It sounds sappy without Kathy Mattea's sweet voice, but this one could make rocks cry. It's one of my all-time favorite love songs, and I'm not even a big country fan. I think her hubby wrote the music and Nancy Griffith wrote the lyrics (sorry hubby and Nancy, if I got that wrong!) :-)
I can't believe it. I was just coming back to my favourite thread :D--> and thinking to myself,"Self, you should find those words to that Kathy Mattea's song you mentioned and post them." As I returned, poof, Magically they appeared. That was so cool! Thanks!
Yup, thems them. They are so beautiful. And yes, like you said, without her beautiful voice it doesn't do the lyrics justice does it.
I heard her do that song on Johnnie Carson one late night (pun intended :P-->)and went out the next morning and bought the album. The whole album was magnificient.
Her voice reminded me a little bit of Vicki Allen's voice. Vicki was such a talented woman. When she would sing her stuff, (the stuff that suited her) man oh man, no one could hold a candle to her as far as I was concerned. OK, I'm derailing here...
Yes, Kathy and that song, I got all chocked-up just reading the words again.
I posted this on a music thread that got zapped when the server was having problems in October... I thought aftera few hundred posts on this thread, you all might enjoy it. It's from the Nassau County paper, Newsday.
Some good times here ain't it? I think Oak said it best in his post:
quote: This is such a nice thread. I needed a break from the "Mike Wars"
There has been some twisting but NO shouting in this club and I think it has been nice to have a place to just come hang out and think and talk about music.
Thanks to all for having the light hearts to come join and play. ;)-->
I love it. I thought these guys were the cats meow. There sound was great! There sound was raw and it was real. You must be so proud they were from your hometown (or state). I remember them being on the PFAL'77 video (I think it was) and Joe talking about his drinking problem and how his life changed when he became born again.
Yup, I loved Oak's post too! This is for him. :D-->
Yall, I will be off line for most of the next week except today back and forth a little maybe. And then late at night I will be back online. I just posted in the lift list forum about my husband. So if I do not respond like normal you will know why.
The Brillo Pads! Thanks Hope. I really loved those close harmonies. And to think that Craig lambasted them at Emporia once behind their backs before the whole corps because he thought "I Am A Leaf" was a sissy song. And in the mean time he's doing "karioke" on the song "Red Neck Muther"...
All here will miss you til your return. You my dear one by starting this thread with your cheerful and kind ways have inspired many of us to share our hearts about music and song You are a gracious hostess. Thank you Kathy for being you.
As for me (and others here I'm sure) I will continue to pray and believe that your hubby will get well soon.
God Bless You Kathy
Your Song Writing Partner
[This message was edited by TED Ferrell on January 09, 2003 at 12:26.]
Ted, nice to see ya' bro. I'm waiting for your 1974 synopsis!
White Album ~ Beatles: Martha My Dear. My husband plays this on the piano. I love hearing him play it. He picked it up by ear when the song came out. It is known in our household as "Mom's favourite song :D-->"
Dad is usually playing Bach, or Debussy, or Beethoven or something other than Beatles, but he always plays that song if I request it. My oldest daughter plays piano as well and she loves 'Martha My Dear'. It's so neat to see your kids enjoy this music. If she had never been exposed to it, she would have never had the chance to appreciate it.
Hi folks, this music discussion is pretty neat . .
Yeah, The White Album was neat-lots of fun songs. I had the album once, but under the influences of 'chaff burning days' got rid of it. Well, no one is perfect; I may get it again one day if I get so inspired.
Some of those songs bring back memories. One that stands out in my memory is Ob-la-di, ob-la-da - it always seemed to be playing on the radio - must have been either late 1969 or 1970. Anyway, I have this one memory of of sitting at the kitchen table (with mother and some of my siblings)working on a jig-saw puzzle, and that song comes on and we all start singing to it. Can't remember what the puzzle was, except it was one of those 1000 or 1500 count puzzles - the kind a whole family can gather around and enjoy. An odd/obscure memory but one that will stick with me as long as i have my faculties.
I refused to "burn" or toss any music in those "Uncle Harry" bonfires. My mind always went back to "Farenheit 451" and black and white images of the massive burning of Beatle albums when John Lennon stated that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus. I wouldn't part with any music no matter how "devilish" someone else thought it was.
The only thing I ever got rid of on one of those weekends was a deck of Tarot cards I had from before I got in TWI. Other than that, I can't remember a single thing I burned or threw away because TWI told me I should "clean house".
I have a story to tell about that, but it doesn't go in this thread...
I know this will sound silly, but all my John Denver albums (I know most of you are doing the dance of joy right now) and all my John Denver guitar books.
Recently, my niece has started to play guitar. I know she would have appreciated having all my books to learn from. She's into the 'oldies' (as they so lovingly called it today) :o-->
I remember thinking what a sacrifice I was making! Somehow, after throwing all that away I was now going to become more --> spiritual! -->
I'm sure there were things people needed to get rid of that were beneficial to their lives, but I know John Denver albums and music books would not have made any difference in the long run!
White Album, such good memories, thanks for posting that A la. Dance With Me is just like that for me, just pops out and comes right back! Really love that tune.
Love Dear Prudence, Julia, such a soft brooding song, like a dream. "I Will", Blackbird. Cry Baby Cry. I love the way that song sort of wheezes along, like an old organ.
Ob-La-Di, such a nice tune, Peruser I agree! That's so funny you mention remembering that, I can still picture my daughter sort of skating across the kitchen floor one day I had that album on couple years ago, dancing along. Fun stuff.
"Happiness is a warm gun, momma"
(bang bang shoooot shoot!)
Is the time/space meter needle supposed to be jumping around like that? *tap-tap*...sqwrkltpzfttt@#$%^&!!!!!!.....
A La, one of the tunes we used to do in JN back in our first year was Denver's "Poems, Prayer's and Promises". I sang it, it was a nice tune.
Back when we went out WOW in '72/73, "Country Roads" was getting played everywhere it seemed. When I hear that tune I can still recall the place we had at the time and hearing it. Funny.
Is the time/space meter needle supposed to be jumping around like that? *tap-tap*...sqwrkltpzfttt@#$%^&!!!!!!.....
what a sweet come nobody's brought up two of my favorite female vocalists AND writers...Joni Mitchell and Judy Collins??? When I hear "Suzanne" it still gives me the same chills it did 36 years ago...does anyone know about Leonard Cohen, the author??
...socks, Sonrise was one serious band--I wish i could hear, in it's entirety, your version of "I saw the light"--man, it was inspired!!!
Has anyone had any contact with Risa Fleet or Olivia Scott over the years?? Both were in the Holy Katzenjammers and in a short-time gig called Souled Out that performed at raca '75. man, what pipes on those two...and Risa could scat with the BEST of them. I heard her do "Moondance" at a college advance long, long ago. Everyone in the room was breathless when she was done and Del Duncan came up front afterwards and was speechless and simply said "Goodnight-go talk with the Father"
Pressed Down opening for Crazy Horse. That's an interesting mix.
Here's a breaking news item for you Beatles fans,
LONDON (Reuters)January 10 - Police raids in England and the Netherlands on Friday recovered what could be about 500 original Beatles tapes that were stolen in the 1970s, including some never-released tracks.
British police said the tapes were "priceless," and that the only such recordings that have been heard before were bootlegs.
Dutch police, who recovered all the tapes in the Netherlands, agreed, but said they were still analyzing the material.
"We're currently investigating whether they really are the originals, but it appears to be so," said prosecutor spokesman Robert Meulenbroek in Amsterdam. "There are about 500 tapes, so there's quite a bit to research."
Five people were arrested in separate police raids in England and Holland. Their names were not immediately released.
The tapes contain what are known as the "Get Back" sessions, which were to become an album in 1969 before the project was shelved. Some of the songs, including "Get Back" itself, became part of the "Let It Be" album, said London police.
All is well! Yeahh! And I thought this was going to be a week long thing! I'm guessing things went better than anticipated! Yippee!
I wish I knew how to do all those fancy dancing pictures on my posts! :(--> I think you have had a cyberspace mentor ~ Hope, where are you Hope? Hope I need you!
Well, if I could do all that fancy jazzy stuff, my post would be a huge happy face blowing kisses and 2 huge arms giving you a great big cyber squeeze! :D-->
'til the next time...
[This message was edited by A la prochaine on January 10, 2003 at 14:22.]
I was taught the basics from firebee awhile back, then have self taught myself the rest. You can obtain things to post here without having to be confined to Google Image Search. I just played around and figured it out, trial and error it was. The computer forum is a great place to try things out in.
But I will teach you what I know sometime when we have some extra time while in AIM, okay. :)-->
And I posted more about hubby over in my thread under lift list.
It's perfect for our cool music thread with all our cool music dudes and dudettes!
You mention Joni and my heart goes to jello. Oh my, what a woman. I never enjoyed Joni 'til the early '80's. I went and got a few of her earlier albums like Court and Spark and Blue and completely overdosed for a couple of years. I'm like that. I find something I like musically and I'm off. I can't get enough!
Love came to my door
With a sleeping roll
And a madman's soul
He thought for sure I'd seen him
Dancing up a river in the dark
Looking for a woman
To court and spark
He was playing on the sidewalk
For passing change
When something strange happened
Glory train passed through him
So he buried the coins he made
In People's Park
And went looking for a woman
To court and spark
It seemed like he read my mind
He saw me mistrusting him
And still acting kind
He saw how I worried sometimes
I worry sometimes
"All the guilty people," he said
They've all seen the stain-
On their daily bread
On their christian names
I cleared myself
I sacrificed my blues
And you could complete me
I'd complete you
His eyes were the color of the sand
And the sea
And the more he talked to me
The more he reached me
But I couldn't let go of L.A.
City of the fallen angels
Socks, 'Prayers, Poems and Promises', did you have to edit the part of the song where it says in the chorus "Sit and pass the pipe around"? :o-->
And I have to say it now
It's been a good life all in all
It's really fine
To have a chance to hang around And lie there by the fire
And watch the evening tire
While all my friends and my old lady
I'm so happy Chatty's back, 'cause this is a tough gig hostin' this joint!
...add an "f" and you have alFa--tadaa!! I own 3 old Alfa Romeos, we have 3 kool cats, I love jazz, among other genres and alfakats just kinda clicked. so now you know what few do...
in fact, here's a pic: well, see below
hope that isn't too far off topic --> ;)--> :P-->
[This message was edited by alfakat on January 10, 2003 at 14:54.]
[This message was edited by alfakat on January 10, 2003 at 15:33.]
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Linda Z
A la Prochaine, is this the one?
It sounds sappy without Kathy Mattea's sweet voice, but this one could make rocks cry. It's one of my all-time favorite love songs, and I'm not even a big country fan. I think her hubby wrote the music and Nancy Griffith wrote the lyrics (sorry hubby and Nancy, if I got that wrong!) :-)
Where Have you Been?
Clare had all but given up
When she and Edwin fell in love
She touched his face, and shook her head
In disbelief, she sighed and said
"In many dreams, I've held you near.
Now at last you?re really here.
"Where have you been?
I've looked for you forever and a day.
Where have you been?
I'm just not myself when you?re away."
He asked her for her hand for life
And she became a salesman's wife
He was home each night by eight
But one stormy evening he was late
Her frightened tears fell to the floor
'Til his key turned in the door
"Where have you been?
I've looked for you forever and a day.
Where have you been?
I'm just not myself when you?re away."
They'd never spent a night apart
For 60 years she heard him snore
Now they're in a hospital
In separate beds, on different floors
Clare soon lost her memory
Forgot the names of family
She never spoke a word again
Then one day they wheeled him in
He held her hand and stroked her hair
And in a fragile voice she said,
"Where have you been?
I've looked for you forever and a day.
Where have you been?
I'm just not myself when you?re away.
No, I'm just not myself when you?re away."
Linda Z.
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A la prochaine
I can't believe it. I was just coming back to my favourite thread
:D--> and thinking to myself,"Self, you should find those words to that Kathy Mattea's song you mentioned and post them." As I returned, poof, Magically they appeared. That was so cool! Thanks! 
Yup, thems them. They are so beautiful. And yes, like you said, without her beautiful voice it doesn't do the lyrics justice does it.
I heard her do that song on Johnnie Carson one late night (pun intended
:P-->)and went out the next morning and bought the album. The whole album was magnificient.
Her voice reminded me a little bit of Vicki Allen's voice. Vicki was such a talented woman. When she would sing her stuff, (the stuff that suited her) man oh man, no one could hold a candle to her as far as I was concerned. OK, I'm derailing here...
Yes, Kathy and that song, I got all chocked-up just reading the words again.
Thanks LINDA Z.
'til the next time...
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Hope R.
I posted this on a music thread that got zapped when the server was having problems in October... I thought aftera few hundred posts on this thread, you all might enjoy it. It's from the Nassau County paper, Newsday.
And here's the review:
Hope R. color>size>face>
Life, what is it but a dream? - Lewis Carroll
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Some good times here ain't it? I think Oak said it best in his post:
There has been some twisting but NO shouting in this club and I think it has been nice to have a place to just come hang out and think and talk about music.
Thanks to all for having the light hearts to come join and play.
Very cool Hope, very cool. Thanks loads!!!!!
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A la prochaine
Hair, Hair, and more Hair!
I love it. I thought these guys were the cats meow. There sound was great! There sound was raw and it was real. You must be so proud they were from your hometown (or state). I remember them being on the PFAL'77 video (I think it was) and Joe talking about his drinking problem and how his life changed when he became born again.
Yup, I loved Oak's post too! This is for him.

'til the next time...
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Yall, I will be off line for most of the next week except today back and forth a little maybe. And then late at night I will be back online. I just posted in the lift list forum about my husband. So if I do not respond like normal you will know why.
My love to you all,
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A la prochaine
My prayers are with you and hubby Cliff too. Glad to see you are holding up well and you will certainly be missed around here!
I'll try to check in more often than usual, (ya, like I don't as it is
:D-->) but thems pretty big shoes to fill!
Love ya!
'til the next time...
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The Brillo Pads! Thanks Hope. I really loved those close harmonies. And to think that Craig lambasted them at Emporia once behind their backs before the whole corps because he thought "I Am A Leaf" was a sissy song. And in the mean time he's doing "karioke" on the song "Red Neck Muther"...
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TED Ferrell
All here will miss you til your return. You my dear one by starting this thread with your cheerful and kind ways have inspired many of us to share our hearts about music and song You are a gracious hostess. Thank you Kathy for being you.
As for me (and others here I'm sure) I will continue to pray and believe that your hubby will get well soon.
God Bless You Kathy
Your Song Writing Partner
[This message was edited by TED Ferrell on January 09, 2003 at 12:26.]
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A la prochaine
Surprise! I'm Back!
Buck, ya like he was so talented
Ted, nice to see ya' bro. I'm waiting for your 1974 synopsis!
White Album ~ Beatles: Martha My Dear. My husband plays this on the piano. I love hearing him play it. He picked it up by ear when the song came out. It is known in our household as "Mom's favourite song
Dad is usually playing Bach, or Debussy, or Beethoven or something other than Beatles, but he always plays that song if I request it. My oldest daughter plays piano as well and she loves 'Martha My Dear'. It's so neat to see your kids enjoy this music. If she had never been exposed to it, she would have never had the chance to appreciate it.
'til the next time...
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Hi folks, this music discussion is pretty neat . .
Yeah, The White Album was neat-lots of fun songs. I had the album once, but under the influences of 'chaff burning days' got rid of it. Well, no one is perfect; I may get it again one day if I get so inspired.
Some of those songs bring back memories. One that stands out in my memory is Ob-la-di, ob-la-da - it always seemed to be playing on the radio - must have been either late 1969 or 1970. Anyway, I have this one memory of of sitting at the kitchen table (with mother and some of my siblings)working on a jig-saw puzzle, and that song comes on and we all start singing to it. Can't remember what the puzzle was, except it was one of those 1000 or 1500 count puzzles - the kind a whole family can gather around and enjoy. An odd/obscure memory but one that will stick with me as long as i have my faculties.
Till next time. . .
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Goodevening yall,
Thank you for posting right along and having fun while I am at the hospital with my hubby. I posted an update in lift list.
A la prochaine, you do a great job of filling my shoes. Most excellent indeed. Thank you so much for your care of this thread.
Peruser, thanks for joining us. I so enjoy our morning chats on AIM.
Ted, what can I say? You have become such a dear friend, what can I say?
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Hope R.
I refused to "burn" or toss any music in those "Uncle Harry" bonfires. My mind always went back to "Farenheit 451" and black and white images of the massive burning of Beatle albums when John Lennon stated that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus. I wouldn't part with any music no matter how "devilish" someone else thought it was.
The only thing I ever got rid of on one of those weekends was a deck of Tarot cards I had from before I got in TWI. Other than that, I can't remember a single thing I burned or threw away because TWI told me I should "clean house".
I have a story to tell about that, but it doesn't go in this thread...
Hope R. color>size>face>
Life, what is it but a dream? - Lewis Carroll
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A la prochaine
Burn the Chaff!
Ya', I remember gettin' rid of stuff!
I know this will sound silly, but all my John Denver albums (I know most of you are doing the dance of joy right now) and all my John Denver guitar books.
Recently, my niece has started to play guitar. I know she would have appreciated having all my books to learn from. She's into the 'oldies' (as they so lovingly called it today)
I remember thinking what a sacrifice I was making! Somehow, after throwing all that away I was now going to become more
--> spiritual! 
I'm sure there were things people needed to get rid of that were beneficial to their lives, but I know John Denver albums and music books would not have made any difference in the long run!
Hey Hope, go ahead and share your incident!
I little de-railment is always a good thing!
'til the next time...
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White Album, such good memories, thanks for posting that A la. Dance With Me is just like that for me, just pops out and comes right back! Really love that tune.
Love Dear Prudence, Julia, such a soft brooding song, like a dream. "I Will", Blackbird. Cry Baby Cry. I love the way that song sort of wheezes along, like an old organ.
Ob-La-Di, such a nice tune, Peruser I agree! That's so funny you mention remembering that, I can still picture my daughter sort of skating across the kitchen floor one day I had that album on couple years ago, dancing along. Fun stuff.
"Happiness is a warm gun, momma"
(bang bang shoooot shoot!)
Is the time/space meter needle supposed to be jumping around like that? *tap-tap*...sqwrkltpzfttt@#$%^&!!!!!!.....
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A La, one of the tunes we used to do in JN back in our first year was Denver's "Poems, Prayer's and Promises". I sang it, it was a nice tune.
Back when we went out WOW in '72/73, "Country Roads" was getting played everywhere it seemed. When I hear that tune I can still recall the place we had at the time and hearing it. Funny.
Is the time/space meter needle supposed to be jumping around like that? *tap-tap*...sqwrkltpzfttt@#$%^&!!!!!!.....
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what a sweet come nobody's brought up two of my favorite female vocalists AND writers...Joni Mitchell and Judy Collins??? When I hear "Suzanne" it still gives me the same chills it did 36 years ago...does anyone know about Leonard Cohen, the author??
...socks, Sonrise was one serious band--I wish i could hear, in it's entirety, your version of "I saw the light"--man, it was inspired!!!
Has anyone had any contact with Risa Fleet or Olivia Scott over the years?? Both were in the Holy Katzenjammers and in a short-time gig called Souled Out that performed at raca '75. man, what pipes on those two...and Risa could scat with the BEST of them. I heard her do "Moondance" at a college advance long, long ago. Everyone in the room was breathless when she was done and Del Duncan came up front afterwards and was speechless and simply said "Goodnight-go talk with the Father"
man, some truly wonderful memories here....
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That's a great picture and article, Hope.
Pressed Down opening for Crazy Horse. That's an interesting mix.
Here's a breaking news item for you Beatles fans,
LONDON (Reuters)January 10 - Police raids in England and the Netherlands on Friday recovered what could be about 500 original Beatles tapes that were stolen in the 1970s, including some never-released tracks.
British police said the tapes were "priceless," and that the only such recordings that have been heard before were bootlegs.
Dutch police, who recovered all the tapes in the Netherlands, agreed, but said they were still analyzing the material.
"We're currently investigating whether they really are the originals, but it appears to be so," said prosecutor spokesman Robert Meulenbroek in Amsterdam. "There are about 500 tapes, so there's quite a bit to research."
Five people were arrested in separate police raids in England and Holland. Their names were not immediately released.
The tapes contain what are known as the "Get Back" sessions, which were to become an album in 1969 before the project was shelved. Some of the songs, including "Get Back" itself, became part of the "Let It Be" album, said London police.
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A la prochaine
All is well! Yeahh! And I thought this was going to be a week long thing! I'm guessing things went better than anticipated! Yippee!
I wish I knew how to do all those fancy dancing pictures on my posts!
:(--> I think you have had a cyberspace mentor ~ Hope, where are you Hope? Hope I need you!
Well, if I could do all that fancy jazzy stuff, my post would be a huge happy face blowing kisses and 2 huge arms giving you a great big cyber squeeze!
'til the next time...
[This message was edited by A la prochaine on January 10, 2003 at 14:22.]
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A la prochaine,
I was taught the basics from firebee awhile back, then have self taught myself the rest. You can obtain things to post here without having to be confined to Google Image Search. I just played around and figured it out, trial and error it was. The computer forum is a great place to try things out in.
But I will teach you what I know sometime when we have some extra time while in AIM, okay.
And I posted more about hubby over in my thread under lift list.
All is well. Yahoo.........
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A la prochaine
You have such a cool name Kat!
It's perfect for our cool music thread with all our cool music dudes and dudettes!
You mention Joni and my heart goes to jello. Oh my, what a woman. I never enjoyed Joni 'til the early '80's. I went and got a few of her earlier albums like Court and Spark and Blue and completely overdosed for a couple of years. I'm like that. I find something I like musically and I'm off. I can't get enough!
Love came to my door
With a sleeping roll
And a madman's soul
He thought for sure I'd seen him
Dancing up a river in the dark
Looking for a woman
To court and spark
He was playing on the sidewalk
For passing change
When something strange happened
Glory train passed through him
So he buried the coins he made
In People's Park
And went looking for a woman
To court and spark
It seemed like he read my mind
He saw me mistrusting him
And still acting kind
He saw how I worried sometimes
I worry sometimes
"All the guilty people," he said
They've all seen the stain-
On their daily bread
On their christian names
I cleared myself
I sacrificed my blues
And you could complete me
I'd complete you
His eyes were the color of the sand
And the sea
And the more he talked to me
The more he reached me
But I couldn't let go of L.A.
City of the fallen angels
Socks, 'Prayers, Poems and Promises', did you have to edit the part of the song where it says in the chorus "Sit and pass the pipe around"?
And I have to say it now
It's been a good life all in all
It's really fine
To have a chance to hang around And lie there by the fire
And watch the evening tire
While all my friends and my old lady
I'm so happy Chatty's back, 'cause this is a tough gig hostin' this joint!
Love ya!
'til the next time...
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...add an "f" and you have alFa--tadaa!! I own 3 old Alfa Romeos, we have 3 kool cats, I love jazz, among other genres and alfakats just kinda clicked. so now you know what few do...
in fact, here's a pic: well, see below
hope that isn't too far off topic
[This message was edited by alfakat on January 10, 2003 at 14:54.]
[This message was edited by alfakat on January 10, 2003 at 15:33.]
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Ha! I have those lyrics around somewhere, have to see what we did with it. Perhaps some kind of plumbing reference was used.
Is the time/space meter needle supposed to be jumping around like that? *tap-tap*...sqwrkltpzfttt@#$%^&!!!!!!.....
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