quote:where the WAYGB is less likely to see my material?
Why would the WAYGB be concerned about Mike's love for PFAL? I'm thinking twi may call Mike and ask him to record the next foundational class video. They may even make him an honorary corpse member because of his profound love for the "doktor".
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
[This message was edited by Wayfer Not! on February 06, 2004 at 13:05.]
Yes, but Miiiiiiiiiiiiickeyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! It wasn't that nauseating PFAL drivel you usually spurt....
It was just some yawning and stretching exercises...where'd ya learn those from??? Oh I know!!! Loy musta taught you those when he was trainin' to be that debil spurit superhero...what was his name in that one??? Was it Cap'n Cuss??? Or was it the Mean Avenger??? Oh wait!!! I know...it was Loy Boy..the Spurt Filled Boy Blunder! ;)-->
Love y'all,
''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''
Hello Folks! It’s nice to see that this thread has experienced much interaction and entertainment. Thank you for your participation, profound insights, and special thanks to Mike for entertaining everyone here while I was gone. I’m sure he was a barrel of fun. :D-->
WordWolf, as one that skimmed through this thread, I thank you for the synopsis depicting several revolutionary visions and revelations. These visions were funny and very revealing indeed. ;)-->
Alfakat, thank you for your kind words, although, I underestimated Mike’s inadvertent sense of humor.
LadyCat, I’ll need some hints in order to have a decent attempt in trying to figure out who you are. Where in Miami and during what year? That input might help… :)-->
Hello What The Hay,
In a hundred years from now…
History will say, “VP who?”
At best, he’ll be a footnote named as a former cult leader that made the top 10 lists for the most dangerous cults in the world (short-lived though). :D-->
You are most gracious and kind. Thank you. In regards to VP’s degree, I like to think that I know a thing or two about legitimate accreditation. I don’t like to speak about myself, but since you brought up this topic, I feel the need to share the following. I am currently involved in a doctoral program and I am hoping to complete my research courses by winter of ‘05 (wishful thinking), thus, entering the dissertation mode if all goes well. I already finished with my specialization. The Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership is the name of my program and the specialization that I am currently pursuing at Nova Southeastern University (second to Harvard in student enrollment for the graduate program in education). Also, I have the distinct pleasure in some instances to rub shoulders with CEOs, college/university professors/presidents, and people who are movers and shakers in society. Without a doubt, I am the least experience person in my program, thus, lacking many insights to complex scenarios commonly found in the corporate world as well as in the educational setting. Sometimes, I’m out of their league (figuratively speaking). Luckily, I have had the drive and determination to keep myself afloat and these people have tremendously enlightened me in many ways. This is the toughest thing that I have encountered in my life academically speaking, yet, the most rewarding.
I also have had the opportunity to associate with people whose job is to accredit institutions of higher learning. These people represent one of six regional commissions, which sole purpose is to accredit colleges/universities throughout the nation. They work for the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097; Telephone number 404-679-4501) to award bachelor's, master's, educational specialist, and doctoral degrees. The southeast regional commission is better known by the acronym SACS*. I have seen them in action and I am aware that there is a very long rigorous process that colleges/universities are subjected to in order to get (or renew) their accreditation, which will be valid for 10 years if they are able to maintain the standards set by these regional commissions. Additionally, these accrediting agencies use the element of surprise, unannounced; they actually walk inside the classrooms and check what’s going on. I know of universities that have lost their accreditation in certain programs and needed to reestablish themselves again. For some reason, the program of education from Florida State University comes to mind now. Some institutions of higher learning have been put in probation as well. This is common knowledge.
In short (time is of the essence for me), I’m aware that Pike’s Peak Seminary used the “mail correspondence format for the coursework,” and it was administered from a family home (structurally speaking). It never received accreditation from any of the nationally recognized six regional accrediting agencies that are responsible for accrediting colleges/universities around the nation. Oh yes, I’m sure they got together after their weak coursework and took pictures and actually had their own commencement day, but this is common amongst the non-accredited institutions as well. :D-->
Only a university can grant a legitimate doctorate. It must be an institution accredited to go beyond the undergraduate program, thus, the graduate program. It doesn’t matter if VPW spent an eternity in getting his so-called degree; it’s still worthless… in my opinion, he basically bought his degree, the easy way. If he was so smart and well connected with God, why he didn’t chose an accredited university that granted doctoral degrees in theology? Interesting, don’t you think?
If it weren’t for accreditation, which sets HIGH STANDARDS, we “ALL” would be doctors now (figuratively speaking). A legitimate doctoral program is designed to make it very hard and difficult for an individual to obtain a doctorate, otherwise, EVERYONE would get one. Sleep deprivation is a common factor in people pursuing a doctorate.
* SACS is one of only six regional accrediting institutions recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
Regional accreditation for colleges, universities and other postsecondary institutions is accepted as the most recognized form of accreditation in the United States. There are six regional accrediting bodies in the United States, which serve schools within their geographic areas. These accrediting bodies are as follows:
I. Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA)
MSA members are located in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and other locations overseas (http://www.msache.org).
II. New England Association of Schools & Colleges (NEASC)
NEASC serves public and independent schools, colleges and universities in the six states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont and 114 American/International schools around the globe. Norwich University is accredited by NEASC. (http://www.neasc.org).
III. North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA)
NCA grants membership to educational institutions in the nineteen-state North Central region: Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, New Mexico, South Dakota, Wisconsin, West Virginia, and Wyoming
IV. Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU)
NWCCU serves higher education institutions in the seven-state Northwest region of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington (http://www.nwccu.org).
V. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
SACS is the recognized regional accrediting body in the eleven U.S. Southern states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia; and in Latin America for those institutions of higher education that award associate, baccalaureate, master's or doctoral degrees (http://www.sacscoc.org/).
VI. Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)
WASC serves public and private schools, colleges, and universities in the western region covering California and Hawaii, the territories of Guam, American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Palau, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands, the Pacific Basin, and East Asia, and areas of the Pacific and East Asia where American/International schools or colleges may apply (http://www.wascweb.org/).
Links dealing with Pike’s Peak Seminary.
“The Colorado Commission on Higher Education states that Pike's Peak Seminary, the source of Wierwille's doctorate, had no resident instruction, no published list of faculty, no accreditation and no supervision by any government agency.”
“Like most cultic groups, The Way's history and theology revolve around its founder and long - time president. A graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, Wierwille holds a doctorate from a reputed degree mill, Pike's Peak Seminary.”
It's been over 24 hours since our last chat. Whazzamattah darlin', got a case of the I can dish it but I can't take it blues????
C'mon out and play...or are ya skeert??? ;)-->
Me, myself...I like to keep my battles to one battlefield, not scattered all over Greasespot as you do. What is it that drives you so, oh apostle of the one true vic? Afraid you won't be ''heard'' if you stick to one thread???
What is that droning, anyway??? ;)-->
Love y'all,
''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''
The perfect example of disregard, disrespect and condescension masked as humor...
"..er ...uh HI! Brady. Old pal. Old buddy.
Say, that was a long post! I was just tidying up here, and didn't have a chance to read it all.
...um ...stammer... So, who do you think will win the pennant this year?"
So, how many faithful followers have you garnered off greasespot, Mike? It appears this is how you treat the highly educated here.
Your life appears dismal, Mike...I feel sorry for you...you seem to want to hold on to PFAL because it is all you have to show for your life and that is okay....but we don't want to be like Mike!
I consider falling on my face a learning experience and I get up again and again...and I never blame you or VP or the adversary or God...it's just life...The more attached one is to their opinion, the more aggressively they defend it and then the more aggression is added to the world and more pain and violence...
Let go, Mike...nonaggression is peace...hurt for hurt. mock for mock. even when you win- you lose...and God is never glorified ...
I stated earlier that VPW would eventually end up in the annals of history being known as a great man of faith. I said this knowing the statement would cause a stir, but it was most likely construed as though I meant VPW would end up being canonized a saint for all his great acts of moral purity and virtue. That is certainly not what I said, nor is it what I am suggesting or claiming about VPW.
I am sure this is what many DO consider a great man of faith to be, and how one could therefore misconstrue what I said. If their logic were correct, then they must have little to none themselves, as to acquire great moral purity and virtue you would have to be a great man of faith before you acquire it! There's no question we'd all like to see volumes of moral purity and virtue in men who claim to be men of God, but unfortunately, a man's knowledge of God does not keep pace with his faith.
That is why I don't believe men like Luther, Wesley, Calvin and others became known as men of great faith based on the merits of acquiring some "sinless-ness and God-like" character for themselves. That is not the testimony of history of how these men became great men of faith. Why would it be any different for VPW? For all I know, Martin Luther may still be regarded a heretic in die-hard Roman Catholic circles by those who still believe salvation is of works; even though those circles are few and far out of step with the modern day Roman Catholic church.
I believe if one is impartial and unbiased, they will discover many of VPW’s faults are interrelated with people's hatred, malice, intolerance and suspicions of him more than anything else. If VPW has only become worse over the years to you, - then welcome aboard the propaganda wagon that’s been rolling down the same old road over the years – except you can now do it over the Internet rather than over the old gossip bar.
Truthfully enough, a persons love and praise of him won't improve his character one iota anymore than a person's hatred and criticism can worsen it. Praise won't make him any better the man now, anymore than hatred can make him any less the man he was - except perhaps, for each person in their own mind and how each one chooses to be persuaded.
As I stated earlier, the resentment of the weak does not spring from any injustice done to them, but rather from their own sense of inadequacy and impotence. I am not denying people have not been dealt with unjustly. It’s that I’ve come to realize many people’s resentment of VPW has sprouted mainly from their own sense of inadequacy and impotence, far more than any injustice(s) they experienced at the hands of VPW.
I am not going to jam "praises for VPW" down anyone's throat - especially around those who are content with holding onto their resentment and hatred for him right up until the day they die. They would feel the slightest generosity I shared as oppression. But why fall into the trap of adding to the condemnation of VPW? Why feed the monster? All it does is turn and backfire on you, and ends up feeding your own sense of inadequacy and impotence - while you continue struggling to obtain the justice you believe you were denied. It doesn’t bring about the justice you think it does.
People are here only to feed the monster. The mean, old, evil, demon, “V.P Werewolf” has grown in proportion as has the inadequacy and impotence somebody has due to the frustration of not being able to obtain the justice they believe they deserve. Since they haven’t succeeded at obtaining it, they are forced to feed the monster. It gets comical watching people tear off the halo and the harp and put devil horns and a pitchfork on someone’s religious hero, while someone like Mike goes around breaking off the devil horns and sprinkles angel powder on the big ol’ evil VP Werewolf! I think people like Brady are only here to watch the entertainment, as the reruns and sitcoms on TV have gotten pretty boring.
People's praise or criticism didn't change VPW any when he was alive. If a person's praise or criticism didn't change him when he was alive (and I can't really say that with certainty since I wasn't always around him when he was alive) how would either praise or criticism change him now that he's dead? (Which anyone can say with complete certainty.)
If VPW has only gotten worse over the years since he's been dead, suffice it to say it is because people's hatred, malice, and suspicions of him have increased and gotten worse – certainly not VPW! HOW COULD HE OR ANYBODY ELSE GET ANY BETTER OR ANY WORSE AFTER THEY’RE DEAD!.
The next generation will look back and will judge how logical and intelligent (ahem...) we are in our reasoning. Most won't consider either your praise or your condemnation of VPW worth a ****! Anyone with half a brain would see through it. Like an old high school friend said to me a very long time ago, “Opinions are like a**holes. Everybody’s got one and they all stink!”
BTW - At which university did Jesus Christ obtain his doctorate? The record shows he completely stumped all the highly educated Harvard and Princeton professors of his day. That has been the dilemma of the religious bureaucratic establishment since day one. They are quick to point out the “splinter” in the eye of some group they disapprove of while failing to notice the “beam” in their own. If one examines their track record closely, more often, it’s even more dismal than the group they’re apposing!
Aruther Koestler accurately stated, “Innovation is a twofold threat to the scientific hierarchy. First it threatens their oracle authority. Secondly it evokes the deeper fear that their whole laboriously constructed authoritarian edifice may collapse.” To that one may add, it’s not just of the scientific or medical hierarchy of which this is true, but the religious hierarchy as well.
History has shown that if the establishment thinks enough of you to label you a maverick or a quack or snake oil salesman they are admitting you are being classified in the same category as: Dalton, Einstein, Boverie, etc. My conclusion is, if VPW is being criticized, shunned and belitted with name-calling by the religious establishment as was Luther, Wesley, etc., then more than likely he is merely following in the same footsteps of history’s most famous and respected people. But if that upsets you, fine. Rest assured, you probably won’t be alive to see it happen to him anyway.
quote: It’s that I’ve come to realize many people’s resentment of VPW has sprouted mainly from their own sense of inadequacy and impotence, far more than any injustice(s) they experienced at the hands of VPW.
If your sister/wife/mother/daughter had experienced these same injustices at VPW's hands, and wouldn't sweep them under the rug, (and all in the name of the 'renewed mind' and 'love of God', donchaknow), but would tell all and expose VPW for what he has done and the type of man that he was, ... would she too, be rendered by you as having a 'sense of inadequacy and impotence' because of this? Would that be your version of 'living the Word' as an example to her?
If the One True God cannot get beyond VPW as a means of communicating His Word to people, then that god is a very small and limited god indeed, ..... not worthy of the time of day, let alone worship and honor.
My own secret sign-off ====v,
Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations.
I thought I was being clear in stating hatred, malice, intolerance and suspicions sprout up and are the result of people's sense of inadequacy and impotence.
People's sense of inadequcy and impotence goes far beyond any of the injustices they experienced at the hands of VPW - which is why the hatred, malice, resentment of VPW would continue, even if justice were severed.
Begging your pardon wth...but you don`t know wtF you are talking about.....
You have no CLUE as to why I revile vpw...why the man disgusts me to the very fiber of my being...it has NOTHING to do with helplessness..
if...IF you read galations chpt 5...and give the bible ANY credence at all ....it isn`t ABOUT whether or not you and I believe him to be a *man of faith*...or whether or not we are over reacting ...it was his ACTIONS!!! behaviores he himself endulged in.... listed in galations ... the very bible ITSELF convict him...READ it you will be astonished!!!
For you to hint that vpw`s actions weren`t absolutely atrocious...that we are just wienies blowing things out of proportion...is an affront...You slam us in defense of a man whos actions were evil..and have proven to him be a man of the flesh...THIS is the guy you wanna get your panties in a wad defending??
Your loyalty and respect are misplaced....
God tells us EXACTLY how much credence or respect we should give someone with vpw`s characteristics...no matter HOW good his schpeal....it also refers to what is in store for said man....(hint it ain`t fame as a man of faith)
[This message was edited by rascal on February 07, 2004 at 19:56.]
What the hay--you sure are quite the storyteller--sure hope you get paid for your stoww-ryss. Perhaps I will toss in Henry Ford's famous(infamous??) quote here...History is bunk...
So you would have us believe that the poor copy and paste job of vic is gonna go down in history?? Why not the words and works of Bullinger, Welch, Kenyon, Stiles, Lamsa and Leonard instead??? These men not good enough for ya? Their original words not enough for ya?? Their integrity not enough for ya?? Or you still dreamin' bout a farm in Ohio with a bible in your hand?, to quote a song by Salty Oats at raca 72...
You are projecting your experience on way too large a canvas, IMHO--sure makes YOU come off important and all-knowing, though--so ya got that goin for ya, at least......
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yeah well when this place gets updated, you can show your appreciation to pawtucket by sending in some bucks. he gets charged by the post.
i do have a serious question, mike, who don't you condescend in the doctrinal section ?
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Because my topic is "About the Way."
Why do you want to shove me off in a corner, where the WAYGB is less likely to see my material?
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was just wondering if there is anyone who knew vpw during his princeton days.
i'll bet he was a real "cut up"
mike?, any input on that?
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Why would the WAYGB be concerned about Mike's love for PFAL? I'm thinking twi may call Mike and ask him to record the next foundational class video. They may even make him an honorary corpse member because of his profound love for the "doktor".
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
[This message was edited by Wayfer Not! on February 06, 2004 at 13:05.]
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Even the waygb can see a nut case when it dances in front of them....they probably stopped reading Mike threads a year ago...
princeton theology....not princeton...
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I don`t know karmic....that or they use his posts as a shining example of what happens when a *believer* leaves the protection of the house hold...
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Hey now Karmic!!! What's this calling Mikey ''freak''...now, now, darlin'...pick another more scathing adjective please!
Whuzzamattah Mikey...no witty and brilliant (tongue firmly
placed in cheek) anecdotes this mornin'???
Guess you had to go bow down the the alter of docvic and beseech his wisdom and guidance???
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww....c'mon out and play Mikey....or has the sideshow left town?
Love y'all,
''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''
-Bruce Springsteen
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Click on my name over to the left, the one with the bold and color font, and then click on 4th item "View Recent Posts by Mike"
There are 10 posts listed since 8:41am Pacific Coast Time.
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No thanks Mikey...I'm out of my Pepto, and it's kinda like the American Express card...never read your posts without it!
Besides, I was talking about in this particular forum.
Love y'all,
''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''
-Bruce Springsteen
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Colleen me girl, what a beautiful Irish name. I did post on this thread, you feisty lassie.
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Yes, but Miiiiiiiiiiiiickeyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! It wasn't that nauseating PFAL drivel you usually spurt....
It was just some yawning and stretching exercises...where'd ya learn those from??? Oh I know!!! Loy musta taught you those when he was trainin' to be that debil spurit superhero...what was his name in that one??? Was it Cap'n Cuss??? Or was it the Mean Avenger??? Oh wait!!! I know...it was Loy Boy..the Spurt Filled Boy Blunder!
Love y'all,
''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''
-Bruce Springsteen
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i just thought of him as rainbow boy jesusfreaky.LOL!
a thing of beauty
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Hello Folks! It’s nice to see that this thread has experienced much interaction and entertainment. Thank you for your participation, profound insights, and special thanks to Mike for entertaining everyone here while I was gone. I’m sure he was a barrel of fun.
WordWolf, as one that skimmed through this thread, I thank you for the synopsis depicting several revolutionary visions and revelations. These visions were funny and very revealing indeed.
Alfakat, thank you for your kind words, although, I underestimated Mike’s inadvertent sense of humor.
LadyCat, I’ll need some hints in order to have a decent attempt in trying to figure out who you are. Where in Miami and during what year? That input might help…
Hello What The Hay,
In a hundred years from now…
History will say, “VP who?”
At best, he’ll be a footnote named as a former cult leader that made the top 10 lists for the most dangerous cults in the world (short-lived though).
You are most gracious and kind. Thank you. In regards to VP’s degree, I like to think that I know a thing or two about legitimate accreditation. I don’t like to speak about myself, but since you brought up this topic, I feel the need to share the following. I am currently involved in a doctoral program and I am hoping to complete my research courses by winter of ‘05 (wishful thinking), thus, entering the dissertation mode if all goes well. I already finished with my specialization. The Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership is the name of my program and the specialization that I am currently pursuing at Nova Southeastern University (second to Harvard in student enrollment for the graduate program in education). Also, I have the distinct pleasure in some instances to rub shoulders with CEOs, college/university professors/presidents, and people who are movers and shakers in society. Without a doubt, I am the least experience person in my program, thus, lacking many insights to complex scenarios commonly found in the corporate world as well as in the educational setting. Sometimes, I’m out of their league (figuratively speaking). Luckily, I have had the drive and determination to keep myself afloat and these people have tremendously enlightened me in many ways. This is the toughest thing that I have encountered in my life academically speaking, yet, the most rewarding.
I also have had the opportunity to associate with people whose job is to accredit institutions of higher learning. These people represent one of six regional commissions, which sole purpose is to accredit colleges/universities throughout the nation. They work for the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097; Telephone number 404-679-4501) to award bachelor's, master's, educational specialist, and doctoral degrees. The southeast regional commission is better known by the acronym SACS*. I have seen them in action and I am aware that there is a very long rigorous process that colleges/universities are subjected to in order to get (or renew) their accreditation, which will be valid for 10 years if they are able to maintain the standards set by these regional commissions. Additionally, these accrediting agencies use the element of surprise, unannounced; they actually walk inside the classrooms and check what’s going on. I know of universities that have lost their accreditation in certain programs and needed to reestablish themselves again. For some reason, the program of education from Florida State University comes to mind now. Some institutions of higher learning have been put in probation as well. This is common knowledge.
In short (time is of the essence for me), I’m aware that Pike’s Peak Seminary used the “mail correspondence format for the coursework,” and it was administered from a family home (structurally speaking). It never received accreditation from any of the nationally recognized six regional accrediting agencies that are responsible for accrediting colleges/universities around the nation. Oh yes, I’m sure they got together after their weak coursework and took pictures and actually had their own commencement day, but this is common amongst the non-accredited institutions as well.
Only a university can grant a legitimate doctorate. It must be an institution accredited to go beyond the undergraduate program, thus, the graduate program. It doesn’t matter if VPW spent an eternity in getting his so-called degree; it’s still worthless… in my opinion, he basically bought his degree, the easy way. If he was so smart and well connected with God, why he didn’t chose an accredited university that granted doctoral degrees in theology? Interesting, don’t you think?
If it weren’t for accreditation, which sets HIGH STANDARDS, we “ALL” would be doctors now (figuratively speaking). A legitimate doctoral program is designed to make it very hard and difficult for an individual to obtain a doctorate, otherwise, EVERYONE would get one. Sleep deprivation is a common factor in people pursuing a doctorate.
* SACS is one of only six regional accrediting institutions recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
Regional Accreditation
Regional accreditation for colleges, universities and other postsecondary institutions is accepted as the most recognized form of accreditation in the United States. There are six regional accrediting bodies in the United States, which serve schools within their geographic areas. These accrediting bodies are as follows:
I. Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA)
MSA members are located in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and other locations overseas (http://www.msache.org).
II. New England Association of Schools & Colleges (NEASC)
NEASC serves public and independent schools, colleges and universities in the six states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont and 114 American/International schools around the globe. Norwich University is accredited by NEASC. (http://www.neasc.org).
III. North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA)
NCA grants membership to educational institutions in the nineteen-state North Central region: Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, New Mexico, South Dakota, Wisconsin, West Virginia, and Wyoming
IV. Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU)
NWCCU serves higher education institutions in the seven-state Northwest region of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington (http://www.nwccu.org).
V. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
SACS is the recognized regional accrediting body in the eleven U.S. Southern states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia; and in Latin America for those institutions of higher education that award associate, baccalaureate, master's or doctoral degrees (http://www.sacscoc.org/).
VI. Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)
WASC serves public and private schools, colleges, and universities in the western region covering California and Hawaii, the territories of Guam, American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Palau, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands, the Pacific Basin, and East Asia, and areas of the Pacific and East Asia where American/International schools or colleges may apply (http://www.wascweb.org/).
Links dealing with Pike’s Peak Seminary.
“The Colorado Commission on Higher Education states that Pike's Peak Seminary, the source of Wierwille's doctorate, had no resident instruction, no published list of faculty, no accreditation and no supervision by any government agency.”
“In 1948 Wierwille received a Doctor of Theology degree from the unaccredited (and now defunct) Pike's Peak Seminary in Colorado.”
“Like most cultic groups, The Way's history and theology revolve around its founder and long - time president. A graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, Wierwille holds a doctorate from a reputed degree mill, Pike's Peak Seminary.”
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..er ...uh HI! Brady. Old pal. Old buddy.
Say, that was a long post! I was just tidying up here, and didn't have a chance to read it all.
...um ...stammer... So, who do you think will win the pennant this year?
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Mike, I have no idea. Perhaps, it will come to you in a vision or dream. If it does, please let us know.
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It's been over 24 hours since our last chat. Whazzamattah darlin', got a case of the I can dish it but I can't take it blues????
C'mon out and play...or are ya skeert???
Me, myself...I like to keep my battles to one battlefield, not scattered all over Greasespot as you do. What is it that drives you so, oh apostle of the one true vic? Afraid you won't be ''heard'' if you stick to one thread???
What is that droning, anyway???
Love y'all,
''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''
-Bruce Springsteen
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The perfect example of disregard, disrespect and condescension masked as humor...
"..er ...uh HI! Brady. Old pal. Old buddy.
Say, that was a long post! I was just tidying up here, and didn't have a chance to read it all.
...um ...stammer... So, who do you think will win the pennant this year?"
So, how many faithful followers have you garnered off greasespot, Mike? It appears this is how you treat the highly educated here.
Your life appears dismal, Mike...I feel sorry for you...you seem to want to hold on to PFAL because it is all you have to show for your life and that is okay....but we don't want to be like Mike!
I consider falling on my face a learning experience and I get up again and again...and I never blame you or VP or the adversary or God...it's just life...The more attached one is to their opinion, the more aggressively they defend it and then the more aggression is added to the world and more pain and violence...
Let go, Mike...nonaggression is peace...hurt for hurt. mock for mock. even when you win- you lose...and God is never glorified ...
yada yada
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What The Hay
I stated earlier that VPW would eventually end up in the annals of history being known as a great man of faith. I said this knowing the statement would cause a stir, but it was most likely construed as though I meant VPW would end up being canonized a saint for all his great acts of moral purity and virtue. That is certainly not what I said, nor is it what I am suggesting or claiming about VPW.
I am sure this is what many DO consider a great man of faith to be, and how one could therefore misconstrue what I said. If their logic were correct, then they must have little to none themselves, as to acquire great moral purity and virtue you would have to be a great man of faith before you acquire it! There's no question we'd all like to see volumes of moral purity and virtue in men who claim to be men of God, but unfortunately, a man's knowledge of God does not keep pace with his faith.
That is why I don't believe men like Luther, Wesley, Calvin and others became known as men of great faith based on the merits of acquiring some "sinless-ness and God-like" character for themselves. That is not the testimony of history of how these men became great men of faith. Why would it be any different for VPW? For all I know, Martin Luther may still be regarded a heretic in die-hard Roman Catholic circles by those who still believe salvation is of works; even though those circles are few and far out of step with the modern day Roman Catholic church.
I believe if one is impartial and unbiased, they will discover many of VPW’s faults are interrelated with people's hatred, malice, intolerance and suspicions of him more than anything else. If VPW has only become worse over the years to you, - then welcome aboard the propaganda wagon that’s been rolling down the same old road over the years – except you can now do it over the Internet rather than over the old gossip bar.
Truthfully enough, a persons love and praise of him won't improve his character one iota anymore than a person's hatred and criticism can worsen it. Praise won't make him any better the man now, anymore than hatred can make him any less the man he was - except perhaps, for each person in their own mind and how each one chooses to be persuaded.
As I stated earlier, the resentment of the weak does not spring from any injustice done to them, but rather from their own sense of inadequacy and impotence. I am not denying people have not been dealt with unjustly. It’s that I’ve come to realize many people’s resentment of VPW has sprouted mainly from their own sense of inadequacy and impotence, far more than any injustice(s) they experienced at the hands of VPW.
I am not going to jam "praises for VPW" down anyone's throat - especially around those who are content with holding onto their resentment and hatred for him right up until the day they die. They would feel the slightest generosity I shared as oppression. But why fall into the trap of adding to the condemnation of VPW? Why feed the monster? All it does is turn and backfire on you, and ends up feeding your own sense of inadequacy and impotence - while you continue struggling to obtain the justice you believe you were denied. It doesn’t bring about the justice you think it does.
People are here only to feed the monster. The mean, old, evil, demon, “V.P Werewolf” has grown in proportion as has the inadequacy and impotence somebody has due to the frustration of not being able to obtain the justice they believe they deserve. Since they haven’t succeeded at obtaining it, they are forced to feed the monster. It gets comical watching people tear off the halo and the harp and put devil horns and a pitchfork on someone’s religious hero, while someone like Mike goes around breaking off the devil horns and sprinkles angel powder on the big ol’ evil VP Werewolf! I think people like Brady are only here to watch the entertainment, as the reruns and sitcoms on TV have gotten pretty boring.
People's praise or criticism didn't change VPW any when he was alive. If a person's praise or criticism didn't change him when he was alive (and I can't really say that with certainty since I wasn't always around him when he was alive) how would either praise or criticism change him now that he's dead? (Which anyone can say with complete certainty.)
If VPW has only gotten worse over the years since he's been dead, suffice it to say it is because people's hatred, malice, and suspicions of him have increased and gotten worse – certainly not VPW! HOW COULD HE OR ANYBODY ELSE GET ANY BETTER OR ANY WORSE AFTER THEY’RE DEAD!.
The next generation will look back and will judge how logical and intelligent (ahem...) we are in our reasoning. Most won't consider either your praise or your condemnation of VPW worth a ****! Anyone with half a brain would see through it. Like an old high school friend said to me a very long time ago, “Opinions are like a**holes. Everybody’s got one and they all stink!”
BTW - At which university did Jesus Christ obtain his doctorate? The record shows he completely stumped all the highly educated Harvard and Princeton professors of his day. That has been the dilemma of the religious bureaucratic establishment since day one. They are quick to point out the “splinter” in the eye of some group they disapprove of while failing to notice the “beam” in their own. If one examines their track record closely, more often, it’s even more dismal than the group they’re apposing!
Aruther Koestler accurately stated, “Innovation is a twofold threat to the scientific hierarchy. First it threatens their oracle authority. Secondly it evokes the deeper fear that their whole laboriously constructed authoritarian edifice may collapse.” To that one may add, it’s not just of the scientific or medical hierarchy of which this is true, but the religious hierarchy as well.
History has shown that if the establishment thinks enough of you to label you a maverick or a quack or snake oil salesman they are admitting you are being classified in the same category as: Dalton, Einstein, Boverie, etc. My conclusion is, if VPW is being criticized, shunned and belitted with name-calling by the religious establishment as was Luther, Wesley, etc., then more than likely he is merely following in the same footsteps of history’s most famous and respected people. But if that upsets you, fine. Rest assured, you probably won’t be alive to see it happen to him anyway.
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why is this page so wide I have to move it to read it?
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What The Hay
You can always try increasing your monitors screen resolution - provided your using a 17" or better monitor.
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What the Hay,
If your sister/wife/mother/daughter had experienced these same injustices at VPW's hands, and wouldn't sweep them under the rug, (and all in the name of the 'renewed mind' and 'love of God', donchaknow), but would tell all and expose VPW for what he has done and the type of man that he was, ... would she too, be rendered by you as having a 'sense of inadequacy and impotence' because of this? Would that be your version of 'living the Word' as an example to her?
If the One True God cannot get beyond VPW as a means of communicating His Word to people, then that god is a very small and limited god indeed, ..... not worthy of the time of day, let alone worship and honor.
My own secret sign-off ====v,
Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations.
Prophet Emeritus of THE,
and Wandering CyberUU Hippie,
Garth P.
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What The Hay
Garth -
I thought I was being clear in stating hatred, malice, intolerance and suspicions sprout up and are the result of people's sense of inadequacy and impotence.
People's sense of inadequcy and impotence goes far beyond any of the injustices they experienced at the hands of VPW - which is why the hatred, malice, resentment of VPW would continue, even if justice were severed.
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Begging your pardon wth...but you don`t know wtF you are talking about.....
You have no CLUE as to why I revile vpw...why the man disgusts me to the very fiber of my being...it has NOTHING to do with helplessness..
if...IF you read galations chpt 5...and give the bible ANY credence at all ....it isn`t ABOUT whether or not you and I believe him to be a *man of faith*...or whether or not we are over reacting ...it was his ACTIONS!!! behaviores he himself endulged in.... listed in galations ... the very bible ITSELF convict him...READ it you will be astonished!!!
For you to hint that vpw`s actions weren`t absolutely atrocious...that we are just wienies blowing things out of proportion...is an affront...You slam us in defense of a man whos actions were evil..and have proven to him be a man of the flesh...THIS is the guy you wanna get your panties in a wad defending??
Your loyalty and respect are misplaced....
God tells us EXACTLY how much credence or respect we should give someone with vpw`s characteristics...no matter HOW good his schpeal....it also refers to what is in store for said man....(hint it ain`t fame as a man of faith)
[This message was edited by rascal on February 07, 2004 at 19:56.]
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What the hay--you sure are quite the storyteller--sure hope you get paid for your stoww-ryss. Perhaps I will toss in Henry Ford's famous(infamous??) quote here...History is bunk...
So you would have us believe that the poor copy and paste job of vic is gonna go down in history?? Why not the words and works of Bullinger, Welch, Kenyon, Stiles, Lamsa and Leonard instead??? These men not good enough for ya? Their original words not enough for ya?? Their integrity not enough for ya?? Or you still dreamin' bout a farm in Ohio with a bible in your hand?, to quote a song by Salty Oats at raca 72...
You are projecting your experience on way too large a canvas, IMHO--sure makes YOU come off important and all-knowing, though--so ya got that goin for ya, at least......
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