I'm just sending them emails asking them why they don't list "that cult" under the picks section since they featured them on TV.
waiting for response.
I've also sent them an email letting them know that I found the video I was looking for on "that cult's website" but still wondered why they endorsed them.
waiting for response.
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
Looks like there's no link to TWI's promo on the "Pick of the Week" site. Guess they listened.
As far as their 5 minute promo goes - eek! IN MY OPINION - Rosalie looks like Disney made her. Harve looks about as real as Janet Jackson's right breast. The fellowships look like b-rated movie sets. It all looks very staged. If I was watching it and had never heard of TWI, I'd think it was just another Jim and Tammy ministry filled with white-middle-class midwesterners who'd never eaten a decent piece of pizza.
And think about it, it may have done more harm than good. Anyone who was really curious wouldn't have stopped looking after they went to TWI's website - they'd probably do a google search and find out a whole lot more information about TWI - and very little of it positive (if any).
Sheesh - the whole thing makes the "Changed" video look spontaneous!
Hope R. color>size>face>
Don't let the past remind us of what we are not now. - Stephen Stillssize>face>color>
At 13 they were spanking you with a wooden spoon??? Megan...that in itself is pretty rediculous...completely inapropriate for a teen..degrading as well as humiliating... as I understand it ...any adult on grounds had that authority.
Sometimes I think that it will take growing older and having children of your own before you will see the wrongness of some of what was inflicted on you....
No not at 13, I was mini corp at age 6-7, so then is when that occured.
after a certain age its fairly pointless to spank with a wooden spoon.
I am taking psychology now and although i'd heard this before, I've heard it again that spanking a child just teaches them to hit, they do not understand why they are being spanked. they do not put the connection of the bad action with the spanking, even with an explanation. so the way effectively was raising kids that someday would hit others.
Ok megan ... I missunderstood... It upsets me to think that it was used on you at all...Can you tell I am a protective mama? lol..I am glad that you are ok....
quote:Is it my imagination, or does Rosalie look exactly like Dale Evans?
LOL!! My boss said the same thing when I was playing the video on her computer.
This video is really sappy and sugar-coated. It was sad for me to see so many people I knew while I was on Staff. I'm sad that they are still suckered in to that craphole of an organization which takes advantage of people.
"That piece of garbage video at one place stated that the home fellowships are handled by the head of household." -- CoolWaters
I caught that lie, also. TWI prefers to use anyone who has a nice looking house in a nice neighborhood, the home owner and fellowship leader are often different people.
Rosalie looks like Dale Evans...I guess so, but Rosalie's voice is like fingernails clawing on a chalkboard....it sends chills down my spine.
There's soooooooo much more "behind the scenes"! GSC is now more important than ever, imo.
I know there's lots of stuff in the archives, but most people don't want to take or do not have that much time, so it's important to keep the discussions current, imo.
Also, when one does a search about twi, GSC is often not on the first page of results. There's a thread here about how to resolve that, but I would think that with all of the activity on this board there ought to be a way to get GSC up first.
TWI's website says they were "chosen". Were they or do they ask to be the pick of the week?
I'd have to say that I don't think anyone in my area would be all that impressed with the video. Looks like a pretty boring group of people to me. And RFR? Good Lord, I would avoid the group just so I would have to look at or listen to her.
Harve Platig looked about as fake as, well, I don't know what. He looked like he was talking through clinched teeth and trying really hard to look nice and "Godly".
If you watch it again, look for TWI books in the commercial. I will have to watch again before I can notice it, but they seem to hide the complete titles. I forget if it was "Jesus Christ Is Not God" or the "Promised Seed" or another book, but that one was very blatantly hidden, except for the "Jesus Christ" part.
Hope, the promotion clip is still linked on The Way's website. I just watched it again. They will probably keep it there until they have no choice but to remove it (if indeed, they are using it illegally). But it's possible that their lawyers have figured out a way they can use the clip without violating any copywrites. Their best asset these days does seem to be their very clever and high powered lawyers.
I hate to disagree with many of you, but I thought that the promotion was very effective. It's polished and well executed. It presents The Way in a pleasing and respectable light, one that reminds me of some commercials I've seen on TV for the large churches in our area. Everyone looks conservatively dressed, well groomed and happy to be participating---The same veneer ("Way Faces") we all use to tack on at functions, even when we were feeling totally miserable and trapped. In fact, there's always been little difference between the facial expressions of the hoodwinked (as we all once were), and those who are seriously questioning the prudence of their continued participation. That's the beauty of the video. It makes the Way appear in exactly the manner they wish to be seen.
If I were some poor, unsuspecting sap, looking for a non-denominational christian group to join, I would think that The Way might be a good group of folks to hook up with. Fortunately, because of the internet, there are other voices out here that can set people straight, if they're but willing to dig just a little deeper.
Well CC, I agree it was a pretty good piece of propaganda, it's just that those guys looked so stiff and the delivery of their lines was lacking... stilted... is that the word I'm looking for?
and MasterP, I also noticed it about the books... I thought "how convenient that the only part showing on JCING is the JC part"... not planned that way I'm sure!
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
Have you also noticed in the video that everyone looks like a store clothing dummy?
Very stiff and sober looking, like they aren't having any fun at all. At least in a regular religous church the people look natural and not molded.
Also in the bookstore department the man and woman look so "Excited" to be there. Maybe the new 'Barf rag', I mean 'Way mag' is in.
I hope whoever owns the rights to the video nailes them to the wall for using the segment on thier website. That would mean that the video they used for it will wind up costing way more 'ABS' money than they paid for producing it all.
Some of the still-shots in that video were OLD pictures from Way Rags YEARS ago - like some of the hhf pictures. I remember seeing those from years ago.
Rosie Fart Roofinbark looks horrible - so does a former Singin' Chick of TWI - man, time has not been good to them.
What kind of return on the investment of $29K do you really think they're going to get from this? I'd be totally p.o.'ed as a believer if it was my money funding that!
Well, I thought the young guy leading the songs was cute. ;)--> Other than that, everybody looks old and boring. I would wonder about an bible study oraganization that had families involved, with an older woman in charge if I was a typical pedestrian watching this.
Usually you see a couple, or a family together, not just an older female. It seems odd to me.
When I watched the video I noticed the copyright at the end gave the date but not the ownership. I suspect (and hope) that TWI is using it without permission, and if enough of us make enough noise they will be forced to pull it
The results of the google search "terry bradshaw's pick" found several companies that mention that they are picks and stream their ads. It makes me think that it is all part of the advertising package.
They are "picked" because they pay. In this case TWI has bought the illusion of respectability
Dmiller, the video is STILL readily accessed by clicking the link on the mainpage sidebar entiteled, "current events". As far as I can tell, they are NOT "copying" the video---only streaming it via a link from another site. This is probably quite legal. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I suspect that they've covered themselves quite sufficiently. Those lawyers of theirs aren't being paid to sit on their ASSets.
ok, i forced myself to watch it again. Rosalie blinked way too much while she told her story. Her body language indicated that she is lying.
Harve plugged The Way of Abundance and Power Classes, Foundational, Intermediate, Advanced. I cannot believe they still teach that crap. When WAP first came out to replace the Power For Abundant Living Class series, The WAP class was considered a poor replacement, a failure. Search the archives at Greasespot Cafe and find threads that discuss the bizzare teachings in the WAP class.
Lastly, I personally do not enjoy attending churches where guys have to wear a coat and tie to fit in. I even saw men wearing three piece suits in the video. No thanks, no church with you empty suits, even if it was the truth of Gods Word, nobody wants that kind of religion...that is the phoney appearance of "abundance".
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I am very glad that this did not happen to you. Good for your mother!
What I am talking about happened in Alaska. At least one person went to prison. I am still trying to help my daughter heal.
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Tom Strange
I'm just sending them emails asking them why they don't list "that cult" under the picks section since they featured them on TV.
waiting for response.
I've also sent them an email letting them know that I found the video I was looking for on "that cult's website" but still wondered why they endorsed them.
waiting for response.
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
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Hope R.
Looks like there's no link to TWI's promo on the "Pick of the Week" site. Guess they listened.
As far as their 5 minute promo goes - eek! IN MY OPINION - Rosalie looks like Disney made her. Harve looks about as real as Janet Jackson's right breast. The fellowships look like b-rated movie sets. It all looks very staged. If I was watching it and had never heard of TWI, I'd think it was just another Jim and Tammy ministry filled with white-middle-class midwesterners who'd never eaten a decent piece of pizza.
And think about it, it may have done more harm than good. Anyone who was really curious wouldn't have stopped looking after they went to TWI's website - they'd probably do a google search and find out a whole lot more information about TWI - and very little of it positive (if any).
Sheesh - the whole thing makes the "Changed" video look spontaneous!
Hope R. color>size>face>
Don't let the past remind us of what we are not now. - Stephen Stillssize>face>color>
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No not at 13, I was mini corp at age 6-7, so then is when that occured.
after a certain age its fairly pointless to spank with a wooden spoon.
I am taking psychology now and although i'd heard this before, I've heard it again that spanking a child just teaches them to hit, they do not understand why they are being spanked. they do not put the connection of the bad action with the spanking, even with an explanation. so the way effectively was raising kids that someday would hit others.
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Anyone know Bradshaws e-mail address? I think we should all e-mail him our opinion of TWI with the link to G/S.
I know one.
Thus Sayeth "The OnionEater"
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Ok megan ... I missunderstood... It upsets me to think that it was used on you at all...Can you tell I am a protective mama? lol..I am glad that you are ok....
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Onion Eater
I'm sorry to all the children that were, that is a very harsh thing to go through.
Almost nothing ever fixes that mistrust in others.
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LOL!! My boss said the same thing when I was playing the video on her computer.
This video is really sappy and sugar-coated. It was sad for me to see so many people I knew while I was on Staff. I'm sad that they are still suckered in to that craphole of an organization which takes advantage of people.
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
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"That piece of garbage video at one place stated that the home fellowships are handled by the head of household." -- CoolWaters
I caught that lie, also. TWI prefers to use anyone who has a nice looking house in a nice neighborhood, the home owner and fellowship leader are often different people.
Rosalie looks like Dale Evans...I guess so, but Rosalie's voice is like fingernails clawing on a chalkboard....it sends chills down my spine.
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Tom Strange
HopeR: it wasn't real?
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
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There's soooooooo much more "behind the scenes"! GSC is now more important than ever, imo.
I know there's lots of stuff in the archives, but most people don't want to take or do not have that much time, so it's important to keep the discussions current, imo.
Also, when one does a search about twi, GSC is often not on the first page of results. There's a thread here about how to resolve that, but I would think that with all of the activity on this board there ought to be a way to get GSC up first.
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TWI's website says they were "chosen". Were they or do they ask to be the pick of the week?
I'd have to say that I don't think anyone in my area would be all that impressed with the video. Looks like a pretty boring group of people to me. And RFR? Good Lord, I would avoid the group just so I would have to look at or listen to her.
Harve Platig looked about as fake as, well, I don't know what. He looked like he was talking through clinched teeth and trying really hard to look nice and "Godly".
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Mister P-Mosh
If you watch it again, look for TWI books in the commercial. I will have to watch again before I can notice it, but they seem to hide the complete titles. I forget if it was "Jesus Christ Is Not God" or the "Promised Seed" or another book, but that one was very blatantly hidden, except for the "Jesus Christ" part.
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Cherished Child
Hope, the promotion clip is still linked on The Way's website. I just watched it again. They will probably keep it there until they have no choice but to remove it (if indeed, they are using it illegally). But it's possible that their lawyers have figured out a way they can use the clip without violating any copywrites. Their best asset these days does seem to be their very clever and high powered lawyers.
I hate to disagree with many of you, but I thought that the promotion was very effective. It's polished and well executed. It presents The Way in a pleasing and respectable light, one that reminds me of some commercials I've seen on TV for the large churches in our area. Everyone looks conservatively dressed, well groomed and happy to be participating---The same veneer ("Way Faces") we all use to tack on at functions, even when we were feeling totally miserable and trapped. In fact, there's always been little difference between the facial expressions of the hoodwinked (as we all once were), and those who are seriously questioning the prudence of their continued participation. That's the beauty of the video. It makes the Way appear in exactly the manner they wish to be seen.
If I were some poor, unsuspecting sap, looking for a non-denominational christian group to join, I would think that The Way might be a good group of folks to hook up with. Fortunately, because of the internet, there are other voices out here that can set people straight, if they're but willing to dig just a little deeper.
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Tom Strange
Well CC, I agree it was a pretty good piece of propaganda, it's just that those guys looked so stiff and the delivery of their lines was lacking... stilted... is that the word I'm looking for?
and MasterP, I also noticed it about the books... I thought "how convenient that the only part showing on JCING is the JC part"... not planned that way I'm sure!
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
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Have you also noticed in the video that everyone looks like a store clothing dummy?
Very stiff and sober looking, like they aren't having any fun at all. At least in a regular religous church the people look natural and not molded.
Also in the bookstore department the man and woman look so "Excited" to be there. Maybe the new 'Barf rag', I mean 'Way mag' is in.
I hope whoever owns the rights to the video nailes them to the wall for using the segment on thier website. That would mean that the video they used for it will wind up costing way more 'ABS' money than they paid for producing it all.
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Well at least they are streaming it from their own domain.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man."
Mark Twain
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Some of the still-shots in that video were OLD pictures from Way Rags YEARS ago - like some of the hhf pictures. I remember seeing those from years ago.
Rosie Fart Roofinbark looks horrible - so does a former Singin' Chick of TWI - man, time has not been good to them.
What kind of return on the investment of $29K do you really think they're going to get from this? I'd be totally p.o.'ed as a believer if it was my money funding that!
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Well, I thought the young guy leading the songs was cute.
;)--> Other than that, everybody looks old and boring. I would wonder about an bible study oraganization that had families involved, with an older woman in charge if I was a typical pedestrian watching this.
Usually you see a couple, or a family together, not just an older female. It seems odd to me.
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I checked the twi site too, and there is nothing there about the "pick of the week".
Maybe they finally got the answer to the question "What part of NO COPIES don't you understand?"
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A la prochaine
I thought it very interesting that there was NO mention of Gunnison or their Way Corps Training.
Makes me want to go hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm???
'til the next time...
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Terry Bradshaws's pick of the week website is
They say comments can be addressed to:
When I watched the video I noticed the copyright at the end gave the date but not the ownership. I suspect (and hope) that TWI is using it without permission, and if enough of us make enough noise they will be forced to pull it
The results of the google search "terry bradshaw's pick" found several companies that mention that they are picks and stream their ads. It makes me think that it is all part of the advertising package.
They are "picked" because they pay. In this case TWI has bought the illusion of respectability
wasn't born to follow-
false doctrines
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Cherished Child
Dmiller, the video is STILL readily accessed by clicking the link on the mainpage sidebar entiteled, "current events". As far as I can tell, they are NOT "copying" the video---only streaming it via a link from another site. This is probably quite legal. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I suspect that they've covered themselves quite sufficiently. Those lawyers of theirs aren't being paid to sit on their ASSets.
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ok, i forced myself to watch it again. Rosalie blinked way too much while she told her story. Her body language indicated that she is lying.
Harve plugged The Way of Abundance and Power Classes, Foundational, Intermediate, Advanced. I cannot believe they still teach that crap. When WAP first came out to replace the Power For Abundant Living Class series, The WAP class was considered a poor replacement, a failure. Search the archives at Greasespot Cafe and find threads that discuss the bizzare teachings in the WAP class.
Lastly, I personally do not enjoy attending churches where guys have to wear a coat and tie to fit in. I even saw men wearing three piece suits in the video. No thanks, no church with you empty suits, even if it was the truth of Gods Word, nobody wants that kind of religion...that is the phoney appearance of "abundance".
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