You wrote: “I certainly do not have a problem with you having a "belief system" that is absolute for you.”
I cracked up when I read this. You don’t seem to realize that if a system is absolute only “for me” then it’s NOT ABSOLUTE at all. You are lost in the mumbo jumbo of new age psychobabble. What I mean, and stated, by an absolute system is that it’s absolute FOR EVERYONE.
Well Mike Perception is Reality. Let me give you a little more Psychobabbble. You completely lost my point...the jacka$$es that flew the planes in the World Trade Center were just as convinced as you that they had the "Absolute Truth"...oh, but let me see you do and they don't. Now I understand!
Lighten up and don't take yourself so seriously dude. I'm sitting here freezing my a$$ off in the midwest, while you are sitting in one of my favorite spots in the whole world. Take a ride up the PCH, take a walk on Solana Beach, talk to some real people, laugh, tell a joke, have a margarita (at Fidel's)...nobody really cares how enlightened you think you are, in the mean time life is passing you by. PFAL is not life (that is my perception and reality).
As a person, as a sister, I want to give you maximum respect. As a gesture of that respect, I will not hijack your new thread titled “Dear Mr VPW...”
But, because you put it out in public, I will deal with it here. On that thread you posted:
“Dear Mr VPW, ...I know you're dead now, but if you can hear me would you please tell me why you didn't stop it all? __ Your prophets preach that you knew for a long time where you went wrong. __ How come you never did anything to undo it all?”
CW, if you were to search the records in tapes and books and magazine articles that Dr left behind like I did, you’d see that he tried to do something about it OFTEN. He did this GOD’s way, not your way, not my way, probably not even his own way.
He did it with MANY admissions, some of which I have posted here often like “I wish I were the man I know to be.” He did it many other ways too. He often told his top leaders that they were off in many ways, and not merely in copying his own error, although that did seem to happen too.
He was told by God to do it in some of his magazine articles and more-so in his “Out Times” editorials. He sometimes couched his terms to get them in print and distributed, so that they can someday be seen. Had he done it out in the open they would not have been received by leadership, nor printed, nor distributed. Someday I will post some of these, and show how some key words were used to refer to top leadership without their knowledge.
He did it on many tapes, sometimes buried in the announcements.
But the biggest way he set the stage for the big fix, was to put in no uncertain terms, the need for all his leaders and all his students to master the books. When we do this, then WE will be the ones to put the big fix into operation, with God right there energizing us.
The kind of fix you yearn for (and I emotionally do at times too) would not have really worked. In fact, it would have done more damage than helping. If he had tried to fix it all with a 5-senses approach and all the apologies in the world, the adversary would have had a field day and the misery would have been sooner and worse, MUCH worse.
As is, he did it in such a way that SOME of us are now mastering the books, and more added every month, and with the power God gives us in this pure Word of His, we will see every tear wiped away, and there will be no more memory of the former way. This is a promise of God.
Ahh ... the almighty hypothethical "What if" question comes right back to the surface once again. But who here dare asks, "Mike - What if you're correct?" Well that would be a real mind provoking question for someone to ask here. But then, neither hypothetical question is relevant, because ...
Human nature remains the same as history continues to repeat itself. The cycle is only broken when there is a major change in the attitude of the public brought on by education and a recognition and understanding of past events.
This is an area where I think Mike excels (at least for himself if not for anybody else) because the written record is more weighty than the opinions of the anatagonists which tend to be vague and incomplete. Their opinions are never harmonious nor tend to agree among themselves. They are typically fraught with "name-calling" when they can't get anyone to agree with their opinion(s). This is why I made the statement - it won't happen until his antagonists die off.
All the grass root practical innovators in the fields of medicine and science were rarely found in the stifling status quo of the establishment-oriented institutions. Likewise with those from religious institutions. Those who made history were always found toiling on a shoe-string with private support from the dreamers of the world, while at the same time enduring the establishments resistance to change.
Resistance to innovation is clearly demonstrated, not by the ignorant masses, but by professionals with a vested interest in tradition and the monopoly of learning.
Arthur Koestler, The Age of Velikovsky.
I am simply waking people to the fact if you are critized, shunned, and belittled along with name calling by any establishment, (and what I am specifically refering to are the biblical, scientific and medical establishments) then you are probably someone following in the footsteps of many of history's most famous and respected people, who made significant contributions to the betterment of human life.
Since opinions are what "the establishment" regulates best, essentially one ends up becoming indoctrinated and hence they are easy to control.
I recognize the "unseen establishment" here at GS Cafe - comes from people who wish to control the opinions of others. If they can't control your opinion you will end up belittled, critized, shunned, etc. But then that is one of the things that happened lately in TWI and what eventually lead to it's collapse. I am certain it's not the only thing, but it was certainly a major contributor. Will history likewise repeat itself here?
The bottom line is, the situation does not provide anyone the freedom that is required for them to experiment - for them to be innovative, and therefore, to discover. That is what drew me to TWI from the beginning - the freedom to research the bible on my own, without some religious or some political leader breathing down my neck telling me what I had to research, what I had to teach, etc., etc., etc.
If us reasearchers, innovators, and dreamers are not provided the freedoms we need to experiment, to be innovative, and therefore to discover, we will simply pack up and go elsewhere - somewhere where we will are allowed and granted those precious freedoms.
I refuse to participate as an ignorant victim - as a slave of the system of some religious establishment. I'd say you would be an idiot if you didn't recognize this as well - that there are people here at GS Cafe who equally have a vested interest in maintaining the religious status quo - just like there are back in TWI. What happens as a result is nobody goes any further nor do they progresses any further in their learning.
You would only be falling back into the same old trap if you allow someone to monopolize on your learning - whether it be through fear or whatever technique they employ - it comes in many facades, forms and disguises, whether it happens here at GS Cafe or in TWI, or anyplace else for that matter.
My sentiments are simply this: Don't let any of 'em bug ya!!! Just recognize them for who they are - The governing bureuacractic establishment that wishes to protect their own prestigious status quo empire.
You may not be familiar with MIKE, he is not a troll. Please refrain from calling him names like that.
He has been defending the pfal class for a while around her. He is entitled to his opinion as well as you are yours. His non-response is just what it is a non-response. Arguing with him is a stress filled endeavor, not worth resorting to names that don't fit him.
(by the way, I think there is a list somewhere of things you can call him.)
And let's not forget Pawtucket. He has allowed this institution to give me a free hand. His dedication to free speech is quite admirable, all the more because he does not agree with me.
[This message was edited by Mike on February 03, 2004 at 18:19.]
I was going to add to my "Bravo" post: "And let's not forget Pawtucket. He has allowed this institution to give me a free hand."
The reason I did not add it immediately is because I wanted to get the post slot immediately under WhatTheHay.
He is probably unaware of all the crap you endure in allowing me here, from the people who fail at directly pressuring me to leave. Your dedication to free speech is admirable.
[This message was edited by Mike on February 03, 2004 at 18:37.]
Mike--you oughta have a tv show---cuz your act is not to be go on sabbatical for 6 months and come back with the same old schlock, tsk, tsk.... how many errors can you have? to quote your favorite source. I myself would not be making jokes about what Lord Jesus will be saying or doing upon his return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords......
A shame you don't take as much time extolling God and His Son as you do vp....vp, at best, was a servant. Why all the hand-wringing over a servant??? Why not uplift the Heir of All Creation?? Why not speak praise of the Majesty on High?? My opinion of vp or all he wrought will not advance me one iota in GOD's sight nor will my "ignorance" of said vp detract at ALL from GOD and His Matchless love for me, or you, or anyone else, for that matter. The prize of the high calling is in Christ Jesus the LORD, not you, me, posters at GS or even ole vp wierwille!! ....and you seemingly DO NOT GET THAT!!!!
I have taken a few breaks. This is hard work. It sometimes is good to give you folks a rest from me too.
I’m not too worried about my errors. What’s pure is not me, that’s for sure. I’m an imperfect messenger with a perfect message: “Come back to PFAL and master the written materials” is the main part. The rest is just details and assistance over the many hurdles FOR THOSE WHO WANT IT. There are a few. Even one would be enough, but I see more than ten that I am aware of. Who knows how many are quietly re-opening those books this minute? Who knows how many tomorrow?
You wrote: “I myself would not be making jokes about what Lord Jesus will be saying or doing upon his return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords......”
If you only knew how much I am NOT joking in some of my statements that look like humor.... someday you will know.... soon I hope.
You wrote: “A shame you don't take as much time extolling God and His Son as you do vp....vp, at best, was a servant. Why all the hand-wringing over a servant??? Why not uplift the Heir of All Creation?? Why not speak praise of the Majesty on High??”
I do sometimes, especially when I get into direct quotes from the books. It’s what you will find within them that will give great glory to God, and enable you to SEE His Son. I can’t do that with my own words with any more surface veracity than all the empty religious formalism that is everywhere today. God complains in the OT about all the people who would mouth all sorts of praises to Him, yet their hearts were far from Him. Where is that? Isa 55 maybe? Look it up.
You wrote: “My opinion of vp or all he wrought will not advance me one iota in GOD's sight nor will my "ignorance" of said vp detract at ALL from GOD and His Matchless love for me, or you, or anyone else, for that matter. The prize of the high calling is in Christ Jesus the LORD, not you, me, posters at GS or even ole vp wierwille!! ....and you seemingly DO NOT GET THAT!!!!”
I do certainly get that. What you do not get is that it’s the BOOKS that give us the ultimate knowledge of what you yearn for. It’s not VPW I am promoting, it’s the God Who gave him revelation that you will find in those books He had Dr print for Him. When you adopt the mind that is in there you will finally be able to jettison your old man nature. The books give us the mind of Christ.
Oakspear, I added "with any more surface veracity" to make things more clear.
[This message was edited by Mike on February 03, 2004 at 18:48.]
Mike: BIG clue--I see the mind of Christ in the New testament, right where it has Always been. And as you, I and many others were taught, 90% of the bible interprets right where it is written without vp or anyone else's commentaries. After a life-time of reading and studying the scripture, in the Lutheran church, in the way and on my own for the last 18 years of my life.... I will take my chances on my own with the Lord's help, the Lord's spirit and the brain God Almighty gave me. Your PFAL mantra notwithstanding, I expect to continue learning what GOD wants ME to learn without your help or advice and I AM SURE WE WILL ALL BE SURPRISED COME THAT RESURRECTION DAY, you included Mike, my boy....
" “Come back to PFAL and master the written materials” is the main part."
is this because you don't trust going to the bible and you NEED to have the belief in vpw?
I don't like you, I don't dislike you, I don't know you other than by your words, and you sure seem to speak alot. ;)-->
actually I kinda feel sorry for you and other posters here. you because you refuse to even think you may be wrong, others because they feed into you and what you say. but then who am I other than a reader of these silly posts.
Seriously, alfakat, you don’t see the mind of Christ well enough, in enough accurate detail, to become like him and do all the things he did and greater. Don’t ask me if I do, because I only do to the degree I have mastered the books. I’m working on it.
If you are careful, you’ll see that all versions, translations, and modern critical tests, are really just scholarly reconstructions, that sometimes are good, and sometimes not so good.
PFAL is the greatest hand of assistance from God to us in 2000 years, and your fear and pride are preventing you from seeing that your present approach has failed for all those who tried it for 2000 years.
[This message was edited by Mike on February 03, 2004 at 19:07.]
I don’t trust the flawed versions of the Bible that abound. Neither do you if you correct any of the botched verses in them or augment any verses in the margins.
My belief is NOT in VPW, but in the God Who gave him the PFAL revelations.
Many people here post a lot of words. Why single me out?
I am honest and up front about my closed mind on these matters. Why don’t you criticize them for their closed minds as they pose and posture themselves as having an open mind. The earlier post by WhatTheHay nails them on how they don’t even consider trying out my message for even a second. At least I’m honest in that I have finished shopping, closed my mind like a steel vault, and will not consider any attacks on the integrity of this Word of God’s which He gave to us in PFAL.
well, Mikey--- lucky for me I don't happen to give 2 hoots about your suspect opinion. Who taught in what class that 90% of KJV interprets itself right where written??? As for the other 10%, I have had more practice than you know anything about, so you'll just have to excuse me if I don't limit myself to your small, petty view of God Almighty--after all, you and I are pots...I'll take my lead from the potter, not a fellow pot--sorry to pop your little bubble.....
You wrote: “Who taught in what class that 90% of KJV interprets itself right where written??? As for the other 10%, I have had more practice than you know anything about, so you'll just have to excuse me if I don't limit myself to your small, petty view of God Almighty”
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Tell us oh wise one.
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Come back to the books and see how much you missed or forgot.
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This is no place for a delicate flower such as your self.
Do you have a Southern accent? You can really get on my good side if you do.
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P.S. Every week I go to at least one poetry meeting that's fully stocked with absolute relativists.
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As a person, as a sister, I want to give you maximum respect. As a gesture of that respect, I will not hijack your new thread titled “Dear Mr VPW...”
But, because you put it out in public, I will deal with it here. On that thread you posted:
“Dear Mr VPW, ...I know you're dead now, but if you can hear me would you please tell me why you didn't stop it all? __ Your prophets preach that you knew for a long time where you went wrong. __ How come you never did anything to undo it all?”
CW, if you were to search the records in tapes and books and magazine articles that Dr left behind like I did, you’d see that he tried to do something about it OFTEN. He did this GOD’s way, not your way, not my way, probably not even his own way.
He did it with MANY admissions, some of which I have posted here often like “I wish I were the man I know to be.” He did it many other ways too. He often told his top leaders that they were off in many ways, and not merely in copying his own error, although that did seem to happen too.
He was told by God to do it in some of his magazine articles and more-so in his “Out Times” editorials. He sometimes couched his terms to get them in print and distributed, so that they can someday be seen. Had he done it out in the open they would not have been received by leadership, nor printed, nor distributed. Someday I will post some of these, and show how some key words were used to refer to top leadership without their knowledge.
He did it on many tapes, sometimes buried in the announcements.
But the biggest way he set the stage for the big fix, was to put in no uncertain terms, the need for all his leaders and all his students to master the books. When we do this, then WE will be the ones to put the big fix into operation, with God right there energizing us.
The kind of fix you yearn for (and I emotionally do at times too) would not have really worked. In fact, it would have done more damage than helping. If he had tried to fix it all with a 5-senses approach and all the apologies in the world, the adversary would have had a field day and the misery would have been sooner and worse, MUCH worse.
As is, he did it in such a way that SOME of us are now mastering the books, and more added every month, and with the power God gives us in this pure Word of His, we will see every tear wiped away, and there will be no more memory of the former way. This is a promise of God.
If anyone sees Brady coming, could you at least give me a head start in skidaddling?
[This message was edited by Mike on February 03, 2004 at 18:44.]
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What The Hay
Ahh ... the almighty hypothethical "What if" question comes right back to the surface once again. But who here dare asks, "Mike - What if you're correct?" Well that would be a real mind provoking question for someone to ask here. But then, neither hypothetical question is relevant, because ...
Human nature remains the same as history continues to repeat itself. The cycle is only broken when there is a major change in the attitude of the public brought on by education and a recognition and understanding of past events.
This is an area where I think Mike excels (at least for himself if not for anybody else) because the written record is more weighty than the opinions of the anatagonists which tend to be vague and incomplete. Their opinions are never harmonious nor tend to agree among themselves. They are typically fraught with "name-calling" when they can't get anyone to agree with their opinion(s). This is why I made the statement - it won't happen until his antagonists die off.
All the grass root practical innovators in the fields of medicine and science were rarely found in the stifling status quo of the establishment-oriented institutions. Likewise with those from religious institutions. Those who made history were always found toiling on a shoe-string with private support from the dreamers of the world, while at the same time enduring the establishments resistance to change.
Resistance to innovation is clearly demonstrated, not by the ignorant masses, but by professionals with a vested interest in tradition and the monopoly of learning.
Arthur Koestler, The Age of Velikovsky.
I am simply waking people to the fact if you are critized, shunned, and belittled along with name calling by any establishment, (and what I am specifically refering to are the biblical, scientific and medical establishments) then you are probably someone following in the footsteps of many of history's most famous and respected people, who made significant contributions to the betterment of human life.
Since opinions are what "the establishment" regulates best, essentially one ends up becoming indoctrinated and hence they are easy to control.
I recognize the "unseen establishment" here at GS Cafe - comes from people who wish to control the opinions of others. If they can't control your opinion you will end up belittled, critized, shunned, etc. But then that is one of the things that happened lately in TWI and what eventually lead to it's collapse. I am certain it's not the only thing, but it was certainly a major contributor. Will history likewise repeat itself here?
The bottom line is, the situation does not provide anyone the freedom that is required for them to experiment - for them to be innovative, and therefore, to discover. That is what drew me to TWI from the beginning - the freedom to research the bible on my own, without some religious or some political leader breathing down my neck telling me what I had to research, what I had to teach, etc., etc., etc.
If us reasearchers, innovators, and dreamers are not provided the freedoms we need to experiment, to be innovative, and therefore to discover, we will simply pack up and go elsewhere - somewhere where we will are allowed and granted those precious freedoms.
I refuse to participate as an ignorant victim - as a slave of the system of some religious establishment. I'd say you would be an idiot if you didn't recognize this as well - that there are people here at GS Cafe who equally have a vested interest in maintaining the religious status quo - just like there are back in TWI. What happens as a result is nobody goes any further nor do they progresses any further in their learning.
You would only be falling back into the same old trap if you allow someone to monopolize on your learning - whether it be through fear or whatever technique they employ - it comes in many facades, forms and disguises, whether it happens here at GS Cafe or in TWI, or anyplace else for that matter.
My sentiments are simply this: Don't let any of 'em bug ya!!! Just recognize them for who they are - The governing bureuacractic establishment that wishes to protect their own prestigious status quo empire.
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You may not be familiar with MIKE, he is not a troll. Please refrain from calling him names like that.
He has been defending the pfal class for a while around her. He is entitled to his opinion as well as you are yours. His non-response is just what it is a non-response. Arguing with him is a stress filled endeavor, not worth resorting to names that don't fit him.
(by the way, I think there is a list somewhere of things you can call him.)
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Bravo, WhatTheHay!!!
added later:
And let's not forget Pawtucket. He has allowed this institution to give me a free hand. His dedication to free speech is quite admirable, all the more because he does not agree with me.
[This message was edited by Mike on February 03, 2004 at 18:19.]
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I was going to add to my "Bravo" post: "And let's not forget Pawtucket. He has allowed this institution to give me a free hand."
The reason I did not add it immediately is because I wanted to get the post slot immediately under WhatTheHay.
He is probably unaware of all the crap you endure in allowing me here, from the people who fail at directly pressuring me to leave. Your dedication to free speech is admirable.
[This message was edited by Mike on February 03, 2004 at 18:37.]
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Mike--you oughta have a tv show---cuz your act is not to be go on sabbatical for 6 months and come back with the same old schlock, tsk, tsk.... how many errors can you have? to quote your favorite source. I myself would not be making jokes about what Lord Jesus will be saying or doing upon his return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords......
A shame you don't take as much time extolling God and His Son as you do vp....vp, at best, was a servant. Why all the hand-wringing over a servant??? Why not uplift the Heir of All Creation?? Why not speak praise of the Majesty on High?? My opinion of vp or all he wrought will not advance me one iota in GOD's sight nor will my "ignorance" of said vp detract at ALL from GOD and His Matchless love for me, or you, or anyone else, for that matter. The prize of the high calling is in Christ Jesus the LORD, not you, me, posters at GS or even ole vp wierwille!! ....and you seemingly DO NOT GET THAT!!!!
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This is better that a TV show.
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typical, Mike--yes, more bs than the old gong show--there is an opportunity for ya, Mike
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I have taken a few breaks. This is hard work. It sometimes is good to give you folks a rest from me too.
I’m not too worried about my errors. What’s pure is not me, that’s for sure. I’m an imperfect messenger with a perfect message: “Come back to PFAL and master the written materials” is the main part. The rest is just details and assistance over the many hurdles FOR THOSE WHO WANT IT. There are a few. Even one would be enough, but I see more than ten that I am aware of. Who knows how many are quietly re-opening those books this minute? Who knows how many tomorrow?
You wrote: “I myself would not be making jokes about what Lord Jesus will be saying or doing upon his return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords......”
If you only knew how much I am NOT joking in some of my statements that look like humor.... someday you will know.... soon I hope.
You wrote: “A shame you don't take as much time extolling God and His Son as you do vp....vp, at best, was a servant. Why all the hand-wringing over a servant??? Why not uplift the Heir of All Creation?? Why not speak praise of the Majesty on High??”
I do sometimes, especially when I get into direct quotes from the books. It’s what you will find within them that will give great glory to God, and enable you to SEE His Son. I can’t do that with my own words with any more surface veracity than all the empty religious formalism that is everywhere today. God complains in the OT about all the people who would mouth all sorts of praises to Him, yet their hearts were far from Him. Where is that? Isa 55 maybe? Look it up.
You wrote: “My opinion of vp or all he wrought will not advance me one iota in GOD's sight nor will my "ignorance" of said vp detract at ALL from GOD and His Matchless love for me, or you, or anyone else, for that matter. The prize of the high calling is in Christ Jesus the LORD, not you, me, posters at GS or even ole vp wierwille!! ....and you seemingly DO NOT GET THAT!!!!”
I do certainly get that. What you do not get is that it’s the BOOKS that give us the ultimate knowledge of what you yearn for. It’s not VPW I am promoting, it’s the God Who gave him revelation that you will find in those books He had Dr print for Him. When you adopt the mind that is in there you will finally be able to jettison your old man nature. The books give us the mind of Christ.
Oakspear, I added "with any more surface veracity" to make things more clear.
[This message was edited by Mike on February 03, 2004 at 18:48.]
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That list of ok names to call people might be a good thing for us all to to see.
I sort of called IMF777 an egotist.
Was that a no-no?
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Mike: BIG clue--I see the mind of Christ in the New testament, right where it has Always been. And as you, I and many others were taught, 90% of the bible interprets right where it is written without vp or anyone else's commentaries. After a life-time of reading and studying the scripture, in the Lutheran church, in the way and on my own for the last 18 years of my life.... I will take my chances on my own with the Lord's help, the Lord's spirit and the brain God Almighty gave me. Your PFAL mantra notwithstanding, I expect to continue learning what GOD wants ME to learn without your help or advice and I AM SURE WE WILL ALL BE SURPRISED COME THAT RESURRECTION DAY, you included Mike, my boy....
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" “Come back to PFAL and master the written materials” is the main part."
is this because you don't trust going to the bible and you NEED to have the belief in vpw?
I don't like you, I don't dislike you, I don't know you other than by your words, and you sure seem to speak alot.
actually I kinda feel sorry for you and other posters here. you because you refuse to even think you may be wrong, others because they feed into you and what you say. but then who am I other than a reader of these silly posts.
casting pearls before swine?
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Paw, did you hear that? Alfakat called me “boy” with a look of condescension on his face! Is that legal?
Seriously, alfakat, you don’t see the mind of Christ well enough, in enough accurate detail, to become like him and do all the things he did and greater. Don’t ask me if I do, because I only do to the degree I have mastered the books. I’m working on it.
If you are careful, you’ll see that all versions, translations, and modern critical tests, are really just scholarly reconstructions, that sometimes are good, and sometimes not so good.
PFAL is the greatest hand of assistance from God to us in 2000 years, and your fear and pride are preventing you from seeing that your present approach has failed for all those who tried it for 2000 years.
[This message was edited by Mike on February 03, 2004 at 19:07.]
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I don’t trust the flawed versions of the Bible that abound. Neither do you if you correct any of the botched verses in them or augment any verses in the margins.
My belief is NOT in VPW, but in the God Who gave him the PFAL revelations.
Many people here post a lot of words. Why single me out?
I am honest and up front about my closed mind on these matters. Why don’t you criticize them for their closed minds as they pose and posture themselves as having an open mind. The earlier post by WhatTheHay nails them on how they don’t even consider trying out my message for even a second. At least I’m honest in that I have finished shopping, closed my mind like a steel vault, and will not consider any attacks on the integrity of this Word of God’s which He gave to us in PFAL.
Do YOU have an open mind to coming back to PFAL?
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well, Mikey--- lucky for me I don't happen to give 2 hoots about your suspect opinion. Who taught in what class that 90% of KJV interprets itself right where written??? As for the other 10%, I have had more practice than you know anything about, so you'll just have to excuse me if I don't limit myself to your small, petty view of God Almighty--after all, you and I are pots...I'll take my lead from the potter, not a fellow pot--sorry to pop your little bubble.....
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J0nny Ling0
Wow! Brady, did you know this would happen?
Jonny Lingo
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You wrote: “Who taught in what class that 90% of KJV interprets itself right where written??? As for the other 10%, I have had more practice than you know anything about, so you'll just have to excuse me if I don't limit myself to your small, petty view of God Almighty”
Who taught that? Not VPW! Not in the PFAL class!
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JL--Brady said he had read a number of Mike's threads, he's a smart guy--he knew....
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Mike--ask ANYBODY where that quote is from, ask Raf, ask Goey, ask any of 'em...cmon, man, you are SLIPPING....
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