I once was at the vet and this Little snapping biting grrr-grrr -grrr (in fast motion) grrr-grrr-grrr dog went in before us. When we went in the vet was laughing.
He said "guess what the name of that dog is?"
I once groomed a huge old English sheepdog named "Tinkerbell." LOL
An old Basset Hound name "Watson" (you could almost see the pipe and hat.)
We tend to name our furry children human names. Let's see there is Lucy , a red chow, Isabella the black lab, Maggie the Yorkie, Otis the orange tabby, Emma a gray tabby, and Annie another gray tabby.
In the past there have been others who are no longer around. The only two that I can recall that did not have human names were, Babycakes and Kittykins, both of them felines.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot our newest member, Bob Brownleg a guinea pig. (I was told that was his elvish name.) He is black with one brown leg and very spoiled.
And now the kidlet is working on me for an iguana. But you have to have four legs and fur for mom to adopt you. ;)-->
We had two Black Labs from the same liter.. Amos and Andy. After that, we had two mixed breed mostly collie pups. One with white paws.. one without..Boots and Randolph.
OMG these are totally cool names. Though I'd like to also hear names you'd think are cool names too, for future pets, not just the fur kids you own now, (thought they're totally cool names, ALL of them)
Galen, must we call a female dog a bitch? Can't she be called a Dam? Or is that just a fancy name for bitch? I don't really know.
When my kids were little they adopted two kittens from the same litter. One was orange female, the other a black white and grey male. The felame was "Pumpkin" and the male was "Shadow". We think Shadow ran away to die...about 7 or 8 years old...Pumpkin lived until almost 20!
One of my best friends has a Shepherd/Retriever mix and she is a totally wonderful dog. He named her Calisto (Greek word = beloved)
I have two adolescent cats/kittens now. Male and female from the same litter. I call them Bonnie and Clyde!
Over 20 years ago, the first cat insinuated her way into our lives. It was a bitter cold February when this little pathetic meemur was near frozen on my city sill...tuna was cheap that week, so I invited her in. She chose us and stayed with us, understanding perfectly the one proviso for habitation...no scratching the furniture.
Named her Hupodema...a greek bastardization loosely translated as "underfoot"...but it didn't fit her...she became Jasper for a day or two...then her real ministry became evident one day when I looked out the window and saw her and a number of toms --ahem--catting about.
She was a feline slut-o-rama...but gentle and sweet. She became forever known as MOMCAT...lotsa kitties.
Now our granddaddy cat is CHICAGO...he hadda bro (WHITE SOX) but he is buried in the backyard.
...he died first...whole 'nother story...lol.
We also have ALAYWA and ZEAL...all three are gray tabbies...
I got a thirty pound black cat wif a little white speck underneath his neck that fears no dog in tha neighborhood and can hit the roof in one leap that goes by the name of eight -ball and a blue heeler puppie that goes by the name of Blue,,,imgine that...LOL
A German Shorthair named "Mr. Starbuck" (named after the 1st Mate in Moby Dick, NOT the coffee)
Another German Shorthair named "Rhino"
A German Wirehaired Pointer named "Salty".
He was way cool and a fine purebred. But, he was stolen. His full name was "Darkwing Salt Of The North"- he came from Darkwing Kennels, u-c
And Rottie Grrl: Surely you must know that in the world of dog breeding and training and such,there is no other way to describe a female dog other than to call her a "bitch". It just isn't done any other way. The negative form of the word, when referring to "not so friendly female humans" is the slang, and came after the original use of the word when referring to a female dawg. Kinda like how the word "gay" was twisted to mean a "sexual lifestyle" instead of just being "outwardly frivolous and happy".
I think you are right about the word "Dam", as in a the mother dog who whelped the pups. I believe that in the "dog breeding world", all female dogs are "bitches", but not all bitches are "dams" unless they have pups. My wife and I have been around a lot of German Wirehair Pointer breeders and trainers lately, and it does seem a little weird when I hear them use the word "bitch" so freely....
I had a full blooded dalmation whose name was Sir Royal George Spottington.
My cats names are fat cat (who no longer is fat but was when we named him), dufous (because he is just a weird cat who will walk and all of a sudden try to grab something that is not there), and a one that I just never can remember the name because its a japanese name my daughter named so I just call it the little cat.
My dogs names are missy, jake, and monster pup or fang, depending on who calls him what. He answers to anything actually. That is our wolf dog. He has fangs bigger than my head, I swear!!! He will knock people down and lick them to death. He loves people and when they are done being licked to death he will start howling.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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my furry son's name is Buster, and it fits him well. just asked his pet cat with 3 legs.
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Dot Matrix
My black little peke is "Cinders"
One of my little red rescued male dogs is "Ozzy"
My blonde peke is "Murphy"
I once was at the vet and this Little snapping biting grrr-grrr -grrr (in fast motion) grrr-grrr-grrr dog went in before us. When we went in the vet was laughing.
He said "guess what the name of that dog is?"
I once groomed a huge old English sheepdog named "Tinkerbell." LOL
An old Basset Hound name "Watson" (you could almost see the pipe and hat.)
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The hamster: Louie, cuz he was a girl named loo loo for a few months and it was discovered she was a boy.
The fish: Mack, cuz of Paw but I can't remember what or why. And Purdy, cuz she is.
The frog: Al, cuz my kid thought I said ALstralian frog, but what I said was AFrican frog and then Af didn't seem to fit. Al croaked recently.
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We tend to name our furry children human names. Let's see there is Lucy , a red chow, Isabella the black lab, Maggie the Yorkie, Otis the orange tabby, Emma a gray tabby, and Annie another gray tabby.
In the past there have been others who are no longer around. The only two that I can recall that did not have human names were, Babycakes and Kittykins, both of them felines.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot our newest member, Bob Brownleg a guinea pig. (I was told that was his elvish name.) He is black with one brown leg and very spoiled.
And now the kidlet is working on me for an iguana. But you have to have four legs and fur for mom to adopt you.
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When I was a kid we had a really furry cat named Bethoven. He was a snob.
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We had two Black Labs from the same liter.. Amos and Andy. After that, we had two mixed breed mostly collie pups. One with white paws.. one without..Boots and Randolph.
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named Coco La Puff Popalopalis
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Our German Shepherd bitch is called: 'Ginger' she is black, brown and ginger coloured.
We have 2 beehives with 5,000 - 8,000 bees in each colony, though we have not named any of them.
My daughter had a cat named socks. (She just leaned over my shoulder and typed that last).
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OMG these are totally cool names. Though I'd like to also hear names you'd think are cool names too, for future pets, not just the fur kids you own now, (thought they're totally cool names, ALL of them)
Galen, must we call a female dog a bitch? Can't she be called a Dam? Or is that just a fancy name for bitch? I don't really know.
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I think a dam is a parent. But I still don't like that word bitch for a female.
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Just remembered Grandpa's hunting dogs. They were all beagles. Mutt, Jeff, Rock, Jabo, Tippie, Tiny.
One of his friends had a blood hound named Hudepo (sp?) After a brand of beer.
Sister had a cat she called Yoyo. I called him Butthole. Poor cat ran away.
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When I was young, our pet beagle was named Barney.
My cat's name is Monster Baby.
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I have a cat named cuddles but only will answer to kitty.
2 Dashchunds Tasha and Fritz
2 frogs with no names
Had a black lab called Megan.....a mutt called Boss.....Boss's
mom was Heidi.....a himalayan cat called noodles...a tabby cat
called Puchinelli, another cat...Moses.....dog called Pal.....
hubbies brother had a dog called Yo! oh ya had a great yellow
tabby cat called Fred Ziffel....other names I like are cream
puff, sticky, spanky, Gee, ralf, meyer, muttley. oh I could go
on and on with animal names so don't let me get started.lol
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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Our cat's name is Rosie Rosebud Angel Lily Freckleton.
Our scottie is Max...my oldest thought is was short for max-a-million...we liked that.
Our beagle is Alix named for the Romonov son...and while our boy does not have haemophilia, he does have epilepsy...damn breeders!
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Our dog's name is Frisky, and it fits him reaaallly well - just ask Oakspear, RottyGrrrl, or Lindyhopper.
Our cats are named Moon, Star, and Ceci (short for Cecilia, after the Simon and Garfunkel song, you know, "Cecilia, you're breaking my arm . . .")
Our fish are named Honey (a honey gourami) & Kehless (a Siamese Fighting Fish a.k.a. a Betta), and I forget the names of the other 2 fish.
Josh's snakes are Danny and Jackie, because we don't know if they are male or female, and those names are good for both.
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I knew a guy who had 2 turtles named Flo and Eddie. No really.
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When my kids were little they adopted two kittens from the same litter. One was orange female, the other a black white and grey male. The felame was "Pumpkin" and the male was "Shadow". We think Shadow ran away to die...about 7 or 8 years old...Pumpkin lived until almost 20!
One of my best friends has a Shepherd/Retriever mix and she is a totally wonderful dog. He named her Calisto (Greek word = beloved)
I have two adolescent cats/kittens now. Male and female from the same litter. I call them Bonnie and Clyde!
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Over 20 years ago, the first cat insinuated her way into our lives. It was a bitter cold February when this little pathetic meemur was near frozen on my city sill...tuna was cheap that week, so I invited her in. She chose us and stayed with us, understanding perfectly the one proviso for habitation...no scratching the furniture.
Named her Hupodema...a greek bastardization loosely translated as "underfoot"...but it didn't fit her...she became Jasper for a day or two...then her real ministry became evident one day when I looked out the window and saw her and a number of toms --ahem--catting about.
She was a feline slut-o-rama...but gentle and sweet. She became forever known as MOMCAT...lotsa kitties.
Now our granddaddy cat is CHICAGO...he hadda bro (WHITE SOX) but he is buried in the backyard.
...he died first...whole 'nother story...lol.
We also have ALAYWA and ZEAL...all three are gray tabbies...
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Dot Matrix
I like the name Arlo for a dog.
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Cats: Barry (deceased), Otis, Bill, Bob, Abner, Toby (deceased), Gordon (deceased), Hannah, Jackson (deceased) and Hisser
Dogs: Heidi and Maxwell
These are all our pets current and past since we have lived in our current house for 12 years.
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I got a thirty pound black cat wif a little white speck underneath his neck that fears no dog in tha neighborhood and can hit the roof in one leap that goes by the name of eight -ball and a blue heeler puppie that goes by the name of Blue,,,imgine that...LOL
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J0nny Ling0
I had an Irish Terrier named "Marf"
A German Shorthair named "Mr. Starbuck" (named after the 1st Mate in Moby Dick, NOT the coffee)
Another German Shorthair named "Rhino"
A German Wirehaired Pointer named "Salty".
He was way cool and a fine purebred. But, he was stolen. His full name was "Darkwing Salt Of The North"- he came from Darkwing Kennels, u-c
And Rottie Grrl: Surely you must know that in the world of dog breeding and training and such,there is no other way to describe a female dog other than to call her a "bitch". It just isn't done any other way. The negative form of the word, when referring to "not so friendly female humans" is the slang, and came after the original use of the word when referring to a female dawg. Kinda like how the word "gay" was twisted to mean a "sexual lifestyle" instead of just being "outwardly frivolous and happy".
I think you are right about the word "Dam", as in a the mother dog who whelped the pups. I believe that in the "dog breeding world", all female dogs are "bitches", but not all bitches are "dams" unless they have pups. My wife and I have been around a lot of German Wirehair Pointer breeders and trainers lately, and it does seem a little weird when I hear them use the word "bitch" so freely....
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I had a full blooded dalmation whose name was Sir Royal George Spottington.
My cats names are fat cat (who no longer is fat but was when we named him), dufous (because he is just a weird cat who will walk and all of a sudden try to grab something that is not there), and a one that I just never can remember the name because its a japanese name my daughter named so I just call it the little cat.
My dogs names are missy, jake, and monster pup or fang, depending on who calls him what. He answers to anything actually. That is our wolf dog. He has fangs bigger than my head, I swear!!! He will knock people down and lick them to death. He loves people and when they are done being licked to death he will start howling.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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We had a german sort hai called Many Fields Flak von guardsburg. Flak for short and a wiemeriner named helen marie
BTW vickles check your PT
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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