Is there any way to get proof that the twi paid 29k for a spot on tv.
I think with times being so hard that they cant take care of Mrs. W and the local joe believer puts up the money for every meeting that the local joe believer should know where his abs is going.
Maybe they should advertise in the want ads: "Individuals wanted for religious organization. Must be young, have no health or other problems, and especially, no financial obligations. Pay and benefits questionable."
Well, twi put themselves in the spotlight. I hope they are prepared for their true colors to be in the spotlight also. It's the price they should pay since they hurt so many people.
"Don't mess with the bull, or you'll get the horns."
ah, indeed. And the house. Has it been sold i guess?
quote:Originally posted by excathedra:
TWI paid $29,000 for the taping....
i wonder whose idea this was.... do ya think maybe a frustrated performer ?
anybody remember high country caravan and the like :)-->
"There is no use trying" said Alice, "one can't believe impossible things".
"I dare say, you haven’t had much practice" said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast".
I'm glad I didn't see it. Seeing RFR's sappy smile that early in the morning might be too hard to take. I know that was the case every day that I worked for her.
Terry Bradshaw was with the Pittsburgh Steelers and not the Patriots. Great thought, though. Had he been one of the two Patriots back then, he would probably be a Greasespotter now, wondering why the hell he did a spot for them.
Ha! Then again, Greasespot would have marked and avoided him for that.
I’ve also talked with an executive who works for Broadcast News Channel, the company that produced the paid advertisement on TWI. He didn’t want his name used but was more than happy to discuss the issue with me (and has spent the better part of the day dealing with it).
Apparently, sufficient research about the group was not conducted first. The person I spoke to characterized himself as a "spirit filled " Christian and deeply regrets it. They have put in place some systems to check deeper into any organizations they profile in the future. He also said that they have already contacted Bradshaw and MSNBC about the matter.
According to this person, the tape will not be reproduced. He did say that The Way spent 29,000 on the piece. It won’t be aired again.
He let me know that he has gotten "deluged" with emails from ex-Way posters, and was clearly not aware of the negative impact the organization has had on people. He has been reading GS and other ex-Way sites today. He told me that something like this will never happen again.
I was more than a little impressed with his concern about the matter.
Lots of ex-Wayfers were on the ball today. Great to see. I’m sure we’ll be getting more info.
ps. They got the message with the emails.
[This message was edited by pawtucket on February 04, 2004 at 20:09.]
I'm not so sure Imus has anything to do with that commercial. It is during his two minute break and a spot that MSNBC chose to run it. I would doubt he even pays attention to it. I know a few radio jocks, and he is likely ignoring what is on, and setting up for his next set after the commercial.
Contacting MSNBC would be proper, but yet again, the producer has promised to yank the commercial. So there isn't action they will need to take either.
What needs to be done, is put together a documentary, or commercial explaining what the Way is. Show them in the light that they are and deserve.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"..........but hey, I love to see a good Clothesline once in a while!
Since so many have lodged protests to the station, I thought it to be redundant to do so also, but sent them a thank-you e-mail, for taking such prompt action on the matter.
I did lodge a mini-complaint about the fact twi was advertising , but the main thrust of the letter was gratitude for them, and their decisive action. Hope you all do the same.
We do not hear, pay attention or give two hoots what is being advertised. Only that the spot is playing!
Writing Imus wouldn't do any good, I can assure you.
If twenty people wrote and said "I don't like Brawny paper towels, they leak. You must stop advertising them" I doubt very much he'd lose much sleep over it.
Whereas ads and content should compliment each other, that's not always the case. $$ is $$ and $$ and TV!
I can't help but think that this ad was TWI's attempt at ministering to their own public image, either for recruiting new people or for improving their general status beyond Weirwille Rd. Given the rowdy yet vibrant and critical voice of the ex-Way community on the internet, dealing with their reputation makes sense. May not have been one of their more brilliant moments, but isn't it a fascinating little choice? Headed out with a fistful of horn o' plenty dollars and bought themselves some face time.
And my oh my, is it ever a decidedly corporate strategy. I find that so very interesting.
Nice try boys. And thanks! We kinda needed a little something to focus on. Make no mistake however - we're here, we're in gear, and we're NOT going away.
Tony Collins problems were not just with the league office, he had a cocaine problem.
Irving Fryar, as a poster earlier correctly described, had domestic abuse problems.
I doubt Bradshaw knew anything about TWI before or since, but probably will learn.
If the guy at the agency that produced the spot is a "Spirit-filled" Christian, he probably also heard from regular churches with knowledge of TWI about how they are a cult...
While I believe Corrydj's insight is correct, that doesn't preclude Imus taking an interest in a scandalous situation from a spot that aired, but because of concerns was immediately pulled.
So, I wouldn't discourage contacting Imus, but don't expect him to be concerned about it, but he MIGHT.
And on the issue of using TV, yes, as PamSD says, how "corporate".
But don't forget that the mormon church as used TV extensively, especially at Christmas time, to get people to call in and ask for a "free copy of the Book of Mormon." And they've done so in more than one year, so they've probably gotten some results from it.
thanks to the companies for understanding and helping. it's nice to know they care.
it wouldn't be to hard now to ask.
mr midia, if you're still looking at GSpot, will you let us use your equipment and we will do a document on film about the true TWI? I for one would be more than happy to be on the team, even got some experience hehe. it would be a shocker of a film with rates sure to put it at the top. :)-->
we'll even give the current BOD the right to respond unedited.
The ad spot has to be for their public image, since we all know Wierwille Road is a dead-end street.
I for one am here, in gear, and locking into 4-wheel drive, and ready to ride over the "bumps" on Highway 29, and Wierwille Rd. :D--> Maybe flatten a few in the process. Hope so. :)--> especially the "corporate" bumps. :D--> :D-->
The mormons have used advertising for years, but then again so have other religions and cultures.
I remember right after 9/11 we'd see ads from the Saudi govt. telling us we they were our friends.
Certainly, there is a lot of controversy there, but they are allowed to do it. This is a democracy and free enterprise still exisists after all, so, someone(s) complaining wouldn't make a dent, I believe.
When I see those Mormon ads, I think about poor Elizabeth Smart and how if she wasn't brought up the way she was, she might not have gone along with the psyhco so easily. But, then again, they are allowed to advertise.
I say let them have it. It is their right to do so, although I'm not sure who they're trying to reach with other peoples money.
Never ending cycle...recruit more people using other people's money to get more people's money, and so on.
I know mine is not a popular view, but I believe it all comes out in the wash in the end.
I say let them have it too, corrydj. Of course they are allowed to do it. It's absolutely their right, and they may even get some "results" as Rocky said. They certainly need to try.
Letting folks know there is another side to TWI's story is about all we can do. And that's plenty. We've already made a dent. This gesture on their part says as much to me about us, and our presence online, as it does about them. Their corporate "wash" has been hanging on the line for awhile now.
Holy ****. Miss G-Spot for a couple of days, check in and----WOW! At first I thought Rottie Girl must have been joking, but NO!
TWI went public IN A BIG WAY! Just when many of us thought they were not really interested anymore in attracting new members. (After all, most fellowships no longer go door to door or even, Wonder Mall witnessing anymore. And the Way Disciple and Way Corp programs are a gigantic joke.)
Maybe they figured out that, if they don't do something drastic, it will all wittle down to nothing pretty soon. With followership numbers steadily heading in the negative direction, it doesn't take revelation to figure out that another strategy was in order, if they had any hope of turning things around. But you know, they signed their own death warrant long ago, when they ran rough-shod over so many thousands of lives. And they might have been able to continue with impunity, were it not for the good of internet---and specifically, web-sites by former followers who finally found their voice, and pulled a, "I'M MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!". THANK YOU, PAWTUCKET!
The way in which G-spotters managed to so quickly pull TWI's plug is definitely a victory for our side. I wonder though, how many times this two minute bit of drivel managed to air before someone like Rottie Girl caught it...
I also wonder if The Way leadership gave the folks in their fellowships a heads-up concerning the airing of this spot. Certainly, there was no indication in my house that such a thing would be happening. I wonder if my spouse and kids knew about it. One thing I KNOW they didn't know, is that The Way spent 29,000 dollars of ABS in order to run this ad! I wonder what my DH would think about that..?
Question now is: How many unsuspecting regular folks were there that saw the TWI spot on IMUS, that might, as a result, be susceptible to their Bull****?
I wonder how we might persuade MSNBC to do an investigative segment on TWI. They might feel like they've been suckered, and want to correct their error.
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I do not post much, but i come here a lot.
Is there any way to get proof that the twi paid 29k for a spot on tv.
I think with times being so hard that they cant take care of Mrs. W and the local joe believer puts up the money for every meeting that the local joe believer should know where his abs is going.
I would share this to any one that would listen..
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Maybe they should advertise in the want ads: "Individuals wanted for religious organization. Must be young, have no health or other problems, and especially, no financial obligations. Pay and benefits questionable."
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Well, twi put themselves in the spotlight. I hope they are prepared for their true colors to be in the spotlight also. It's the price they should pay since they hurt so many people.
"Don't mess with the bull, or you'll get the horns."
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
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ah, indeed. And the house. Has it been sold i guess?
"There is no use trying" said Alice, "one can't believe impossible things".
"I dare say, you haven’t had much practice" said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast".
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Linda Z
I'm glad I didn't see it. Seeing RFR's sappy smile that early in the morning might be too hard to take. I know that was the case every day that I worked for her.
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Rottie Grrrl:
Terry Bradshaw was with the Pittsburgh Steelers and not the Patriots. Great thought, though. Had he been one of the two Patriots back then, he would probably be a Greasespotter now, wondering why the hell he did a spot for them.
Ha! Then again, Greasespot would have marked and avoided him for that.
Marked and Avoided
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Hope you are too funny. I think you would have sprayed your coffee all over you and tossed your "cookies". hahahahahahahaha
Now they are the 'greasespots by midnight'.
Anyone thought of contacting IMUS, he'll make mincemeat out of them if he knows about the ad.
Better yet, let ole Bill O'Reilly know. He'll call MSNBC on the carpet for not 'doing their homework' before promoting this group.
roflmao my cookies!
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I’ve also talked with an executive who works for Broadcast News Channel, the company that produced the paid advertisement on TWI. He didn’t want his name used but was more than happy to discuss the issue with me (and has spent the better part of the day dealing with it).
Apparently, sufficient research about the group was not conducted first. The person I spoke to characterized himself as a "spirit filled " Christian and deeply regrets it. They have put in place some systems to check deeper into any organizations they profile in the future. He also said that they have already contacted Bradshaw and MSNBC about the matter.
According to this person, the tape will not be reproduced. He did say that The Way spent 29,000 on the piece. It won’t be aired again.
He let me know that he has gotten "deluged" with emails from ex-Way posters, and was clearly not aware of the negative impact the organization has had on people. He has been reading GS and other ex-Way sites today. He told me that something like this will never happen again.
I was more than a little impressed with his concern about the matter.
Lots of ex-Wayfers were on the ball today. Great to see. I’m sure we’ll be getting more info.
ps. They got the message with the emails.
[This message was edited by pawtucket on February 04, 2004 at 20:09.]
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Paw! Ask him for a copy!
Let's all chip in for the rights. We could post the thing here.
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I did.
but no copies means no copies
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Hope R.
Lorna Doone wrote:
You're right. Not a bad idea.
Hope R. color>size>face>
...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
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I'm not so sure Imus has anything to do with that commercial. It is during his two minute break and a spot that MSNBC chose to run it. I would doubt he even pays attention to it. I know a few radio jocks, and he is likely ignoring what is on, and setting up for his next set after the commercial.
Contacting MSNBC would be proper, but yet again, the producer has promised to yank the commercial. So there isn't action they will need to take either.
What needs to be done, is put together a documentary, or commercial explaining what the Way is. Show them in the light that they are and deserve.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"..........but hey, I love to see a good Clothesline once in a while!
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Nice to see some meat pulled out of the mouth of the lion once in a while.
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Rottie Thank you for telling us all this!!
Since so many have lodged protests to the station, I thought it to be redundant to do so also, but sent them a thank-you e-mail, for taking such prompt action on the matter.
I did lodge a mini-complaint about the fact twi was advertising
, but the main thrust of the letter was gratitude for them, and their decisive action. Hope you all do the same.
Shoot low. TWI is riding Shetlands!
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Gold Medals, Blue Ribbons, and all those other cool awards go to ----->>>>>
1) Rottie grrrl for bringing this to our attention ;
2) Bob, for the link to the station :
3) All who took the time to let them know what we found out thru painful experience. May we never have to do so again.
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I am a radio jock and you're right on.
We do not hear, pay attention or give two hoots what is being advertised. Only that the spot is playing!
Writing Imus wouldn't do any good, I can assure you.
If twenty people wrote and said "I don't like Brawny paper towels, they leak. You must stop advertising them" I doubt very much he'd lose much sleep over it.
Whereas ads and content should compliment each other, that's not always the case. $$ is $$ and $$ and TV!
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I can't help but think that this ad was TWI's attempt at ministering to their own public image, either for recruiting new people or for improving their general status beyond Weirwille Rd. Given the rowdy yet vibrant and critical voice of the ex-Way community on the internet, dealing with their reputation makes sense. May not have been one of their more brilliant moments, but isn't it a fascinating little choice? Headed out with a fistful of horn o' plenty dollars and bought themselves some face time.
And my oh my, is it ever a decidedly corporate strategy. I find that so very interesting.
Nice try boys. And thanks! We kinda needed a little something to focus on. Make no mistake however - we're here, we're in gear, and we're NOT going away.
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Gosh, I'm sorry I didn't see this thread earlier.
Too bad noone has Tivo (that saw it)!
Tony Collins problems were not just with the league office, he had a cocaine problem.
Irving Fryar, as a poster earlier correctly described, had domestic abuse problems.
I doubt Bradshaw knew anything about TWI before or since, but probably will learn.
If the guy at the agency that produced the spot is a "Spirit-filled" Christian, he probably also heard from regular churches with knowledge of TWI about how they are a cult...
While I believe Corrydj's insight is correct, that doesn't preclude Imus taking an interest in a scandalous situation from a spot that aired, but because of concerns was immediately pulled.
So, I wouldn't discourage contacting Imus, but don't expect him to be concerned about it, but he MIGHT.
And on the issue of using TV, yes, as PamSD says, how "corporate".
But don't forget that the mormon church as used TV extensively, especially at Christmas time, to get people to call in and ask for a "free copy of the Book of Mormon." And they've done so in more than one year, so they've probably gotten some results from it.
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thanks to the companies for understanding and helping. it's nice to know they care.
it wouldn't be to hard now to ask.
mr midia, if you're still looking at GSpot, will you let us use your equipment and we will do a document on film about the true TWI? I for one would be more than happy to be on the team, even got some experience hehe. it would be a shocker of a film with rates sure to put it at the top.
we'll even give the current BOD the right to respond unedited.
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Pamsandiego yep, 100% correct.
The ad spot has to be for their public image, since we all know Wierwille Road is a dead-end street.

I for one am here, in gear, and locking into 4-wheel drive, and ready to ride over the "bumps" on Highway 29, and Wierwille Rd.
:D--> Maybe flatten a few in the process. Hope so.
:)--> especially the "corporate" bumps.
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Rocky, you actually bring up a good point.
The mormons have used advertising for years, but then again so have other religions and cultures.
I remember right after 9/11 we'd see ads from the Saudi govt. telling us we they were our friends.
Certainly, there is a lot of controversy there, but they are allowed to do it. This is a democracy and free enterprise still exisists after all, so, someone(s) complaining wouldn't make a dent, I believe.
When I see those Mormon ads, I think about poor Elizabeth Smart and how if she wasn't brought up the way she was, she might not have gone along with the psyhco so easily. But, then again, they are allowed to advertise.
I say let them have it. It is their right to do so, although I'm not sure who they're trying to reach with other peoples money.
Never ending cycle...recruit more people using other people's money to get more people's money, and so on.
I know mine is not a popular view, but I believe it all comes out in the wash in the end.
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I say let them have it too, corrydj. Of course they are allowed to do it. It's absolutely their right, and they may even get some "results" as Rocky said. They certainly need to try.
Letting folks know there is another side to TWI's story is about all we can do. And that's plenty. We've already made a dent. This gesture on their part says as much to me about us, and our presence online, as it does about them. Their corporate "wash" has been hanging on the line for awhile now.
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Cherished Child
Holy ****. Miss G-Spot for a couple of days, check in and----WOW! At first I thought Rottie Girl must have been joking, but NO!
TWI went public IN A BIG WAY! Just when many of us thought they were not really interested anymore in attracting new members. (After all, most fellowships no longer go door to door or even, Wonder Mall witnessing anymore. And the Way Disciple and Way Corp programs are a gigantic joke.)
Maybe they figured out that, if they don't do something drastic, it will all wittle down to nothing pretty soon. With followership numbers steadily heading in the negative direction, it doesn't take revelation to figure out that another strategy was in order, if they had any hope of turning things around. But you know, they signed their own death warrant long ago, when they ran rough-shod over so many thousands of lives. And they might have been able to continue with impunity, were it not for the good of internet---and specifically, web-sites by former followers who finally found their voice, and pulled a, "I'M MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!". THANK YOU, PAWTUCKET!
The way in which G-spotters managed to so quickly pull TWI's plug is definitely a victory for our side. I wonder though, how many times this two minute bit of drivel managed to air before someone like Rottie Girl caught it...
I also wonder if The Way leadership gave the folks in their fellowships a heads-up concerning the airing of this spot. Certainly, there was no indication in my house that such a thing would be happening. I wonder if my spouse and kids knew about it. One thing I KNOW they didn't know, is that The Way spent 29,000 dollars of ABS in order to run this ad! I wonder what my DH would think about that..?
Question now is: How many unsuspecting regular folks were there that saw the TWI spot on IMUS, that might, as a result, be susceptible to their Bull****?
I wonder how we might persuade MSNBC to do an investigative segment on TWI. They might feel like they've been suckered, and want to correct their error.
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