I think I disagree with your premise, that everything has a counterfeit and a real. And the related premise that there is only one "real" and others must be counterfeit.
There are many different loves - all real. Many books - all real. I disagree that love is "a [sic]easy one" or that it's counterfeit is hate.
And you talk about a counterfeit church. I'm not sure I believe any church is real" but that doesn't make them all counterfeit.
By setting up two such opposite view points you define the question to fit your own view. This is exactly what the way did in their logic. So even if you come to a different conclusion from them, your methods show a high degree of similarity.
Since I got out, a huge change for me it to value methods, over conclusion. Life, as they say, is a journey not a destination.
I been doing more tinking on the Way as a group gather together for a purpose
Some the real believers were gather for truth of the real God
Some the Counterfeit believers were gather for lies of the god of money
Now like every time a store gets Counterfeit money they all so get real money
But they keep the real money and put it in the bank while they turn the Counterfeit over to the FBI and the FBI burns up all the Counterfeit money after using them in court
Is this not like what will happen in the end of time
The real believers will be put in the bank of God while the Counterfeit believer will be put in lake of fire
Hate is the opposite of love, not it's counterfeit. For anything that is counterfeit to be effective, it needs be as close as it can be to the original.
And if I may continue "3-cents'" thought a little further,
this "good or evil" simplistic thinking is what makes me crazy when discussing religion with any true-believer type.
Is anything in life (other than your religious tenets) so clearly delineated? Does the real world really divide into such neat compartments?
That's certainly not been my experience. At least since leaving the mental confines of Christian theology, I've suddenly discovered of veritable rainbow of colors along with numerous shades of gray, where formerly, only black and white were present...
Now if I make a piece of paper to look like a $20 bill, it's just art. Unless, I try to make someone believe it's a real $20 and since I'm not the government, and they are the only ones who can make a real one. Then my real art becomes a counterfiet bill.
Now does that mean a bill printed by the government, would be counterfeit art if someone tried to put it in a frame and sell it? If they got more than $20 for it as art, would that be real or would that be counterfeit?
Now if we could just make love instead of $20 bills it could be real art or it could be counterfeit love, depending on if we tried to pass it off as the real thing, or if we could sell it for more than $20 right?
quote: If "green" is real, what is its counterfeit?
green is one of the three colors all light rays come from
than one of the three colors of darkness would be its counterfeit maybe
Yes see I am still working this all out in my mind
with love Roy
PS as I post here my understanding grown more each day So what I believe to be so could be only part understanding of somthing but with help I get a better understanding each day
"green is one of the three colors all light rays come from".
Now I do not know much about light rays, but I have worked in the printing industry for nigh on a decade, and they deal with only four colours. Cyan (blue), Magenta (red), Yellow (yellow), and Black (black).
Green is a combination of Cyan (blue), and Yellow (yellow), and is NOT a primary colour. When you see green print, it is a combination of two colours, and you need to ask the question of yourself if it is "fake" or "real". -->
Guess that all depends on your viewpoint, and if you think inordinant amounts of one of the two colours was added, over the other. IE ... is it fake (counterfeit), or real (genuine) ? Your call :)-->
(ps. -- yes, white is a "given", since that is the colour of paper, but they really do use 4 colours in printing, and those are the four I mentioned -- CMYB -- and on white paper.) Back at ya!
Roy your site you posted shows that light source, is reflected in the printing industry. All green colours in the graphs there, had both yellow and blue right next to it. Green is a composite, and therefore subject to being a counterfeit.
As I said depends on the amount of .... yada, yada yada! :D--> However, I did save that site to my favourites, and will look at it more.
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I think I disagree with your premise, that everything has a counterfeit and a real. And the related premise that there is only one "real" and others must be counterfeit.
There are many different loves - all real. Many books - all real. I disagree that love is "a [sic]easy one" or that it's counterfeit is hate.
And you talk about a counterfeit church. I'm not sure I believe any church is real" but that doesn't make them all counterfeit.
By setting up two such opposite view points you define the question to fit your own view. This is exactly what the way did in their logic. So even if you come to a different conclusion from them, your methods show a high degree of similarity.
Since I got out, a huge change for me it to value methods, over conclusion. Life, as they say, is a journey not a destination.
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Hi My 3 Cents
with love Roy
Hi All
I been doing more tinking on the Way as a group gather together for a purpose
Some the real believers were gather for truth of the real God
Some the Counterfeit believers were gather for lies of the god of money
Now like every time a store gets Counterfeit money they all so get real money
But they keep the real money and put it in the bank while they turn the Counterfeit over to the FBI and the FBI burns up all the Counterfeit money after using them in court
Is this not like what will happen in the end of time
The real believers will be put in the bank of God while the Counterfeit believer will be put in lake of fire
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yeah ok Roy
real = bank
counterfeit = lake of fire
fine, the problem comes in on who thinks the real or the counterfeit may or may not be.
I think many are called but few are chosen and many will be in for a surprize surprize!
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Hate is the opposite of love, not it's counterfeit. For anything that is counterfeit to be effective, it needs be as close as it can be to the original.
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George Aar
And if I may continue "3-cents'" thought a little further,
this "good or evil" simplistic thinking is what makes me crazy when discussing religion with any true-believer type.
Is anything in life (other than your religious tenets) so clearly delineated? Does the real world really divide into such neat compartments?
That's certainly not been my experience. At least since leaving the mental confines of Christian theology, I've suddenly discovered of veritable rainbow of colors along with numerous shades of gray, where formerly, only black and white were present...
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Hi david Miller
If hate is not the counterfeit of love than maybe its lust
You see one day I may think about this and another day something elst
But I have been thinking about this thing some lately
So what do you think the counterfeit of love is
I am still working having all the answers I need for my life and that
is why I wrote this post to think out loud as I hear your views
with love Roy
Hi My 3 Cents and George Aar
Yes I divided my thinking from between good and bad
But when I find a person or a group of believers doing that which in my life I call a sin I do not judge them
Because for what I deside to be a lie in my life is one thing but for what another one desides to be a lie or truth in their life is there bussiness
Now I may tell them I do not believe they are right but only after we are like close family and with a open mind that I could be wrong
So I try to love everybody with the understanding that I am flesh too and how can I say my understanding is right and your is wrong
But what I can do is try to love each person the same
as I ask God about my walk and its up to them to ask God about their walk themself
with love Roy
Hi All
Yes I see things black and white but within the black in white a see shades of understanding of growth
More or less like the periods of life
1 seed
2 growing in womb
3 birth or new born
4 baby
5 child
6 teen age
7 grouth up
But that life that is natural but what would the spiritual life or growth be can it be in about the same order since we are born again
the black is the worldly birth and the white is the spirit birth
two choices with growth or shades within the choices
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If "green" is real, what is its counterfeit?
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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That's easy, teal.
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2027 (Roy) I agree with 3 cents. All love is real, but the couterfeit of true love, is false love -- not lust or hate, or whatever.
You will say false love is not "truely" love, and justly so, but it poses as such -- the same as the false $20 bill poses as the real deal.
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Now if I make a piece of paper to look like a $20 bill, it's just art. Unless, I try to make someone believe it's a real $20 and since I'm not the government, and they are the only ones who can make a real one. Then my real art becomes a counterfiet bill.
Now does that mean a bill printed by the government, would be counterfeit art if someone tried to put it in a frame and sell it? If they got more than $20 for it as art, would that be real or would that be counterfeit?
Now if we could just make love instead of $20 bills it could be real art or it could be counterfeit love, depending on if we tried to pass it off as the real thing, or if we could sell it for more than $20 right?
How enlightening!
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George Aar
What if you make love FOR a twenty-dollar bill ...
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Well, George, I just have to say it. Christians can see in color, too. Maybe it's not "Christian Theology" that's so confining....
Maybe it's just our own perspective and prejudices that box us in so.
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Ginger Tea
$20 dollar!!! I make you holler!
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Can I getta Dynamo hum...
(Sorry for the derail, Roy - I couldn't resist. Just wanna see whose a FZ fan.)
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ask and ye shall receive
...dynamo hum, dynamo hum, where's this dynamo coming from?
I done spent 3 hours and I ain't got a crumb -
from the dynamo, dynamo, dynamo - from the dynamo hum!!!
(my apologies to Roy, as well)
B - Better
O - Off
W - Without
t - the
w - way
i - international
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Hi All
It blesses me to see yall are having fun and this post changes direction I still have fun because its all about love and joy
Now thanks for the apologies but they were not needed but they bless me
A apologies is like a love note to me Thanks
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What The Hay
Kermit the frog.
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Hi What The Hay
green is one of the three colors all light rays come from
than one of the three colors of darkness would be its counterfeit maybe
Yes see I am still working this all out in my mind
PS as I post here my understanding grown more each day So what I believe to be so could be only part understanding of somthing but with help I get a better understanding each day
With love and peace Roy
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Roy you said ............ "quote" .....
"green is one of the three colors all light rays come from".
Now I do not know much about light rays, but I have worked in the printing industry for nigh on a decade, and they deal with only four colours. Cyan (blue), Magenta (red), Yellow (yellow), and Black (black).
Green is a combination of Cyan (blue), and Yellow (yellow), and is NOT a primary colour. When you see green print, it is a combination of two colours, and you need to ask the question of yourself if it is "fake" or "real".
Guess that all depends on your viewpoint, and if you think inordinant amounts of one of the two colours was added, over the other. IE ... is it fake (counterfeit), or real (genuine) ? Your call
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Hi David Miller
In printing and painting White is a base color most of the time because you print on white paper or use white for a base in painting
But the eye sees in only three colors and you can check it by
# http://www.sencore.com/newsletter/Mar02/Co...rticlepartI.htm
try this web page
With love and peace Roy
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Roy headed there now. TY.
(ps. -- yes, white is a "given", since that is the colour of paper, but they really do use 4 colours in printing, and those are the four I mentioned -- CMYB -- and on white paper.) Back at ya!
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Roy your site you posted shows that light source, is reflected in the printing industry. All green colours in the graphs there, had both yellow and blue right next to it. Green is a composite, and therefore subject to being a counterfeit.
As I said depends on the amount of .... yada, yada yada!
:D--> However, I did save that site to my favourites, and will look at it more.
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