I asked if my options included suing my mother. I never said I was going to sue her. If the only option is to sue her, then I'd forget it. Got it?
My issue with you was your "get a job" mentalitly. It wasn't just insensitive, it was mean spirited
What's wrong woth Mcdonalds? Uh, I dunno, it's bad for you, it represents the lowest form of emplyment, it was all VPW's idea..take your choice. All I know is: that comment was not intersting, constructive or good advice. Today John Kerry said "yes unemployment is down but it's not real jobs, it's jobs fliipping burgers!"
I try not to get too ticked at internet posts, but yours enraged me.
Is it so wrong to want what's mine? I don't need a guilt trip from you telling me that raising a child is good enough. You can back peddle if you want but I know what you said and it sucked.
My issue with you was your "get a job" mentalitly. It wasn't just insensitive, it was mean spirited
What's wrong woth Mcdonalds? Uh, I dunno, it's bad for you, it represents the lowest form of emplyment, it was all VPW's idea..take your choice. All I know is: that comment was not intersting, constructive or good advice. Today John Kerry said "yes unemployment is down but it's not real jobs, it's jobs fliipping burgers!"
I try not to get too ticked at internet posts, but yours enraged me.
Is it so wrong to want what's mine? I don't need a guilt trip from you telling me that raising a child is good enough. You can back peddle if you want but I know what you said and it sucked.
Georgio, You know I don't know how you took the comment about working at mcdonalds but I really take exception on how you responded. As some have asked, what is wrong with working at mcdonalds?
I work at mcdonalds myself and really enjoy it. Does that mean I'm lower than you because YOU THINK you have a better job?
You think your enraged? Maybe you should try working at mcdonalds for that extra money. It might do you good. Knock down that pride a little.
I own my own home, have a decent car (which I just bought) and am raising two kids. I am independent and oh yeah, I work at mcdonalds.
You know I was really feeling for you and your thread but now I think I'm p i s s e d!!!!!!!!
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
[This message was edited by vickles on February 22, 2004 at 8:19.]
oh and another thing....I don't know if your a parent yourself but I know as I am a parent I've made some mistakes concerning my children. I'm also human and have made mistakes as a human.
I'm really sorry you feel that way towards your mother. But remember we all make mistakes in life and life is too short to hold anger.
Most of us have been ripped off by TWI, I certainly have and maybe someday I'll share it here. But then maybe not. Sometimes its better to let it go and move on.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
Maybe I'm slow but it didn't seem like you weren't necessarily telling Georgio to get a job at McDonalds but that it would be better than digging this whole mess up. Was I right?
All of us who were parents while in TWI had to make decisions. Sometimes they were bad decisions, heck, sometimes they were AWFUL decisions.
We look back at a lot of those decisions and with 20/20 hindsight see that they were wrong, hurtful, or just plain stupid.
TWI didn't literally steal your money, or mine, or anyone else's; they conned us, and we bought the con. In your case, your mother bought the con, and you were affected by her decision.
Most of us who gave our youth and our lives to TWI might have done things differently than we did if we knew what we know now...but we didn't know then what we know now. Your mother didn't think she was stealing from her son to purchase a worthless associate of theology degree, she saw it as an opportunity to serve God; I'm sure that she was convinced that what she was doing was best for her, and for you too.
It doesn't matter if we turn to dust...guess I'll see you dancin' in the ruins tonight
[This message was edited by Oakspear on February 22, 2004 at 12:55.]
Ok first of all I said McDonald's *represents* the lowest form of emplyment. I'm sorry if I offended with that statement. What I meant was this: I am talking about a potential lawsuit and this dude says go get a job at McDonalds. I don't think I'm higher than anyone, but I do have pride in my work. I didn't feel like the suggestion to get a job at McDonalds was a compliment towards McDonalds. It is culutrally, like I explained, considered not an *ideal* place to work. It is an expression not to be taken liteerally. Many times you will hear someone say things like "I am going to college so I don't have to work at McDonalds". Again I am sorry if I insulted the burger workers of the world. I was one once myself. I know what it's like to work there. I was not being litteral. I would have been just as mad if he said "maybe you should try washing windows" or "perhaps you should try becoming a janitor". All noble professions, all off the point I was making, all a way to tell me to get a job instead of suing. I was mad at the inference that I was tring to get rich quick or was lazy, nothing to do with McDonalds. Like I said that comment was not intersting, constructive or good advice.
The reasons I don't speak to my mother have very little to do with this money or the fact that she chose to raise me in a clut away from my family. Put it this way, if she were a man people would have no trouble telling me to stay away from her. But people have a hard time picturing themselves cutting off their mother. Trust me when I say , I need to stay away from her for my own sake and for the sake of the children I intend to have someday.
The reason I won't "let it go" without looking into it is because of TWI, not because of my mother. I let her go a long time ago and am at peace with that. If I weren't I'd sue her too.
And conning someone out of their money IS stealing. Worse even. I'd rather get mugged than have someone steal my child's inheritence by pretending to represent God. That's why I want to sue TWI. They conned my mother out of money that wasn't even hers.
direct result Georgio was abused and got majorly screwed...every reason in the WORLD to go after twi....imo
Oak ..ALL of us *let it go* far TOO often...for far to many years...that is one of the reasons that twi still IS quite capable of hurting folks.
If twi realises that the kids they abuse today can turn around and sue tomorrow...they just MIGHT make some policy changes that will ensure just a little better treatmen of the helpless ones... You KNOW the only thing that intimidates twi into changing harmfull policy is when the lawyer tell em they hafta or it`s gonna cost em major bucks...
Georgio is entitled to compensation, whether leagally or not...it remains to be seen what an attorney recomends...I DO know that in SOME states ....there is no statute of limitations on some issues....
Go for it Georgio...
Do you guys who want to sagely councel *forgive and move on* ....ever consider that THIS attitude ...granted it sounds nice....
could be a major reason WHY evil is able to flourish??
Consider the good that has resulted from the lawsuits brought against twi ....
people demanding compensation for vile treatment have resulted in enormous policy change...it finally got that alleged predator lcm out of a position of authority for one.....glad not everyone decides to just *move on* or *let it go* I think that such actions by gutsy people who aren`t intimidated into shutting up...are heroic.
[This message was edited by rascal on February 22, 2004 at 15:33.]
Thanks for considering my pov JT...I didn`t figure it would sit very well...(the reason I live in a shoe is like the old lady... I have SO many children .....that I don`t know what to do..lol)
quote:Put it this way, if she were a man people would have no trouble telling me to stay away from her. But people have a hard time picturing themselves cutting off their mother. Trust me when I say , I need to stay away from her for my own sake and for the sake of the children I intend to have someday.
If I am getting what your saying we are talking about some serious things.
It does not happen as often but there are mother's who use son's in that manner and it is CRIMINAL. Go for criminal charges if we are on the same page.
Go for it!
Now, if I am wrong pls forgive me. But that is what I understood the post to mean, I guess you could mean other things like drinking.
Thanks for the perspective Rascal, but unfortunately, GJ probably would have more success suing his mom, which he doesn't want to do, then suing TWI.
While most of us here can believe the incident happened (we've been there), it would be quite another thing to convince a judge or jury. From what's posted here it looks like there's proof that mama Jessio took money intended for Georgio and spent it on Corps tuition, good luck digging up any evidence that local "leadership", let alone the Trustees coerced her into taking the money.
I can imagine money being flushed down the legal toilet persuing this and still getting nothing.
It doesn't matter if we turn to dust...guess I'll see you dancin' in the ruins tonight
(((oak)) you are of course aproaching things logically...and are in all probability correct....I guess that I am just plain ....ed off at what twi and his Mom got away with I`d still like to see what an attorney said before he was talked out of pursuing the issue....
(Thankyou for not taking my head off for being purely emotional and illogical:-)
Actually Rascal, your emotional approach to issues here at GS is very helpful to me; you sometimes "mom" me into seeing things in a different light. And I notice that you give credence to my logical, or emotionless point of view quite often. I try to see both sides of an issue, even when I think one of the sides is a s.o.b.
Yin & Yang sister Rascal, it all fits into the big picture! :D-->
It doesn't matter if we turn to dust...guess I'll see you dancin' in the ruins tonight
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Georgio Jessio
I asked if my options included suing my mother. I never said I was going to sue her. If the only option is to sue her, then I'd forget it. Got it?
My issue with you was your "get a job" mentalitly. It wasn't just insensitive, it was mean spirited
What's wrong woth Mcdonalds? Uh, I dunno, it's bad for you, it represents the lowest form of emplyment, it was all VPW's idea..take your choice. All I know is: that comment was not intersting, constructive or good advice. Today John Kerry said "yes unemployment is down but it's not real jobs, it's jobs fliipping burgers!"
I try not to get too ticked at internet posts, but yours enraged me.
Is it so wrong to want what's mine? I don't need a guilt trip from you telling me that raising a child is good enough. You can back peddle if you want but I know what you said and it sucked.
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Georgio, You know I don't know how you took the comment about working at mcdonalds but I really take exception on how you responded. As some have asked, what is wrong with working at mcdonalds?
I work at mcdonalds myself and really enjoy it. Does that mean I'm lower than you because YOU THINK you have a better job?
You think your enraged? Maybe you should try working at mcdonalds for that extra money. It might do you good. Knock down that pride a little.
I own my own home, have a decent car (which I just bought) and am raising two kids. I am independent and oh yeah, I work at mcdonalds.
You know I was really feeling for you and your thread but now I think I'm p i s s e d!!!!!!!!
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
[This message was edited by vickles on February 22, 2004 at 8:19.]
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oh and another thing....I don't know if your a parent yourself but I know as I am a parent I've made some mistakes concerning my children. I'm also human and have made mistakes as a human.
I'm really sorry you feel that way towards your mother. But remember we all make mistakes in life and life is too short to hold anger.
Most of us have been ripped off by TWI, I certainly have and maybe someday I'll share it here. But then maybe not. Sometimes its better to let it go and move on.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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Maybe I'm slow but it didn't seem like you weren't necessarily telling Georgio to get a job at McDonalds but that it would be better than digging this whole mess up. Was I right?
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I loved my parents and they did something similar. For my life, I just let it go.
[This message was edited by JustThinking on February 22, 2004 at 9:44.]
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All of us who were parents while in TWI had to make decisions. Sometimes they were bad decisions, heck, sometimes they were AWFUL decisions.
We look back at a lot of those decisions and with 20/20 hindsight see that they were wrong, hurtful, or just plain stupid.
TWI didn't literally steal your money, or mine, or anyone else's; they conned us, and we bought the con. In your case, your mother bought the con, and you were affected by her decision.
Most of us who gave our youth and our lives to TWI might have done things differently than we did if we knew what we know now...but we didn't know then what we know now. Your mother didn't think she was stealing from her son to purchase a worthless associate of theology degree, she saw it as an opportunity to serve God; I'm sure that she was convinced that what she was doing was best for her, and for you too.
It doesn't matter if we turn to dust...guess I'll see you dancin' in the ruins tonight
[This message was edited by Oakspear on February 22, 2004 at 12:55.]
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Georgio Jessio
Ok first of all I said McDonald's *represents* the lowest form of emplyment. I'm sorry if I offended with that statement. What I meant was this: I am talking about a potential lawsuit and this dude says go get a job at McDonalds. I don't think I'm higher than anyone, but I do have pride in my work. I didn't feel like the suggestion to get a job at McDonalds was a compliment towards McDonalds. It is culutrally, like I explained, considered not an *ideal* place to work. It is an expression not to be taken liteerally. Many times you will hear someone say things like "I am going to college so I don't have to work at McDonalds". Again I am sorry if I insulted the burger workers of the world. I was one once myself. I know what it's like to work there. I was not being litteral. I would have been just as mad if he said "maybe you should try washing windows" or "perhaps you should try becoming a janitor". All noble professions, all off the point I was making, all a way to tell me to get a job instead of suing. I was mad at the inference that I was tring to get rich quick or was lazy, nothing to do with McDonalds. Like I said that comment was not intersting, constructive or good advice.
The reasons I don't speak to my mother have very little to do with this money or the fact that she chose to raise me in a clut away from my family. Put it this way, if she were a man people would have no trouble telling me to stay away from her. But people have a hard time picturing themselves cutting off their mother. Trust me when I say , I need to stay away from her for my own sake and for the sake of the children I intend to have someday.
The reason I won't "let it go" without looking into it is because of TWI, not because of my mother. I let her go a long time ago and am at peace with that. If I weren't I'd sue her too.
And conning someone out of their money IS stealing. Worse even. I'd rather get mugged than have someone steal my child's inheritence by pretending to represent God. That's why I want to sue TWI. They conned my mother out of money that wasn't even hers.
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Yeah oak..SHE was conned....so what?..as a
direct result Georgio was abused and got majorly screwed...every reason in the WORLD to go after twi....imo
Oak ..ALL of us *let it go* far TOO often...for far to many years...that is one of the reasons that twi still IS quite capable of hurting folks.
If twi realises that the kids they abuse today can turn around and sue tomorrow...they just MIGHT make some policy changes that will ensure just a little better treatmen of the helpless ones... You KNOW the only thing that intimidates twi into changing harmfull policy is when the lawyer tell em they hafta or it`s gonna cost em major bucks...
Georgio is entitled to compensation, whether leagally or not...it remains to be seen what an attorney recomends...I DO know that in SOME states ....there is no statute of limitations on some issues....
Go for it Georgio...
Do you guys who want to sagely councel *forgive and move on* ....ever consider that THIS attitude ...granted it sounds nice....
could be a major reason WHY evil is able to flourish??
Consider the good that has resulted from the lawsuits brought against twi ....
people demanding compensation for vile treatment have resulted in enormous policy change...it finally got that alleged predator lcm out of a position of authority for one.....glad not everyone decides to just *move on* or *let it go* I think that such actions by gutsy people who aren`t intimidated into shutting up...are heroic.
[This message was edited by rascal on February 22, 2004 at 15:33.]
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I hadn't thought of it that way. Even if you live in a shoe. :-)
Maybe you should do something, if you have a case. Rascal's right in that it's hard to continue such behavior when it keeps landing you in court.
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Thanks for considering my pov JT...I didn`t figure it would sit very well...(the reason I live in a shoe is like the old lady... I have SO many children .....that I don`t know what to do..lol)
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Dot Matrix
If I am getting what your saying we are talking about some serious things.
It does not happen as often but there are mother's who use son's in that manner and it is CRIMINAL. Go for criminal charges if we are on the same page.
Go for it!
Now, if I am wrong pls forgive me. But that is what I understood the post to mean, I guess you could mean other things like drinking.
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Thanks for the perspective Rascal, but unfortunately, GJ probably would have more success suing his mom, which he doesn't want to do, then suing TWI.
While most of us here can believe the incident happened (we've been there), it would be quite another thing to convince a judge or jury. From what's posted here it looks like there's proof that mama Jessio took money intended for Georgio and spent it on Corps tuition, good luck digging up any evidence that local "leadership", let alone the Trustees coerced her into taking the money.
I can imagine money being flushed down the legal toilet persuing this and still getting nothing.
It doesn't matter if we turn to dust...guess I'll see you dancin' in the ruins tonight
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(((oak)) you are of course aproaching things logically...and are in all probability correct....I guess that I am just plain ....ed off at what twi and his Mom got away with I`d still like to see what an attorney said before he was talked out of pursuing the issue....
(Thankyou for not taking my head off for being purely emotional and illogical:-)
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Actually Rascal, your emotional approach to issues here at GS is very helpful to me; you sometimes "mom" me into seeing things in a different light. And I notice that you give credence to my logical, or emotionless point of view quite often. I try to see both sides of an issue, even when I think one of the sides is a s.o.b.
Yin & Yang sister Rascal, it all fits into the big picture!
It doesn't matter if we turn to dust...guess I'll see you dancin' in the ruins tonight
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I'll second Oak's opinion.
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