VPW was dead when I was still a kid, so I don't remember much. However, there was plenty of other junk science spewed forth by LCM and others.
One thing, that was never really proven, was that the continents split faster due to some crystalized gas under the floor of the ocean. I can see how this gas could exist, but I don't see how it could speed up the process of plate tectonics, and why there wouldn't be a record of this in the strata. Plus, if the gas already blew up, why is it still there?
quote:That would go into the category "junk doctrine" rather than junk science.
Steve, I do actually characterize CSBP as junk science. For instance, the series of tithing "laws" that are supposed to work with mathematical and scientific precision, are as follows:
The Law of Prosperity
God's Basic Law of Prosperity
The Law Of Proportionate Giving
God's Immutable Law of Prosperity
God's Law of Supply
The Law of Systematic Giving
God's Absolute Minimum Law of Financial Liberty, Prosperity and Abundance
The Moonies own Entaments baked goods and they put a drug in there food that makes you
a) want to become a moonie
b) turn you away from TWI.
Do you mean Entenmann's? Actually, I don't know how to spell it either. If so, I would say that it doesn't work because they are very popular in my family, who are still in TWI.
OKAY this is one thing I'm confused about. And I'm going to show off my stupidity.
He said (from what I remember) that the blood always comes from the sperm of the father. So that is why Jesus was born without sin. Because sin is in the blood.
Is that true? Does your blood always come from your father? Is your blood type always the same as your fathers?
I remember in the old days of paternity tests, where they just went by blood types, didn't they say that if the baby had a different blood type than the supposed father than it wasn't his?
But it seems we had this discussion on GS or Waydale or somewhere and somebody said they had a different blood than their father.
Oh yeah I remember being told that the Universe was surrounded by water and/or ice or something. I asked the lady who told me this (from the local offshoot here) if there was any scientific evidence towards this and she said yes.
Well, I know beans about science so I just shrugged it off. But yeah I was told that too.
quote:I remember that he said that you should always align your bed north-south whenever possible, and those in the northern hemisphere should sleep with your heads pointing to the north. Something about the lines of magnetism. I must add that the jury is out on this one - there may be *some* slight basis in fact.
Actually there is more than just a "slight basis" of fact on this topic. It's not what one can term junk science except out of ignorance perhaps. I want to mention this is not just some theory VPW came up with, because it's basis is found in electro-biology.
Not all magnetic fields are healthy, but those generated by the earth are necessary to maintain good health. Electro-bioligists have determined since humans are cyclic creatures (cell division cycle time occurs every 24 hours) that frequencies most detrimental to biological functions occur in the extremely low frequency (ELF) range between 1-100 cycles per second. Most electrical power supplies are at 60 cycles per second which is in the middle of that range.
Exposure to radio waves at 16 Hz dramatically increases the flow of calcium from the brain cells, interfering with impulse transmission changing brain function and thereby causing confusion. Russian scientists found dogs could be made to run in circles chasing their tails when they would be exposed to this technology that they did not completely understand. Thus ELF fields, the major source of electro-pollution superimposed over our natural bio-electric field, can have serious negative health consequences.
The earth's magnetic fields help regulate our biochemical funcions. When the earth's mantle moves faster than the molten core, the flow of the electrical current in a westerly direction causes the magnetic pole to be in the north (this is the left hand rule used by electrical buffs for establishing polarity). Likewise when the mantle moves slower than the molten core, the flow of electrical current will be in an easterly direction causing the magnetic pole to be in the south. Every million or so years the earth's magnetic poles "flip".
It has been known since the turn of the century that passing liquid through a high gauss (one gauss is one magnetic line per square centimeter) the magnetic field causes the pH of a liquid to rise. Ships are also equipped with these devices which prevent scale buildup in their bodies. As scale is calcium carbonate, passing water containing calcium bicarbonate through a magnetic field must convert the bicarbonate to hydroxides, (no carbonate anions are present in the liquid) thereby preventing the production of the precipitous calcium carbonate - known as boiler slag. The magnetic field with it's associated electrical field reorganizes the calcium bicarbonate so that all of the positive atoms are pulled to the negative north pole and the negative atoms are pulled towards the positive south pole. Thus the bicarbonate is forced to bend and the stress causes it to break, forming one calcium hydroxide molecule and two cabon dioxide gas molecules. Calcium hydroxide can not form scale, and in blood and body fluids it causes the pH to become alkaline and therefore healthy.
Another fact of physics is the north pole of a magnet is negative and the south pole is positive. The explanation for negative fresh air stimulating biochemical reactions in the body also applies, thus the north pole of a magnet is preferable for stimulating good health.
After decades of stalling and refusing to budge, the American medical authorities finally relented and yielded to public pressure and gave their rare approval for American hospitals to use pulsed magnetic fields to stimulate bone growth back in 1979. Now every major hospital in America employs pulsed magnetic fields to stimulate bone healing which reduces the time required to heal the bones to about one-tenth the time normally required.
The use of magnetic thereapy for other ailments while used extensively by other cultures is still frowned on in America in most cases. Yet most Americans would be astounded to learn that one out of every twenty Japanese sleep on magnetic beds. The same is happening in Germany. This includes thousands of highly trained medical doctors who claim that not only do their ailments appear to be curing themselves while they sleep, but also they rise from their sleep with unusual energy.
One interesting fact emerging from the human magnetic bed experiment, is that the body fluids become alkaline only after a few hours of exposure but return to their pre-exposure acidic state a few hours later. The induced high pH body fluid state while exposed to a magnetic bed means the body is not only healing itself, but that the body is also absorbing more oxygen. Raising the pH of the external cell fluids also raises the potential difference (or voltage) between the internal and external cell fluids, thereby allowing the cell's nutrient channels to function more efficiently. The internal cell fluids become more alkaline, which stimulates the production of the four DNA nucleotides from the glucose nutrient thereby ensuring replication of the cell's DNA. This explains the feeling of exhilaration and energy after sleeping on a magnetic bed.
Maybe I have gone a bit overboard in just one post here, but the basic answer lies in the fact the human body is a beehive of bio-electrical activity. When the air feels "fresh" after a good rain, technically the air is negatively charged. In fact, after a rain the air contains thousands of times more electrons than it did before it rained. This is caused by water rubbing the air resulting in the water becoming positively charged while the air becomes negatively charged.
Our body fluids are alkaline and therefore negatively charged, but as this charge is consumed, our bodies react and try to produce more electrons. So when the fresh air bathes our bodies with electrons the strain on the body to produce more electrons is relieved and biochemical activity is stimulated, resulting in the "good feeling" after a rain.
Bioelectrical reactions in the human body can easily be measured with electronic instrumentation. Their associated magnetic fields are more difficult to measure, but this doesn't mean they don't exist or this is "junk science." The laws of physics tells us that if these magnetic are superimposed by another magnetic field (like ELF) then the result will be a changed bioelectrical field, resulting in altered voltages and thereby altered biochemical reactions. Because each biochemical reaction depends on specific voltages at specific times which are altered by a superimposing magnetic field, the superimposing (invisible) magnetic field does change the body's chemistry.
Just because magnetic fields are invisible doesn't mean they don't exist or don't affect you. Air is invisible, but without it's presence it would have a very profound effect on your life - or lack of life rather. Some people should go get an education first before they ignorantly spout off to others claiming all these invisible things must somehow be "junk science."
There is a new bubble theory of the universe going around amoung the stargazers. They say the universe would be much smaller that we think it is. When we think we are looking at the farthest galaxies, we may actually be looking at reflections from inside, boucing off the bubble walls.
The reason for this thinking is based on the microwaves bouncing around the universe from the big bang. Instead of being uniform in nature and coming from one direction, they are highly irratic bouncing around from all over the place in different intensities. As if they were bouncing around in a bubble.
They did not in the article I saw, estimate the size of the bubble or give an idea of what it was made. Nor of course did they speculate what may be outside the bubble.
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Well, OM, that's kind of the right idea, but not quite.
That would go into the category "junk doctrine" rather than junk science.
But thank you for playing!
Or was it that you were making a statement about how everyone just mindlessly went along with what docvic(praise be his name) said?
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Mister P-Mosh
VPW was dead when I was still a kid, so I don't remember much. However, there was plenty of other junk science spewed forth by LCM and others.
One thing, that was never really proven, was that the continents split faster due to some crystalized gas under the floor of the ocean. I can see how this gas could exist, but I don't see how it could speed up the process of plate tectonics, and why there wouldn't be a record of this in the strata. Plus, if the gas already blew up, why is it still there?
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"The Deep" being located outside the universe visible to us. The Universe being surrounded by water. That's a rather peculiar idea.
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The bit about the blood being passed through the father's "seed".
The Secret Signature of the Day has been cancelled by the HTML Police.
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Steve, I do actually characterize CSBP as junk science. For instance, the series of tithing "laws" that are supposed to work with mathematical and scientific precision, are as follows:
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Mister P-Mosh
Given VPWs sexual indiscretions, I wouldn't be suprised if blood actually did come out of there for him.
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Georgio Jessio
This one is both paranoid and bunk:
The Moonies own Entaments baked goods and they put a drug in there food that makes you
a) want to become a moonie
b) turn you away from TWI.
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Mister P-Mosh
Do you mean Entenmann's? Actually, I don't know how to spell it either. If so, I would say that it doesn't work because they are very popular in my family, who are still in TWI.
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That is absolute bunk. I eat Entemans(sp) all the time, and I've already left TWI.
BTW, would you like to buy some flowers?
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It's spelt Entenmann's,you dummies...I should know,they supplied the cake for our mass weddings....
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good to see you back...
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Tom Strange
Simontheloaded... entenmanns bakery beanies...
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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Georgio, either they don't do that anymore or I'm immune to their drug, or else it's hogwash!!!
I've eaten Entemanns baked products, and never had the desire to join the Moonies. Also I left TWI before I ate my first donut.
I don't need no stinkin' crown!
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OKAY this is one thing I'm confused about. And I'm going to show off my stupidity.
He said (from what I remember) that the blood always comes from the sperm of the father. So that is why Jesus was born without sin. Because sin is in the blood.
Is that true? Does your blood always come from your father? Is your blood type always the same as your fathers?
I remember in the old days of paternity tests, where they just went by blood types, didn't they say that if the baby had a different blood type than the supposed father than it wasn't his?
But it seems we had this discussion on GS or Waydale or somewhere and somebody said they had a different blood than their father.
I don't get it.
So was Wierwille right about this?
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Oh yeah I remember being told that the Universe was surrounded by water and/or ice or something. I asked the lady who told me this (from the local offshoot here) if there was any scientific evidence towards this and she said yes.
Well, I know beans about science so I just shrugged it off. But yeah I was told that too.
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What The Hay
Actually there is more than just a "slight basis" of fact on this topic. It's not what one can term junk science except out of ignorance perhaps. I want to mention this is not just some theory VPW came up with, because it's basis is found in electro-biology.
Not all magnetic fields are healthy, but those generated by the earth are necessary to maintain good health. Electro-bioligists have determined since humans are cyclic creatures (cell division cycle time occurs every 24 hours) that frequencies most detrimental to biological functions occur in the extremely low frequency (ELF) range between 1-100 cycles per second. Most electrical power supplies are at 60 cycles per second which is in the middle of that range.
Exposure to radio waves at 16 Hz dramatically increases the flow of calcium from the brain cells, interfering with impulse transmission changing brain function and thereby causing confusion. Russian scientists found dogs could be made to run in circles chasing their tails when they would be exposed to this technology that they did not completely understand. Thus ELF fields, the major source of electro-pollution superimposed over our natural bio-electric field, can have serious negative health consequences.
The earth's magnetic fields help regulate our biochemical funcions. When the earth's mantle moves faster than the molten core, the flow of the electrical current in a westerly direction causes the magnetic pole to be in the north (this is the left hand rule used by electrical buffs for establishing polarity). Likewise when the mantle moves slower than the molten core, the flow of electrical current will be in an easterly direction causing the magnetic pole to be in the south. Every million or so years the earth's magnetic poles "flip".
It has been known since the turn of the century that passing liquid through a high gauss (one gauss is one magnetic line per square centimeter) the magnetic field causes the pH of a liquid to rise. Ships are also equipped with these devices which prevent scale buildup in their bodies. As scale is calcium carbonate, passing water containing calcium bicarbonate through a magnetic field must convert the bicarbonate to hydroxides, (no carbonate anions are present in the liquid) thereby preventing the production of the precipitous calcium carbonate - known as boiler slag. The magnetic field with it's associated electrical field reorganizes the calcium bicarbonate so that all of the positive atoms are pulled to the negative north pole and the negative atoms are pulled towards the positive south pole. Thus the bicarbonate is forced to bend and the stress causes it to break, forming one calcium hydroxide molecule and two cabon dioxide gas molecules. Calcium hydroxide can not form scale, and in blood and body fluids it causes the pH to become alkaline and therefore healthy.
Another fact of physics is the north pole of a magnet is negative and the south pole is positive. The explanation for negative fresh air stimulating biochemical reactions in the body also applies, thus the north pole of a magnet is preferable for stimulating good health.
After decades of stalling and refusing to budge, the American medical authorities finally relented and yielded to public pressure and gave their rare approval for American hospitals to use pulsed magnetic fields to stimulate bone growth back in 1979. Now every major hospital in America employs pulsed magnetic fields to stimulate bone healing which reduces the time required to heal the bones to about one-tenth the time normally required.
The use of magnetic thereapy for other ailments while used extensively by other cultures is still frowned on in America in most cases. Yet most Americans would be astounded to learn that one out of every twenty Japanese sleep on magnetic beds. The same is happening in Germany. This includes thousands of highly trained medical doctors who claim that not only do their ailments appear to be curing themselves while they sleep, but also they rise from their sleep with unusual energy.
One interesting fact emerging from the human magnetic bed experiment, is that the body fluids become alkaline only after a few hours of exposure but return to their pre-exposure acidic state a few hours later. The induced high pH body fluid state while exposed to a magnetic bed means the body is not only healing itself, but that the body is also absorbing more oxygen. Raising the pH of the external cell fluids also raises the potential difference (or voltage) between the internal and external cell fluids, thereby allowing the cell's nutrient channels to function more efficiently. The internal cell fluids become more alkaline, which stimulates the production of the four DNA nucleotides from the glucose nutrient thereby ensuring replication of the cell's DNA. This explains the feeling of exhilaration and energy after sleeping on a magnetic bed.
Maybe I have gone a bit overboard in just one post here, but the basic answer lies in the fact the human body is a beehive of bio-electrical activity. When the air feels "fresh" after a good rain, technically the air is negatively charged. In fact, after a rain the air contains thousands of times more electrons than it did before it rained. This is caused by water rubbing the air resulting in the water becoming positively charged while the air becomes negatively charged.
Our body fluids are alkaline and therefore negatively charged, but as this charge is consumed, our bodies react and try to produce more electrons. So when the fresh air bathes our bodies with electrons the strain on the body to produce more electrons is relieved and biochemical activity is stimulated, resulting in the "good feeling" after a rain.
Bioelectrical reactions in the human body can easily be measured with electronic instrumentation. Their associated magnetic fields are more difficult to measure, but this doesn't mean they don't exist or this is "junk science." The laws of physics tells us that if these magnetic are superimposed by another magnetic field (like ELF) then the result will be a changed bioelectrical field, resulting in altered voltages and thereby altered biochemical reactions. Because each biochemical reaction depends on specific voltages at specific times which are altered by a superimposing magnetic field, the superimposing (invisible) magnetic field does change the body's chemistry.
Just because magnetic fields are invisible doesn't mean they don't exist or don't affect you. Air is invisible, but without it's presence it would have a very profound effect on your life - or lack of life rather. Some people should go get an education first before they ignorantly spout off to others claiming all these invisible things must somehow be "junk science."
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Whoa, WTH.
Hey, Zixie touched on my blood bit. Don't forget to answer my blood question whoever.
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So, Hay, what happens when one sleeps with their head facing South? Do they stay sick a lot? Maybe that's what has been happening to me this year.
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double whoa
and yeah what about that blood thing ?
i can't wait to know all these answers
do you think i'll even have understanding ? ohmygosh !!!!!!!
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Random bullet points:
Vic got some of his stuff from Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaws book Life Extension.
How about the Fit for life kick?
The Physics of devil spirit manifestation.
Black holes don't exist.
What was the deal with kelp shakers?
"Is that a real poncho or a Sears poncho?"
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the reason the air smells cleaner after a rainstorm is because it IS
There's pollution in the air, plus pollen and all kinds of stuff.
Releasing charged particles in the air (like with an ionizer or with a
rainstorm) causes the pollution, etc, to become charged, which results in
them "settling out", or sticking to objects that are NOT the air, nearby.
So, the air has less pollution in it. The one drawback to this is that you
now have a tiny increase in the amount of residue on all the surrounding
material. That's why homes with ionizers in constant use have cleaner air
but need to paint a little more often.
I'm curious about the "current" use in hospitals of magnetism to aid in the
regrowth of bone. Do you have a resource on this one? It's news to me.
On one of the older tapes, vpw was claiming that the effect of the body of
eating a heart meal with starches, etc resulted in consuming more grain
alcohol than if you had a few drinks.
I'm not familiar offhand with how the body breaks down starches and
carbohydrates and the like. However, I don't remember hearing that a
by-product of regular digestion was alcohol. Last I heard, alcohol is
broken down, and starches are broken down. If memory serves, both are
broken down into SUGARS. Alcohol doesn't stay alcohol, and nothing in food
(unless, perhaps, someone drugs your food) breaks down into alcohol.
If someone with some real knowledge of this would speak up, I'd appreciate
BTW, he followed it up by pointing out the medical doctor in the room
(the Wine guy) and said that if you really wanted to know, to ask HIM.
I'm thinking this was based on a misunderstanding of how starches are
broken down in digestion, but, hey, I could be wrong....
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There is a new bubble theory of the universe going around amoung the stargazers. They say the universe would be much smaller that we think it is. When we think we are looking at the farthest galaxies, we may actually be looking at reflections from inside, boucing off the bubble walls.
The reason for this thinking is based on the microwaves bouncing around the universe from the big bang. Instead of being uniform in nature and coming from one direction, they are highly irratic bouncing around from all over the place in different intensities. As if they were bouncing around in a bubble.
They did not in the article I saw, estimate the size of the bubble or give an idea of what it was made. Nor of course did they speculate what may be outside the bubble.
Makes you go hmmmmmmmmmmmm,
Way II much fun for one man.
love ya,
Bob Hansen
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