Funny, they say the selection process was thorough, but that is not what MSNBC says. They also forgot to mention the $29K they spent to make the commercial (your abs at work) and even more importantly, that MSNBC pulled the commercial off the air!
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
I guess no copies means no copies except for the people that paid for it originally. I'll have to keep emailing MSNBC and Terry Bradshaw's people that their endorsement of a documented, destructive cult is alive and well and being exploited to its fullest on the world wide web.
wow, i was looking for it since i saw the origonal post. like we ever cared why rosalie joined and it is interesting how they did not mention the last president and why he's not there, nor was there much mention of Wierwille and all we saw was the WOW Auditorium and the lunchroom annex?? wierd. They could've shown the fountain or the OSC building. its sick i remember that stands for outreach services center.
You know what made me the sickest? The home fellowship where the guy is leading the song. His arm has to go exactly right. Remember how we all had to practice that in the corps to get it right? Nothing was left to chance or up to God... Everything seems so phoney.
quote:You know what made me the sickest? The home fellowship where the guy is leading the song. His arm has to go exactly right. Remember how we all had to practice that in the corps to get it right? Nothing was left to chance or up to God... Everything seems so phoney.
That guy was pretty much raised in twi. He is the son of a reverend, and he recently graduated from the corpse. I liked him when I was on Staff. He is young, vivacious, and not religious. I hope his WC training didn't change him.
"...was chosen as one of five excellent nonprofit companies in the United States and, after going through a selection process, was named number one."
I sure hope The DNC has a better vetting process than MSNBC does!!!
Right at the end of the commercial there was a scene with people singing it the old WOW Auditorium. There was a Man up on the podium leading them in song... I wonder who THAT was???
Also they said it was "2 Minutes" my clock counted it at "5 Minutes" exactly ...A typo from TWI...couldn't be -->
Oddly enough the link doesnt work for me any more. If you find that you have the same problem You can find it under "Current News" on the home page....guess they are counting Hits...??? -->
[This message was edited by wasway on February 12, 2004 at 22:17.]
quote:Right at the end of the commercial there was a scene with people singing it the old WOW Auditorium. There was a Man up on the podium leading them in song... I wonder who THAT was???
I watched closely, but it's hard to tell. My guess is that it is T*d Ph*ll*ps. He is the one who usually does the song leading at the sunday services.
I don't know about you but I can't access the's website. I click on it..and it comes up with a message that I don't have permission to access it. I tried to do a straight access by and it says the same thing.....amazing...still M/A after all these years! :D-->
I will stick with this thread, since we have two others about the same topic.
TWI is up to something. Since leaving twi after running a twig for 5 years with a woman who became best friends with my wife...twi turned her against us and now she is the spiritual heavy HHF coordinator. She M&Aed us for 5 years.
My wife decided to send her a ChristmAS CARD this year and the HHFC sent Mrs Golfie a note! HHFC asked how each one in our family is, except me!
TWI is trying to get back their exPFAL grads. I think the infomercial they made is part of that plan.
mj, I am thankful that you know more than twi thinks you do. That way cannot con you anymore. You can help the world by exposing the current inner workings of twi. Secretcy is the key to The Adversary's success. Do you remember that from twi's Dealing With the Devil class?
I know the greasespot cafe works to help people understand how terror can happen amoung a group of mind sets that refuses to consider the fact they are no more or less than the average person who seeks God.
that is why I wont go back , I know the love of God is so much larger than any group. and they cant fool me not anymore I know the story my own and HIS! Together they make for a life to serve a Risen Christ not a man or a woman with a weekly hair do appointment.
they will say the same yet and this is what is killing me, they are still very ignorant (I am not sure if it by choice or design) in many areas of how God has written His bible.
They refuse to grow up and keep learning , REFUSE , they are afraid of other churches or denominations and that sends a huge RED FLAG to me (two or three and christ is within them it is written) I think sometimes they hate Jesus Christ and that is when I get angry , they do not have much to say about who He is except in the gospels as a standard of conduct. and then cope out with in that culture stuff! like He is of no use to me today.
they also will not touch the end times and Revelation and say it is to difficult to understand . hmmm nothing is to difficult for God and He wrote this book for a reason and that is for us to understand it , not just pretend it is not written.
But I do see the attraction I saw it when I was involved, I see it now . they will convince you of answers and many make alot of sense if you can remember coming from the RC or a drug scene or confusion before knowing the bible pfal taught.
and they will love you if you go along with the plan and design they know is right and respect you ! haha ( beginning of the problems!)
I would never tell someone not to get involved. I say people are people and if it makes you happy go , if your learning and it makes sense go, but when it fails you and people disappoint you or hurt you remember God is still on the throne for all , and Jesus Christ is the only one who will never leave or forsake you as a friend.
I go to many different groups and churches and often by myself and Christ is the one who meets me today and forever more Im in this bible gig with HIM for God. But when people where more important I recognize it as a fact for many today , and yep HONESTY is what works in life. A life of freedom demands honesty it just demands it, When I put my deals and rawness on the table for all to see as plain truth and reality is the only and I mean ONLY time I have have grown away from sin and found deliverence.
At first it takes someone to love you to listen to trouble and sin UNTILL you learn to recognize the LORD you serve as a constant life force . Then the world becomes dim and lies are easy to shout out as the problem instead of one another.
TWI still struggles with granting the Lord His Glory , they want it for them. They want to feed themselves and feel good about being the ONES who deliver . they never did and they never will it is a problem as to why they must isolate themselves into a cult like thinking of being special and then of course the getting cheap and weaker by the minute stale excuse of being the ones attacked.
They glorify satan more than God with all their whining about how much satan gets to destroy their life (hello Mike) . it is a pity party wrapped in self serving worship .
God is able to give us a good life a life full of Servce to the Risen Lord. TWI doesnt even recognize Jesus as the only Son of God with any purpose how can i think they would serve HIM? they do not they serve one another. It is very attractive .
I just watched that commercial and just had to laugh at what a bunch of old fogies TWI makes themselves out to be!!!
They are sitting in a library surrounded by ancient looking books, and a card catalog. -->
The homes featured where fellowships are taking place are decorated with ZERO style, color, or flair.
They all appear stiff, stilted, and OLD!!! Not a ministry I would be attracted to at all - and I am part of the highly desirable demographic that is returning to churches by the droves right now (mid-30's, young family, returning to the church).
either your children are grown in other words your old or your married without children or your family is in the thing deep meaning gramma and grampa.. and you get away with normal problems or needs families have like money or time without confrontation and issues.
old style, amen. Their infomercial reminds me of a movie, The Stepford Wives. I recommend anyone in twi to see it. The similarities might blow your mind.
Your post reminded me of the mission statement of the church I attend now.
"a community of believers in the livivng Christ, dedicated to love God with all our hearts, our minds, our gifts, and to present the gospel message by the power of the Holy Spirit in ways that anyone can accept Jesus as their savior and make Him their Lord. WHERE GOD IS GLORIFIED AND PEOPLE ARE DIGNIFIED."
Twi has ctricized, condemned, abased and abused a lot of people that I am personally aware of.
Today's sermon was about something I NEVER heard twi teach or saw their jeaders live in 20 years:
If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat Prov 25:21 and Lk 6:27-36.
Was browsing through the TWIt website and came across this paid advertisement again and thought I would bring this thread up top again.
When this first aired and many here heroicly sprang into action we thought that there would be egg on twi's collective face, but it seems we were wrong. The most we did was inform MSNBC about their faulty evaluation process. TWI still has this on their site and it is still plugged as a positive endorsement:
The Way International was selected to appear in a 2-minute broadcast on the MSNBC national cable television show "Pick of the Week"â„¢ with Terry Bradshaw on February 4, 2004. This show recognizes successful companies in various chosen fields and provides them positive coverage. The Way International was chosen as one of five excellent nonprofit companies in the United States and, after going through a selection process, was named number one.
So inspite of our speedy correction they are still using it as positive press.
So I have a suggestion...perhaps we could have something about this on the main page to combat their false claim of being picked #1 after a rigorous selection process. There needs to be information about this easily available for both the Way curious and the uninformed innie to discover without spending hours in the archives or coming across it by chance.
I also wonder if anyone had documented info on TWI paying for this "ad". I also thought that someone said the producer had said twi wouldn't be allowed to play it again. I can see how they would have a right to do so, though, if they paid for it. All of this needs to be more readily available for the lurkers around here to show yet another way that TWI has purposely twisted the facts to sell their product. Plus I would like to be able to discuss this with family with more of a position than just a post from some guy who knew a guy that said something somewhere.
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I just emailed IMUS suggesting he owed his public
a warning about that Cult he "supports" by showing the AD.
I also suggested they do a tell all story about WAY tactics after getting burned so.
Apparently not everybody knows The Way is a CULT.
I stopped short of telling him about GREASEPOTCAFE.
Maybe we should.
That was fun.
Egg on his face.
Bet he was ....ed off when he found out.
If your still in...Get Out Now
[This message was edited by fortunateone on February 09, 2004 at 8:59.]
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TWI has the commercial posted on their
web site.
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Funny, they say the selection process was thorough, but that is not what MSNBC says. They also forgot to mention the $29K they spent to make the commercial (your abs at work) and even more importantly, that MSNBC pulled the commercial off the air!
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
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I guess no copies means no copies except for the people that paid for it originally. I'll have to keep emailing MSNBC and Terry Bradshaw's people that their endorsement of a documented, destructive cult is alive and well and being exploited to its fullest on the world wide web.
Fold TWI, Fold!
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Sure makes it all seem so wonderful...
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I had a hard time not puking watching that thing.
John Rupp should learn to read cue cards better.
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wow, i was looking for it since i saw the origonal post. like we ever cared why rosalie joined and it is interesting how they did not mention the last president and why he's not there, nor was there much mention of Wierwille and all we saw was the WOW Auditorium and the lunchroom annex?? wierd. They could've shown the fountain or the OSC building. its sick i remember that stands for outreach services center.
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Dot Matrix
Wow, Harvey looks so different.
You know what made me the sickest? The home fellowship where the guy is leading the song. His arm has to go exactly right. Remember how we all had to practice that in the corps to get it right? Nothing was left to chance or up to God... Everything seems so phoney.
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Dot Matrix
Thanks for posting it.
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That guy was pretty much raised in twi. He is the son of a reverend, and he recently graduated from the corpse. I liked him when I was on Staff. He is young, vivacious, and not religious. I hope his WC training didn't change him.
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
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"...was chosen as one of five excellent nonprofit companies in the United States and, after going through a selection process, was named number one."
I sure hope The DNC has a better vetting process than MSNBC does!!!
Right at the end of the commercial there was a scene with people singing it the old WOW Auditorium. There was a Man up on the podium leading them in song... I wonder who THAT was???
Also they said it was "2 Minutes" my clock counted it at "5 Minutes" exactly ...A typo from TWI...couldn't be
Oddly enough the link doesnt work for me any more. If you find that you have the same problem You can find it under "Current News" on the home page....guess they are counting Hits...???
[This message was edited by wasway on February 12, 2004 at 22:17.]
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EX just read your post about the "hedge".

No wonder I have cracked plaster on my walls!
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Whoa, that was creepy.
Thank you so much for that link to the upcoming
remake of "The Stepford Wives"!
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I watched closely, but it's hard to tell. My guess is that it is T*d Ph*ll*ps. He is the one who usually does the song leading at the sunday services.
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
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Dot Matrix
I hope the song leader guy stays sweet and cool as well!
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I don't know about you but I can't access the's website. I click on it..and it comes up with a message that I don't have permission to access it. I tried to do a straight access by and it says the same thing.....amazing...still M/A after all these years!
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and you were just now (2/21/04)told about this "interview" that twi spent $29,000 of your abs to make? Notice when this was first posted.
The commercial lasted like 2 minutes. Then some guy came on called Terry Bradshaw and said "this is Terry Bradshaw's pick of the week!"
I can't believe it.
posted Feb 04, 04 07:04 AM
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yeah Im not in they just want me to be .
long story . I talk to them but it is getting worse in the discussions so not very often.
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I will stick with this thread, since we have two others about the same topic.
TWI is up to something. Since leaving twi after running a twig for 5 years with a woman who became best friends with my wife...twi turned her against us and now she is the spiritual heavy HHF coordinator. She M&Aed us for 5 years.
My wife decided to send her a ChristmAS CARD this year and the HHFC sent Mrs Golfie a note! HHFC asked how each one in our family is, except me!
TWI is trying to get back their exPFAL grads. I think the infomercial they made is part of that plan.
mj, I am thankful that you know more than twi thinks you do. That way cannot con you anymore. You can help the world by exposing the current inner workings of twi. Secretcy is the key to The Adversary's success. Do you remember that from twi's Dealing With the Devil class?
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Thank you Golie.
I know the greasespot cafe works to help people understand how terror can happen amoung a group of mind sets that refuses to consider the fact they are no more or less than the average person who seeks God.
that is why I wont go back , I know the love of God is so much larger than any group. and they cant fool me not anymore I know the story my own and HIS! Together they make for a life to serve a Risen Christ not a man or a woman with a weekly hair do appointment.
they will say the same yet and this is what is killing me, they are still very ignorant (I am not sure if it by choice or design) in many areas of how God has written His bible.
They refuse to grow up and keep learning , REFUSE , they are afraid of other churches or denominations and that sends a huge RED FLAG to me (two or three and christ is within them it is written) I think sometimes they hate Jesus Christ and that is when I get angry , they do not have much to say about who He is except in the gospels as a standard of conduct. and then cope out with in that culture stuff! like He is of no use to me today.
they also will not touch the end times and Revelation and say it is to difficult to understand . hmmm nothing is to difficult for God and He wrote this book for a reason and that is for us to understand it , not just pretend it is not written.
But I do see the attraction I saw it when I was involved, I see it now . they will convince you of answers and many make alot of sense if you can remember coming from the RC or a drug scene or confusion before knowing the bible pfal taught.
and they will love you if you go along with the plan and design they know is right and respect you ! haha ( beginning of the problems!)
I would never tell someone not to get involved. I say people are people and if it makes you happy go , if your learning and it makes sense go, but when it fails you and people disappoint you or hurt you remember God is still on the throne for all , and Jesus Christ is the only one who will never leave or forsake you as a friend.
I go to many different groups and churches and often by myself and Christ is the one who meets me today and forever more Im in this bible gig with HIM for God. But when people where more important I recognize it as a fact for many today , and yep HONESTY is what works in life. A life of freedom demands honesty it just demands it, When I put my deals and rawness on the table for all to see as plain truth and reality is the only and I mean ONLY time I have have grown away from sin and found deliverence.
At first it takes someone to love you to listen to trouble and sin UNTILL you learn to recognize the LORD you serve as a constant life force . Then the world becomes dim and lies are easy to shout out as the problem instead of one another.
TWI still struggles with granting the Lord His Glory , they want it for them. They want to feed themselves and feel good about being the ONES who deliver . they never did and they never will it is a problem as to why they must isolate themselves into a cult like thinking of being special and then of course the getting cheap and weaker by the minute stale excuse of being the ones attacked.
They glorify satan more than God with all their whining about how much satan gets to destroy their life (hello Mike) . it is a pity party wrapped in self serving worship .
God is able to give us a good life a life full of Servce to the Risen Lord. TWI doesnt even recognize Jesus as the only Son of God with any purpose how can i think they would serve HIM? they do not they serve one another. It is very attractive .
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Mocha Tree Girl
I just watched that commercial and just had to laugh at what a bunch of old fogies TWI makes themselves out to be!!!
They are sitting in a library surrounded by ancient looking books, and a card catalog.
The homes featured where fellowships are taking place are decorated with ZERO style, color, or flair.
They all appear stiff, stilted, and OLD!!! Not a ministry I would be attracted to at all - and I am part of the highly desirable demographic that is returning to churches by the droves right now (mid-30's, young family, returning to the church).
Once again - they have no clue!
DeColores! B-
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either your children are grown in other words your old or your married without children or your family is in the thing deep meaning gramma and grampa.. and you get away with normal problems or needs families have like money or time without confrontation and issues.
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mocha tree,
old style, amen. Their infomercial reminds me of a movie, The Stepford Wives. I recommend anyone in twi to see it. The similarities might blow your mind.
Your post reminded me of the mission statement of the church I attend now.
"a community of believers in the livivng Christ, dedicated to love God with all our hearts, our minds, our gifts, and to present the gospel message by the power of the Holy Spirit in ways that anyone can accept Jesus as their savior and make Him their Lord. WHERE GOD IS GLORIFIED AND PEOPLE ARE DIGNIFIED."
Twi has ctricized, condemned, abased and abused a lot of people that I am personally aware of.
Today's sermon was about something I NEVER heard twi teach or saw their jeaders live in 20 years:
If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat Prov 25:21 and Lk 6:27-36.
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Was browsing through the TWIt website and came across this paid advertisement again and thought I would bring this thread up top again.
When this first aired and many here heroicly sprang into action we thought that there would be egg on twi's collective face, but it seems we were wrong. The most we did was inform MSNBC about their faulty evaluation process. TWI still has this on their site and it is still plugged as a positive endorsement:
So inspite of our speedy correction they are still using it as positive press.
So I have a suggestion...perhaps we could have something about this on the main page to combat their false claim of being picked #1 after a rigorous selection process. There needs to be information about this easily available for both the Way curious and the uninformed innie to discover without spending hours in the archives or coming across it by chance.
I also wonder if anyone had documented info on TWI paying for this "ad". I also thought that someone said the producer had said twi wouldn't be allowed to play it again. I can see how they would have a right to do so, though, if they paid for it. All of this needs to be more readily available for the lurkers around here to show yet another way that TWI has purposely twisted the facts to sell their product. Plus I would like to be able to discuss this with family with more of a position than just a post from some guy who knew a guy that said something somewhere.
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