John was my LC in South Carolina. He was a great guy. His enthusiasm for God always impressed me. I don't follow his ministry simply because I don't know much about it. But I have always had respect for him.
I think he is the only one that I really believed that he had a one on one relationship with God. This man would always blow my mind.
Dovey, I'm happy to hear that he is continuing with his love and enthusiasm. If you ever talk to him tell him I said hi!!!
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
Relating to another thread on CRF, which was on page two at the time I am posting, I think the testimony presented here...telling the truth about yourself and your own a lot more valuable than rumors...which is basically trying to tell about others and their experiences without having gone through it yourself. Testimony can be good or bad. So can rumors, to be honest. Either way, the former is a lot more informational.
OK, Vickles, I borrowed some of the phraseology on your tag at the bottom of your post...hope you don't sue me for a copyright violation, especially since I am acknowledging the source.
Roy, The easiest way to get some tapes is thru Craig Cushingham, he is Johns right hand man and takes care of tapes and seminars. He is one of my hubby's best friends and turned us on to CRF. If you want to just tell him you are a friend of Terry S from Covina, ca. his address is: christian Research and Fellow ship, P.O. box 670853....Marietta Ga. 30066 Craig will send you tapes and books. And if you want to be a fellowship coordinater, he will send you the tapes to get you going. I hope this helps you. Love Dovey
Craig was my wow brother!!! What a small world...Please tell craig I said hello and if he wants my e-mail please give it to him...I haven't talked to him for years!
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
Roy its better to write to Craig he has more time to respond than John does john has an enormous amount of work to do and it would take some time to answer you. Bless your heart, Dovey
I'm a little curious as to what John H teaches about Jesus Christ. Does he teach that he is still "absent" like TWI did? Is Jesus the center of his teaching? or is it the "mechanical" stuff of TWI.
x10, He doesn't teach the absent Christ and along with God Jesus is the center of his teachings. I'm not sure what you mean about "mechanical" stuff. Could you explain that please,
read 1Cor:15:45/ 15:36-47 This is good to read. It explains the first Adam was a quickining soul and Jesus the last Adam is the quickening spirit.
I also don't understand about the "absent" Christ either, never unserstood it then and still don't. But sssshhhh I don't want all you good folks to think I'm a dunce, a moron, a squeezehead and worse.
By the "mechanical stuff" I meant, the "law of believing," and giving=God HAS to give back to us, those sorts of things. Like if we do certain things, then God HAS to act. I guess I think of "mechanical stuff" as being the opposite of having a close relationship. :)-->
What is CRF an acronym for? Your good report has me interested in finding out more. Do they have a web site? I do not see them listed on the 'links' section of Gspot.
Hi EW, CRF stands for Christian research and fellowship, and is run by a wonderful man of God named John Hendricks. I don't know if they have a website yet but I hear they are working one.
My hubby and I have been with him now for about 2-3 years and are very happy with him, he teaches the good stuff from TWI and leaves the rest alone.
But to tell you the truth I know more about his teachings than I do about him, altho there seems to be alot of people that hold him in high regard.
I'm gonna try to get hubby to post on this subject cuz he knows
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John was my LC in South Carolina. He was a great guy. His enthusiasm for God always impressed me. I don't follow his ministry simply because I don't know much about it. But I have always had respect for him.
I think he is the only one that I really believed that he had a one on one relationship with God. This man would always blow my mind.
Dovey, I'm happy to hear that he is continuing with his love and enthusiasm. If you ever talk to him tell him I said hi!!!
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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Lifted Up
Relating to another thread on CRF, which was on page two at the time I am posting, I think the testimony presented here...telling the truth about yourself and your own a lot more valuable than rumors...which is basically trying to tell about others and their experiences without having gone through it yourself. Testimony can be good or bad. So can rumors, to be honest. Either way, the former is a lot more informational.
OK, Vickles, I borrowed some of the phraseology on your tag at the bottom of your post...hope you don't sue me for a copyright violation, especially since I am acknowledging the source.
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LOL Lifted up...go right ahead..its a good quote!!!!
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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Hi All
I heard good things about the CRF group and I want to meet them and know them personally
I wrote them a lettler because I am sure they are a loving family
But this loving post gives me even more reasons to want to get to know them one on one
Thanks to you Wyteduv58 and friend from Another Way which has a lot of love too I know about this loving group
With love and peace Roy
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Roy, The easiest way to get some tapes is thru Craig Cushingham, he is Johns right hand man and takes care of tapes and seminars. He is one of my hubby's best friends and turned us on to CRF. If you want to just tell him you are a friend of Terry S from Covina, ca. his address is: christian Research and Fellow ship, P.O. box 670853....Marietta Ga. 30066 Craig will send you tapes and books. And if you want to be a fellowship coordinater, he will send you the tapes to get you going. I hope this helps you. Love Dovey
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... too dumb to post pics
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Hi Dovey or Wyteduv58
I will write him soon but I want to give the one in FL a change to write me back
I do not know how far I want to take things but I want to find out more about my family of God
Thanks for your help
With love and peace Roy
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hey dovey,
Craig was my wow brother!!! What a small world...Please tell craig I said hello and if he wants my e-mail please give it to him...I haven't talked to him for years!
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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Roy its better to write to Craig he has more time to respond than John does john has an enormous amount of work to do and it would take some time to answer you. Bless your heart, Dovey
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... too dumb to post pics
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Hi Dovey and Wyteduv58
Ok I will write Craig today
May God the Father, Holy Breath the Mother, and Jesus Christ the Brother give you love, grace, joy and peace
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I'm a little curious as to what John H teaches about Jesus Christ. Does he teach that he is still "absent" like TWI did? Is Jesus the center of his teaching? or is it the "mechanical" stuff of TWI.
I'm being nosy...
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Lifted Up
Hey, Craig was an 8th corps bro....I think...yea, Craig was 8th and a tent partner on LEAD...Rod was 6th, right?
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x10, He doesn't teach the absent Christ and along with God Jesus is the center of his teachings. I'm not sure what you mean about "mechanical" stuff. Could you explain that please,
read 1Cor:15:45/ 15:36-47 This is good to read. It explains the first Adam was a quickining soul and Jesus the last Adam is the quickening spirit.
I also don't understand about the "absent" Christ either, never unserstood it then and still don't. But sssshhhh I don't want all you good folks to think I'm a dunce, a moron, a squeezehead and worse.
Love ya X10, Dovey
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... too dumb to post pics
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WyteDuv -- you are not a dunce, or a moron!!
After all - you got out didn't you!
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dmiller, by the hair of my chinny chin-chin, lol
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... too dumb to post pics
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Thanks, duvy, for the reply.
By the "mechanical stuff" I meant, the "law of believing," and giving=God HAS to give back to us, those sorts of things. Like if we do certain things, then God HAS to act. I guess I think of "mechanical stuff" as being the opposite of having a close relationship.
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E. W. Bullinger
Dear Dovey:
What is CRF an acronym for? Your good report has me interested in finding out more. Do they have a web site? I do not see them listed on the 'links' section of Gspot.
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Hi EW, CRF stands for Christian research and fellowship, and is run by a wonderful man of God named John Hendricks. I don't know if they have a website yet but I hear they are working one.
My hubby and I have been with him now for about 2-3 years and are very happy with him, he teaches the good stuff from TWI and leaves the rest alone.
But to tell you the truth I know more about his teachings than I do about him, altho there seems to be alot of people that hold him in high regard.
I'm gonna try to get hubby to post on this subject cuz he knows
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... too dumb to post pics
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OOPS to continue.......cuz he knows alot more about John than I do. I just listen to his teachings and get blessed.
Love Dovey
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... too dumb to post pics
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