Good Night Moon, of course, as it's so sweet and easy for the little ones to memorize and be able to say with me - and a little old lady whispering "hush." Man, if I had a dime for every time I've read that one to a child...
Would You Still Love Me? is a favorite because it covers all sorts of possible changes that could happen (Like the child turning into an apple tree or a star) and asks the question of the Mama - Would you still love me if? It's great assurance for little ones that no matter WHAT, they will always be loved.
I'm a big Shel Silerstein fan too, jesusfreaky - I think my favorite of his poems is Sarah Sylvia Cynthia Stout (would not take the garbage out...) I've had all his books as long as I can remember and read them more than any other books I read for my own pleasure - tee hee.
I'm also a Pooh Bear fan, but my daughter isn't.
Now that my daughter is older, my current favorite to read with her is Pippi Longstocking.
Aw, freaky, you hit me where I live! :)--> I have a collection of children's books, some of which I use when I teach movement to preschoolers. They are wonderful at putting big ideas into few words, like poetry.
The books mentioned so far are wonderful! Here are a few more...
I Love You the Purplest -- addresses sibling rivalry for mom's love
The Salamander Room -- a boy's willingness to do everything to make his new-found pet happy
Miss Rumphius -- about the lady who planted lupines everywhere, making her corner of the world a little better
The Dance (by Richard Paul Evans, who wrote The Christmas Box) -- made me cry, because she danced for her father, and part of me does, too!
For older children's books, I would recommend Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time, and Lois Lowry's The Giver.
For a good funny book I recommend The True story of the 3 Little tells it from the wolf's point of view...I love that book...of course anybody who knows me knows I'd be on the wolf's side anyway...sorry Piggy Poo!!! LOL!!! ;)-->
Peace and Love.
Love y'all,
'' a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''
Funny, I don't recall what I liked when I was a kid, but from the parent side I have to concur with Runaway Bunny, Good night moon, and Love you forever. In Love you forever it cracks me up when the mom drives over to the adult son's house late at night and enters his bed room via ladder and does the routine.
I too love "I love you forever". My mom gave it to all of us kids, and it made me cry too. Right now I have a sixteen year old son with the walkman thing like the kid in the book, and my nineteen year old daughter who is away at a Maritime school sent my wife a birthday card that said;
This little book written in 1942 has won the best of awards in France and America .
Summary An aviator whose plane is forced down in the Sahara Desert encounters a little prince from a small planet, who relates his adventures in seeking what is important in life.
I actualy read this book in college for the first time it is very profound and has won numerous awards . it is a french book with many translations , still in print. It is a lifetime keeper !
The Princess Bride, much better than the movie see if you can find it in the original!
The good DR with a collection of his Zakz , stars and ham and green eggs always a favorite!
Yeah, really. And sorry if I seem like a caveman half the time. I really do love you and everybody else here....Really...Life is short, and we all got involved when we did because we loved, and wanted to change the world for the better. I love you all...
I first heard about the "I Love You Forever" book from one of my nursery schools. All the teachers had passed it around, and they ALL got weepy over it! They're all moms as well as teachers. There's a reason why I have hung around with them since 1986... ;)-->
Today, we danced a few pages of the book Aska's Birds. Beautiful illustrations where the artist has owls resembling snowy evergreens, and ostriches resembling tutu'd ballerinas. (You'd have to see it to get what I mean.) Unique!
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Goodnight Moon
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Love You Forever by Robert N. Munsch
I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be
because my mom who is in her 70s recently gave it all her children
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Don't have a favorite childrens book but excathedra I loved your post you have the best mom what a special thing to do.
PS Oh and I love you too Ex....
Without Coffee I Would Have No Personality At All.
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Good Night Moon, of course, as it's so sweet and easy for the little ones to memorize and be able to say with me - and a little old lady whispering "hush." Man, if I had a dime for every time I've read that one to a child...
Would You Still Love Me? is a favorite because it covers all sorts of possible changes that could happen (Like the child turning into an apple tree or a star) and asks the question of the Mama - Would you still love me if? It's great assurance for little ones that no matter WHAT, they will always be loved.
I'm a big Shel Silerstein fan too, jesusfreaky - I think my favorite of his poems is Sarah Sylvia Cynthia Stout (would not take the garbage out...) I've had all his books as long as I can remember and read them more than any other books I read for my own pleasure - tee hee.
I'm also a Pooh Bear fan, but my daughter isn't.
Now that my daughter is older, my current favorite to read with her is Pippi Longstocking.
B - Better
O - Off
W - Without
t - the
w - way
i - international
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Aw, freaky, you hit me where I live!
:)--> I have a collection of children's books, some of which I use when I teach movement to preschoolers. They are wonderful at putting big ideas into few words, like poetry.
The books mentioned so far are wonderful! Here are a few more...
For older children's books, I would recommend Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time, and Lois Lowry's The Giver.
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The Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown.
It expresses the depth of a mother's love for her children.
I gave a copy to my 26yo daughter this last christmas...she needed to know I wouldn't abandon her.
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Watered Garden
Green Eggs and Ham
The Little Engine that Could - the old version, not the newer, genderized one.
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My mother gave me that book too. It's sweet, but it'll make you cry.
I always liked anything by Dr. Seuss when I was a kid, and I enjoyed reading them to my kids too. My favorite was "Yertle the Turtle."
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Oh yeah, Pirate-pal...and I love the Lorax too...Looooooooove Dr. Seuss... 'bout Butterfly Kisses...another goodie...
For a good funny book I recommend The True story of the 3 Little tells it from the wolf's point of view...I love that book...of course anybody who knows me knows I'd be on the wolf's side anyway...sorry Piggy Poo!!! LOL!!!
Peace and Love.
Love y'all,
'' a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''
-Bruce Springsteen
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As a parent, my daughter and I liked "The Velveteen rabbit", "Hello Moon", and "Where the Wild Things Are".
As a kid, I liked "The Spaceship Under the Apple Tree" and "A Wrinkle in Time". In my early teens, I read a lot of Heinlein science fiction.
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I forgot. Berenstain Bears. My daughter loved them. Great stories, great art.
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i love you too whitedove, what a nice thing to say !!!!!!!!
and you're right pi, definitely makes you cry. that's so cool your mom gave it to you.
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Wacky Funster
Alexander and the No Good, Very Bad Day...
Because...he wants to go to Australia,...and inspired me to go there ...
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Funny, I don't recall what I liked when I was a kid, but from the parent side I have to concur with Runaway Bunny, Good night moon, and Love you forever. In Love you forever it cracks me up when the mom drives over to the adult son's house late at night and enters his bed room via ladder and does the routine.
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i love that part johnnyam !!!!
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J0nny Ling0
I too love "I love you forever". My mom gave it to all of us kids, and it made me cry too. Right now I have a sixteen year old son with the walkman thing like the kid in the book, and my nineteen year old daughter who is away at a Maritime school sent my wife a birthday card that said;
I love you forever,
I'll like you for always
As long as I'm living
your daughter I'll be
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The little Prince
by Antoine De Saint'Exupery
This little book written in 1942 has won the best of awards in France and America .
Summary An aviator whose plane is forced down in the Sahara Desert encounters a little prince from a small planet, who relates his adventures in seeking what is important in life.
I actualy read this book in college for the first time it is very profound and has won numerous awards . it is a french book with many translations , still in print. It is a lifetime keeper !
The Princess Bride, much better than the movie see if you can find it in the original!
The good DR with a collection of his Zakz , stars and ham and green eggs always a favorite!
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awwwww johnny lingo
mommies and daddies and kiddies
enough to make me cry
one reason i cannot fathom the god of many people here
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J0nny Ling0
Yeah, really. And sorry if I seem like a caveman half the time. I really do love you and everybody else here....Really...Life is short, and we all got involved when we did because we loved, and wanted to change the world for the better. I love you all...
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I first heard about the "I Love You Forever" book from one of my nursery schools. All the teachers had passed it around, and they ALL got weepy over it! They're all moms as well as teachers. There's a reason why I have hung around with them since 1986...
Today, we danced a few pages of the book Aska's Birds. Beautiful illustrations where the artist has owls resembling snowy evergreens, and ostriches resembling tutu'd ballerinas. (You'd have to see it to get what I mean.) Unique!
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