CC - what I meant was that if you go to the "Pick of the Week" site Pick of the Week and go to the "Pick A Segment" link, TWI is not listed as a feature segment on their site. Which means they got the ex-Way community's message and didn't make it available for anyone to re-view. TWI will probably keep that up on their site for a long time to get their money's worth out of it.
Hope R. color>size>face>
P.S. Did any of you read any of the FAQ's from that site? It's interesting... it basically says they can take any company and find the "golden nuggets in every story". From their information, it also seems like the organization contacts Broadcast News, not the other way around.
Don't let the past remind us of what we are not now. - Stephen Stillssize>face>color>
I love watching Terry Bradshaw do football games but this was bad. He normally talks much faster and is very animated. It seemed like he hadn't even seen his cue cards until he came in that day.
Sorry megan... I don't buy the psychology lie. Spanking doesn't teach a child to hit. That has only been true in the last 30, 40 years when the text books got re-written.
BUT... I'm in the minority... I still believe what the Bible says about raising children... who am I to argue/disagree with "all the wisdom of man thru the ages." BTW what does your psych professor say about a 14 year old (that has NEVER been spanked) who gets in your face and threatens YOU with physical harm if you don't:
hand over the car keys (even though they don't have a drivers license).
give them as much cash as they think they should have.
steals from your purse, wallet, own home
uses force whenever they wish to get whatever they wish
Anybody who's attracted to this garbage deserves what they get. I bet the people most attracted are already in the way. So it was probably worth the money to make their innies feel good.
I remember when I was in (the mid 70's I think) they produced a bunch of radio shows and had them run on real live radio stations. I bet they had to pay for that too. I felt like it added an air of legitimacy to what I was involved in. I'm sure it will have the same effect on folks involved right now.
Of course it's bizzare that they post it on their web site. Are they going to encourage the innies to check out the web? Aren't they affraid it will lead to googling?
on thier web site the link is posted on the "what's new" site yet, as of today.
I don't know if they would be entitled to post it or not. (not being a lawyer)
The content of the piece seems like a way for them to try to legitimise them as being a good "New Age" type of religeon that has the answers to all that is 'ailing' you.
If it wasen't for all of us that were in knowing about what they really are, it could be a lot worse. Thank God that the people who wrote the emails, and originally saw the peice when it aired. The word on 'WHO' 'The Way' is, is now being told to hopefully the right people in the news media.
Vaguely reminscent of the Saturday Night Live skit, with John Lovitz, where they're all coming out of a theater commenting on a movie and they're hypnotized, big eyes, talking slowly...
"I - loved - it. It - was - great. I - liked - it - bet - ter - than - Cats. I'm - go - ing - to - see - it - a - gain - and - a - gain...."
It looked like a promo for a retirement home.
Doesn't the sun shine in Ohio anymore? I haven't seen so much paste since the glue factory exploded.
"The Way...the other white meat".
In line, in line, it's all in a line. My ducks are all in a row.
They do not change, they do not move. They have nowhere to go.
Damn that TWI Web site. I have tried to play the link on TWI's web site showing the commercial they ran 3 different times and my computer has locked up and been disabled all 3 times. After that I tried ctrl-alt-delete and this did not work. My computer on-off button did not work. I had to unplug my computer all 3 times. Do you think this is a sign from God?
I find it interesting that Rosie-lie talks about the Bible class that changed her life, and immediately after her little speech, the commercial (that's what it is) shows people holding up WAP syllabuses.
If I'd seen such a commercial when I was searching for a better understanding of God, I'd have laughed and headed in the opposite direction. Almost everyone shown in those "fellowships" looks so stiff, like little kids in a classroom who've been told to sit still and pay attention. Not a glimmer of joy or spontaneity to be seen.
And I see they have the "flowers on the altar just right."
It's pathetic. I'm only sorry they hoodwinked Terry Bradsaw into endorsing this crap.
Oh well, at least they finally admit twi is a company, not a ministry!
Terry Bradshaw gets paid to read what's put in front of him, nothing more. Obviously, his script was written by some way p.r. hack, and whoever produced this thing did no background research at all.
When you get right down to it, what the way has posted on their website is a bald-faced lie.
They claim that this Pick of the Week chose them because of how wonderful they are, when in fact they paid Pick of the Week to say how wonderful they are.
Pick of the week is obviously a money maker for Terry Bradshaw (and to that end I have no problem) and MSNBC. It is actually a rather brilliant (from a marketing perspective) way to frame infomercials...laid out on cable news station in short form (5 minutes). Most informercials that seem to run late at night or Saturday morning get real boring after hearing their products lauded to the sky over and over for a half hour. Remember Americans have short attention spans. Five minute informercials is actually not a bad idea. Mr. Bradshaw does a commendable job in his presentation (he is just reporting what he is given as any newscaster or sportscaster would do). I don't blame Terry, I actually like him on Fox's NFL show with James Brown. He and Howie Long are very entertaining together. Terry is always playing the ham on that show. The NFL season only lasts 6 months, so Terry needs another gig...looks like this is it.
As far as the way goes...looks like they are trying to appear more mainstream (unlike the 70's Rockstock style). More palatable for average American folk with 4 bedroom homes and two cars in the garage (of course it all better be paid for).
Sometimes in the newpaper there's a "Community Service" page that prints articles about small businesses in the area. They're usually short, giving the details of the services the company provides with the address, hours, phone, etc. They always "pick" businesses that seem like they have something special to offer. They look like real news articles by the way they're presented in the paper, as if a reporter went out to that business and interviewed the owner and/or customers.
Turns out, they're nothing more than paid advertising. No reporter ever set foot in any of those businesses. Most of the "articles" are fill-in-the-blank scripts that will work with any hairdresser, insurance agent, or cell phone company. One size fits all in each catagory - only the names have been changed!
When I watched the video the second time (yeah - like a car-wreck - I just had to look), I realized that that 5 minute spot was just like one of those articles. Terry Bradshaw just read his script. He never went to TWI HQ's, and neither did any MSNBC representative. I even wonder whether anyone from Broadcast News went there. If they did, I'm surprised they didn't find the whole organization a bit strange.
Hope R. color>size>face>
... there's a star on the far horizon, rising bright in an azure sky,
for the rest of the time that you're given, why walk when you can fly?
The results of the google search "terry bradshaw's pick" found several companies that mention that they are picks and stream their ads. It makes me think that it is all part of the advertising package.
They are "picked" because they pay. In this case TWI has bought the illusion of respectability
wasn't born to follow-
false doctrines
I did the same search a few days earlier and got the same results.
I sent email both to Imus's producer and to the broadcast news channel address.
I received response from both with a name at Broadcast News to talk to, with a (non toll-free) phone number to call, and an invitation from the guy Friday afternoon to call him. So I replied that I would do so on Monday.
I asked one simple question: what is the selection criteria?
Since I have free longdistance calling on my cell phone, I will call him on Monday and see what they say...
I suspect the same thing that ckeer and some others have, that the money is the main criterion.
This reminds me of something I've seen in ads for automobiles and electric utilities before.
Have you ever heard of J.D. Power and Associates?
I've seen the name in ads claiming that "according to J.D. Power and Associates, customers say __________ has excellent customer service"
Now, the reason this got my attention is because I knew it was bovine feces.
I had long time experience with the customer service function of the particular utility and knew they were consistently discourteous and hostile to customers.
When it became more than just a one time occurance, and I saw this JD Power endorsement for a variety of items/companies, I suspected that said endorsement was nothing more than a purchased use of the name of a company I had no idea what kind of research they did to come up with their conclusions.
In my opinion, this whole ordeal on being on MSNBC was (and is) simply a marketing ploy by TWI and it was another business transaction for MSNBC.
TWI paid for the exposure and product, which now serves as a disingenuous marketing tool on their Web site. These are the obvious reasons (to me) why TWI embarked on this task. It was a set up between both entities, “money talks very loudly” in the business world. In short, TWI bought their way in, nothing more.
Steve! I haven’t had nor will I have the opportunity to read this thread. I simply read the first post, which was sufficient for me to make my observations, therefore, I stated my own conclusions, which is a given right that I have in this site. More importantly, thank you for the sagacious edification, it reflects well on you. :D-->
In the neck of the publishing woods I'm in, we call those little "articles" Hope mentioned "advertorial" or "whore-atorial." If we publish anything like that, we have to, by postal regulations, prominently display the word "Advertisement" in it.
Seems to me these "Picks of the Week" should have to do the same.
And yes, to whoever said that Terry B. just reads what he's given. But it's a shame he lets himself be used to give the appearance of credibility to ads posing as endorsements.
Rocky Thank you for that MOST POLITICALLY CORRECT WORD "Bovine Feces", in this verbally tormented Woops! Verbally CHALLENGED world (these days)!! :D--> :D--> :D-->
I shall begin to say BF now instead of BS, and see who is, and who is not "with the program"
I can't imagine ANYONE getting interested in the way with Rosie pitching it.
Have they completely run out of good front men who can hold an audience?
Long ago I used to wake up and find John Lynn on a 5 minute sermonette thing that he did for a local New York channel. Whatever one thinks of Lynn, it was always a laugh to see this energetic somewhat entetaining dude where normally the 5 minute sermonettes were dull as dishwater. No mention of the way, Lynn gave some gobbledygook about Jonah and the whale, and I always got a kick out of it.
Let's face it-there was a time long ago and far away, that we would have all been thrilled that the way got Terry Bradshaws attention. As clueless as they are, it kinda surprises me that they didn't put a more dynamic speaker out there.
Just a thought. Not losing any sleep. I'm glad it bombed royally.
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Hope R.
CC - what I meant was that if you go to the "Pick of the Week" site Pick of the Week and go to the "Pick A Segment" link, TWI is not listed as a feature segment on their site. Which means they got the ex-Way community's message and didn't make it available for anyone to re-view. TWI will probably keep that up on their site for a long time to get their money's worth out of it.
Hope R. color>size>face>
P.S. Did any of you read any of the FAQ's from that site? It's interesting... it basically says they can take any company and find the "golden nuggets in every story". From their information, it also seems like the organization contacts Broadcast News, not the other way around.
Don't let the past remind us of what we are not now. - Stephen Stillssize>face>color>
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Not to burst your bubble Hope R. but when I looked at their website last week they had their schedule posted from about six months ago.
The absence of TWI's spot may be nothing more than the fact they haven't updated their site.
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Saw the video.
Sometime during the past several years, out in the
fields, a pod grew, and a double of John Rupp
grew in it. One night it replaced him.
That's the best explanation I can offer for the
stiff caricature of the man John Rupp USED to be.
That, or they hooked him up to a machine and
sucked his personality dry.
Whatever they did, they took his moustache, too.
Maybe there's a REAL John Rupp on the run, with the
moustache, trying to avoid capture.
Was it just me, or did it sound like Terry was
reading a script prepared by twi and its lawyers?
It sounded like a dry recital of their website when
he spoke. They even included the "international
countries", which is a real giveaway.
Man, what a waste of....something.
How many people here think that dry, inhuman drone of a
piece will draw new flocks to their coffers?
I bet they never recoup the cost of the video.
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I love watching Terry Bradshaw do football games but this was bad. He normally talks much faster and is very animated. It seemed like he hadn't even seen his cue cards until he came in that day.
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Al Poole
Sorry megan... I don't buy the psychology lie. Spanking doesn't teach a child to hit. That has only been true in the last 30, 40 years when the text books got re-written.
BUT... I'm in the minority... I still believe what the Bible says about raising children... who am I to argue/disagree with "all the wisdom of man thru the ages." BTW what does your psych professor say about a 14 year old (that has NEVER been spanked) who gets in your face and threatens YOU with physical harm if you don't:
hand over the car keys (even though they don't have a drivers license).
give them as much cash as they think they should have.
steals from your purse, wallet, own home
uses force whenever they wish to get whatever they wish
What do they say about this individual??? Hmmm?
Sorry for the digression and de-railment......
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Anybody who's attracted to this garbage deserves what they get. I bet the people most attracted are already in the way. So it was probably worth the money to make their innies feel good.
I remember when I was in (the mid 70's I think) they produced a bunch of radio shows and had them run on real live radio stations. I bet they had to pay for that too. I felt like it added an air of legitimacy to what I was involved in. I'm sure it will have the same effect on folks involved right now.
Of course it's bizzare that they post it on their web site. Are they going to encourage the innies to check out the web? Aren't they affraid it will lead to googling?
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1.many ways of interpetation? far cry we are the only one
2Rosie smiling while describing a serios tragedy?
3many paths to spiritual growth?
I can hardly stand to listen to it,What a travesty!lots of us here on gs could tell a much different story.
Oh of course Jesus is not mentioned at all might offend someone you know
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on thier web site the link is posted on the "what's new" site yet, as of today.
I don't know if they would be entitled to post it or not. (not being a lawyer)
The content of the piece seems like a way for them to try to legitimise them as being a good "New Age" type of religeon that has the answers to all that is 'ailing' you.
If it wasen't for all of us that were in knowing about what they really are, it could be a lot worse. Thank God that the people who wrote the emails, and originally saw the peice when it aired. The word on 'WHO' 'The Way' is, is now being told to hopefully the right people in the news media.
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Vaguely reminscent of the Saturday Night Live skit, with John Lovitz, where they're all coming out of a theater commenting on a movie and they're hypnotized, big eyes, talking slowly...
"I - loved - it. It - was - great. I - liked - it - bet - ter - than - Cats. I'm - go - ing - to - see - it - a - gain - and - a - gain...."
It looked like a promo for a retirement home.
Doesn't the sun shine in Ohio anymore? I haven't seen so much paste since the glue factory exploded.
"The Way...the other white meat".
In line, in line, it's all in a line. My ducks are all in a row.
They do not change, they do not move. They have nowhere to go.
James Taylor
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Mark Sanguinetti
Damn that TWI Web site. I have tried to play the link on TWI's web site showing the commercial they ran 3 different times and my computer has locked up and been disabled all 3 times. After that I tried ctrl-alt-delete and this did not work. My computer on-off button did not work. I had to unplug my computer all 3 times. Do you think this is a sign from God?
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Linda Z
I find it interesting that Rosie-lie talks about the Bible class that changed her life, and immediately after her little speech, the commercial (that's what it is) shows people holding up WAP syllabuses.
If I'd seen such a commercial when I was searching for a better understanding of God, I'd have laughed and headed in the opposite direction. Almost everyone shown in those "fellowships" looks so stiff, like little kids in a classroom who've been told to sit still and pay attention. Not a glimmer of joy or spontaneity to be seen.
And I see they have the "flowers on the altar just right."
It's pathetic. I'm only sorry they hoodwinked Terry Bradsaw into endorsing this crap.
Oh well, at least they finally admit twi is a company, not a ministry!
Linda Z
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Terry Bradshaw gets paid to read what's put in front of him, nothing more. Obviously, his script was written by some way p.r. hack, and whoever produced this thing did no background research at all.
When you get right down to it, what the way has posted on their website is a bald-faced lie.
They claim that this Pick of the Week chose them because of how wonderful they are, when in fact they paid Pick of the Week to say how wonderful they are.
Can you say "bull....?" I knew you could.
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Pick of the week is obviously a money maker for Terry Bradshaw (and to that end I have no problem) and MSNBC. It is actually a rather brilliant (from a marketing perspective) way to frame infomercials...laid out on cable news station in short form (5 minutes). Most informercials that seem to run late at night or Saturday morning get real boring after hearing their products lauded to the sky over and over for a half hour. Remember Americans have short attention spans. Five minute informercials is actually not a bad idea. Mr. Bradshaw does a commendable job in his presentation (he is just reporting what he is given as any newscaster or sportscaster would do). I don't blame Terry, I actually like him on Fox's NFL show with James Brown. He and Howie Long are very entertaining together. Terry is always playing the ham on that show. The NFL season only lasts 6 months, so Terry needs another gig...looks like this is it.
As far as the way goes...looks like they are trying to appear more mainstream (unlike the 70's Rockstock style). More palatable for average American folk with 4 bedroom homes and two cars in the garage (of course it all better be paid for).
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Hope R.
Sometimes in the newpaper there's a "Community Service" page that prints articles about small businesses in the area. They're usually short, giving the details of the services the company provides with the address, hours, phone, etc. They always "pick" businesses that seem like they have something special to offer. They look like real news articles by the way they're presented in the paper, as if a reporter went out to that business and interviewed the owner and/or customers.
Turns out, they're nothing more than paid advertising. No reporter ever set foot in any of those businesses. Most of the "articles" are fill-in-the-blank scripts that will work with any hairdresser, insurance agent, or cell phone company. One size fits all in each catagory - only the names have been changed!
When I watched the video the second time (yeah - like a car-wreck - I just had to look), I realized that that 5 minute spot was just like one of those articles. Terry Bradshaw just read his script. He never went to TWI HQ's, and neither did any MSNBC representative. I even wonder whether anyone from Broadcast News went there. If they did, I'm surprised they didn't find the whole organization a bit strange.
Hope R. color>size>face>
... there's a star on the far horizon, rising bright in an azure sky,
for the rest of the time that you're given, why walk when you can fly?
Mary Chapin Carpentersize>color>
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I did the same search a few days earlier and got the same results.
I sent email both to Imus's producer and to the broadcast news channel address.
I received response from both with a name at Broadcast News to talk to, with a (non toll-free) phone number to call, and an invitation from the guy Friday afternoon to call him. So I replied that I would do so on Monday.
I asked one simple question: what is the selection criteria?
Since I have free longdistance calling on my cell phone, I will call him on Monday and see what they say...
I suspect the same thing that ckeer and some others have, that the money is the main criterion.
This reminds me of something I've seen in ads for automobiles and electric utilities before.
Have you ever heard of J.D. Power and Associates?
I've seen the name in ads claiming that "according to J.D. Power and Associates, customers say __________ has excellent customer service"
Now, the reason this got my attention is because I knew it was bovine feces.
I had long time experience with the customer service function of the particular utility and knew they were consistently discourteous and hostile to customers.
When it became more than just a one time occurance, and I saw this JD Power endorsement for a variety of items/companies, I suspected that said endorsement was nothing more than a purchased use of the name of a company I had no idea what kind of research they did to come up with their conclusions.
That's what this sounds like to me.
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In my opinion, this whole ordeal on being on MSNBC was (and is) simply a marketing ploy by TWI and it was another business transaction for MSNBC.
TWI paid for the exposure and product, which now serves as a disingenuous marketing tool on their Web site. These are the obvious reasons (to me) why TWI embarked on this task. It was a set up between both entities, “money talks very loudly” in the business world. In short, TWI bought their way in, nothing more.
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Brady -
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Steve! I haven’t had nor will I have the opportunity to read this thread. I simply read the first post, which was sufficient for me to make my observations, therefore, I stated my own conclusions, which is a given right that I have in this site. More importantly, thank you for the sagacious edification, it reflects well on you.
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Linda Z
In the neck of the publishing woods I'm in, we call those little "articles" Hope mentioned "advertorial" or "whore-atorial." If we publish anything like that, we have to, by postal regulations, prominently display the word "Advertisement" in it.
Seems to me these "Picks of the Week" should have to do the same.
And yes, to whoever said that Terry B. just reads what he's given. But it's a shame he lets himself be used to give the appearance of credibility to ads posing as endorsements.
Linda Z
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Correct me if i am wrong, Harve and Rosalie did not look good at all. They looked worn out and drained.
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Are we talking about Terry Bradshaw, the former NFL Pittburg Steeler QB, now commentator?
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Schuks yes we are.
Rocky Thank you for that MOST POLITICALLY CORRECT WORD "Bovine Feces", in this verbally tormented Woops! Verbally CHALLENGED world (these days)!!
I shall begin to say BF now instead of BS, and see who is, and who is not "with the program"
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I can't imagine ANYONE getting interested in the way with Rosie pitching it.
Have they completely run out of good front men who can hold an audience?
Long ago I used to wake up and find John Lynn on a 5 minute sermonette thing that he did for a local New York channel. Whatever one thinks of Lynn, it was always a laugh to see this energetic somewhat entetaining dude where normally the 5 minute sermonettes were dull as dishwater. No mention of the way, Lynn gave some gobbledygook about Jonah and the whale, and I always got a kick out of it.
Let's face it-there was a time long ago and far away, that we would have all been thrilled that the way got Terry Bradshaws attention. As clueless as they are, it kinda surprises me that they didn't put a more dynamic speaker out there.
Just a thought. Not losing any sleep. I'm glad it bombed royally.
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Ahhhhhhhhh, just think, they finally had to give into the world's way by using the "prince of the power of the air".
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! my cookies!
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