It's one thing to buy advertising time on a network, it's quite another to have the program exhibit you as the neighborhood good guys.
I'm sure they pulled it because they would have appeard to be endorsing twi as a bunch of community minded, helpful, soulful good guys. That's the difference between this piece & the mormon's ads.
When they sink to levels they never went to before (like the internet & tv ads), it just shows the desperation of twi. Kind of pathetic if you think about it.
hmmm and the homework wasn't done before hand because...?
Since when do these high end networks run any piece without dotting their i's and crossing their t's?
Actually it happens all the time. There is a lot of competition in the 24/7 news business (because really not that much NEWS happens all day every day) so they look for $$ anyway they can.
Lot's of stuff you think is "media" is actually paid for. Did you ever listen to the audio channels on an airplane? They have at least one with interviews and blurbs about up and coming business ideas. They sound like news but they are paid for by the interviewees. How do I know? I've been asked to pay $4000 to have my coaching business put on the air. I declined.
Makes me wonder about the music channels - do those performers or the record companies pay to get them heard? Could happen.
Did you know food companies pay for shelf space in supermarkets? Yup.
Doesn't surprise me at all that due diligence was not performed in filming a paying customer.
I do agree with the poster that said there is no such thing as bad press. TWI will be able to use this to their advantage. Even if MSNBC makes a retraction or correction (which I doubt will happen) most who see it will not make the connection. AND TWI will be able to tell their followers "We were featured on blah blah blah." I'm sure they won't tell them they paid to get featured.
So innies who don't check here (and many who do) will believe what makes them feel good. As they always have.
The way in which G-spotters managed to so quickly pull TWI's plug is definitely a victory for our side. I wonder though, how many times this two minute bit of drivel managed to air before someone like Rottie Girl caught it...
Well if they said they were going to STOP running it, then with it being the pick of the week, and yesterday being Wednesday, then probably we can expect it has run since Monday. I shudder to think how many people decided to contact them, out of those three days. But since only one of us here at G-spot saw it, then maybe not many people did. They are obviously going for the older demographics though, because that is what the Imus demos are. That and older corprate type demos. Which makes sense. They want WEALTHY people to become followers. I hate that word "followers." Greedy little beady-eyed bast......umm anyway.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"..........but hey, I love to see a good Clothesline once in a while!
Terry Bradshaw was involved with some Christian organization while he was still playing in the NFL. Then he was on a pre game show lamenting that the organization was corrupt and the preacher was "immoral" and such, so he might feel duty bound to personally investigate TWI if he hears enough about them.
The piece was a paid advertisement which aired just once, and according to the exec. for the company that produced it, it won't be aired again - or reproduced for TWI to use, as is typically the practice with these spots. Whatever "results" they got from it would appear to be a one-shot deal that got ... shot down. Not much bang for the abundant sharing buck there.
They should have went with the Super Bowl (only $1 mil+ to air) instead of cable news. They could have reached 1 billion folks. They could have got in right after Janet and Justin did their little attention o man that would have got those old Betamax machines going with new classes everywhere. It would have been instantaneous Word over the World. Not to mention all the pre-Super Bowl hype about the new ads. Hired a top advertising firm to produce a clever happening message like the donkey that wanted to be a Clydesdale (hired Mr. Ed and dressed him up as the donkey that talked in the Bible)...hired Paris Hilton as their spokesperson instead of RR (no cleavage there)...added a catchy tag line similar to "
Do the Due"..."Do the Word". It could have been a repeat of "Groovy Christians" all over again.
Ok, then it probably was only supposed to be aired once. Funny though........and now I am getting irritated about it.......I mean regardless, the production Co. would have to trim off some of the money that TWI paid if they didn't run the agreed amount of times. This to me is them making themselves sound better by saying, "We will never run it again." if they didn't intend to anyway. Something is just odd with their statement. I'll bet, for $29,000 that it was only intended to run once. That seems like the going rate for one produced commercial put on a major cable channel for 2 minutes. Think about it. 2 minutes is a long time in the media.
What I want is a retraction, not a "Sorry, we will never run it again. We're spirit-filled!" They supported a Cult. A dangerous Cult, called by many. They put Terry Bradshaws reputation at stake, as well as MSNBC. They dam well better do something, to correct it.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"..........but hey, I love to see a good Clothesline once in a while!
Don't expect a retraction. That would not apply in the case of a paid ad. The BEST we could hope for is to have it NOT run again.
I can't imagine they only intended to air it once. That wouldn't make sense. Also, from the earlier explanations, the $29K was to produce the spot. The air time would be a different story, and the one time, on Imus probably did NOT cost as much.
Paris Hilton, cleavage? The only cleavage she has is on the back side. -->
I'm sure they were going after the mature, wealthy individuals. Does anyone remember lcm teaching many times about how upper middle class people were the ones witnessed to in the Bible? He was telling people not to waste their time on people without a job, car or teeth and not to worry about the super rich, but those upper middle class people were the ones we were supposed to be targeting.
I haven't heard any annoucements about the ad and I'm sure they would not tell any of us that our abs paid for it. I haven't been paying much attention, but I would think it would have been too big a deal to sleep through.
It is odd that they so condemn the media and advertising of other churches but now all of a sudden it's okay.
I was involved in a partnership a lawn business. Just two of us. We were told that if we put out flyers we would receive at least a 6 percent response. So we printed up 1000 flyers and targeted certain neighborhoods that were in the $100,000 to $200,000 range. All day we placed those flyers on the doors and went home and sat by the phone. I'll be damned... it was true!!! We rec'd 80 phone calls. Out of that 80 we closed 24 contracts which gave us 2 quite a bump in our income.
Wait, wait, WAIT! What if they did a "love" offering to pay for the commercial. What would be just like them. They did it to raise money for the WOW (excuse me) Prevailing Word Auditorium. I think they had an offering for opening Gunnison too?
I'm thinking to much,
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man."
I'm sure they were going after the mature, wealthy individuals. Does anyone remember lcm teaching many times about how upper middle class people were the ones witnessed to in the Bible? He was telling people not to waste their time on people without a job, car or teeth and not to worry about the super rich, but those upper middle class people were the ones we were supposed to be targeting.
That is quite a stunning contrast to Jesus' original audience - lepers, prostitutes,
blind folks, crippled folks, "daemonics"
living in graveyards... typical "upper middle class" society (lol)....
I remember him teaching that Paul got revelation to go specifically to Macedonia and the "revelation" for our time was to witness to just the middle class. I am fairly sure he never said "upper middle class." I always assumed it was because they didn't want poor people and assumed that the wealthy would take one look at their "abundant life" and laugh.
dmiller - there are some people who post here who are still in TWI - mostly because their families are still involved. They're waiting for the right time to leave - until then, yes, they still send abs to HQ's.
seth - as far as I know, "love offerings" stopped when LCM made the Corps gift-free. Don't know about now, but as of 2000, there hadn't been one down here for a number of years.
Hope R. color>size>face>
...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
I'm glad that there are some people who are doing thier homework and catching this type of 'PR' tactic by TWI.
$29,000 for a 2 to 3 min. 'PR' video to help TWI look good? I'd say it blew up in thier faces, 'BIG' time.
It wouldn't suprise me a bit if the word has already gotten around to some of the other news networks about what has happened. Which is a good thing so TWI doesn't try to pull another stunt like this and try to give thier membership a boost, (I.E. them trying to make themselfs look like the good guys when they aren't).
Thank you to the people who took the time to write MSNBC and the others about what TWI really is and who they have hurt in the process. Now if the leadership trys again they won't have much luck in having another one of the 'PR' shows, show up again.
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It's one thing to buy advertising time on a network, it's quite another to have the program exhibit you as the neighborhood good guys.
I'm sure they pulled it because they would have appeard to be endorsing twi as a bunch of community minded, helpful, soulful good guys. That's the difference between this piece & the mormon's ads.
When they sink to levels they never went to before (like the internet & tv ads), it just shows the desperation of twi. Kind of pathetic if you think about it.
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Actually it happens all the time. There is a lot of competition in the 24/7 news business (because really not that much NEWS happens all day every day) so they look for $$ anyway they can.
Lot's of stuff you think is "media" is actually paid for. Did you ever listen to the audio channels on an airplane? They have at least one with interviews and blurbs about up and coming business ideas. They sound like news but they are paid for by the interviewees. How do I know? I've been asked to pay $4000 to have my coaching business put on the air. I declined.
Makes me wonder about the music channels - do those performers or the record companies pay to get them heard? Could happen.
Did you know food companies pay for shelf space in supermarkets? Yup.
Doesn't surprise me at all that due diligence was not performed in filming a paying customer.
I do agree with the poster that said there is no such thing as bad press. TWI will be able to use this to their advantage. Even if MSNBC makes a retraction or correction (which I doubt will happen) most who see it will not make the connection. AND TWI will be able to tell their followers "We were featured on blah blah blah." I'm sure they won't tell them they paid to get featured.
So innies who don't check here (and many who do) will believe what makes them feel good. As they always have.
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Well if they said they were going to STOP running it, then with it being the pick of the week, and yesterday being Wednesday, then probably we can expect it has run since Monday. I shudder to think how many people decided to contact them, out of those three days. But since only one of us here at G-spot saw it, then maybe not many people did. They are obviously going for the older demographics though, because that is what the Imus demos are. That and older corprate type demos. Which makes sense. They want WEALTHY people to become followers. I hate that word "followers." Greedy little beady-eyed bast......umm anyway.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"..........but hey, I love to see a good Clothesline once in a while!
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Terry Bradshaw was involved with some Christian organization while he was still playing in the NFL. Then he was on a pre game show lamenting that the organization was corrupt and the preacher was "immoral" and such, so he might feel duty bound to personally investigate TWI if he hears enough about them.
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The piece was a paid advertisement which aired just once, and according to the exec. for the company that produced it, it won't be aired again - or reproduced for TWI to use, as is typically the practice with these spots. Whatever "results" they got from it would appear to be a one-shot deal that got ... shot down. Not much bang for the abundant sharing buck there.
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They should have went with the Super Bowl (only $1 mil+ to air) instead of cable news. They could have reached 1 billion folks. They could have got in right after Janet and Justin did their little attention o man that would have got those old Betamax machines going with new classes everywhere. It would have been instantaneous Word over the World. Not to mention all the pre-Super Bowl hype about the new ads. Hired a top advertising firm to produce a clever happening message like the donkey that wanted to be a Clydesdale (hired Mr. Ed and dressed him up as the donkey that talked in the Bible)...hired Paris Hilton as their spokesperson instead of RR (no cleavage there)...added a catchy tag line similar to "
Do the Due"..."Do the Word". It could have been a repeat of "Groovy Christians" all over again.
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Ok, then it probably was only supposed to be aired once. Funny though........and now I am getting irritated about it.......I mean regardless, the production Co. would have to trim off some of the money that TWI paid if they didn't run the agreed amount of times. This to me is them making themselves sound better by saying, "We will never run it again." if they didn't intend to anyway. Something is just odd with their statement. I'll bet, for $29,000 that it was only intended to run once. That seems like the going rate for one produced commercial put on a major cable channel for 2 minutes. Think about it. 2 minutes is a long time in the media.
What I want is a retraction, not a "Sorry, we will never run it again. We're spirit-filled!" They supported a Cult. A dangerous Cult, called by many. They put Terry Bradshaws reputation at stake, as well as MSNBC. They dam well better do something, to correct it.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"..........but hey, I love to see a good Clothesline once in a while!
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doze, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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Don't expect a retraction. That would not apply in the case of a paid ad. The BEST we could hope for is to have it NOT run again.
I can't imagine they only intended to air it once. That wouldn't make sense. Also, from the earlier explanations, the $29K was to produce the spot. The air time would be a different story, and the one time, on Imus probably did NOT cost as much.
Paris Hilton, cleavage? The only cleavage she has is on the back side.
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I'm sure they were going after the mature, wealthy individuals. Does anyone remember lcm teaching many times about how upper middle class people were the ones witnessed to in the Bible? He was telling people not to waste their time on people without a job, car or teeth and not to worry about the super rich, but those upper middle class people were the ones we were supposed to be targeting.
I haven't heard any annoucements about the ad and I'm sure they would not tell any of us that our abs paid for it. I haven't been paying much attention, but I would think it would have been too big a deal to sleep through.
It is odd that they so condemn the media and advertising of other churches but now all of a sudden it's okay.
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I was involved in a partnership a lawn business. Just two of us. We were told that if we put out flyers we would receive at least a 6 percent response. So we printed up 1000 flyers and targeted certain neighborhoods that were in the $100,000 to $200,000 range. All day we placed those flyers on the doors and went home and sat by the phone. I'll be damned... it was true!!! We rec'd 80 phone calls. Out of that 80 we closed 24 contracts which gave us 2 quite a bump in our income.
But we were a reputable business.
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Wait, wait, WAIT! What if they did a "love" offering to pay for the commercial. What would be just like them. They did it to raise money for the WOW (excuse me) Prevailing Word Auditorium. I think they had an offering for opening Gunnison too?
I'm thinking to much,
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man."
Mark Twain
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That is quite a stunning contrast to Jesus' original audience - lepers, prostitutes,
blind folks, crippled folks, "daemonics"
living in graveyards... typical "upper middle class" society (lol)....
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I remember him teaching that Paul got revelation to go specifically to Macedonia and the "revelation" for our time was to witness to just the middle class. I am fairly sure he never said "upper middle class." I always assumed it was because they didn't want poor people and assumed that the wealthy would take one look at their "abundant life" and laugh.
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WOW what a thread
Check THIS!!! out
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Just when you thought it was safe to go in the water... glad there's something so urgent to focus the collective G force on...where's my tights and cape?
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That gave me smile. :-) Thanks!
Glad you're doing it because I'm pretty sure it's now against the law for me to wear tights. ;-)
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some people feel urgent in their belief that the way international is not a sweet home fellowship and would like others to know....
i guess one man's urgency is another man's joke?
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Doze...very funny!
My 3, music artists don't pay for those music channels on airlines, other way around.
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I have one question.
--> I keep hearing "our abs" being spent on this ad.
Is someone here still giving twi abs money??
Tell me it ain't so!!

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I'm sure they have hoarded enough money that some of our ABS we paid in, is still in there earning interest somewhere.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"..........but hey, I love to see a good Clothesline once in a while!
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dmiller, of course i'm still sending it in, isn't that the only way to keep that hedge around my house ?
;)--> ha !
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Hope R.
dmiller - there are some people who post here who are still in TWI - mostly because their families are still involved. They're waiting for the right time to leave - until then, yes, they still send abs to HQ's.
seth - as far as I know, "love offerings" stopped when LCM made the Corps gift-free. Don't know about now, but as of 2000, there hadn't been one down here for a number of years.
Hope R. color>size>face>
...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
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I'm glad that there are some people who are doing thier homework and catching this type of 'PR' tactic by TWI.
$29,000 for a 2 to 3 min. 'PR' video to help TWI look good? I'd say it blew up in thier faces, 'BIG' time.
It wouldn't suprise me a bit if the word has already gotten around to some of the other news networks about what has happened. Which is a good thing so TWI doesn't try to pull another stunt like this and try to give thier membership a boost, (I.E. them trying to make themselfs look like the good guys when they aren't).
Thank you to the people who took the time to write MSNBC and the others about what TWI really is and who they have hurt in the process. Now if the leadership trys again they won't have much luck in having another one of the 'PR' shows, show up again.
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