with new Dixie Chicks CD playing now. If you like country, bluegrass or the Dixie Chicks get thee to the nearest store and buy HOME. It is their best work. Fantastic sounds.
Thanks for posting lyrics. I've done some copying and pasting. Darn -- these computers sure are handy.
I agree with you, Hope. Living Waters was GOOD. I only regret that I don't have any of their stuff on tape. I played music with 1 or 2 of the group members after you guys graduated. I'm still in touch with one of them.
Kristine is an AWESOME performer. I heard her do "Highest of the High" a few times in the early 70's. Back then, it was only 3 verses plus the chorus. What a voice!!
I'm really enjoying this thread, although I must admit that I haven't read it ALL.
Welcome to Kathy's Club and please come by more often cause Kathy needs all the help she can get ha! ha! That ought to make her take off her earphones from listening to The Dixie Chicks and post a reply
Just thought I should tell you once again how much I always loved to hear you sing your wonderful songs and that I believe you were and still are one of the best.My only regret is that I did not get to work with you more closely.What I am saying is with Buck and others who are your fans please include me on that list.
Love you Hope R.and give my love to John he is one fine man.
Don't have time to stick around, must catch up with all the household chores I have neglected during these holidays!
But, just wanted to say, Chatty ~DIXIE CHICKS ~ I'm with 'ya on that one.
Yup, have it and it's wonderful!!! I love the remake they did on the Fleetwood Mac song 'Landslide'. And of course 'Long Time Gone' is great too.
I have all their albums ~ I'm a groupie. :P-->
My mom loves them too, and she's 75! I gave her all their albums for a Christmas gift this year. She loves "Cowboy Take me Away".
Man this thread is great! And, Ted is back too. Yeehah! :D-->
Oh, found a great album after Christmas. I told Socks and Oak about it already.
The Chieftains ~ The Nashville Sessions.
It's the Chieftains playing tradional songs (bluegrass/celtic/country) with artists such as: Vince Gill, Alison Krauss, Earl Skruggs, Ricki Skaggs, Gillian Welch, Lyle Lovett, Bèla Fleck and the list goes on. Each artist does one song with the Chieftain's playing along. It's cool!
Had to go back and read where I left off about music from the seventies and it seems we ended with 1971 so let's look at 1972 and beyond.
In 1972 we were served Don McCleans American Pie as we drove our Chevy?s to the levee but the levee was dry. Neil Young shared his Heart Of Gold as America rode in on A Horse With No Name. Neil Diamond made us blue with Song Sung Blue and that made Gilbert O'Sullivan feel like he was Alone Again Naturally. Our vision was getting a little weak but Johnny Nash cleared it up with I Can See Clearly Now also we were in need to have someone to lean on so Bill Withers sang Lean On Me.
Roberta Flack a Washington DC jazz pianist and singer melted our hearts with one of the great love songs of all time The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face while at the same time Billy Paul was having an affair with Me And Mrs. Jones. Looking Glass had a romance going on too with Brandy (You're A Fine Girl) but Mac Davis told his lady Baby Don't Get Hooked On Me. Helen Reddy stood up and was counted with I Am Woman while The Temptations told us that their Papa Was A Rolling Stone.
Chuck Berry gave us some laughs when he exposed My Ding A Ling and all were invited to sing along, Three Dog Night took us out of the gray area with Black And White. Sammy Davis Jr. was The Candy Man of 72 and Ben was Michael Jackson's friend. I felt sorry for Nilsson who had to go it alone Without You but Al Green had his act together as he insisted Let's Stay Together.
This is just a few of the top hits from 1972 some good songs came from that year wouldn't you say.
Next we will take a peek at some music from thirty years ago 1973 my oh my! it seems like only yesterday
I love how you walk thru history by way of song titles. I always knew I loved music, have I ever mentioned that before (LOL) but you have filled in gaps of my life with songs that bring to remembrance some wonderful times lived. Thank you!
A la was a wee wittle girl of 12 and she remembers laying in her bed with her new transistor radio she received for Christmas listening to the Top 100 countdown.
Thanks Ted. Alla those songs remind me of the ritzy Junior High School I got sent to after I got expelled in seventh grade from another Jr High for fighting. The ritzy school was filled with kids with lots of money, and, they had lots of marijuana! Yeah, one of the strangest things happened when I took my first toke.
We were in the bathroom smokin' cigarrettes by the science room, when this guy "Jeff Hook from New York" came in and asked my friend "Lump" (his nickname) if "I was cool". Steve looked at me and said; "are you cool"? I said; "yeah, I'm cool". So Jeff whips out a joint, lights it up and passes it to me. Well, since I was an expert cigarrette smoker by then, I just imitated Jeff, and yes, I inhaled, deeply! So there we were, commiting a crime, getting stoned, and then all of a sudden, the door opens and in comes Mr. Jones, the black guy janitor.
Now, the thing about Mr. Jones is that he had been the janitor at my elementary school back when I was in kindergarten all the way through sixth grade. Back in elem. school he used to say funny things like (and with a heavy jive accent) "Wha's cookin good lookin? De peas in the pot! But the peas don' cook till de watah gits hot! Aha ha ha!"
And now, here I was, hittin on a joint for the first time, and in walks Mr. Jones, and what does he say to us? "Wha's cookin' good lookin? da peas in de pot! But de peas don' cook till da watah gits hot!" Oh man, I couldn't believe it. And then he looks right at me and says; "Mmm mmm mmm. Hey I know you! You used to go to Parkwood. I remember when you were five years old! And now, here you are smokin' reefer in de bathoom! Aha ha ha ha!" And then he walks out and we all just stared at each other wondering if he was going to tell Mr. Glime-the principal. Man, did I feel weird. But, apparently he didn't tell Mr. Glime (nice name uh?) and I spent the rest of the day stoned for the first time.
Alot of those songs that Ted mentioned happened to be the happenin' tunes on the a.m. radio at that time, and somehow, your mention of those tunes Ted, brought that memory right back, clear as a bell. So, that's what I was doin at that time, at the age of fourteen or so..Amazing how the memory of a song or songs can bring so much back from one's memory...
p.s. Thanks Hope for the lyrics to that song The Highest Of The High. My wife thanks you also...
Thirty years have come and gone since 1973 but so many of the songs from that year are with us yet today. A good song is always a good song.
In 1973 I felt insulted when Carly Simon told me Your So Vain but it all worked out when Diana Ross invited me to Touch Me In The Morning. oh! yeah. The only problem I had with that was Maureen McGovern kept reminding me about The Morning After from the movie Poseidon Adventure.
Jim Croce reported about a bad cat named Bad Bad LeRoy Brown who Croce said had too much Time In A Bottle. There was a lot of Superstition going around so Stevie Wonder said and he had a Photograph by Ringo Starr to prove it. Even Frankenstein got in the act as presented by Edgar Winter Group and another crime took place that year when Roberta Flack said some musician was Killing Her Softly With His Song gee! That was a cruel thing to do. And thought I'd heard it all about who was rocking till I heard Elton John sing Crocodile Rock now the reptiles were rocking what next?
Rolling Stones brought Angie on stage and Charlie Rich thought she was The Most Beautiful Girl. Cher was a Half Breed and The Carpenters were on Top Of The World.
Well that's the story for 73 so right now I will have Tony Orlando Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree as Gladys Night and I depart on The Midnight Train To Georgia.
7. They Only Come Out at Night, Edgar Winter Group
8. Billion Dollar Babies, Alice Cooper
Did you like any of that? And what ya bet you come back and have these same albums from your search, (ha ha) cause that is where I just got these. :D--> :P-->
Hey I also have all of Dixie Chicks stuff. And I also picked up something you may enjoy. It is Alison Krauss at Union State Live. It includes Barry Bales, Ron Block, Jerry Douglas and Dan Tyminski. It's pretty good, I'm not crazy about every song on it but overall it's a fine CD.
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Happy New Year! Hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday.
Is the time/space meter needle supposed to be jumping around like that? *tap-tap*...sqwrkltpzfttt@#$%^&!!!!!!.....
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Oh geez..I never could write good words for songs. I get a lot of good tunes in my head, but whenever I try to come up with words, they come out goofy. I have written a total of four or five and that's all. And those are all kinda humorous songs...
But, hey you all, have a wonderful New Years. As for me and my tribe, we are going to some friends house on a big lake called "Big Lake" and we are going to eat heartily, imbibe some, ride snow machines on the lake and we adults are going to soak in a big hot tub in two below weather and get frozen hair. It's clear out and so maybe we'll catch some northern lights before we hit the rack..
Love you all,
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Ya really know how to hurt a guy or gal don't ya.
Have fun, we are staying in, both had tough work days. But I have a couple Mike's already gone and not too unhappy about being home.
And I bet you could write a song, hey you got that joke thing moving along didn't ya?
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If all our tomorrows were never to come
Would you be found lonely and numb
Holding regrets or have not a one
I?d be happy with all that I?ve done
Life sweetly given as heat from the sun
Loving you is the best thing I?ve done
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Hope R.
Happy New Year...
Got this email this morning from Paul V.D. (eek!)
Highest of the High
Kristina Linder Perez - 1970
verse 1
All He ever did was die for me,
all He ever did was care.
Some people only sit and cry for me,
but i know my saviour is there.
And standing great and tall,is the meekest of them all,
that's Jesus Christ my saviour in the sky.
And like a light on crystal falls He gathers flowers and he calls,
that's Jesus Christ the highest of the high
verse 2
Men talk of love, they talk of peaceful times
they blindly seek the truth in other men.
But how can doutful leaders really set us free
when they themselves fear the lions den?
Verse 3
Daily we must die to self,and make Him lord
trading what we like, for what is true.
Every high thing must submit to His abiding word.
No terror here He cannot see us through.
Verse 5
In our every weakness Christ will make us strong
Step by step we seek the narrow way
breathing life eternal, it's His Father's song
moving ever closer to His day.
Those are the original words... Ted may know the Way-ized version, which is the one I remember.
Hope R. color>size>face>
Life, what is it but a dream? - Lewis Carroll
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I saw Brian Bliss and Lou Vuto perform Saturday nite. It was great. I was able to visit with Lou after the show but Brian left before I could say hello.
We went to the Smokies for a few days and enjoyed it immensely.
Keep up this thread, it is chock full of memories, stories, wonderful songs, etc.
Thanks to all of you who have stirred up memories for me that have long been forgotten or suppressed!!!!
[This message was edited by act2 on January 02, 2003 at 8:16.]
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Just wanted to pop in and say hi.
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ChattyKathy, my husband has been listening to the Gr.Ole Opry for about 46 years. (He had a transistor radio that he listened on when he was young!!!) We even got backstage about 10 years ago and got pictures with Bill Monroe, Little Jimmy Dickens, Wilma Lee, and VINCE GILL. A lady named Patsy or Patty I think got us backstage. She used to repair sequins,etc. for the entertainers. She had returned a pair of boots to one of the Osburne brothers that nite. We had so much fun backstage. Can you give any info on your family who played there?
If not, I understand. I do enjoy your posts.
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TED Ferrell
Hi you all;
Made it through another New Year's Eve and yesterday did not have a honky tonk hangover ha! ha!
Hope thanks for posting Highest Of The High and no I do not have revised lyrics and even if I did would not post because never did like anyone messing with another's inspired and heart felt words.
Tonight I will restart posting more of And The Beat Goes On cause we need to cover the rest of the seventies so we can move on to eighties music.If we don't we could well be talking about this til 2020 and then we would have another music generation to cover ha! ha!
See you tonight
Love To All
Ted F.
[This message was edited by TED Ferrell on January 02, 2003 at 9:25.]
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At work with new Dixie Chicks CD playing now. If you like country, bluegrass or the Dixie Chicks get thee to the nearest store and buy HOME. It is their best work. Fantastic sounds.
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Hope & Ted:
Thanks for posting lyrics. I've done some copying and pasting. Darn -- these computers sure are handy.
I agree with you, Hope. Living Waters was GOOD. I only regret that I don't have any of their stuff on tape. I played music with 1 or 2 of the group members after you guys graduated. I'm still in touch with one of them.
Kristine is an AWESOME performer. I heard her do "Highest of the High" a few times in the early 70's. Back then, it was only 3 verses plus the chorus. What a voice!!
I'm really enjoying this thread, although I must admit that I haven't read it ALL.
Take care. Love to all . . .
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TED Ferrell
Hi moreyt;
Welcome to Kathy's Club and please come by more often cause Kathy needs all the help she can get ha! ha! That ought to make her take off her earphones from listening to The Dixie Chicks and post a reply
Only joshing Kath well maybe ha!ha!
Ted F.
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TED Ferrell
For Hope
Dear Hope;
Just thought I should tell you once again how much I always loved to hear you sing your wonderful songs and that I believe you were and still are one of the best.My only regret is that I did not get to work with you more closely.What I am saying is with Buck and others who are your fans please include me on that list.
Love you Hope R.and give my love to John he is one fine man.
Ted F.
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Ted already welcomed you but I wanted to say thanks for joining us as well. And I can understand about not reading it all, ha ha.
No earphones man, just flat out music flowing thru my office for anyone in the state of Illinois to enjoy as well. ha ha
But this is one kickbutt CD. There is a song titled Travelin Soldier with these lines that just grabs your heart big time.
One Friday night at a football game
The Lord's prayer said and the Anthem sang
A man said folks would you bow your heads
For a list of local Vietman dead
Crying all alone under the stands
Was a piccolo player in the marching band
And one name read and nobody really cared
But a pretty little girl with a bow in her hair
Never gonna hold the hand of another guy
Man that is a tear jerker for sure, at least it was for me.
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A la prochaine
Hey ~ Happy New Year Everyone ~
Don't have time to stick around, must catch up with all the household chores I have neglected during these holidays!
But, just wanted to say, Chatty ~DIXIE CHICKS ~ I'm with 'ya on that one.
Yup, have it and it's wonderful!!! I love the remake they did on the Fleetwood Mac song 'Landslide'. And of course 'Long Time Gone' is great too.
I have all their albums ~ I'm a groupie.
My mom loves them too, and she's 75! I gave her all their albums for a Christmas gift this year. She loves "Cowboy Take me Away".
Man this thread is great! And, Ted is back too. Yeehah!
Oh, found a great album after Christmas. I told Socks and Oak about it already.
The Chieftains ~ The Nashville Sessions.
It's the Chieftains playing tradional songs (bluegrass/celtic/country) with artists such as: Vince Gill, Alison Krauss, Earl Skruggs, Ricki Skaggs, Gillian Welch, Lyle Lovett, Bèla Fleck and the list goes on. Each artist does one song with the Chieftain's playing along. It's cool!
See ya later tonight guys!
'til the next time...
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TED Ferrell
Had to go back and read where I left off about music from the seventies and it seems we ended with 1971 so let's look at 1972 and beyond.
In 1972 we were served Don McCleans American Pie as we drove our Chevy?s to the levee but the levee was dry. Neil Young shared his Heart Of Gold as America rode in on A Horse With No Name. Neil Diamond made us blue with Song Sung Blue and that made Gilbert O'Sullivan feel like he was Alone Again Naturally. Our vision was getting a little weak but Johnny Nash cleared it up with I Can See Clearly Now also we were in need to have someone to lean on so Bill Withers sang Lean On Me.
Roberta Flack a Washington DC jazz pianist and singer melted our hearts with one of the great love songs of all time The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face while at the same time Billy Paul was having an affair with Me And Mrs. Jones. Looking Glass had a romance going on too with Brandy (You're A Fine Girl) but Mac Davis told his lady Baby Don't Get Hooked On Me. Helen Reddy stood up and was counted with I Am Woman while The Temptations told us that their Papa Was A Rolling Stone.
Chuck Berry gave us some laughs when he exposed My Ding A Ling and all were invited to sing along, Three Dog Night took us out of the gray area with Black And White. Sammy Davis Jr. was The Candy Man of 72 and Ben was Michael Jackson's friend. I felt sorry for Nilsson who had to go it alone Without You but Al Green had his act together as he insisted Let's Stay Together.
This is just a few of the top hits from 1972 some good songs came from that year wouldn't you say.
Next we will take a peek at some music from thirty years ago 1973 my oh my! it seems like only yesterday
I shall return.
Love To All,
Ted F.
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I love how you walk thru history by way of song titles. I always knew I loved music, have I ever mentioned that before (LOL) but you have filled in gaps of my life with songs that bring to remembrance some wonderful times lived. Thank you!
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A la prochaine
I'm back and it's 1972 ...
A la was a wee wittle girl of 12 and she remembers laying in her bed with her new transistor radio she received for Christmas listening to the Top 100 countdown.
...and the #1 song for 1972 was...
Bye, Bye Miss American Pie!!!
It was thrilling (for a 12 year old)!
'til the next time...
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Thanks Ted. Alla those songs remind me of the ritzy Junior High School I got sent to after I got expelled in seventh grade from another Jr High for fighting. The ritzy school was filled with kids with lots of money, and, they had lots of marijuana! Yeah, one of the strangest things happened when I took my first toke.
We were in the bathroom smokin' cigarrettes by the science room, when this guy "Jeff Hook from New York" came in and asked my friend "Lump" (his nickname) if "I was cool". Steve looked at me and said; "are you cool"? I said; "yeah, I'm cool". So Jeff whips out a joint, lights it up and passes it to me. Well, since I was an expert cigarrette smoker by then, I just imitated Jeff, and yes, I inhaled, deeply! So there we were, commiting a crime, getting stoned, and then all of a sudden, the door opens and in comes Mr. Jones, the black guy janitor.
Now, the thing about Mr. Jones is that he had been the janitor at my elementary school back when I was in kindergarten all the way through sixth grade. Back in elem. school he used to say funny things like (and with a heavy jive accent) "Wha's cookin good lookin? De peas in the pot! But the peas don' cook till de watah gits hot! Aha ha ha!"
And now, here I was, hittin on a joint for the first time, and in walks Mr. Jones, and what does he say to us? "Wha's cookin' good lookin? da peas in de pot! But de peas don' cook till da watah gits hot!" Oh man, I couldn't believe it. And then he looks right at me and says; "Mmm mmm mmm. Hey I know you! You used to go to Parkwood. I remember when you were five years old! And now, here you are smokin' reefer in de bathoom! Aha ha ha ha!" And then he walks out and we all just stared at each other wondering if he was going to tell Mr. Glime-the principal. Man, did I feel weird. But, apparently he didn't tell Mr. Glime (nice name uh?) and I spent the rest of the day stoned for the first time.
Alot of those songs that Ted mentioned happened to be the happenin' tunes on the a.m. radio at that time, and somehow, your mention of those tunes Ted, brought that memory right back, clear as a bell. So, that's what I was doin at that time, at the age of fourteen or so..Amazing how the memory of a song or songs can bring so much back from one's memory...
p.s. Thanks Hope for the lyrics to that song The Highest Of The High. My wife thanks you also...
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TED Ferrell
And The Beat Goes On
Thirty years have come and gone since 1973 but so many of the songs from that year are with us yet today. A good song is always a good song.
In 1973 I felt insulted when Carly Simon told me Your So Vain but it all worked out when Diana Ross invited me to Touch Me In The Morning. oh! yeah. The only problem I had with that was Maureen McGovern kept reminding me about The Morning After from the movie Poseidon Adventure.
Jim Croce reported about a bad cat named Bad Bad LeRoy Brown who Croce said had too much Time In A Bottle. There was a lot of Superstition going around so Stevie Wonder said and he had a Photograph by Ringo Starr to prove it. Even Frankenstein got in the act as presented by Edgar Winter Group and another crime took place that year when Roberta Flack said some musician was Killing Her Softly With His Song gee! That was a cruel thing to do. And thought I'd heard it all about who was rocking till I heard Elton John sing Crocodile Rock now the reptiles were rocking what next?
Rolling Stones brought Angie on stage and Charlie Rich thought she was The Most Beautiful Girl. Cher was a Half Breed and The Carpenters were on Top Of The World.
Well that's the story for 73 so right now I will have Tony Orlando Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree as Gladys Night and I depart on The Midnight Train To Georgia.
And that's a few tunes from 1973.
See you Later,
Ted F.
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My son was born in 1973, that was a sweet tune for me.
Thanks for more great memories.
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A la prochaine
OK, you guys know how much I love music and this thread.
But, 1973 must have been a bad year for me. Everyone of those songs Ted mentioned I hated!
If I heard 'Tie a yellow ribbon' one more time, I think I was personally going to tie Tony Orlando and his Dawn ladies around an oak tree myself.
Please, can anyone name any other tunes that came out that year that I may have liked?
I think I'm going to do a google search and see what I can find...
I'm on my way right now.
Ted, I hope you are not offended.
Oops, I like "You're so Vain" ~ one of my long time favourites!
'til the next time...
[This message was edited by A la prochaine on January 03, 2003 at 19:56.]
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A la prochaine,
Here is 1973 Top 8 Albums:
1. Dark Side of the Moon, Pink Floyd
2. Chicago VI, Chicago
3. Houses of the Holy, Led Zepplin
4. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Elton John
5. The World Is a Ghetto, War
6. No Secrets, Carly Simon
7. They Only Come Out at Night, Edgar Winter Group
8. Billion Dollar Babies, Alice Cooper
Did you like any of that? And what ya bet you come back and have these same albums from your search, (ha ha) cause that is where I just got these.
Hey I also have all of Dixie Chicks stuff. And I also picked up something you may enjoy. It is Alison Krauss at Union State Live. It includes Barry Bales, Ron Block, Jerry Douglas and Dan Tyminski. It's pretty good, I'm not crazy about every song on it but overall it's a fine CD.
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A la prochaine
I'm Back
Much happier now!
I found a list of songs I loved and still love from that year...
Here they are ...
Reelin' In the Years ~ Steely Dan
Shambala ~ 3 Dog Night
Smoke on the Water ~ Deep Purple
Give me Love - Give me Peace ~ George Harrison
Long Train Running ~ Doobie Brothers
Dueling Banjos ~ Eric Weissberg & Steve Mandell
Diamond Girl ~ Seals & Crofts (this ones for you Chatty)
Hummingbird ~ Seals & Crofts
Cover of The Rolling Stone ~ Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show
Danny's Song ~ Anne Murray
Dead Skunk ~ Loudon Wainwright III
Live & Let Die ~ Paul McCartney & Wings
Let's Get it On ~ Marvin Gaye
Free Ride ~ Edgar Winter Group
The Joker ~ Steve Miller Band
Stuck in The Middle with You ~ Stealers Wheelers
Why Me ~ Kris Kristofferson
Thinking of You ~ Loggins & Messina
You are the Sunshine of My Life ~ Stevie Wonder
Ahhh, now I feel better!
Thank you for letting me indulge myself!
'til the next time...
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