Wordwolf as I said Vic got some of his stuff from Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaws book life extention, your question about the bone growing device, Durk talks about that... pages 150 and 151. :)-->
quote:Originally posted by WordWolf:
I'm curious about the "current" use in hospitals of magnetism to aid in the
regrowth of bone. Do you have a resource on this one? It's news to me.
Life Extention p. 150-151
the device is marketed by Bristol-Myers Zimmer subsidiary.
On one of the older tapes, vpw was claiming that the effect of the body of
eating a heart meal with starches, etc resulted in consuming more grain
alcohol than if you had a few drinks.
I'm not familiar offhand with how the body breaks down starches and
carbohydrates and the like. However, I don't remember hearing that a
by-product of regular digestion was alcohol. Last I heard, alcohol is
broken down, and starches are broken down. If memory serves, both are
broken down into SUGARS. Alcohol doesn't stay alcohol, and nothing in food
(unless, perhaps, someone drugs your food) breaks down into alcohol.
If someone with some real knowledge of this would speak up, I'd appreciate
BTW, he followed it up by pointing out the medical doctor in the room
(the Wine guy) and said that if you really wanted to know, to ask HIM.
I'm thinking this was based on a misunderstanding of how starches are
broken down in digestion, but, hey, I could be wrong....
"All healthy mammals, including people, make a small amount of alcohol in their bodies as part of normal metabolism."
Sorry Steve, I did not mean any insult to you. I am sorry if I offended you in any way. But very often what is said at GS Cafe is only intended and meant to make VPW look unlearned, foolish, and ignorant - and that is the impression I got right from start of this thread. What really rubs me raw are people who take a crack at topics where there is a lot of credibility and truth behind what he taught. I guess the fact he never won a Nobel Prize for what he taught certainly can't be held against him - huh?
Even the concept of magnetics affecting human health still brings out cries of "quakery". But with a world of evidence and experts supporting the concepts, it is absolutely amazing it can be suppressed so long from the American public.
The suppressing and twisting of information just doesn't happen in the biblical field, it also happens in the medical and scientific fields. Albert Einstein who was unquestionably the most famous scientist of the 20th century had to withstand more efforts by the scientific establishment attempting to disprove his "theory of relativity" than have ever been made to disprove any theory in the history of science. This was vividly demonstrated by an opponents publication entitled: "One Hundred Against Einstein". Einstein responded, "If they were correct, one would be enough". The scientific establishment at the beginning of the 20th century fought against a theory the scientific establishment later in the 20th century now knows to be one of the important basic truths of life.
In 1808, Dalton the father of modern chemistry proposed the Atomic Theory - that atoms were the basic components of all substances. Today every kid in school is taught and believes the atomic theory to be a basic truth as they use it to predict and measure chemical reactions, yet the scientific establishment in Dalton's day only reacted by throwing scorn on his theory. Even after 100 years elapsed, prominent scientists of the day such as the renowned Professor Ostwald were publically administering scathing condemnations of Dalton's theories, while attempting to show that the theory of chemistry was independent of the theory of atoms. Even though the establishment was rigid in its negative opinion, one hundred years of debate had created supporters of the theory.
Why am I bringing all this up? Because for the most part all the rigid and negative debate against TWI, VPW, LCM etc. I believe does very little to establish the truth. Those who really care about the truth will still seek it out and find it. As much negative stuff is exponded on here, the truth still remains that not everything about TWI/VPW/LCM et al was bad, evil, etc.
The challenge I think we all are really facing is: Are we always being correct in our staunch and rigid and negative opinions of TWI/VPW/LCM etc? I think 100 years of debate at GS Cafe could go by and there would still be people who would only care to bring up the questionable sex life of a dead minister. But my sentiments are becoming much more like that of Albert Einstein's - "If we are so correct, one would be enough".
Haha I love it I spelled extension wrong twice. :)-->
quote:Originally posted by Seth:
Wordwolf as I said Vic got some of his stuff from Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaws book life extention, your question about the bone growing device, Durk talks about that... pages 150 and 151. :)-->
quote:Originally posted by WordWolf:
I'm curious about the "current" use in hospitals of magnetism to aid in the
regrowth of bone. Do you have a resource on this one? It's news to me.
Life Extention p. 150-151
the device is marketed by Bristol-Myers Zimmer subsidiary.
On one of the older tapes, vpw was claiming that the effect of the body of
eating a heart meal with starches, etc resulted in consuming more grain
alcohol than if you had a few drinks.
I'm not familiar offhand with how the body breaks down starches and
carbohydrates and the like. However, I don't remember hearing that a
by-product of regular digestion was alcohol. Last I heard, alcohol is
broken down, and starches are broken down. If memory serves, both are
broken down into SUGARS. Alcohol doesn't stay alcohol, and nothing in food
(unless, perhaps, someone drugs your food) breaks down into alcohol.
If someone with some real knowledge of this would speak up, I'd appreciate
BTW, he followed it up by pointing out the medical doctor in the room
(the Wine guy) and said that if you really wanted to know, to ask HIM.
I'm thinking this was based on a misunderstanding of how starches are
broken down in digestion, but, hey, I could be wrong....
"All healthy mammals, including people, make a small amount of alcohol in their bodies as part of normal metabolism."
I remember something about the "flammable" snow story. It's pretty shaky now, but didn't Mr. Wierwille posit that in the final days earth would be consumed by fire and that fire would be fueled by snow? Something about how water contains hydrogen and oxygen, and in snow it's very aireated so there was obviously something very explosive about it.
Well, that's what passed for "science" in WayWorld. A scintilla of truth and a whopping dose of B.S. The sad part is - we bought it!
W.W.W. again. The amounts of ethanol produced by normal digestion are minuscule. It's nowhere near the amount contained in even one shot of grain alcohol.
The snow thing is a special case, where iron that is rapidly oxidized by a quick snowfall releases a lot of heat. It might be enough to ignite a flammable vapor, but that's an extreme rarity.
The Secret Signature of the Day has been cancelled by the HTML Police.
Okay - I missed this thread so thanks for the bump!
I remember being told that somewhere in the bible there was the perfect "recipe" for birth control using things from nature. I also remember someone tried to make that recipe into pill form and many woman took these pills while they were in-rez. I also remember the saying going around that so-and-so's kid was a "Corps Capsule" baby and laughing about it.
Hope R. color>size>face>
Don't let the past remind us of what we are not now. - Stephen Stillssize>face>color>
In hindsight many of these scientific revelations that were shared with us were not much different than a bunch of hippies on acid coming up with profound thoughts or enlightenments(at the time) that really didn't seem so profound or enlightened after the acid wore off. After the waybrain wore off none of these seem so profound or enlightening either. In my opinion, it's just a part of the brainwashing process.
The purpose of this load of crap in the way was to further perpetuate our feelings of enlightenment. Since we knew the Word like it had not been known since the first century it was only logical to extend this over to other areas. The way knew everything about everything better the world could ever know. Didn't matter if the field was medicine, agriculture, dog training or decorating your home...these self delegated experts knew more. I actually took my business's products to Ohio in an attempt to sell them to way. Mind you, I have been in this field my whole life and I thought of myself as Godly person working Godly principles attempting to sell the most Godly organization on the planet...these condesending jerks thought they knew more about my business/products than I did. I have been in to boatloads of sales/purchasing meetings and they are amongst the most cynical I have ever encountered, in a field that they really knew nothing about. I walked away and said to myself...F em I will never call on them again and never did.
Anyone remember the Earl Burton booklet they gave out at the Adv Class? Something about producing phenomena in the physical realm, or somesuch. While most of the science stuff was true, it wasn't really relevant to what was being talked about, as I recall.
I remember that booklet. Wayne Clapp did something similar when Martindale re-did the PFAL Advanced class in 1994, filmed it as a segment of the class. Seems like it was just speculation, since unless the bible spelled it out (unlikely), how could you really know how the devil pulled things off, but it sounded plausible.
I was remembering the TWI view of light sources. Wierwille notes in PFAL that light is "spoken into being" before the sun and stars in the Genesis account. He makes some kind of statement indicating that he believes that light exists independent of stellar objects.
He doesn't really dwell on it, it's one of what I call his "throw away lines" - he says something that sounds profound and then never addresses it again - except maybe in Mikey's secret messages :D-->.
As usual, Martindale takes Wierwille's gibberish and expounds upon it; the WayAP class has a section where Martindale claims that the sun is not a light source, but somehow merely something that reflects or focuses the true source of light.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
Speaking of light, Wierwille, when expounding on "the Word in the stars", Wierwille quoted Job 26:7 -
quote:he stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.
He would then state "that's why there are no stars in the north".
Huh? -->
There are plenty of stars in the north...it made no sense to me. In the mid nineties Martindale tried to explain it. Even though he had been quoting it for years, he admitted that he didn't know what Wierwille meant by that. To explain, he unveiled a blow up of Bullingers map of the constellations and showed how there was a "gap" between Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, which supposedly represented the "gap" of the Mystery. "See" he said, "there are no stars in the north", meaning between the two Ursas. The only problem was that there are stars in the supposed gap. Easy to see on a clear night away from the cities. At best, there were no constellations in that "gap".
One of our young men came home from the advanced class one summer talking about "no stars" in the gap. When I corrected him, he went to the Limb Coordinator for an explanation. The official explanation was that modern man knows of more constellations than they did in biblical times due to high powered telescopes.
Huh? --> -->
Seems that before the growth of cities the people of biblical times would be able to see more stars, not less! Even when I would point out on camping trips the stars in the so-called gap, no one was convinced except my son Thomas.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
Maybe this one is junk doctrine, not junk science, but I'm on a roll:
The whole concept of "the Word in the stars" is flawed in that the key constellations in this theory appear to be the polar constellations. I do not believe that you can see the north polar constellations south of a certain point (the tropics?) just as we in the northern hemisphere cannot see the Southern Cross.
When I put this forth at an advanced class I was told that maybe Pangaea was all north of the equator. -->
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
Oakspear: Never caught that one... The limiting visual magnitude in Biblical times would have approached 7.0 on a dark night. There are TONS of stars at that magnitude and brighter between Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, notably bright Thuban, or Alpha Draconis.
This isn't docvic, but his toady, Martindale, although he may have gotten it from Wierwille originally:
Martindale explains the Big Bang as the devil making the earth "without form and void". He shows no comprehension of the Big Bang model on any level, but makes pronouncements as if they make sense.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
I went camping with the branch one night at a lake (Oak Lake, actually :D-->) north of Lincoln. There was a bit of a glow from the nearby city, but stars were clearly visible in the "gap", even if there were only a few, it contradicted the MOG.
When I pointed them out, actually showed them the stars where the MOGs said there weren't any, I was met with embarassed silence.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
It is SO good to know that I wasn't the only one to get the blank stare! Your comments reminded me of another interesting statement LCM made about the Sphinx. I put it in another thread but (if I got it right) he claimed to have figured out the meaning of it and the relation to the Zodiac. He forgot to mention it was already in one of Bullinger's books.
Wait, maybe you didn't hear him correctly. Maybe he was looking for a Gap store in the north. North Dayton maybe? ;-)
I can't remember where he said it (maybe Christian Family & Sex), that the more perfect women at the beginning of time, didn't really have bleeding during their menstrual cycles because their bodies absorped the blood back up?
I know I don't have it quite right but that was the gist.
Found her blood type to be different than mine and my father's (our mother had died) because of that stuff being taught by the Cock, errr doc, my sister has spent her life thinking my Mother had an affair and that my father was not her father...
Oh Dott...your poor sister... Tell her that in our family....my husbands blood is positive...mine is neg...some of our children were negative...some are positive....
How stupid to propound a theory as truth that is so easily debunked.
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Wordwolf as I said Vic got some of his stuff from Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaws book life extention, your question about the bone growing device, Durk talks about that... pages 150 and 151.
Life Extention p. 150-151
the device is marketed by Bristol-Myers Zimmer subsidiary.
"All healthy mammals, including people, make a small amount of alcohol in their bodies as part of normal metabolism."
Life Extention p. 269
"Is that a real poncho or a Sears poncho?"
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What The Hay
Sorry Steve, I did not mean any insult to you. I am sorry if I offended you in any way. But very often what is said at GS Cafe is only intended and meant to make VPW look unlearned, foolish, and ignorant - and that is the impression I got right from start of this thread. What really rubs me raw are people who take a crack at topics where there is a lot of credibility and truth behind what he taught. I guess the fact he never won a Nobel Prize for what he taught certainly can't be held against him - huh?
Even the concept of magnetics affecting human health still brings out cries of "quakery". But with a world of evidence and experts supporting the concepts, it is absolutely amazing it can be suppressed so long from the American public.
The suppressing and twisting of information just doesn't happen in the biblical field, it also happens in the medical and scientific fields. Albert Einstein who was unquestionably the most famous scientist of the 20th century had to withstand more efforts by the scientific establishment attempting to disprove his "theory of relativity" than have ever been made to disprove any theory in the history of science. This was vividly demonstrated by an opponents publication entitled: "One Hundred Against Einstein". Einstein responded, "If they were correct, one would be enough". The scientific establishment at the beginning of the 20th century fought against a theory the scientific establishment later in the 20th century now knows to be one of the important basic truths of life.
In 1808, Dalton the father of modern chemistry proposed the Atomic Theory - that atoms were the basic components of all substances. Today every kid in school is taught and believes the atomic theory to be a basic truth as they use it to predict and measure chemical reactions, yet the scientific establishment in Dalton's day only reacted by throwing scorn on his theory. Even after 100 years elapsed, prominent scientists of the day such as the renowned Professor Ostwald were publically administering scathing condemnations of Dalton's theories, while attempting to show that the theory of chemistry was independent of the theory of atoms. Even though the establishment was rigid in its negative opinion, one hundred years of debate had created supporters of the theory.
Why am I bringing all this up? Because for the most part all the rigid and negative debate against TWI, VPW, LCM etc. I believe does very little to establish the truth. Those who really care about the truth will still seek it out and find it. As much negative stuff is exponded on here, the truth still remains that not everything about TWI/VPW/LCM et al was bad, evil, etc.
The challenge I think we all are really facing is: Are we always being correct in our staunch and rigid and negative opinions of TWI/VPW/LCM etc? I think 100 years of debate at GS Cafe could go by and there would still be people who would only care to bring up the questionable sex life of a dead minister. But my sentiments are becoming much more like that of Albert Einstein's - "If we are so correct, one would be enough".
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Haha I love it I spelled extension wrong twice.
"Is that a real poncho or a Sears poncho?"
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that's where vpw got it from,
but do you have any independent sources corroborating that?
WhatTheHay sounds like he's seen a wealth of evidence supporting this.
Can he cough up a link or two so the rest of us can catch up?
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George Aar
I remember something about the "flammable" snow story. It's pretty shaky now, but didn't Mr. Wierwille posit that in the final days earth would be consumed by fire and that fire would be fueled by snow? Something about how water contains hydrogen and oxygen, and in snow it's very aireated so there was obviously something very explosive about it.
Well, that's what passed for "science" in WayWorld. A scintilla of truth and a whopping dose of B.S. The sad part is - we bought it!
I'm gonna go soak my head now...
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W.W.W. again. The amounts of ethanol produced by normal digestion are minuscule. It's nowhere near the amount contained in even one shot of grain alcohol.
The snow thing is a special case, where iron that is rapidly oxidized by a quick snowfall releases a lot of heat. It might be enough to ignite a flammable vapor, but that's an extreme rarity.
The Secret Signature of the Day has been cancelled by the HTML Police.
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bumping to the top for Spear of Oak
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Hope R.
Okay - I missed this thread so thanks for the bump!
I remember being told that somewhere in the bible there was the perfect "recipe" for birth control using things from nature. I also remember someone tried to make that recipe into pill form and many woman took these pills while they were in-rez. I also remember the saying going around that so-and-so's kid was a "Corps Capsule" baby and laughing about it.
Hope R. color>size>face>
Don't let the past remind us of what we are not now. - Stephen Stillssize>face>color>
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In hindsight many of these scientific revelations that were shared with us were not much different than a bunch of hippies on acid coming up with profound thoughts or enlightenments(at the time) that really didn't seem so profound or enlightened after the acid wore off. After the waybrain wore off none of these seem so profound or enlightening either. In my opinion, it's just a part of the brainwashing process.
The purpose of this load of crap in the way was to further perpetuate our feelings of enlightenment. Since we knew the Word like it had not been known since the first century it was only logical to extend this over to other areas. The way knew everything about everything better the world could ever know. Didn't matter if the field was medicine, agriculture, dog training or decorating your home...these self delegated experts knew more. I actually took my business's products to Ohio in an attempt to sell them to way. Mind you, I have been in this field my whole life and I thought of myself as Godly person working Godly principles attempting to sell the most Godly organization on the planet...these condesending jerks thought they knew more about my business/products than I did. I have been in to boatloads of sales/purchasing meetings and they are amongst the most cynical I have ever encountered, in a field that they really knew nothing about. I walked away and said to myself...F em I will never call on them again and never did.
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Anyone remember the Earl Burton booklet they gave out at the Adv Class? Something about producing phenomena in the physical realm, or somesuch. While most of the science stuff was true, it wasn't really relevant to what was being talked about, as I recall.
I'll have to see if I can't find my copy.
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Thanks for bumping the thread for me
I remember that booklet. Wayne Clapp did something similar when Martindale re-did the PFAL Advanced class in 1994, filmed it as a segment of the class. Seems like it was just speculation, since unless the bible spelled it out (unlikely), how could you really know how the devil pulled things off, but it sounded plausible.
I was remembering the TWI view of light sources. Wierwille notes in PFAL that light is "spoken into being" before the sun and stars in the Genesis account. He makes some kind of statement indicating that he believes that light exists independent of stellar objects.
He doesn't really dwell on it, it's one of what I call his "throw away lines" - he says something that sounds profound and then never addresses it again - except maybe in Mikey's secret messages
As usual, Martindale takes Wierwille's gibberish and expounds upon it; the WayAP class has a section where Martindale claims that the sun is not a light source, but somehow merely something that reflects or focuses the true source of light.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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Speaking of light, Wierwille, when expounding on "the Word in the stars", Wierwille quoted Job 26:7 -
He would then state "that's why there are no stars in the north".Huh?
There are plenty of stars in the north...it made no sense to me. In the mid nineties Martindale tried to explain it. Even though he had been quoting it for years, he admitted that he didn't know what Wierwille meant by that. To explain, he unveiled a blow up of Bullingers map of the constellations and showed how there was a "gap" between Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, which supposedly represented the "gap" of the Mystery. "See" he said, "there are no stars in the north", meaning between the two Ursas. The only problem was that there are stars in the supposed gap. Easy to see on a clear night away from the cities. At best, there were no constellations in that "gap".
One of our young men came home from the advanced class one summer talking about "no stars" in the gap. When I corrected him, he went to the Limb Coordinator for an explanation. The official explanation was that modern man knows of more constellations than they did in biblical times due to high powered telescopes.
Seems that before the growth of cities the people of biblical times would be able to see more stars, not less! Even when I would point out on camping trips the stars in the so-called gap, no one was convinced except my son Thomas.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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Maybe this one is junk doctrine, not junk science, but I'm on a roll:
The whole concept of "the Word in the stars" is flawed in that the key constellations in this theory appear to be the polar constellations. I do not believe that you can see the north polar constellations south of a certain point (the tropics?) just as we in the northern hemisphere cannot see the Southern Cross.
When I put this forth at an advanced class I was told that maybe Pangaea was all north of the equator.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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Oakspear: Never caught that one... The limiting visual magnitude in Biblical times would have approached 7.0 on a dark night. There are TONS of stars at that magnitude and brighter between Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, notably bright Thuban, or Alpha Draconis.
Martindale and Wierwille were both shull of fit.
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Almost done!
This isn't docvic, but his toady, Martindale, although he may have gotten it from Wierwille originally:
Martindale explains the Big Bang as the devil making the earth "without form and void". He shows no comprehension of the Big Bang model on any level, but makes pronouncements as if they make sense.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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I went camping with the branch one night at a lake (Oak Lake, actually
:D-->) north of Lincoln. There was a bit of a glow from the nearby city, but stars were clearly visible in the "gap", even if there were only a few, it contradicted the MOG.
When I pointed them out, actually showed them the stars where the MOGs said there weren't any, I was met with embarassed silence.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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Oak: The Big Bang=tohu bohu? ROFLMAO! Whatta maroon!
:D--> Guess there must have been a two-for-one sale on clown shoes...
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It is SO good to know that I wasn't the only one to get the blank stare! Your comments reminded me of another interesting statement LCM made about the Sphinx. I put it in another thread but (if I got it right) he claimed to have figured out the meaning of it and the relation to the Zodiac. He forgot to mention it was already in one of Bullinger's books.
Wait, maybe you didn't hear him correctly. Maybe he was looking for a Gap store in the north. North Dayton maybe? ;-)
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i dont listen to the doctrine of devils.
or false prophets.
or their followers.
a thing of beauty
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Dot Matrix
m and o
You are a person of your convictions, I like you!
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I can't remember where he said it (maybe Christian Family & Sex), that the more perfect women at the beginning of time, didn't really have bleeding during their menstrual cycles because their bodies absorped the blood back up?
I know I don't have it quite right but that was the gist.
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to answer your question i am o negative my father was ab positive. mom was o negative. so that cant be right.
Personally approves the wine list.
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Dot Matrix
Oh my GAWD!
My poor sister, a PFAL grad, WOW etc....
Found her blood type to be different than mine and my father's (our mother had died) because of that stuff being taught by the Cock, errr doc, my sister has spent her life thinking my Mother had an affair and that my father was not her father...
I have to call her...
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Oh Dott...your poor sister... Tell her that in our family....my husbands blood is positive...mine is neg...some of our children were negative...some are positive....
How stupid to propound a theory as truth that is so easily debunked.
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