Warlock: An old-English term for oath breaker. Conservative Christians and the media often refer to male Witches/Wiccans as Warlocks. The term is not used by Witches, Wiccans or other Neopagans.
It doesn't matter if we turn to dust...guess I'll see you dancin' in the ruins tonight
Warlock: An old-English term for oath breaker. Conservative Christians and the media often refer to male Witches/Wiccans as Warlocks. The term is not used by Witches, Wiccans or other Neopagans.
Dan -- so she is still practicing, or did she get out too? -->
I'm not a Wiccan myself. She was something of a nature loving "Witch" when I met her (a couple years after I left the Way), and I was progressing in the opposite direction of anti-world neo-Marcionism through my studies. Our religious/spiritual ideas couldn't be more radically different on the face of it. But we share the same ideals of trying to be good to everyone and to one another, wishing to bring no harm or injury to others. In that respect she lives up to, through her continual voluntary work through charities and soup kitchens and the Red Cross.
Which is immensely inspiring for me personally.
And when I think about it, this was much more than I could sadly say for the previous group we all experienced here. They never really inspired me to actually "give", outside of the fearful dogma wearing the clothing of Dale Carnegie, of a petty deity who would abandon his children to potential poverty and violence if they didn't fork over 10% to that week - not much of a Christian God of Love going on there, in my opinion.
So mywife was refreshing to me. And yes, the only woman in the world crazy enough to actually marry me.
Our differences seem to boil down to merely different or variant conceptions concerning the make-up of that realm invisible to us. Which hardly seems grounds for basing any marriage.
Unless one wished to change their spouse into someone else other than the one to whom one was attracted originally. The futility to which I think many here already more than understand.
So she prays to her goddesses, and I pray to my God. Almost 15 years later, - along with the inevitable ups and downs of any marriage - so far, so good. And no pesky mother-in-law who actually pop in unexpectedly out of thin air, and turn me into a frog or newt. No, her parents are actually Episcopalian, and they're sweet. There's quite a variety on both sides of our families. Pagans, Jews, Episcopalians, Catholics, Protestants, agnostics, gays, and least one neo-Marcionite and who-knows-what-else. And maybe one republican (in the closet).
But it's not me.
[This message was edited by TheInvisibleDan on February 27, 2004 at 1:44.]
Can't say I approve of your religious decisions, (can't say that you asked for my approval, for that matter) but I definitely approve of your sense of humor.
Nope, not interested in gaining approval--wouldn't have registered here except for the threads about witchcraft.
I'm not someone who thrives on confrontation-- it makes me anxious-- and I'm not comfortable in an enviromnment where others seem to have something invested in me conforming to their beliefs. I lost myself once, won't go on that road again.
I approve of your religious choice (assuming here you're not an ax murdering wacko). You freely chose your path? It brings you close to your God? Brings joy and meaning to your life? Your seeking days are over? That's lovely.
I don't believe in One True Religion for everyone--believe there are different paths for different people.
Loophole found! Sometimes growth is accompanied by pain. Maybe you could get alot of growth going!
The lightning-bug is brilliant, but he hasn't any mind; He stumbles through existence with his headlight on behind.-E.F. Ware, The Lightning-Bugsize font color>
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It doesn't matter if we turn to dust...guess I'll see you dancin' in the ruins tonight
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HEY oakie, How about WARLOCKS
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... too dumb to post pics http://gscafe.com/groupee/forums?s=9716057...a&ul=4846073735
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Warlock: An old-English term for oath breaker. Conservative Christians and the media often refer to male Witches/Wiccans as Warlocks. The term is not used by Witches, Wiccans or other Neopagans.
It doesn't matter if we turn to dust...guess I'll see you dancin' in the ruins tonight
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That's what my wife has also told me.
She's been a Wiccan/Pagan/whatever for 15 years.
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she was certainly "tapped in"
;)--> when she chose her mate
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Tom Strange
Dannywecannotsee... does your wife have one of those neat pointy hats?
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
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Tom-who-is-strange -
yes. she wears it every Halloween.
And a Walt-Disney Goofy cap, with the
dog ear flaps. She's so cute when wearing that that one.
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Yep, tapped into the intoxicating kegger of love.
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Quote saying -------
"That's what my wife has also told me.
She's been a Wiccan/Pagan/whatever for 15 years."
Dan -- so she is still practicing, or did she get out too?
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I'm not a Wiccan myself. She was something of a nature loving "Witch" when I met her (a couple years after I left the Way), and I was progressing in the opposite direction of anti-world neo-Marcionism through my studies. Our religious/spiritual ideas couldn't be more radically different on the face of it. But we share the same ideals of trying to be good to everyone and to one another, wishing to bring no harm or injury to others. In that respect she lives up to, through her continual voluntary work through charities and soup kitchens and the Red Cross.
Which is immensely inspiring for me personally.
And when I think about it, this was much more than I could sadly say for the previous group we all experienced here. They never really inspired me to actually "give", outside of the fearful dogma wearing the clothing of Dale Carnegie, of a petty deity who would abandon his children to potential poverty and violence if they didn't fork over 10% to that week - not much of a Christian God of Love going on there, in my opinion.
So mywife was refreshing to me. And yes, the only woman in the world crazy enough to actually marry me.
Our differences seem to boil down to merely different or variant conceptions concerning the make-up of that realm invisible to us. Which hardly seems grounds for basing any marriage.
Unless one wished to change their spouse into someone else other than the one to whom one was attracted originally. The futility to which I think many here already more than understand.
So she prays to her goddesses, and I pray to my God. Almost 15 years later, - along with the inevitable ups and downs of any marriage - so far, so good. And no pesky mother-in-law who actually pop in unexpectedly out of thin air, and turn me into a frog or newt. No, her parents are actually Episcopalian, and they're sweet. There's quite a variety on both sides of our families. Pagans, Jews, Episcopalians, Catholics, Protestants, agnostics, gays, and least one neo-Marcionite and who-knows-what-else. And maybe one republican (in the closet).
But it's not me.
[This message was edited by TheInvisibleDan on February 27, 2004 at 1:44.]
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Wiccan joke:
Someone wants a love spell. This is the spell you give to them:
Light white candle.
Slap face three times.
Chant : "I resolve to abandon trouble and strife. I will now go out and get a life."
Repeat action and chant until candle has melted down.
Manipulating another's free will is considered to be doing harm by Wiccans.
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Is the face slapping done with the back of the hand or the palm?
And does it work on idolaters?
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Rafael 1969
I think the slap method should be which ever is the most painful.
As far as adaptions to idoliary, hmmm. Not really a pagan/wiccan concept, there.
Maybe what you want is a non harmful but effective banishing spell??
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Can't say I approve of your religious decisions, (can't say that you asked for my approval, for that matter) but I definitely approve of your sense of humor.
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it has to be non-harmful,
but can it at least be painful?
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Rafael 1969:
Nope, not interested in gaining approval--wouldn't have registered here except for the threads about witchcraft.
I'm not someone who thrives on confrontation-- it makes me anxious-- and I'm not comfortable in an enviromnment where others seem to have something invested in me conforming to their beliefs. I lost myself once, won't go on that road again.
I approve of your religious choice (assuming here you're not an ax murdering wacko). You freely chose your path? It brings you close to your God? Brings joy and meaning to your life? Your seeking days are over? That's lovely.
I don't believe in One True Religion for everyone--believe there are different paths for different people.
Loophole found! Sometimes growth is accompanied by pain. Maybe you could get alot of growth going!
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hey bramble ! glad you logged on
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But, but, but...
you forgot to say if you'll have coffee or not. Well?
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are you a good witch?
or a bad witch?
hee hee
sorry, couldn't resist
i tried to be a bad witch
but i couldn't do it
my heart continually brings me back to Christ.
not a bad place to be.
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hee hee
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I got tested.
How evil are you?
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Oops, didn't mean to be rude.
Love a cup, Rafael.
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Welcome, Bramble, to the Greasespot.
The lightning-bug is brilliant, but he hasn't any mind; He stumbles through existence with his headlight on behind.-E.F. Ware, The Lightning-Bugsize font color>
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Bramble, welcome. I don't think that test knows what it's doing, though. Look what it tagged me:
How evil are you?
Sigh. LOL!
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